Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 555

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

12Chapter 8

12K 57 17
By ShivyMay27

Picture of Mr. Smith


I watched Chris walk into the elevator before I closed my door, then I took a breath and turned around to look at the condo. I took shaky step inside, it felt so surreal being here right now after all that happened.

The different smells assaulted my senses making me feel at home but I was still on edge, this place held a lot of memories for me. Kate and I shared this home together, we had many good times and then this calm peaceful feeling came over me and our happy memories made me feel better.

I can't lie, I had a wonderful night, I felt so connected to the Church and God and welcomed there. I did feel strange talking to Chris about his date, don't get me wrong I was happy for him, he has been single for a while but deep down I knew I had feelings for him, feelings I would never bring to the fore front.

I sighed heavily and sat up, thinking to myself it was now or never; I picked up my house phone and dialed Eric's number, I knew by using that phone he would realize where I was and I wouldn't have to tell him that part, but I fully planned on defending my actions as to why I am home.

I was taken aback though when he answered, "Hi Simone," it's not the fact that he called my name but how calm and distant he was, I was prepared to argue and this threw me off.

"Hi ...hi, Eric." I kind of stuttered, "I was just calling to let you know that I plan on moving back home." I waited patiently for his next response.

"I kind of figured that out when I saw where you were calling from." He sounded so distant; it was hard to believe that this was my Eric.

I mean I knew we had a fight and all, but he has never been this cold before, it's as if he didn't even want to talk to me. "Well I will let you rest then," I said quickly trying to end this very painful conversation.

I was about to hang up the phone, "Umm Simone, please be careful," and there was my Eric, loving, caring, considerate, my heart practically melted.

"I promise I will be, and I will call you in the morning if that is alright?" I was a little worried at what his response would be.

"I look forward to hearing from you love." And just like that our fight was over and we were going to be just fine, I breathed out a sigh of relief, I was a little stressed out about the whole situation.

"Good night Simone and I do love you, you know that right?" before I could even respond to his question, he continued , "plus I am sorry for the way I acted earlier, I didn't mean to upset you."

"Yes Eric, I know that you love me, as do I besides we both said some harsh stuff and I am sorry as well, please forgive me?"

"I can't stay mad at you love, but we do need to talk about everything now that we are both calm, but get your rest and I will see you tomorrow."

With that being said, I hung up the phone and I sank back into the sofa and stared up at the ceiling with a smile on my face, I had had a wonderful night and now that things were fine between Eric and me, it was just the icing on the cake.

I stood up and walked to my bedroom, glancing over in the direction of Kate's room, I missed her so much, I changed directions and walked to her room, my hand instinctively raised up as though I was about to knock when I realized that that was just silly. I turned the door knob and reached my hand in flicking on the lights.

The smell of her perfume wafted into my nostrils and my eyes began to water. "Where are you Kate?" I all but whispered to myself. Glancing around her room I made my way to her bed, taking in the familiar sights, I had been in this room a hundred times, I even helped decorate.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, I ran my fingers across the lace frills on her pillow case, felt the softness of her blanket and tried to remember her smiling face, the way her eyes lit up when she laughed, and even her practical jokes on me in the house.

I had this sudden urge to open her night stand draw, I mean we never invaded each other's personal space but something kept telling me in the back of my mind to open the draw. I leaned over and opened it, not knowing what I would find, but not expecting anything either, but boy was I wrong.

I saw a few bags of this white powder and I knew that it wasn't sugar or salt, "what the heck" I jumped off the bed in shock. I began pacing the room, my brain in over drive, was this the reason Kate got into the fight with Patrick and the other guy, was this, the reason she is missing now, was this, the reason I was chased.

This couldn't be happening, Kate wasn't stupid enough to get involved with drugs, and how could she do this, to herself, to me, to her family.

I couldn't stay in her room any longer, I headed for the door, turning off the lights before I left and I slammed the door so hard I could have sworn it came off the hinges but I didn't care, I was furious with Kate. She not only put herself in danger she put us both in danger.

I needed to take a shower to calm myself, so I set up a bubble bath and stayed in the water until it was cold and still I couldn't calm down. I thought about calling Eric or Chris but when I looked at the clock I saw it was well past midnight and I didn't want to disturb them so I headed to bed praying that sleep would consume me.

I had to get up for work in a few hours and still I couldn't fall asleep, I looked at the clock on my night stand again, it was now 2 am. I decided to do the other thing I had not tried; I slipped out of bed and went down on my knees.

I prayed, I prayed hard and I prayed long, prayed for peace of mind, for sleep and for calm. I was no expert at praying, I mean I knew how to start and how to end but the actual words in-between was normally my problem, but tonight it flowed.

When I was finished I climbed back into bed suddenly feeling extremely exhausted and within minutes I was in dream land.



I sat there in a dimly lit, cold, musty room, confined even more within a cage, my memories and actions haunted my mind and all I could do was cry. I was not crying because I was weak, I was crying because I realized how stupid of a mistake I had made. It was because of my actions that I was here now and who knows what has been done to Simone.

We have been best friends for so long, she was more than a friend, she was my sister, I loved her, and my parents loved her. She was kind, considerate, helpful, loving, independent and beautiful, she was a little shorter than me at 5"6' and had long, wavy brown hair, her skin was a golden honey and she possessed these amazing brown eyes and boy was this girl smart, way smarter than me.

She would have never done something so stupid, but I felt like I had no other choice, I didn't want to go to my parents and ask them for money and I didn't want to burden Simone. We had come together to buy our condo, we went half and half on everything and since my mistake at work; my boss had put me on probation and had even cut down my hours.

So when time came for us to pay our bills or mortgage I didn't want to put that on Simone, so I decided to sell drugs. And not just any kind of drugs, cocaine at that, I knew the risk, I could even face some serious jail time if caught, I was a paralegal for heaven's sake but I was too proud and liked taking care of things myself.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when I heard the door slam; I looked into the face of the man who made the offer for me to go into to business with him, Mr. Smith.

"Hello my dear," he said with his sickly sweet tone, normally I was cool with him, but the fact that I was encaged, cold, hungry and dirty, I was not in the smiling mood.

"Mr. Smith" I said with the nod of my head, if he came to talk we needed to talk and get it over with. I was in no mood to be pleasant.

"So nice to see you awake my dear." He pulled up a chair and sat down directly in front of me and for the life of me I had no clue where that chair came from, I knew the room was relatively dim but wouldn't I have seen the table and chair, strange.

"Can I ask what you intend on doing with me, I mean I have been here for a while now, what's the plan." I was running low on patience and he was making small talk.

"As usual Kate, you are always a straight shooter," he smiled at me and I could tell that he was about to lift the fog from around me.

"I was never one for wasting time," I replied with strength in my voice that didn't match what was going on within, but I wasn't going to show him fear, not a chance.

"Well my dear, not only did I not get my money from the cocaine that you were given, I have been losing business ever since the night you and your little friend graced my club with your presence."

"Losing business?" I was baffled, why would he be losing business.

"Oh, you seem confused, let me clear things up; since your friend ran off and called the cops, they have been frequenting my club, I can't exactly do my business properly if I have unwanted guest, now can I."

I could tell that he was getting more and more angry, and for the first time since waking up, I found solace in the fact that I was in this cage. If I had been even remotely close to him... I shuddered at the thought.

He must have noticed that I was afraid because his smile returned, "well at least you are smart enough to be afraid."

At those words I calmed my nerves and steeled myself before I spoke, "you still have not told me what you intend on doing with me." I was looking straight in his eyes, I wasn't backing down, and death would be a welcomed companion compared to this hell I was in.

"You're a brave one aren't you" he rose from the chair and walked over to the cage and I had to will myself not to flinch or shy away from his approach.

"Don't worry my dear, when I am ready to let you know how you will pay me back all the money that you owe me, I will inform you of what I intend to do with you."

With that said he turned on his heels and strode towards the door; pausing for a moment he turned, "I will have Patrick bring you some food, and soon I will change your accommodations, you are my new meal ticket sweetheart."

His new meal ticket, what did he intend to do with me, I was terrified and my eyes grew to the size of saucers at his words, he smiled at me before continuing for the door.

As soon as he disappeared Patrick came in with some food and for some reason he had a sad look in his eyes whenever he looked at me, he even offered me a little smile, which threw me. I mean yesterday he was so enraged when I spoke Simone's name and now he was looking at me as if this was the last time he would see me.

He opened a slot in the cage and placed the tray with food and drink through it, "Patrick what's going to happen to me?" I was desperate and I knew he always had a soft spot for me so if there was anyone I would ask; it was going to be him.

Instantly he lowered his gaze and stopped moving, "I don't think I should tell you."

"Please" I pleaded with him and he sighed really loudly.

"Look just take the food and eat, you will need to keep your strength up."

"Why, why will I need to keep my strength up, what does he plan on doing to me?" I was practically in tears, and felt hollow on the inside.

He leaned forward and spoke in a hush tone, "Listen I can't talk now but I will try to help you, no one deserves this, least of all you."

He pushed the food tray towards me again and I took it, he closed back the slot and headed for the door, he glanced at me over his shoulders and I could see the look of worry in his eyes. "Dear God help me!"

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