Interviewing For Her Lover (S...

By EllisODay

331K 2.6K 341

Two strangers. Six nights exploring their deepest, darkest fantasies. Whatever he wants, she'll try. Whatever... More

Chapter 1: Sarah
Chapter 2: Nick
Chapter 3: Sarah
Chapter 4: Nick
Chapter 5: Sarah
Chapter 7: Sarah

Chapter 6: Sarah

41.4K 386 39
By EllisODay

Sarah sat in her car, staring at the paper in her hand. Room nineteen-twelve at the Hilton at nine o'clock. She'd been relieved and disappointed a few days ago when she'd received Nick's note from Ethan. She'd been sure Nick would cancel their contract after her embarrassing exit the day of the interview.

She glanced at her watch. Ten after nine. She needed to go, to meet Nick She took a deep breath and got out of her car. She entered the lobby and headed for the elevator. This was what she'd wanted, needed. It was just sex. Physical relief. Yeah, with a stranger. But there was nothing wrong with that. They were both consenting adults. This did not make her a whore.

The elevator doors opened and she stepped inside, pressing the nineteen. Her stomach was in knots and she wasn't even a little sexually excited. This whole thing was a mistake. She'd never had sex with a stranger. She'd only had sex with one other man, boy really, besides Adam.

The elevator stopped on her floor and she got out and headed for the room. Adam had been her high school sweetheart. They'd started dating at fifteen and hadn't broken up until he'd gone into the service and she'd gone to college. She'd wanted to stay together, but Adam had insisted that it was better to break up. That's when she'd had sex with Stephen. It'd only been a couple of times and it hadn't been great. She'd been in love with Adam and no one could replace him. Her hand froze before knocking on the door. Would this be not great too? She was still in love with Adam. It didn't matter that he'd been dead for six years, she still loved him. This wouldn't change that. This was just physical and it was the only opportunity she'd have for a while. Plus, she'd agreed to it. She choked on a laugh. Not only had she agreed, she'd signed a bloody contract. She knocked before she could change her mind.

Nick opened the door, stepping aside so she could enter. "You're late."

He had a drink in hand, probably scotch and was dressed in jeans and a plain white T-shirt. The casual clothes made him seem more approachable and yet more male. More working class, the kind of guys she'd grown up with.

He shut the door behind her and walked across the room. His ass looked nice in the jeans and some of her nervousness was pushed away by desire.

He sat on the couch and his eyes raked over her body. "Take off your clothes. Slowly."

"What? Now?" She'd figured they'd talk a little, work up to this.

"Yes. Now. This isn't a date." He took a sip of his drink.

"I...I know that." She did but still she wasn't a prostitute although the only difference was she wasn't getting paid.

"I've waited days. You on the other hand had an orgasm a few days ago. I did not."

"Ah, yeah, sorry about that." She didn't blame him for being upset. She'd acted like a child but what if he were really angry?

"Just take off your clothes."

Her hands trembled so much as she tried to unbutton her shirt that she couldn't get a hold of the button. This wasn't what she'd wanted. She didn't need or want the boyfriend experience but she had to work up to sex. She dropped her hands. "Can't we talk a bit? I'll get a drink—"

"No." In a second he was in front of her.

He towered over her—this stranger who she was alone with, who she'd promised to have sex with in numerous ways. She wasn't ready. She may never be ready. "I'm sorry...I can't." She took a step back and he grabbed her arm.

"Oh no. You aren't getting away again." He yanked her to him and his arms went around her, grabbing her ass and pulling her into him, into his erection which was already hard and growing. "You agreed to this. You could've backed out earlier. You're not backing out now. Tonight, you're mine and I can do whatever I want with you."

She trembled as his lips found her neck. She tried to relax but couldn't. He was a stranger and he was stronger than her. The contract didn't matter. He could do whatever he wanted and she couldn't stop him.

He stopped kissing her and loosened his hold, giving her reprieve from his body. "Jesus, you're really scared." He sounded surprised.

"I...I'm sorry." She was. She'd wanted this and it wasn't his fault.

"Come here." He took her hand and led her to the couch. "Sit."

He went and poured her a drink, Crown on the rocks, and himself another scotch. He came back, handing her the glass and sitting sideways on the couch so he could see her. He was close but not too close.

"I thought you were role playing." He studied her face. His desire banked but the flames still flickered in his gaze. "I love fucking women when they're pretending to be frightened. I play the master, boss, lord of the manor or whatever you want to call it well, but I don't fuck women who are actually afraid. Understand?"

She nodded and took a large gulp of her drink, coughing a little. "I'm sorry. Really, I am."

"You've never done this have you?"

"I've had sex but never with a stranger."

He nodded as he took another drink, his eyes never leaving her and making her a little uncomfortable. "Maybe, I should call Ethan."

"No." Panic clawed at her chest. If she didn't go through with this now, she never would. "I still want to..." She waved her hand.

His eyebrows raised.

She couldn't blame him for not believing her. She wasn't acting like a woman who wanted sex. "Maybe if we talked a little first."

He leaned against the arm of the couch. "I'm not sure what we can talk about. Everything personal is off limits."

She had to think of something or he'd leave. He didn't strike her as the kind of man to wait too long for something. "Do you like animals?" It was all she could think of and if he did like animals he couldn't be all bad.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Do you have any pets?" It was a personal question but not too personal. No one was going to be able to find someone online by knowing if they had pets.

"No. I don't have time for pets."

"Oh." She couldn't imagine life without Tank, although he was getting older and soon he'd be gone along with Adam and their baby. "You never had a pet?" She felt bad for the little boy he'd been.

"I did when I was a kid. We had this mutt, a mix of lord only knows what. He was huge and the biggest baby." He smiled but he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at his memories. "He was my best friend. We did everything together."

He blinked and cleared his throat, as if embarrassed by his emotion. She was glad he'd shared that little bit. She knew him better now, not much but a little and she relaxed.

"I've answered your questions and gave you a peek into my past." His eyes darkened as they trailed over her breasts. "Now, it's your turn."

"Okay. Ask me anything you want. I'll answer if I can."

His eyes snapped to her face. "I don't have any questions for you. I want to see you naked. I want to fuck you."

"Oh." She tried to hide her disappointment, but must have failed.

"Okay. Fine. We'll play your game, but we'll change the rules a bit."

"What rules?" This hadn't been a game but the idea of making it one had desire sparking to life throughout her body.

"I answered your question. Now, you take off an item of clothing."

Her face heated and she took another gulp of liquor to give her courage. She could play this game. She wanted to play this game. "And when I answer your questions, you'll take off an item of clothing."

"I'll strip bare right now if you'd like, but sure, we can do it through questions."

"Okay." She leaned over and removed her shoe. She dropped the sandal on the floor a few inches away.

"Really? Your shoes." He shook his head. "I'd ask you to leave them for last. I love seeing a woman in high heels and lingerie but those shoes..." He shivered. "Burn them."

She laughed. "They aren't that bad."

"They're flat." He stared at them with disgust.

"I can't walk in high heels."

"Shame." He moved in front of her, sitting on the coffee table. "Amendment to the rule. I get to remove your clothes and you get to remove mine."

Her heart kicked up its pace and desire curled in her belly. She'd be able to touch him, his hard chest and arms and more. "Okay, but I'm done for this round."

"Oh, no." He took her still shoed foot in his hand. "Shoes come in pairs, like pants."

"Pants don't come in pairs."

"They're called a pair of pants." His long fingers skimmed her calf, massaging and sending more heat shooting through her and pooling between her thighs.

"Yeah, but you can't take off only part." She didn't care about the shoe, but sparring with him was turning her on.

"You could take off one leg. It'd be awkward and uncomfortable, but it could be done." He pulled her shoe from her foot. "We need to agree that pairs come off on one turn."

"Okay." She couldn't take her eyes from his dark head, focusing on her foot. His fingers massaged and she moaned softly, shifting against the couch a little. It'd been years since she'd had a foot rub as a prelude to sex. She hadn't even realized she'd missed this, but she had. Her leg rested on his strong thigh and his fingers pressed into muscles that seemed to be directly attached to her pussy, making it wet and needy.

He kissed the sole of her foot and moved back to the couch, his jeans a little tighter across the front than before. "Do you like animals?"

"Yes. What do you want me to remove?"

His lips twitched. "Not my shoes, darling."

Her gaze dropped to the button on his pants.

"Not those either. Not yet."

She raised her eyes, meeting his. Amusement warred with desire. She was sure she had the same look.

"My shirt." He leaned more firmly against the side of the couch.

She knelt on the cushion and moved toward him. Her hands went to the bottom of his T-shirt and she slowly lifted, her thumbs trailing up his torso. He was so warm and firm. She wanted to bend and let her lips follow her fingers, but then the game would be over and she was having fun.

He raised his arms and she pulled the shirt over his head, her breasts brushing against his chest, causing her to inhale sharply. His hand touched her back, holding her against him for a moment as his eyes locked with hers. His desire was raging. Her gaze dropped to his lips and his hands moved to her blouse.

She shifted away, but not far. "You have to answer a question first."

He smiled and she knew she'd missed something. The game was over and he'd won. "I answered three questions already."

"No, you—"

"Do you like animals, got me your shoes. Do you have any pets—what is that going to get me?" His gazed raked over her breasts like fingers.

She squeezed her thighs together, a poor substitute for the touch she really wanted. "Okay. You're right. You can have my shirt."

He took his time with each button, letting his fingers brush against her bared flesh for a quick, hot moment. Her heart pounded as she sat next to him on the couch, her feet tucked under her. He undid the last button and she shrugged helping him to remove the shirt, which he tossed on the floor by her shoes.

"You wore the green, thank you." His breathing was getting shallower and the heat coming from him made her want to lean into him to absorb his warmth, absorb him.

"You told me to." The color of her lingerie had been in the message she'd received with the location and time."

"Yes, but you could've disobeyed." His eyes raised to her for the first time since he'd started removing her shirt. "You seem to like doing that." His lips twitched with amusement and his eyes sparkled in challenge.

"It's good for you." She smiled back at him.

His eyes narrowed slightly, but there was still humor in them. "I prefer obedience."

This was fun. Sexy and fun. "I'm sure you do, but not always getting your way is good for you. I swear. It'll help you build character."

"I have enough character." His eyes dropped back to her breasts. "What are you going to give me for, did you ever have pets?"

That was a no brainer. "My skirt." She got off the couch and stood in front of him, turning around. Her breathing hitched as his hand trailed up her leg and over her ass to the zipper. God, she was wet, dripping. The sound of the zipper coming down filled the room and the cloth slid down her legs, making her shiver.

"Turn around." His voice was thick and heavy.

She turned and a wave of pure lust burst through her at the hard desire on his face. She wanted him. She wanted this. She was done with the game. "Do you want me?"

His eyes shot to her face. "Of course, I want you." He glanced down at the huge bulge in his pants. "Painfully so."

"For that question, you get my bra."

Desire sparked and consumed his gaze, as he reached for her.

"No." She shifted away from his grasp. "Let me."

He leaned against the couch, his cock straining at his pants and his eyes on her breasts as she unclasped her bra. She held it, concealing herself for a moment before dropping it with her other clothes. "Do you have a question for me?" She wanted him naked.

It took him a moment to realize what she was asking and then his eyes lowered to the juncture of her thighs. "Are you wet?"

"Soaked. Does that make you happy?"

He kicked off his shoes and socks before standing, his chest almost touching hers. "Yes."

She hesitated at removing her underwear, her hands shaking for the first time in several minutes. Removing this was removing the last barrier between them.

He leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear, his hot breath causing her to shiver. "Do you want me to kiss you?"

She turned her face so their lips were only a hair's breadth away. "Yes."

And his mouth was on hers, hard and firm, coaxing her to open to him and she did. He pulled her close, pushing his tongue into her mouth and her hands wrapped around him, settling in his hair, holding him to her. He deepened the kiss, each thrust of his tongue making her pussy clench, wanting the same attention. His hands roamed her body, seeming to be everywhere at once—her ass, her back, her breasts. She pressed against him, trying to get as close as possible. His lips left her mouth to trail kisses down her face to her neck. This was what she'd wanted, dreamt about. He sucked on a sensitive spot on her neck and her back arched pushing herself against his hardness. He moved farther down, his mouth hot and wet as it came closer and closer to her breasts. Her nipples were puckered, begging for him. She thrust forward as his tongue, rough and hot, circled her nipple before his mouth came down hard, sucking and flicking with his tongue. Her knees buckled but his strong arms kept her on her feet, pressed against him. His mouth moved to her other breast as his hand skimmed along her ass, rubbing her against his erection. She lifted her leg, wrapping it around him. She had to get closer. She needed him closer. He grasped her thigh and pushed it down as he bent, kissing his way southward until he was kneeling before her. He gripped her thighs and stared up at her, his eyes dark with desire. Her legs trembled in anticipation and she steadied herself with her hands in his thick hair.

He kissed her hip bone and then a quick, hard kiss to her mound. She twitched, pushing her pussy toward his face. She was so close already. It'd only take another touch or two and she'd come.

"Please," she said, unable to find any other words.

He ignored her, pulling her underwear down her hips, slowly, as he kissed and licked his way down one leg. She stepped out of the panties and he tossed them aside, his hot, wet mouth and tongue kissing its way up her other thigh. His hand tugged on her leg, lifting it.

"I...I can't, I'll fall." She had terrible balance on a good day, but today her legs were barely keeping her up as it was.

He lifted her, his hands under her ass and turned, placing her on the couch. He pulled her forward and raised her legs to his shoulders. She tried to calm down, enjoy the sensations but she knew as soon as he kissed her...there, it'd be over. She was too desperate for his touch. She leaned back her head, waiting as he gave wet, opened mouthed kisses up her thigh. He was almost there. So close but then he stopped.

"Look at me."

She leaned up on her elbows and trembled at his dark, lust filled face. His cheeks were hard like a statue's – a hot, strong, aroused statue. His eyes held hers as he kissed her inner thigh, his tongue flicking only centimeters away from where she wanted him. He turned his head and breathed across her cunt. She whimpered. She didn't want air or hot breath, she wanted his mouth, lips, tongue all of it. She shifted her pelvis upward and one side of his mouth quirked upward.

"Eager, aren't we?"

She should be embarrassed but she wasn't. She didn't care what he thought only what he did. "Yes, please Nick. Please."

He clasped her ass, holding her tight as he ran his tongue between her pussy lips. She moaned, closing her eyes and tipping back her head. He licked her again, this time, running his tongue over her little bud and her body twitched. She was close. So very close.

"Do you like that?" The hot breath from his words made her whimper.

"Yes. Please...again."

"Hold yourself open for me."

She leaned up on her elbows. "What?"

"If you want more, you'll have to help." His finger caressed her, soft strokes and then pressing for one exquisite second on her clit. "I'm serious. I'll stop if you—"

"Don't stop." She reached between her legs and spread her pussy lips wide.

"That's my girl." He lowered his face and his hot, wonderful tongue was back, licking and flicking.

She squirmed but his grip tightened, holding her still as his tongue thrust inside of her, over and over. She moaned and her hands moved to his hair, holding him in place. "Oh, oh, yes."

He stopped and she opened her eyes, staring at him in confusion.

"You have to help if you want me to continue."


He moved one of her hands off his head, kissing her palm. "Hold yourself open for me."

"Oh. Right. Sorry." She spread her lower lips, displaying herself like a feast.

"If you move your hands again, I'll stop for good."

She'd die if he did that. Her body was a tight bundle of nerves. She needed release.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes." She squirmed a little, hoping he'd get back to business.

He grinned before lowering his head. He licked her again and again. Up one side and then the other. It was great but he kept missing her little bud and she really needed him there.

"Please, Nick." Her pelvis rocked toward him.

He took the hint and his mouth moved to her clit, his tongue twirling around it while he slipped one finger inside of her.

"Fuck, you're tight." He said against her pussy, his words sending vibrations through her as his finger thrust inside of her.

She moaned, rocking against his hand. He added another finger, stretching her. It felt so good and then he hooked his fingers, hitting a spot inside of her that almost made her leap off the couch. His other hand came down on her abdomen, holding her in place as he did it again and again. She thrashed under his hold. It was too much, too good. She couldn't stand it and when his lips locked on her clit and he sucked, she shot straight into orgasm. She bucked against his face, but he kept sucking and finger fucking her until her orgasm subsided. He kissed her one more time on her inner thigh and then stood, removing his pants.

She was too tired to move, so she stayed as she was—legs spread, half off and half on the couch. She felt better than she'd ever felt but the sight of his fully engorged penis made a trickle of apprehension flare to life. He was big, a lot bigger than the dildo she'd been using. He tore open a condom and rolled it onto his dick. As soon as that was done, he grabbed her legs and shifted her so she was completely on the couch. He climbed on top of her and she tensed. His dick lay thick and heavy against her thigh. This wasn't going to feel good, but she couldn't stop. Not now. He held her head and thrust his tongue into her mouth, the games were over, the flirtation over. Desire ran too hot inside of him. He shoved her legs apart and shifted into position, his cock pushing at her entrance.

"Relax," he whispered in her ear.

"I'm trying."

"Try harder." There was a desperate edge to his voice.

"I can't relax just because you tell me to."

He nipped her ear and her pelvis shifted upward, as he pushed inside of her. He wasn't in very far, but she already felt stretched. His mouth moved to her neck, finding a sensitive spot. She moaned first from pleasure and then from pain as he slammed the rest of the way inside of her. He lay there, his breath hot and heavy against her ear.

"Finish, please." She wanted this done. He was too big or she was too tight. Either way, it hurt but it should be over soon.

He leaned up, the strain on his face making her feel bad. He was trying to make it good for her, but it wouldn't be. It'd only been good with Adam.

"It's okay. Just finish." She averted her eyes. This wasn't his fault.

He brushed the hair off her face and his lips touched hers gently as his tongue slipped into her mouth. She could taste herself on him and desire sparked again. He deepened the kiss, coaxing her to kiss him back and before she knew it, her arms were wrapped around him, her hands holding his head as her tongue sparred with his. This man could kiss. And then he moved, below, just a little. Out and then in.

"How's that feel? Still hurt?"

"No." She wasn't lying. It didn't hurt. Her body had gotten used to his size.

He moved again, a little more. More out and more in. Again and again. It felt good. She thrust against him, her desire building.

"Fuck, Sarah. You're so tight. You feel...." He groaned as he thrust. He shifted and she moaned as he hit a spot, a wonderful place that sent sparks flying through her body. "I can't..." His hand came down between them and he pinched her clit.

She screamed as he shoved her over the edge into ecstasy, her hips bucking against his and her inner walls clamping down on him.

"Oh, fuck!" He thrust twice more and shuddered, his back arching and collapsed on top of her.

She lay there, her hand trailing up and down his spine. His hot ragged breath against her neck.

"I'm squishing you." He lifted.

"No, not yet." She pressed him back down. She liked the feel of him on her, in her. Her bones were still liquid. She didn't feel his weight.

He relaxed, his body pushing her into the couch as he kissed her neck. "Tell me when I'm too heavy, but it'd better be soon or I'll fall asleep."

She skimmed her hands up his back as she kissed his ear. "Maybe, we should move to the bedroom."

He turned his face, kissing her. This one was soft and gentle with no agenda. Just a thank you.

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