1 mouth later

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Lisa pov

So me and ro are at the park walking around and these fine ass girls keep walking by me lord give me strength ro is playing with k.j. And k.j. is living with me now i caught sara beating the shit out of him

Me: "watching them"

??: hey

Me: "look to the side"whats up "smile"

??: im kayden

Me: im lisa "look back at ro"

Kayden: so are you here alone

Me: not really "look back at ro and k.j.

Kayden:"kiss me"

Me: "dont kiss back try to pull away"

Ro: "clear her throat"

Me: move "push the girl off and stand up"

Kayden: you know you want me "walk away"

Ro: "look at me hurt" why

Me: "rub nose" ro im sorry

Ro: "tears falling and walk off"

Me: "pick up k.j. and run after her and put k.j. in the car and hop in"

Ro: "get in the car and look out the window crying silently"

Me: "sigh" ro pleas

K.j.: "sleep"

10 mins later in the house

Me and ro are up stairs in the room quite BABY it was the hoe's fault!!! :-(

Me: ro please

Ro: "face the wall"

Me: "kneel in front of her" please ro

Ro: why did you do it

Me: i didn't do it it was her fault

Ro: how do i know that

Me: because i would never cheat on the one person i love "grab her hands and look in her eyes"

Ro: "blush"

Me: ah ha you love me to much ti stay mad "get on top of her" and kiss her

Ro: "dont kiss back"leave me alone "push me off and roll over"

Me: "whisper in her ear" ro please baby im sorry

Ro: "ignoring me"

Me: ro baby 😔

Ro: "look at me like this 😐 and roll over "

Me: "roll on top of her and pretend to go to sleep"

Ro: lisa get your fat ass off of me "bit my back"

Me: ow fuck "roll of and sit up"

Ro: "sit up"

Me: "grab her in to a bug hug"

Ro: "crying" lisa?

Me: yes ro?

Ro: "sniff" do you love me

Me: of cures i do "kiss her forehead" now come on

Ro: where we going

Me: t and sam's

Ro: ughh its to far

Me: 😑 get up.....orrrr we could be a little late

Ro: fuck you

Me: okay "get on top of her and kiss her"

Ro: naw i don't think so "get up and walk out the room"

Me: ro you still mad

Ro: kiss my ass

Me: ughhh

Ro pov

I mad 😠

K.j.: "run to me and take his pacifier out" up up

Me: "pick him up" come on let's go put your shoes on

K.j.: =)

Me: "set him on the bed and put his shies on"

Lisa: chilli "pock lip out"

Me: come on k.j.

K.J.: come on mommy

Lisa: baby "run to the car and open her door and k.j's"

Me: "get in the car tears of anger flowing down my face"

Lisa: "whisper something to k.j and drive off"

K.j.: "singing along to a song"

10 mins later

We arrived and sam and tionne's house they having a cook out

K.j.: "hop out the car and open my door" after you mommy

Me: "Smile" thank you prince k.j. "Get out the car"

Lisa: "get out the car" whats up sam and t

Them: LISA "run to her and rug" where have you been

Lisa: at home

T: ro "run to her and hug me"

Me: hey bone

Sam: whats up ro

Me: hey

1 hour later
Im sitting at the table with sam t and lisa lisa is sitting on the other side of the table and im sitting with every body else on the other side of the. 😔😒

Sam: "look at us crazy"

Lisa: "sigh and slid down in her chair looking at k.j."

T: "look at lisa and shake her head"

Me: "roll eyes and put face in palms"

Sam: sooooo (^◇^)

T: "look at him" what

Me: "look at him with red puffy eyes"

Sam: you been crying

Me: "shake head"

Lisa: "looking around" "and whip her nose"

T: what happened lisa

Lisa: nothing "low voice look at me with sorry eyes"

Me: "look in her eyes and give her a big tight hug"

Lisa: im sorry ro

Sam: so what happened

Lisa: this hoe kissed me at the park

T: "holding in laugh"

Me: thats not funny "pout"

Sam: "shake head"

K.j.: "walk over to lisa crying"

Lisa: why you crying "put him in her lap"

K.j.: "lay down and drifted off"

Lisa: cry baby

K.j.: no i not "pout"

Lisa: yes you are

T: yall are both cry babes

Sam: -_-#

Lisa pov 1 hour later

We are at home finally but i want to go some ware 😃😒

Me: "putting k.j. Jacket on"

K.j.: where we going

Me: "shrugs hand to her jacket"

Ro: "out it on and walk out the door with us"

Me: "drive off looking bored"

Ro: whats wrong "look at me"

me: "look at her" nothing why

Ro: why you look like that that then

Me: "stop the ca at a red a red light" im good i just dont fell good but other then that im good!!!!

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