The Mikaelson Diaries (The Hy...

By ForeverMysticFalls

159K 4K 443

Nina Chase has been a part of the Mikaelson family for 8 years, she even fell in love and recently married th... More

Chapter 1 - The Second Miracle
Chapter 2 - A Mother's Struggle
Chapter 3 - Family Secret
Chapter 4 - Solace
Chapter 5 - Oh, Brother
Chapter 6 - Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 7 - The Devil You Know
Chapter 8 - Headhunter
Chapter 9 - This Means War
Chapter 11 - Salvation
Chapter 12 - Halloween
Chapter 13 - Beauty Queen
Chapter 14 - Guardian Angel
Chapter 15 - Kenner
Chapter 16 - Father Meets Son
Chapter 17 - A Thousand Years
Chapter 18 - In This Moment
Chapter 19 - Sisters
Chapter 20 - Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21 - She Wants Revenge
Chapter 22 - Heart of a Warrior
Chapter 23 - Ghost in the Shell
Chapter 24 - My Demons
Chapter 25 - The Beast Within
Chapter 26 - Broken
Chapter 27 - Lost Soul
Chapter 28 - The Lonely Ones
Chapter 29 - Never Alone
Chapter 30 - Hearts on Fire
Chapter 31 - All I Want for Christmas Is You
Chapter 32 - Year One
Chapter 33 - Night of Illumination
Chapter 34 - The Seven-Year Bitch
Chapter 35 - The Last of Us

Chapter 10 - Old Wounds

5.1K 143 30
By ForeverMysticFalls

Previously . . .

In "The Second Miracle", Nina was standing on the porch, watching the sunrise.

Nina: (voiceover) "I am Nina Mikaelson."

In "The Devil You Know", Nina stood in an alley and growled as her face transformed, her eyes glowing gold with protruding veins.

Nina: (voiceover) "Hybrid."

In "Solace", Nina stood in front of a floor-length mirror in her bedroom, admiring her baby bump.

Nina: (voiceover) "Mother."

In "The Feast of All Sinners", Nina and Klaus were getting married in the compound, sharing a passionate and sweet kiss.

Nina: (voiceover) "Wife."

In "Voodoo Child", Hope sat up with her eyes glowing blue.

Nina: (voiceover) "To protect my daughter from an ancient evil called The Hollow."

In "The Feast of All Sinners", Nina sat in the middle of a sigil and cradled Hope in her arms, still wearing her wedding dress. Blue light was expelled from Hope's body and hovered in the air before it divided and shot into Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Elijah, disappearing into their chests.

Nina: (voiceover) "My family made the ultimate sacrifice."

In "Voodoo Child", Vincent looked at the Mikaelsons. "This is gonna be the end of your family. This is gonna be the end of 'Always and forever'."

In "The Feast of All Sinners", Nina looked at Klaus, close to tears. "I know that you'll do anything for her. Even if it means never seeing her again."

Nina: (voiceover) "Hope and I had to leave New Orleans."

In "The Feast of All Sinners", Nina and Hope walked out of the compound with their bags.

Nina: (voiceover) "We built a new life in Mystic Falls with new friends."

In "Oh, Brother", Nina and Caroline looked at each other, smiling.

In "The Devil You Know", Hope, Emma and Phoebe stood outside the Salvatore Boarding School, laughing.

Nina: (voiceover) "And I discovered that I'm carrying another miracle baby."

In "The Second Miracle", Nina placed her hand on her stomach, the baby's heartbeat could be heard and she gasped in shock.

Nina: (voiceover) "Then my father came to town to wage war."

In "Oh, Brother", Nina walked downstairs and opened the door.

Marcus stood outside. "Hello, Nina."

In "The Devil You Know", Marcus rushed towards Caroline and gripped her throat, pushing her against the wall in an alley.

In "The Devil You Know", Nina grabbed Marcus' head and bashed it against the wall, causing the bricks to crack.

Marcus punched Nina in the face and gripped her throat, pushing her against the wall. Then he growled at her, transforming and baring his fangs.

In "Headhunter", Nina was sitting in the living room, running her hand over her growing stomach.

A severed head was thrown inside through a window.

Nina stood, startled.

More heads crashed inside being thrown with supernatural speed.

Nina looked at the head and saw two belonged to Hollis and Kayla McInnes, she screamed in devastation.

Nina (voiceover) "I tried to fight back, but now my life is in danger."

In "This Means War", Marcus chuckled before rushing towards Nina and tried to punch her.

Nina raised her arm to block the blow before breaking his arm and kicking him back. Then she walked closer and punched him in the face three times.

Marcus blocked her fist as Nina tried to deliver another punch and spun her around to restrain her in a grapple hold.

Nina yelled out in anger, her eyes glowing gold and she jerked her head back to headbutt him before flipping him to the ground.

Marcus' witch raised her hand towards Nina, casting a pain infliction spell.

Nina screamed and held her head in pain as she fell to her knees and then she fell to the ground, unconscious.


After discovering that Nina was missing, Freya, Keelin and Hope went to the Salvatore Boarding School to inform Alaric and Caroline. The five of them were gathered in the library where Freya was working on a locator spell.

Freya had her eyes closed and was chanting, quietly. The sand on the map in front of her carved out a path that led them to the Quarry.

Freya opened her eyes. "There. That's where Nina is."

Hope started to walk out of the room.

"Hope, where are you going?" Caroline asked.

"I'm coming with you," Hope answered.

Freya shook her head. "No. Hope, it's late. You need to stay here and go back to sleep."

"No," Hope said, defiantly. "I'm not going to sleep until I find my mom. What if she's hurt? Or the baby?"

Freya walked closer and grabbed Hope's hands. "Hey, look at me. I'll get your mom and bring her back, okay? You need to stay here where it's safe."

"No," Hope told her. "I need to see my mom. I need to make sure she's safe."

Hope walked away, leaving the adults concerned.


Freya, Keelin, Caroline and Hope went to Steven's Quarry, finding it empty.

"Mom?!" Hope called, looking around. "Mom, where are you?! Mommy?!"

Freya walked towards the spot Nina had been when Marcus' witch had knocked her out. "She was here."

"Then where is she?" Caroline asked.

"I don't know," Freya said, kneeling down and placing her hands above the ground, closing her eyes for a moment. "I sense magic."

"You mean, from another witch?" Keelin asked.

"Yes," Freya answered, standing. "Marcus was also here."

Hope looked at Freya, worriedly.

"Do you think you can do a locator spell from here?" Caroline asked. "Try and find her?"

"Let's find out," Freya said, looking at her niece. "Hope, come here. I want you to take my hand. You're gonna help me find your mom, okay?"

Hope nodded, holding Freya's hands and closing her eyes.

Freya closed her eyes too and started to mutter a spell.


I groaned as I returned to consciousness. I was disoriented and my vision was blurry, I looked around and found myself tied to a chair. Once my vision cleared, I realized that I was in my childhood home.

I tried to break free of the chains holding me, but I couldn't. I continued to pull at them, growling in frustration.

Marcus walked closer. "Don't bother. You ain't getting free. Those chains are spelled. Unbreakable."

I stopped struggling and looked at my father. "What am I doing here?"

"I thought it'd be fitting to kill you where it all started," Marcus said. "I was in this very room when I got the call about the accident you and your mother were in. This is where my life ended and now it's where yours will too."

I stared at Marcus, trying to remain calm.


Hope gasped as she opened her eyes, full of fear.

Freya opened her eyes as well, disturbed by what she had seen.

Hope started to breathe heavily in panic and a strong wind blew everywhere as she started to lose control of her magic.

Keelin and Caroline looked around, alarmed as the ground started to shake as well.

Freya knew what was happening, kneeling and grabbing Hope's shoulders. "Hope, look at me."

"He's gonna kill them," Hope said, shakily.

"Hope, look at me!" Freya told her. "You need to breathe and focus on my voice. Hope! Listen to me! I promise that I will save your mom, but you need to calm down. She needs you. The baby needs you. You need to be strong for them. Gain control."

Hope inhaled, taking long, deep breaths, trying to control her magic. She closed her eyes and the ground stopped shaking, then the wind died down as she opened her eyes.

"That's good," Freya said. "Now, I need you to go home with Caroline, okay? Keelin and I will find your mom, but you need to stay safe. Do you understand?"

Hope hesitated, still worried about Nina and her baby brother, but nodded. "I understand, Aunt Freya."

"Okay," Freya said, standing.

Both Caroline and Keelin were worried about what had just happened.


I watched Marcus as he grabbed a knife off a table and turned to face me.

"I've been contemplating this moment ever since I became a vampire," Marcus told me, rushing closer to stab me, making me scream. "The thought of killing you consumed me almost as much as for my bloodlust."

Marcus twisted the blade, making me groan before he pulled it out. Then he grabbed my face and looked into my eyes, coldly.

Suddenly, I found myself sitting in a car. I looked around in confusion and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I was younger, six years old to be exact. When I turned to look at the driver, my eyes went wide in shock. "Mom?"

Diana Chase looked at me, smiling. "Yes, darling?"

I couldn't express the emotions I felt, seeing her again and hearing her voice after all these years.

It was raining outside and the road was slippery.

Suddenly,my mother lost control of the car and it swerved along the road before flipping several times. Diana and I screamed and gasped as the car came to a halt. I coughed as I looked around and saw we were hanging upside down. I was bleeding from the forehead and looked at Diana, seeing her unconscious.

"Mom? Mom, wake up!" I told her.

Diana opened her eyes, groaning in pain. She looked at me in concern. "Nina? Baby, are you okay?"

"I think so," I said.

Diana reached over to unbuckle my seatbelt and I cried as I fell to the roof. "Nina, climb out the window."

I did what I was told and stood, turning to look at Diana. "Mommy?"

Diana struggled to unbuckle her seatbelt because it was stuck.

Smoke started to rise from the hood and sparks could be seen.

I stepped back, worriedly. "Mom?"

"Nina, get away from the car!" Diana told me. "Go!"

I backed away some more and that's when the car exploded.

"Mom!" I cried. "Mommy!"

Marcus appeared beside me. "Your mother died saving your life. It should've been you."

I turned to look at him, stepping back. "This isn't real. You're in my head."

Marcus glared at me and rushed closer to shove his hand into my chest. "Does this feel real?"

I gasped as he gripped my heart.

Marcus then pulled his hand back as he ripped my heart out.

I gasped as Marcus let me go and stepped back. I looked around, frantically and realized that it was all an illusion, breathing heavily.

"You killed her, Nina," Marcus told me.

"It was an accident!" I yelled. "I was six years old! I didn't know the car was gonna blow up!"

"She never would've been in that car if it wasn't for you!" Marcus spat. "You killed my wife and now you're gonna pay for it!"

Marcus glared at me, transforming and snarled before digging his fangs into my neck, making me scream.


Hope was in her room, looking at Nina's phone.

Caroline opened the door and popped her head in to check on her. "You should be sleeping."

"I can't fall asleep," Hope told her.

Caroline looked at her, sympathetically and walked closer to sit on the bed. "Hope, I know you're worried about your mom, but your Aunt Freya will find her and bring her home safe."

"What if Marcus kills her before my Aunt Freya gets there?" Hope asked. "I wish my dad was here. He'd be able to save her."

"Yeah," Caroline agreed. "Listen, try and get some sleep, okay? Your Aunt Freya will save your mom and they'll get rid of Marcus and everything will be back to normal before you know it."

Caroline then walked out of Hope's room, closing the door.

Hope looked back at Nina's phone and bit her bottom lip, thoughtfully before scrolling through the contacts until she found Klaus' name.


Messina, Italy

Klaus' phone started to ring.

Klaus, who was painting, stopped what he was doing and walked over to the table to answer the call.

"Dad?" Hope's voice rang out.

Klaus was surprised to hear his daughter's voice. "Hope?"

"Dad, you need to come back," Hope told him.

Klaus sighed. "You know I can't do that, sweetheart."

"You have to," Hope told me. "You have to come back and save Mom."

Klaus furrowed his brows, concerned. "Why? What happened?"

"Marcus took her and he's gonna kill her, Dad," Hope said, starting to cry. "He's gonna kill Mom."

Klaus' eyes widened in worry before his jaw tightened in anger.


Marcus pulled back, my blood coating his lips.

I panted and when I looked up, I wasn't in my childhood home anymore. Instead I was in Coltrane's Auto Shop and Jackson was sitting in front of me, also chained to a chair.

My eyes went wide, knowing what Marcus was doing. "No . . ."

I tried to break free, not wanting to relive this.

Jackson looked at me, weak. "The more you struggle, the more wolfsbane gets pumped into your veins."

"I have to get out of here," I said, starting to panic.

"Nina, listen, I don't know if I'm gonna get that chance," Jackson told me.

I looked at him, heartbroken. "Jack, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"I love you, okay?" Jackson sounded sad and defeated. "I've always loved you."

I could feel the tears filling my eyes, I shook my head in devastated denial. "Please, don't."

Marcus walked closer. "Diana wasn't the first person to die for loving you. Your own brother suffered that same fate."

I glare at my father, angrily and tried to lunge at him, but the chains prevented me from reaching him. "You bastard! I swear I will kill you!"

"No, you won't," Marcus told me. "You're gonna sit there and watch as I rip your heart out. Again."

I shook my head, fearfully. "No! No!"

Marcus pulled Jackson's head back roughly and plunge his hand into Jackson's chest.

I screamed in agony as I felt him grip my heart as well, blood soaked my top. I screamed again when he ripped Jackson's heart out and I had to relived the pain I felt when he died. I continued to scream in fury and despair.

Marcus let go of Jackson and walked closer, kneeling in front of me. "Everyone who has ever loved you pays with their life. My wife, your brother, and now your baby."

Marcus placed his hand on my stomach and I cried out as I felt excruciating pain target my son.

"No! No! Stop!" I pleaded, hysterically.

Determined to protect my baby, I screamed in rage as I kicked Marcus back and broke free of the chains. I stood and glared at him, transforming.

Marcus rushed to stand, looking at me with hate.

I marched over to him and swung my fist to punch him, he vamp-dodged so I tried to punch him again. Marcus grabbed my fist and twisted my arm, breaking it. I cried out in pain before punching him with my other hand, then I rushed to grab and wrench and continued to hit him in the face with it.

"Don't you ever touch my son again!" I yelled in fury.

Marcus rushed away to stand behind me, I turned around and he rushed to hold me in a chokehold.


Freya and Keelin drove towards Marcus' house and quickly got out of the car. They tried to opened the door, but it was magically sealed shut.

Freya tried to open it, magically, but she was pushed back.

"What's wrong?" Keelin asked.

Freya sighed, frustrated. "I can't get in. His witch is strong."


I plunged my hand into Marcus' chest, ripping his heart out and we were back in my childhood home. I gasped, still chained and Marcus stood in front of me.

"You can't break me, Marcus," I told him, breathing heavily.

"Oh, I'm not finished yet," Marcus replied.

"Why are you doing this?!" I demanded. "To punish me for something I had no control over?! You were my dad! You were supposed to protect me! You were supposed to love me! But you never did!"

"Because you killed my wife!" Marcus yelled, enraged. "You destroyed my love! You don't deserve happiness! So now I'm gonna destroy you by taking away something you love."

Marcus' witch entered the room and stood next to Marcus.

I looked between them, scared.


Freya and Keelin tried to get into the house, yelling out as the spell pushed them back.

Freya banged against the door, furiously.

Klaus appeared behind them. "Freya"

Freya and Keelin spun to look at Klaus in surprise.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" Freya asked.

Klaus walked closer. "I got a rather distressing call from my daughter. Where is she? Where is Nina?"

"Inside," Freya answered. "But I can't break through the spell sealing this house."

They heard Nina screaming from inside, causing the three of them to become alarmed and worried.

Klaus scowled and angrily kicked open the door, making it fall off its hinges. He tried to walk inside, but he was stopped by a barrier. He started to bang against it, furiously.

Nina screamed again.

Klaus' angry expression faded hearing the pain she was in and he desperately tried to get inside. "Nina!"


I panted as Marcus' witch released me from the spell she was casting and my eyes went wide when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Klaus?" I said, weakly.

My father's witch started to torture me again with magic, making me scream.


Freya looked at her distraught brother. "Klaus, take my hand. I'll channel you so we can break through the spell."

Klaus stopped pushing through the barrier and grabbed his sister's hand.

Freya raised her hand to touch the barrier, chanting quietly.

Klaus continued to bang against the barrier. Their combined effort started to weaken the spell, they kept going until the spell broke. Klaus let go of Freya's hand and instantly rushed inside.


I writhed in agony and screamed as Marcus' witch held her hand towards me, causing pain to both me and my unborn child.

Klaus rushed in and growled, sinking his fangs into her neck and fed on her until she died.

I panted and hung my head, placing my hand on my stomach, protectively.

Klaus let go of the witch's body and looked at Marcus, his eyes glowing gold with protruding veins. "So you're Marcus."

"I'm guessing you're the husband," Marcus said. "You come here to save her? Then you're too late."

Klaus growled and rushed to pin Marcus against the wall. Marcus headbutted him and tried to punch him twice, Klaus vamp-dodged his fists both time before punching him. Then he kicked him back so hard, Marcus crashed through the wall into another room.

Freya and Keelin ran in, heading straight for Nina.

"Nina?" Freya looked at me, worriedly.

Keelin tried to break the chains.

I looked at them, weakly. "They're spelled."

Freya twisted her wrist to unlock the chains. "Not anymore."


Marcus and Klaus were still fighting in the other room.

Marcus elbowed Klaus and flipped him to the ground. Klaus rushed to his feet and ripped the curtains down, swinging the rail to hit Marcus. Marcus was sent flying across the room, breaking an end table as he fell. He grabbed one of the broken legs and rushed closer to stake Klaus in the chest.

"How dare you!" Klaus growled, gripping Marcus in a chokehold and pushing him back. Then he ripped the stake from his chest and drove it into Marcus' chest, just missing his heart. Marcus yelled in pain. "You're gonna pay for hurting my wife, but a quick death is too good for you. Instead I want you to die slowly and in agony."

Klaus transformed and growled, monstrously as he bit Marcus, infecting him with werewolf venom. When he pulled away, he threw Marcus to the ground. Marcus panted and yelled as he pulled the stake out of his chest.

"You now have wolf venom in your veins," Klaus told him. "Which is lethal to vampires. Consider that your death sentence for all the years of abuse you put Nina through."

Klaus walked away, leaving the room.

Marcus breathed heavily, overwhelmed.


Freya and Keelin helped me out of the chair. I was extremely weak and my vision became unfocused.

Klaus walked in and froze when he saw me, his eyes scanned my body and his mouth hung open in shock when he saw that I was pregnant. "Little wolf?"

I looked at him, breathing heavily as I fought to stay awake. "Klaus . . ."

I started to feel a sharp pain in my abdomen, causing me to cry out in pain. Freya, Keelin and Klaus looked at me with panic. I screamed as the pain got worse and I looked at my husband with wide eyes before falling unconscious.


Klaus rushed to catch Nina before she hit the ground. "Nina? Nina?"

Nina was limp in his arms and her heart was beating slowly.

Klaus looked at her, desperately in fear. "No, no, no, no. Wake up, love. Wake up! Love, stay with me! I'm here! Little wolf?"

Nina didn't respond as Klaus sank to the floor, still holding her.

"Nina!" Klaus bellowed in anguish.

Freya, Keelin and Klaus were all worried about the trauma Nina went through. Not only was her life at risk, but the life of the miracle growing inside her was as well.

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