The Boys Collection

By Chingyonce

655K 47.5K 152K

She wore her collection of sins on her skin. More

Rich Boy: f o r e w o r d
1 : money
2: sex
3: power
4: class
5 : control
6 : wine
7 : sleep
8 : posh
9 : race
10 : cleanse
11 : champagne
12 : kisses
13 : crash
14 : switch
15 : suds
16 : art
17 : brunch
18 : date
19 : grind
20 : lines
21 : normal
22: lies
23: succulents
24: bidding
25: search
26: candy
27: comfort
28: confessions
29: babe
30: tub
31: eat
32: table
33: burn
34: massage
35: missing
36 : forget
37: foretell
38: forgive
39: farewell


12.6K 1K 5.5K
By Chingyonce


The drive up Mount Pinatubo isn't so bad, especially on motorcycle.

The sweltering heat and thick, humid air made the fabric of the muscle tank I was wearing cling onto my skin, my pixie hair allowing whatever breeze I could get as I drove up the mountain to cool the back of my neck before something- or rather someone at the side of the dirt road caught my eye.

First of all, this person was Caucasian which was a rare sight in itself here in the Philippines where most of the population was -well you know- Filipino.

But this certain white boy seemed to be extra privileged, extra pompous, and just extra everything.

From his broken Gucci sunglasses on his face that was missing one lens, down to his designer loafers as he attempted to check his iPhone with a look of utter frustration, trying to push the lone goat besides him away as it persisted to bite at his salmon colored shorts at the side of the road.

"Hey! No, no, this is Calvin Klein back the fuck off." The strange man hadn't seen me park a few feet away from him at the curb of the road, my elbow resting on my motorcycle, watching him try and wrench his knee length shorts away from the giddy goat that had its teeth clenched right on the fabric, trying to tear it off.

"I don't have time for you you son of a bitch- god damn it!" The man cursed when the goat successfully tore the back of his shorts, trotting a few feet away with its head back to gobble it up as the guy lowered his phone and ran after the animal, grabbing onto whatever was left of the slobbery fabric.

"These are my favorite fucking shorts! I don't think a goat's ever been sued but you my friend will be the first let me tell you." He huffed out in irritation, his broken sunglasses falling off his angered face, revealing ember green eyes as I raised my brows in amusement, killing off the engine of my motorcycle and kicking the stand out so it wouldn't tip as I got off it.

The man and goat were still stuck in some type of intense tug aware, the goat screeching through its teeth while the guy yelled a "yeah, well fuck you too" in annoyance before he finally spotted me approaching him, the fabric slipping from his fingers as he gazed at me with wide eyes.

"Thank god, another person- please tell me you speak English." He all but begged in an almost pleading tone, somewhat slipping across the gravel on the road as he ran to me with a hopeful expression, dirt smudges over his attractive face.

I smirked, looking around feigning confusion.

"Sino? Ako?" I asked, pointing at myself and saying 'who, me?' in Tagalog as I watched a frown overtake the man's face before he groaned, bringing his hands to his hair and running his fingers through his tousled brown, pushed up locks.

"Give me a break...." He groaned under his breath, slowly inhaling and exhaling before he dropped his hands and sent me a determined, serious look.

"Me...." He slowly began with wide eyes, as if he was talking to an extremely slow pre-k toddler as he gestured to himself, hands on his chest.

"Need ride...." He continued, rapidly pointing at my motorcycle behind me with enthusiasm before he brought his two hands out like he was riding an imaginary one, flicking his wrists like he was holding the handles.

"You know, vroom-vroom." He nodded, gauging my reaction as I furrowed my brows and squinted my eyes at him, pretending to struggle to understand him.

"Vroom-vroom?" I repeated, tilting my head to the side, crossing my arms over my chest making his gaze fall to the tattoos there briefly before his eyes went back to me and he nodded.

"Yes, vroom- um, your motorcycle."

"Ah, motorsiklo." I nodded, looking back to point at my bike as his entire face lit up.

"Yes! Yes exactly! Yes your motor-sicky- yes what you said." He all but celebrated, pointing at the tip of his noise while gesturing to me with joy like I had won a game of charades as I smiled at him in amusement.

I looked at him for a few more moments as our gazes looked, his brows raised expectantly.

"Yeah I can give you a ride." I shrugged, switching to English as the words flowed fluently with an American accent from my lips as the man released a sigh of relief, broad shoulders relaxing.

"Yes thank you, I -wait wait wait." He blinked, pausing and raising his pointer finger at me as I grinned, turning and walking back to my bike, hearing his hesitant footsteps following close behind me.

"You could speak English this whole time." He scoffed in his deep, judgmental voice that held a tone of authority, an authority he seemed to lack in front of me when I turned to raise my brow at him.

He watched me skeptically as I raised one leg over my bike, settling on my motorcycle, hands on the handles as I took a pause, thinking.

"Yeah." I responded after a few seconds, scrunching my nose, smiling and nodding causing him to send me a deadpanned expression, slowly blinking at me in irritation.

"Right- you know what. I don't even know why I'm even on this stupid fucking mountain so the faster you get me out of here the faster I can get back to my five star hotel with filtered water and AC." He huffed, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration, walking closer before I laughed.

"I never said I was taking you off the mountain, I just said I could give you a ride. I'm going up to my place." I nodded at him, releasing the handles to point further making him drop his jaw as he looked up the curved road with a grimace, as if struggling to process my words.

"I'm sorry, you actually live on this pile of dirt?" He questioned with squinted eyes before I revved up my engine to leave, the back wheel of my motorcycle rolling against the road, causing a smoke of dirt to form before the man let out a "woah, woah wait, wait" in alarm when I almost ran him over as he grabbed my handles, his large hands over mine.

"I meant pile of dirt cause it's a mountain! Not cause of anything else." He panicked, sending me a cautious look, remaining to stand in front of my ride, clasping onto my hands that were over the handles with his own causing my skin to prickle as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Sure you did." I bit out, giving him a once over.

"Honest, really. Look I'm sorry -I've just been lost here for almost three hours with that thing as my only companion-" He panted, pointing at the goat who was pissing at the side of the road, creating a trail behind it as it screeched back at him.

"And all my stuff was stolen by some fucking bandits that passed by okay- but I swear I'm filthy rich, I mean I may just look filthy now without the rich but I'm loaded and I'll pay you whatever you want if you take me with you." He offered as I looked out at the blue sky and the trees below near the mountain rocks along one side of the road, shaking my head in amusement.

"I don't want your money." I told him when I finally turned my head to meet his gaze.

It was his turn to give me a little once over with his jade green eyes.

"Sure you don't." He countered.

I started my engine again with a blank face making him lift one hand up, the other still holding onto the handle with me.

"Woah, woah, alright that was a bad one on my part- come on sweetheart let's talk about this." He beckoned in a calm voice, stopping me from accelerating forward as I raised my brows at the nickname.

"My name's Veronica." I corrected him.

"Veronica," The man breathed, gazing at me with a curious look, darting his tongue out to wet his lips as he tried to catch his breath.

"Got a nickname sweetheart, your name seems pretty long." He casually began, visibly turning on his charm as he leaned forward, resting his forearms over the front of my motorcycle, a laid back smirk on his face as I leaned away slightly.

"Vee," I said, "I like when people call me Vee."

"Vee, alright then. Nice to meet you, I'm Harry." He introduced himself, bringing one hand up for me to shake.

I looked at his hand before flickering my eyes up to his expectant face in annoyance.

His smile dimmed oh so minimally.


"Listen sweetheart." I cut him off, using his nickname against him as he blinked in surprise when I leaned forward this time, my even gaze boring into his.

"I suggest you zip that pretty mouth of yours and hop on unless you want to spend the rest of your day stuck here with that." I said, pointing at the goat that was now shitting on the side of the road, still screeching like it was possessed as Harry and I turned our heads to it.

Harry looked back at me with a stunned and almost amused expression, smirking giving me a once over that wasn't meant to be demeaning as he grinned.

"You think I'm pretty?" He mused.

"Just get on." I sighed, my hands going up to my temples to rub the ache there while he made his way behind me, hopping on until I felt the warmth of his body against mine.

"I mean, not the first time a girl's thought I was attractive -just never had the tough biker, tattooed kind of girl to swing my way." He continued to ramble on behind me as I frowned and resisted the urge to slap my hands over my ears.

"Just hold onto me."

"Right, right." He said, placing his large hands on me from behind causing my entire body to stiffen.

"I meant on my waist." I said through my teeth, feeling his hands over my boobs.

"Well you gotta be more specific then." Harry scoffed.

I closed my eyes.

The rest of the ride wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, especially with Harry holding onto my waist with one hand while the other held a tissue to his bleeding nose, courtesy of my fist.

The sky had turned into a canvas of soft shades of pinks and oranges by the time we arrived at my home, a simple one story house that stretched across my land quite considerably, enough to make it seem like a small town behind the large, tall metal fencing around it to keep out animals or any dangerous people.

Harry's nose also stopped bleeding but whatever.

I could almost feel Harry stay alert when the sound of excited children and screaming toddlers wafted through the air from behind the gates that opened for me to roll inside in my motorcycle.

"You have kids?" Harry's nasally voice said from behind before the gate closed, revealing the three kids, the eldest child in the house Ninita as she carried onto the youngest kid, three year old Prince while the rest of the 33 kids flocked over to me, jumping up and down to be carried or poking at Harry with interest when I killed the engine, getting off.

"Sino?" They all curiously asked with excitement, trying to peer over one another in their shorts and loose shirts and tanks as I ruffled their hairs and carried Dolores with her bowl cut hair as she tried to reach for Harry.

"Alright, so you have a lot of kids." He blinked in alarm as they all surrounded him, the boys trying to climb him like a tree and the girl taking in his clothing, poking and gently feeling the fabric of his attire before they laughed and pointed at the rip at the back, exposing his briefs underneath making him quickly cover his butt with his hands.

"Yeah but they're not from me." I put Dolores down who was struggling to be released so she could run to Harry as well as I took Prince from Ninita, nuzzling his nose with my own making him giggle and frame my face with his small hands.

"Pogi! Pogi! Pogi!" All the little girls chanted, trying to catch Harry's attention as they dragged his mom by his hands and wrists, pulling him this way and that as Ninita told me she had already started dinner, the shy girl seeming to be distracted with Harry as well making me smile and pull her in to a hug, kissing her forehead in appreciation.

"Pogi? What are they calling me?" Harry gave me a look, gingerly picking up one of the girls causing all of the kids to scream in either joy or jealousy, all of them raising their hands around him, jumping up and down chanting "sumunod sa akin ang" meaning "me next."

"They're calling you handsome." I smirked, watching as he carried Rosie who played with the curls of his hair, mesmerized before she grabbed his face so he was looking at her so she could admire his eyes.

"Hello there," Harry chuckled, blinking at her playfully.

"Berde ang kaniyang mga mata!" (He has green eyes!) Rosie exclaimed, grabbing Harry's face and turning it abruptly every time he looked away so she could study his irises with intensity making him laugh.

"I wanna see! Let me see the handsome white man!" Seven year old Toni insisted in Tagalog.

"He looks like those American actors in those movies!" Ten year old Marie claimed to the rest of her friends in our own language as they giggled, shyly hiding behind my legs, peering at Harry with bashful looks as he waved at them.

"I would get washed up for dinner out back, I hope you like adobo." I said as I told a few of the children to help show Harry the lake in the back, along with getting him out of his dirty clothes as they all nodded in excitement while I entered the house.

"Adobe? Like the computer software?" Harry's lost voice was heard behind me as he placed Rosie down who immediately showcased herself, repeatedly bragging how she was touched and carried by the 'white man' as the rest of the kids ooooh'd and aawww'd.

"Adobo. Chicken adobo." I corrected with a small smile of amusement, supporting Prince on my hip as I checked the already boiling pot of food with Ninita and a few of the older kids lingering around the kitchen to help while I nodded at the rest of the children, gesturing at Harry.

Catching the signal they all cheered with excitement, running to a startled Harry who released a startled "wait, where are we going" as his almost six foot frame was carried by a sea of energetic kids out the house and to the back.

I checked on him and the kids a few times, first when they started stripping him down, tackling him trying to take off his clothes as he attempted to scramble away, calling my name for help as the kids laughed.

To them pushing him into the lake once he was butt naked, running away hiding his junk behind his hands while trying to shoo them away.

And then when the boys took off their own clothes, running around stark naked jumping into the river joining Harry.

"Dinner's almost ready." I told Harry once I went outside to collect the clothes from the clothes pin since it was getting dark, the subtle sound of crickets chirping sounding around us as Harry pushed a hank of his wet, dark hair off his face, playing with the boys in the water.

"What, you're not gonna wash up?" He asked me in a teasing tone, a dimpled smirk on his face as I folded the clothes quickly to fit them in the laundry basket at my feet, giving him a knowing look.

"Well, we have showers inside so I already did-"

"What the- you had actual, working showers in there! I'm using soap and lake water here, and it's not even dove soap." He scoffed, giving me a look as I couldn't help but laugh before I shrugged.

"Must have slipped my mind." I innocently said, making him run his tongue along the inside of his cheek, staring at me, his broad chest and toned torso exposed, dropping wet with lake water.

"We usually just go in the lake for fun. To swim and stuff." I explained, going down the clothesline and folding a small shirt against my chest.

"Do you swim?" He asked me with interest as the question hit me somewhere deep in the pit of my stomach before I covered my grim expression with a small smile.

"A little." I responded.

"Naked?" Harry raised a brow, looking extremely interested while the boys swam around him, not knowing what he was saying since he was speaking in English as I pursed my lips and gave him a look.

"Yes. Would you like me to join you?" I snorted as he simply shrugged, grin broadening.

"Well I don't usually have a thing for tattoos, but it'd be interesting to see if you're inked all over your body." He informed, little Thomas swimming around him like a tadpole before he paused, something underneath the water catching his attention.

"Ano yaong?" Thomas said to himself, delving into the water where Harry was as the rest of the boys joined him out of curiosity.

Thomas was the first to surface, eyes wide, gasping.

"Vee! Titi ang mga ito na lumaki!" Thomas exclaimed, wildly splashing around pointing at Harry's lower half that was concealed under water while Harry continued to float in confusion as more boys brought their heads up from the water, screaming.

I burst out in laughter, almost dropping my laundry basket in the process.

"What? What did he say? Is there a snake?" Harry blinked in a panic, looking around him wondering why all the kids were rapidly swimming to him, circling him and then ducking down underneath the water.

"They said your penis is growing and they don't know why. Do you?" I informed, cupping the side of my mouth so my voice would carry out to him as his eyes widened and his face paled before he tried to swim away from the kids who were diving underneath the water around him, only to resurface and shriek and point.

Harry splashed all of them away, making them giggle and swim away before he caught me staring at him with a smirk, the tips of his ears flushing before he slowly sunk into the water, hiding from me until he was completely under to avoid me.

I smiled, shaking my head and walking away with the basket of laundry.

"Mahal kita."

"Mall kite." Harry attempted to copy Marie's words as her and the rest of some of the younger toddlers giggled in the bed they shared.

"It's mahal kita. It means I love you." I corrected him, making him look back at me, now fully dressed in some extra large clothes I had and usually wore as I kneeled by the bed, feeling Harry's eyes on me as I kissed each and everyone of the girls like I did in the five other bedrooms with the other kids.

"Mahal kita." I told them, my chest warming as they said it back in perfect unison like they did every night, the sheets off their bodies since it was so hot and muggy even when the sun wasn't up.

I turned off the light in the hallway, leading Harry to my room.

"We're gonna have to bunk together for the night so I can keep an eye on you. The kids all share different rooms already so if you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night just wake me up." I let him know, the only light in the entire house my room as I set a space for Harry on the other side of the room, my bed only being a mattress on the ground while I gave him my extra pillows and blankets as cushion.

"So these kids, like you said, they're not yours?" He carefully asked, watching me, leaning himself against the wall as I fluffed up his sleeping area.

"They're mine, but not at the same time. They were either homeless children on the streets or kids who were abused by their parents until I took them in with me to live here." I explained, patting his little make shift bed for him to sit on as he joined me on the floor, gazing at me, stunned.

"Wow." Was all that left Harry's parted lips as he looked at me.

"Yeah, it kind of hits home for me a bit. My dad himself was abusive to me and my brother. He's in jail now for some stuff but I guess he was good for one thing since I'm using his money to sustain me and my kids and anyone else who needs a home." I shrugged, crossing my legs on the ground in thought.

"What if the money runs out?" Harry wondered, his voice soft.

"He was a billionaire, if it ever did run out all my boys and girls will be grown up with their own jobs and families. And if it does, I have my own repair business in the city. That's why you saw me drive up to the mountain, I had just got off from work." I told him, jutting my thumb over my shoulder as he blinked at me, nodding his head in realization before he was quiet again.

"I don't usually let a lot of people know this, especially someone I just met but-" He slowly inhaled to collect himself, my back straightening when I noticed the strained look on his face.

"My mom used to be mentally ill so she'd abuse both me and my brother." He informed with a tight jaw as I sent him an apathetic look, the both of us knowing how one another felt.

"Well I guess we both had sucky childhoods didn't we." I acknowledged, finding no point in saying the usual 'I'm sorry' phrase when I knew that would do nothing.

"You can say that again." He let out a humorless laugh, rubbing the corner of his eye in exhaustion as I studied him.

He brought his gaze to mine, studying me as well.

"What you're doing here, with all these kids, making a home for them. You're a good person." Harry genuinely told me, never breaking eye contact, his deep voice laced with sincerity as I smiled at him, although it didn't quite reach my eyes.

"I wasn't always a good person but.. thank you." I nodded my head, taking his compliment before I felt his gaze fall to my tattoos, my skin heating under his stare.

"What's your favorite tattoo?" He suddenly asked, subtly scootching closer to me in interest, eyeing the inked designs as I grinned.

"There's a tattoo right beneath my chest actually, it's funny because I don't even remember getting it or why it's there but... it's my favorite." I told him, watching him nod, looking at the area below my boobs that was covered with my shirt.

Or maybe just my boobs- it was hard to tell with this guy.

"What's the tattoo of anyway?" He curiously asked, looking back up at my face.

"Two birds." I said as his brows knit together and he grinned.

Harry opened his mouth to say something but his attention was suddenly diverted to something over my shoulder behind me on the wall that made him stop altogether.

"Where did you get that?" He breathed, lips parted and eyes wide in disbelief as he slowly rose from the ground, walking to the deflated red balloon I had pinned to my wall in almost a trance.

"Oh that," I said, getting up as well as I watched him hesitantly touch it, reading the smudged words 'I love you' and 'I love you too' written across the now wrinkled, pruney, dirtied red material.

"Where did you get this?" He repeated under his breath, still staring at it with a puzzled look.

"I found it outside of my jail cell, back in America. I had to serve time for five years and I remember finding it one day outside my barred window stuck on a branch. I don't know why but I always seemed to be... attracted to it. Like in some way I was-"

"Attached to it." Harry finished my sentence for me, surprising me momentarily as we made eye contact.

"Uh, yeah. Kind of. The first thing I did when I was released was take that deflated balloon off that branch." I told him.

"You were in jail?" He asked after a few beats, making me nod in response.

"I scammed pretty rich boys like you." I truthfully told him as he smirked, raising his brow.

"You think you've ever scammed me before?" He questioned, surprising me with how playful he seemed in response to this information.

"No," I simply said, keeping my eyes on him. "I would've remembered."

He didn't say anything after that, just smirked and looked back at the balloon as we both gazed at it in silence.

"Why did you keep it and take it with you all the way here?" He wondered out loud, his dark green eyes imploring mine as I faltered with my words a bit before fully answering.

"I uh, I don't know really," I began, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I like to think whoever those two people who wrote the 'I love you's' on that balloon, are still out there in the world together in love I guess." I said, feeling slightly embarrassed to share such hopeful thoughts to a complete stranger as Harry carefully watched me in silence for a few seconds.

"This used to be my balloon." He suddenly claimed, making me blink at him in surprise.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, I don't know how I got it though. One day I just woke up and it was there in the corner of my living room with the words on it already. I have no idea how it got there or who brought it but I let it go." He informed, a flicker of regret washing over his eyes as he looked at the deflated, slightly torn, dirty red balloon.

"Maybe someone left it for you on purpose." I offered, just as confused as he was as he muttered a small, distracted "yeah" of agreement under his breath.

"It's weird, how you found this after I let it go, and then you found me on that road." Harry began in thought as I nodded.

"Yeah." I agreed, replaying today's strange yet joyful events before I realized Harry was looking at me again with those intense, piercing green eyes.

I stood there, feeling my throat dry at the way he was staring at me.

"We should get some slee-" The rest of my sentence was muffled when Harry closed the space between us, framing the side of my face and pressing his lips against mine as I released a small gasp.

The way my body reacted was not normal in the slightest, my mouth seemed to immediately open against his, as if it already knew the drill while I kissed him back, just as passionately, our breathing heavy and his hand going to the back of my neck to keep my lips to his as he ravaged my mouth before I snapped out of it and pressed my shaking hands against his chest, pushing him back.

My lips tingled and I had never felt a kiss like that before, the surge of energy and maybe even familiarity that coursed through my entire body just by his touch startled me as we gazed at one another, lips parted and chests rising and falling heavily as Harry blinked in surprise.

"Sorry, I'm sorry I just- I don't know what came over me. It's just, I know it sounds weird but I feel like, like I've known you my whole life and-" He began to apologize, hesitantly dropping his hand from my warm face as he stood back, like he needed the distance to help control himself before it was my turn to interrupt him.

I grabbed the sides of his face, pulling his lips back to mine as he shakily exhaled, immediately dipping his head down and securing his large hands on my waist, pulling me to him before I pulled back, grazing his sharp jawline and peering up at his dilated, awe-struck eyes.

"Same here." I whispered, my lips slightly touching his as he slowly smiled at my words, a grin of my own appearing his face before we went back into a slow passionate kiss, pressing our bodies together before Harry took the initiative to turn the lights off, leaving us in the dark but our bodies aflame with need.

The only light in the room was that of the moon as we hurriedly rid each other of our clothing, like we had been waiting for this moment forever as I felt goosebumps dot across my skin even in the warm night, Harry trailing kisses down my exposed shoulder and chest while I quietly closed the door, locking it.

I kept telling myself that it was only because it's been years since I've been intimate with someone that my hands were shaking and my heart was racing so rapidly but the moment I looked into Harry's eyes as he pushed me up against the wall, my spread legs hooked over his arms I knew that was just a lie.

"How long has it been since someone has taken care of you?" He breathed against my mouth as our noses brushed and I felt him run the tip of himself against my opening, causing a pleasing shiver to rake across my spine.

"I don't- don't know- ah." I breathed and jolted when he slowly pushed himself into me, both of our jaws slackening in awe at the feel of our bodies connecting as I clutched onto him while he moved in and out at a torturously slow rate. 

Surprisingly he was being gentle and slow with me, although the way he gripped my sides at times and harshly sucked on the skin of my breasts and neck I knew he wanted to take me fast and hard.

But he took his time, making sure I felt every inch of him and that I enjoyed every second of it with the way his hand found my clit, rubbing it and thrusting when he laid me on my mattress on the ground, not a single gap between our tangled bodies as his other hand clasped over my mouth, muffling my cries and moans.

I arched my back when he began to move faster above me, heavy lidded eyes watching me.

"You're so fucking beautiful. You feel so damn right." He sighed, brow creased together as he watched me come undone beneath him before he shuddered at the feel of me tightening around him.

"I want to be yours." Harry groaned out as I moaned into his palm and he twitched inside of me, pushing himself into me until his hips touched mine and he stilled, burying his face into the crook of my neck and cumming, releasing inside of me triggering a second orgasm within me as I cried out his name while he held me close.

We were both left hot, sweaty, and out of breath, our pants filling the sticky air as I stroked his damp hair, running my fingers over his scalp while his body warmed mine.

"This might be a wrong time to ask but, why did you come to the Philippines." I asked in a hoarse voice, too tired and satisfied to worry about the consequences in the morning as he slowly pulled out, kissing my shoulder blade and falling next to me on my bed before pulling me closer, making my head lay on his chest.

"All my friends either had serious girlfriends
or were getting married. I was the only bachelor nearing thirty who didn't know what to do with my life. I felt like I was missing something, I don't even know what I was looking for." Harry began, reaching out and holding my hand, intwining our fingers together.

"For some reason there was a part of me that believed I'd find whatever it was in the Philippines, Mount Pinatubo to be exact." he continued, cuddling closer to me as I did the same, closing my eyes and hearing his voice along with the steady beat of his heart as he played with my fingers.

"And did you find it?" I sleepily yawned, sighing in content at the feel of Harry's arms wrapped around me.

He was silent for a moment and I might have been half asleep when I felt his lips touch my forehead, pulling me closer against him like he'd never let me go before he responded.

"Yes, I found it."

AN: happy ending for you, happy ending for you, here you go, oh yes a little smut for you (passes out happy endings because I'm a good person).


Btw I'm still working on Vampire Harry's story to publish soon so stay tuned for that and a trailer of course, I also got the collab story Stargirl I'm working on with macklemcvey and all while working a full time job at Starbucks Target, getting my license cuz I'm still practicing driving with a permit, taking some early math classes, and preparing for a week in Canada HA SO FUN LOTS OF WORK HA LOVE IT.


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