I saw this girl oh my lord she had a lotd nice ass body

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Lisa pov aka li li or lefty

So y'all know me!!!! *cation* in this story lisa and chilli are not like this in real life* any way im at the club with my boy sammule

Sam: aye yo lefty you see those girls over there "chuckles" the one with the long hair checking you out

Me: "look at her and lick lips and smile and turn around"

Sam: aye look I'm going to go talk to the one with the short hair "jog over to them"

??: hey lisa

Me:" turn around and look up" oh whats up sara "sarcastically"

Sara: your child's been asking bout you

Me: "sigh" tell him ill pick him up tomorrow

Sara: what ever "walk away with this girl"

Me: aye sara

Sara: "turn around" what

Me: nice ass you got there "smirk"

Sara: "laugh and turn around and walk away"

Sam: lefty come here

Me: "walk over there" whats up?

Sam: this is tionne "point at girl with short hair" and this is rozanda "point at girl with long black hair"

Me: "smile" im lisa or lefty

Tionne: hey "smile"

Rozanda: "blush at me but hide her face" hey

Me: "move her hands and wrap arm around her and walk away with her" so whats up with the blushing ma?

Rozanda:nothing whats up with the lip licking

Me: i dont know ro maybe its because your sexy "open car door for her"

Ro: "get in"

Me: "get in on my side"

Ro: so is that a compliment "look in my eyes

Me: "look in hers" yeah so is there anything i should i know

Ro: well my birth day is tomorrow my favorite color is pink umm i can sing a little what bout you

Me:well i have a son he is 2 i can rap and my birth day is was on this day 2 mouths ago "look at her chest"

Ro: "lift my head" my head is up here "smile"

Me: "pull her on my lap and kiss her"

Ro: "kiss back"

Me: "hands roaming going up her shirt and add my tung"

sam&tionne: "knock on the window smiling"

Us: "still making out"

Sam: "open my door" yall can stop

Me: "put middle finger up and pull away"

Ro: what was that for

Me: "shrugs take hand my hand out her shirt"

Ro: "gat out the car" bye lefty

Me: bye ro

Sam: "get in the car smirking"

Me:"looking out the widow and drive off"

at home

I took a shower and went back down stairs where sam has the phone on speaker talking to tionne and Ro

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