A tlc story

By Aisa_Basia

21.5K 452 65


A tlc story
I saw this girl oh my lord she had a lotd nice ass body
1 mouth later
Ro baby im fine okay
Lisa im pregnant
Ro fo real lisa what the hell make up already
Tell the truth
I dont have a name for this damn chapter
water falls
its a boy .........its a girl
a year later
flash back and presant day
my baby a big boy "smile"
Sex in atl
red light special
8 mouths later or nine whos counting

the moment you been waiting for

626 16 9
By Aisa_Basia

in the room lisa pov

ro: pleaseee

me: where am I gonna get pickle ice cream

ro: ......Mexico

bitch bye

me: "hand her a pregnancy test " go on shoo

ro: "walk in the bath room "

I still ain't get my red light special ❗❗ baby it's yours all yours

me: "walk down stairs "

Zion: she pregnant?

me: I don't know "putting ice cream in a bowl for ro "

tron: who pwregnant

me: go to sleep

chase: "playing with t side burn things "

zion: "shake his head " she pregnant!!

ro: "scream "

me &tron: "run upstairs "

t &zion: "laughing "

me: why you screaming

ro: I'm pregnant

tron: you got a baby

me: "hug her "

τron: "walk out mad"

me: I'll go talk to him ......ewe get that off the bed

ro: "laugh "

in Tron room

me: what's wrong

tron: I don't want another baby

me: why not "sit in front of him "

tron: ...... you and mommy only gonna lowve baby

me: now that is not true

tron: yes it iws "crying "

me: Tron lopes. you know we love you and as much as we would love the baby we want you to love it to

(A/N so um I'm not a mother so this talk is hard to think of)

me: you don't want to be a big brother

tron: "nod ". ywes

me: whip them tears then Mr.lopes

ro: awe lisa

tron: "whip his tears

me: good now go play

tron: "run downstairs "

ro: "help me up "

me: "pin her to the wall and kiss her"

ro : "move my hands to her butt"

oh she got a bubble butt

me: you got a BIG ass

ro: "roll her eyes" you ruined it

me: you know it's true thou

ro: what ever

me: what ever my ass

ro: "pinch my ass and walk away"

me: ouch "follow her and plop on the bed "

ro: do you want a girl or a boy

me: I don't know what do you want

ro: "shrug"

me: can I get the red light special now

ro: uh no

me: pleasee "wrap my arms around her "

ro: noooo leave me alone

me: that's why I'm gonna eat your ice cream

ro: take it

me: your mean "turn over turn on the t.v."

tron: "walk in looking bored and crawl on the bed " I'm bwored

me: me too

ro: "lay on me and fall a sleep"

tron: "tap ro "

ro: "look at him "

tron: hi mommy

ro: "smile " hey Tron

me: "look down at ro"

ro: "look up ".what creep

me: nothing "look at the t.v." Love you

Tron: love you too

Me: I wasn't talking to you but love you too

Ro: love you too

Tron: nite nite "lay on me"

Me: why y'all gotta lay on me

Ro: cause we love you "kiss me"

Tron: ewe "run to his room"

Me: "pull her on me"


Ro pregnant y'all!!!

Girl or boy?

What should the name be?

Fuck you I'm MAD ✌

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