Our Strange Differences

By NineteenEighteen

94.1K 4.1K 5.1K

Lance is fed up. In all his years, he has only known life inside the Castle of Lions. As he described it, a p... More

1- Little Troll, Wear The Mask
2- Some Complete Stranger
3- All Out Of Arguments
4- Aliens To Our World
5- Stupid Keith, Stupid Crabs
6- Nothing Wrong With Being Purple
7- Miss Them Dearly
8- Because I Don't Deserve It
9- We're Lost, And Drenched
10- Screw You Blue
11- Let's Raise A Cup
12- Hefty Fee
Thanks, And Sneak Peek

13- What We Are

5.1K 284 200
By NineteenEighteen

The throne room looked splendidly colorful with blue and white satin draped across the windows, golden plates and silverware lining the elongated table meant to seat a village, and guests in lavish costumes chatting, laughing, and dancing away throughout the grand hall. The liveliness of it all gave the castle an upbeat atmosphere, sorely lacking during the funeral (no surprise). It was a party of a lifetime. The first ever, back from the dead type celebration. And though he wasn't typically a fan of clustered gatherings with loud music and even louder decoration, Keith found himself enjoying every dobash.

Keith sat silently in the corner of the hall, a fizzed drink in his hand, and tie around his neck. Contempt with laying low, he watch as the others enjoyed the festivities. To Keith's left, next to the room's entrance, he caught sight of Hunk and Pidge. Hunk was ogling over the trays of Altean specialties: tasty treats lined around a silver platter, and drinks with an unending amount of bubbling carbonation. Pidge ran her hand across the wall, her eyes bugging behind her round glasses. Ever since they arrived back on Altea, Pidge had done nothing more than drool over the advanced technology, and the little functions that made up the Castle of Lions.

To Keith's right, he saw Shiro chatting with Allura beside her throne. The older man's prosthetic arm was rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, and Keith saw his face was flushed a light shade of pink. They both laughed over a joke Allura told, and met each other's eyes longingly. Well, that was an odd pairing, but Keith supported it. Everyone has a special someone who makes their heart jump, so who was Keith to interfere? Speaking of which, Keith glanced over at Lance.

The Altean Prince nudged the royal advisor, Coran playfully, his posture a bit slack, and eyes blurry. He likely had one too many fizzy drinks. Coran's eyes lit up, as he twirled his bushy mustache with a smile. Being like a second father to Lance, he was glad to finally have his favorite Prince back.

Keith smirked, and took another sip of his drink. When it was done, he placed it down on a nearby hovering tray, and heard the faint buzz of it as it flew off. Keith's eyes couldn't be torn away from Lance. The Altean's face looked so bright and happy. Keith loved the expression he wore. It suited him well.

"Nice party, isn't it comrade?" Alfor smiled, placing a palm on Keith's shoulder.

Keith nearly jumped from his boots. He turned to face Alfor, and hastily bowed. "Your majesty."

The king let out a chuckle, and shook his head, his long, white beard wagging. "No need for that, Keith. We've been through so much together. You've reached the point where you can address me as Alfor."

Keith nodded, and smiled. The exchange reminded him of an earlier time with another certain royal. "I apologize, Alfor." He continued, his smile fading. "For not following through on my task, that is."

"Your task?"

"Yes. You assigned me that task of watching over Lance, and I failed. I let him get out of my sights, and run away." Keith explained, though he wasn't actually sorry. If he could do it over again, he would've let Lance find Blue. Though there were ups and downs, ultimately Keith had never felt happier. Loved by the kingdom, loved by Allura and Alfor, and most of all, loved by Lance.

Alfor let out another laugh, the wrinkles that lined his forehead and eyes creasing. "I assure you, there is no reason to be sorry. No one could have stopped Lance. The real bravery came when you decided to follow after him to an uncertain destination, risking your own life just to make sure he was ok. Most would simply give up, and conclude he was beyond the point of help."

But he never needed helping, Keith thought, all he needed was freedom.

"So, I thank you Keith. For once again doing everything in your power to help me. For protecting, being by Lance's side until the very end, and never giving up on him."

But I did give up on him, Keith wanted to say, but didn't have the courage. He still couldn't shake the awful memory of their fight in the woods, and Keith's fist driving into Lance's face. It was a ruthless thing which Keith wholeheartedly regretted.

"You know." Alfor continued in a hushed voice, smiling maliciously in Lance's direction. The Prince wobbled over to Shiro and Allura, and was currently cutting into their 'steamy' exchange. "Ever since you two returned, Lance has spoken of you non stop."

Keith blushed, and glanced over at Alfor's son. The Altean Prince met his eyes, waved, and smiled brightly from ear to ear. This only made Keith's face blush further. Keith gave a small grin back, and turned back to the King. "His face lights up when he speaks of you." Alfor explained. "His eyes sparkle, and posture straightens. He's quite fond of you, comrade."

"As I am fond of him." Keith mumbled.

"Oh? Is that so?" Alfor arched his white, bushy eyebrow, causing the saggy skin above it to bunch, and wrinkle.

Keith felt himself heat up. "Yes, quite." He confirmed, a bit flustered. An odd thing to be. Keith was never this embarrassed whilst talking with the king before. He looked up to Alfor as a leader, even as a father figure.

"I see." Alfor smirked, patting Keith on the back. "Well, it was nice speaking with you, but I'm afraid I have some business elsewhere. Hope to chat with you again, Keith."

And with that, this King vanished into the crowd. A flying tray of samples hovered by, and stopped directly in front of Keith. He shooed it away, and glanced back at Lance. The boy was leaning on Shiro's shoulder. He looked as though he was bragging about Shiro on his behalf, attempting to get Allura swooning at his feet. The skin surrounding Shiro's scar was red in embarrassment, but Allura looked genuinely interested in the words her brother had to say; most of which were fibs, knowing Lance.

Keith removed his back from the wall, and rolled his eyes, though a smile still remained across his face. He looked from one side of the hall to the other, and stopped when he located the door to the balcony. A tick of peace and quiet couldn't hurt.

Keith exited the throne room, and walked out to the balcony railing. The stars were shining brightly over a pitch black night sky. Unlike inside, the space was completely silent and empty. Only the drowned out voices of distant chattering came from behind the glass doorway. A gust of wind blew, shifting Keith's fur, and causing goosebumps to appear across his arms.

Keith heard the silent click of the door handle as it opened behind him, causing the sounds of the party to spill out. A tick later, the door was closed, silencing the balcony once more. The figure, Lance, Keith assumed, walked up next to him and leaned against the railing.

"Beautiful view, isn't it brother?" A deep, familiar voice spoke.

Keith jumped back, instinctively readying into a fighting stance. That wasn't Lance. The tall, white haired Altean was Lotor, better known as the son of Zarkon, and previous pilot of the red lion. The same man who was on Earth only a while ago, pretending to be a human. "Lotor!" Keith demanded with a scowl. "What are you doing here? Have you snuck in?"

"Easy there, Paladin." Lotor closed his eyes, and scratched the back of his neck lazily. Unlike how he looked on Earth, Lotor wore pointed ears, and Altean markings under his eyes. A better shapeshifter than even Keith himself. "Allura invited me." He continued, smirking. "I'm the one who found you two on that junk pile of a planet after all."

"How did you find us?"


"What is that supposed to mean?" Keith growled, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You, but more specifically, your lion. I was once the Red Paladin, so it was quite easy locating it, despite how far you two did travel."

Keith didn't respond, only kept his narrow gaze focused on the outline of Lotor's long, slender profile in the moonlight. He wondered how Lotor's bond with Red could possibly outdo Alfor's bond with Blue. The King couldn't locate Blue, so how was this guy any different?

"Ah, yes. The good old days as a Paladin. Quite enthralling, fighting for your life whilst protecting the galaxy. Even as a kid, my father entrusted me with the heroic task of being a part of Voltron. He was the head, and I the arm. So, you could say, I was his little right hand man. A father and son duo which shan't be broken. But, alas, fate had other plans."

"Fate such as?" Keith prodded. He knew about Lord Zarkon's son piloting the Red lion. King Alfor had told a very brief tale of the red paladin's abandonment of Voltron. Before a few weeks ago, he didn't know the name, the look, or anything about this former supposed trader; only that he did bad, and went against Alfor as well as his father who, back then, was still fighting for good. But when Keith met Lotor for the first time back on Earth, the resemblance was undeniable. Those narrowed eyes, that head of pale, flowing hair, the steady, deep tone of his voice. All the traits of a former Lord Zarkon, as well as his advisor/evil sorcerer, Haggar. But why he was doing what he was doing, or acting how he was acting, was a complete mystery. Was this guy truly as bad as Alfor's story made him out to be?

"I knew of my father's plans." Lotor said. "He told me everything, the nasty schemes he had brewing, the murderous intentions he held for hundreds of innocent planets and inhabitants. All the gory details. It was all so... vile. So, inhumane."

Keith let his shoulders relax some, yet he kept his fists in front of him incase of a sudden outburst.

"So I defied him. I left Voltron in, I admit, not the purest of fashions, ending up as a trader in the eyes of Lord Zarkon, King Alfor, and the rest of this universe's society. I should have warned him - Alfor I mean - of my father's treacherous plans. But a stake to my chest was Zarkon's intention. For my life, I needed to get away as quick as possible. Beside, who would elevate a child's word above their own father's?"

"You left Voltron with one less pilot."

"Correct." Lotor nodded, his eyes fixated on the sky above. "Though the connection I had with Red remained."

"You were the reason Lord Zarkon was in search for another Paladin."

"In a way."

"And you were the reason he came to me, attempting to recruit me."

"I suppose."

A shadow fell over Keith's face, pure hatred surging inside of him. "You are the reason he killed my mother."

Lotor frowned, raising a brow, yet still not giving Keith more than a sideways glance. "What would you have preferred me to do? Assist my father with the destruction of life itself?"

Keith fell silent. Lotor's words caused his limbs to grow heavy, making it difficult to keep himself upright.

Lotor stood back up, stretching his shoulder blades with an arm roll, as well as a yawn. "Well, it was a lovely chat, brother." Lotor took long strides to the door, his hips swaying with each step. "But I believe we'll be seeing each other quite often in the near future. Besides," He smirked, eyeing the door. "I have a sneaking suspicion someone else is dying to speak with you."

Keith's gaze snapped to the glass entrance. In the doorway, he saw Lance, his features giving Lotor a questioning look.

Lotor turned the handle, and opened the door, letting the loud chatter of the party flood over the balcony. "Your majesty." Lotor gave Lance a sly smile, as well as a polite bow.

Lance narrowed his eyes at him, then shrugged. When Lotor disappeared behind him, the Prince turned to Keith, and pointed back with his thumb. "Who's that?"

"No one important." Keith said, leaning back on the rail and letting out a sigh of relief. Finally, some alone time with someone he actually wanted to be with.

Lance walked up next to Keith, wobbling slightly with each step. He held his hands out for balance before placing them on the railing. Keith looked at him up and down, frowning. Just how many drinks did he have? "Been so long since I've seen the galaxy from this angle." Lance spoke up, stare passing over the gleaming stars and constellations. "Feels surreal."

"Did you miss it?"

Lance sighed. "A little."

"Whoa! Am I hearing things correctly?" Keith's eyes widened, and the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile. "Prince Lance, actually missing the Castle of Lions? Wow, you are out of it, your majesty."

Lance playfully pushed his elbow into Keith's arm. "Shut up." He teased, laughing slightly.

"Well, I'm already sick of this place."

"Oh, is that so?" Lance chuckled, dragging a finger up Keith's forearm. "What poetic justice. The tides have turned, I see."

Keith blushed, eyeing Lance's pointer finger dragging up and down his skin. He took Lance's hand in his own to get him to stop, but mostly because he wanted to hold hands. He only hoped that no one was watching from behind the door to see their cheesy exchange. Keith still wasn't used to being all lovey dovey in public, or even in general. Before Lance, no one else had wanted him.

Lance grinned maliciously, squeezing Keith's hand tighter in his grasp. He inched closer, and focused his attention back skyward. No more than a tick later, his smile faded. "I'm sorry."

Keith's stomach tightened. He was not anticipating such an out of nowhere apology. Keith wasn't even sure what it was for. In fact, Keith himself had a number of things he wanted to apologize for. "There's no reason for you to be sorry."

"Don't deny it." Lance huffed, looking apologetic for both himself and Keith. "Three weeks ago, I said awful things. About... shapeshifting, and junk. How you needed to change yourself if you wanted to fit in."

"Oh... yes, that." Keith's voice trailed. Those words felt toxic back then. Yet, looking back on it, the event felt like nothing more than a distant memory. The hurt had faded, and other emotions had taken its place. The sadness of separation, the longing to be loved as he was before, and finally, the joy of reconnection. "It's ok. It's kinda true anyway." Keith concluded in a mutter.

Lance shook his head violently. His crown glistened in the moonlight, and messily kept, white hair swayed in the wind. The picture of perfection. "But it isn't true. Well... I, mean. Maybe some people would believe that, but who cares what they think? You don't need anyone's approval, or their lousy acceptance. All you need to do, is look the way you want to look. To be completely yourself, and not how others choose to shape you. I should know." Lance turned his attention over his shoulder towards the door. Inside he spotted King Alfor and Allura chatting, a drink in both their hands. "I was poking around in your business too much to see that you and me have the same problem." He turned back to Keith, and met his gaze. "We were both being held back because of what we are."

Keith's focus couldn't break away from Lance's eyes. His pupils seemed to change color with every passing tick. At one point being a dark shade of blue, and the next sparkling with a pink and yellow glimmer. Lance's nose crinkled as he grinned, tightening his hand around Keith's even further. "Besides," He continued in a whisper. "It wasn't the phony Keith which I fell for, but the one standing right here in front of me."

Keith paused, then let out a laugh. "So poetic." He snorted, only making Lance's face brighten farther.

When Keith's laughter finally died down, he brushed his thumb across Lance's cheek, pulling him in for a kiss. Their eyes closed, the distant chatter from the party's festivities drowned out by the feeling of Lance's lips on Keith's.

A boom sounded in the distance. Keith and Lance parted, and jumped to attention. They looked out towards the landscape to see a show of colorful sparks flying in the air, and vanishing before reaching the ground. Another few sparks flew up, and expanded in the air. The night sky dazzled with blue, red, green, and every other color imaginable. Keith gazed up in awe. What in Altea...

"Fireworks!" Lance yelped, practically jumping up and down in joy. "Pidge helped us set them up, aren't they amazing?"

"They're... wow." Keith had no words. From all the explosions he witnessed as a Paladin, none were quite this beautiful.

Lance flung his arm around Keith's shoulder, pulling the two so close, their sides touched. They looked out in amazement for a while, watching the colors dance in the air. Below, villagers were racing out of their homes and cottages, blissfully reaching their hands up, attempting to touch the flying show of lights. It really was a sight to see.

Beside him, Lance began to hum a tune. Keith craned his neck to the side, and gave Lance a questioning glance. "What are you singing?" The song felt familiar... eerily so.

"Oh, just an old nursery rhyme." Lance responded with a shrug, and knowing smirk. "Had it stuck in my head all day. You really don't remember?"

"The song?" Keith asked, puzzled. "Should I?"

"I'll explain later." Lance assured. "Or perhaps the memory will come to you. Don't fret, Keef."

"Keef? What the Voltron has gotten into you? How many drinks do you have?"

"Only a few." Lance huffed, his words a bit slurred.

Keith rolled his eyes, and looked back up at the spectacle. "So... Planning on staying?" Keith mumbled, leaning his body into Lance's.

"In the castle? Hell to the no. I'm planning on seeing the far reaches of the universe. How about you?"

"Me? Well... I'm not sure. Maybe travel across space, helping people along the way. If I find the right crew, that is."

"The right crew?" Lance craned his neck, looking past his shoulder to the door. He saw Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Allura, and Coran all gathered in a cluster behind the glass entrance way, looking giddily at their exchange. When they saw Lance and Keith's eyes spot them, they scattered behind the wall, but kept the upper half of their heads poked out, determined to keep watching. "How's that bunch for you?"

Keith chuckled, and gave his friends a little wave before turning back to Lance. "I think we'll make the best motherquiznaking crew of all time."


"What? You think I wouldn't include you?"

"Naw, just checking." Lance laid his head down on Keith's shoulder. Keith placed his cheek atop Lance's mess of white hair. He took it back: he was used to being lovey dovey. Lance somehow compelled Keith to say the cheesiest lines, and smother the Prince with the most love his black hole of a heart could muster. If this was what love felt like, Keith adored it

"So." Keith mumbled. "Travel the galaxy together?"

"It's a date." Lance confirmed.

In the distance, Keith saw a flash of red and blue shoot into the air. His eyes widened. Those weren't fireworks! The red and blue lions maneuvered side by side across the sky, looping around each other, and putting on a show for the both of them, as well as the villagers below. "Red?" Keith gasped.

"Blue?" Lance added.

"They're working?"

"Those sons of bitches." Lance narrowed his eyes. "Do you think this was their plan all along?"

Keith thought about it, a shadow falling over his face. "Lord Voltron, I think you're right."

Both Lance and Keith burst out laughing. Keith felt Lance's shoulders bounce, and saw his eyes sparkle. "Those evil masterminds."

Three more figures appeared from below. A flash of black, green, and yellow joined the others high in the sky, dancing circles around each other. The door opened behind Keith and Lance, and their friends exited, crowding around them to see the show. "Oh, my." Allura gleamed. "Their future Paladins are close, they can feel it."

Coran twirled his thick, orange mustache, the creases on his face wrinkling with his smile. "Yes, I do believe they're quite close." He confirmed, eyeing the three humans.

"What? Really? Aw, sweet." Pidge's hand shot up. "I call the black lion."

Green roared in the distance, sending a shockwave throughout the castle. "Or, the green one. That's good too." Pidge rubbed the back of her neck nervously, adjusting her glasses that flew out of place.

Lance and Keith stood, their hands re-locking. "New Paladin's of Voltron?" Lance asked, holding up his other palm for Pidge to take.

"Hells to the yes!" Pidge nodded excitedly, taking Lance's hand. "Wait until Matt hears about this!"

Hunk took Pidge's other hand, and Shiro took his. Allura and Coran stood behind the five, a proud look across both their faces. The lions flew up in triangle formation, roaring in unison as the final wave of fireworks painted the sky.

Paladin's of Voltron? Keith liked the sound of that. He glanced over at Lance, then to the rest of his crew. Yes, this truly was the greatest team in the galaxy.

The End

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