Chapter 10 - Old Wounds

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Previously . . .

In "The Second Miracle", Nina was standing on the porch, watching the sunrise.

Nina: (voiceover) "I am Nina Mikaelson."

In "The Devil You Know", Nina stood in an alley and growled as her face transformed, her eyes glowing gold with protruding veins.

Nina: (voiceover) "Hybrid."

In "Solace", Nina stood in front of a floor-length mirror in her bedroom, admiring her baby bump.

Nina: (voiceover) "Mother."

In "The Feast of All Sinners", Nina and Klaus were getting married in the compound, sharing a passionate and sweet kiss.

Nina: (voiceover) "Wife."

In "Voodoo Child", Hope sat up with her eyes glowing blue.

Nina: (voiceover) "To protect my daughter from an ancient evil called The Hollow."

In "The Feast of All Sinners", Nina sat in the middle of a sigil and cradled Hope in her arms, still wearing her wedding dress. Blue light was expelled from Hope's body and hovered in the air before it divided and shot into Klaus, Kol, Rebekah and Elijah, disappearing into their chests.

Nina: (voiceover) "My family made the ultimate sacrifice."

In "Voodoo Child", Vincent looked at the Mikaelsons. "This is gonna be the end of your family. This is gonna be the end of 'Always and forever'."

In "The Feast of All Sinners", Nina looked at Klaus, close to tears. "I know that you'll do anything for her. Even if it means never seeing her again."

Nina: (voiceover) "Hope and I had to leave New Orleans."

In "The Feast of All Sinners", Nina and Hope walked out of the compound with their bags.

Nina: (voiceover) "We built a new life in Mystic Falls with new friends."

In "Oh, Brother", Nina and Caroline looked at each other, smiling.

In "The Devil You Know", Hope, Emma and Phoebe stood outside the Salvatore Boarding School, laughing.

Nina: (voiceover) "And I discovered that I'm carrying another miracle baby."

In "The Second Miracle", Nina placed her hand on her stomach, the baby's heartbeat could be heard and she gasped in shock.

Nina: (voiceover) "Then my father came to town to wage war."

In "Oh, Brother", Nina walked downstairs and opened the door.

Marcus stood outside. "Hello, Nina."

In "The Devil You Know", Marcus rushed towards Caroline and gripped her throat, pushing her against the wall in an alley.

In "The Devil You Know", Nina grabbed Marcus' head and bashed it against the wall, causing the bricks to crack.

Marcus punched Nina in the face and gripped her throat, pushing her against the wall. Then he growled at her, transforming and baring his fangs.

In "Headhunter", Nina was sitting in the living room, running her hand over her growing stomach.

A severed head was thrown inside through a window.

Nina stood, startled.

More heads crashed inside being thrown with supernatural speed.

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