how we first met

Sheikahprincess tarafından

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this is a story of Link and Impa a how their relationship start Impa fell for Link they become friends 7 yea... Daha Fazla

the beginning of adventure
the princess of destiny Zelda.
the spiritual stone of fire .
spiritual stone of water
several years later and Ganondorf in power
leaving Kakariko Village behind for now
The forest temple save Sarah
the shocked new and engagement rings
back on the journey to save Hyrule from Ganondorf
Link and Impa wedding day
The water Temple and setting up a nursery
the baby shower and the birth
Kakariko village is on fire and flashback
enter the shadow temple
the final showdown with king of evil Ganondorf
Link vs Ganondorf
The aftermath
wedding anniversary and birth
the Epilogue

Gerudo fortress and spirit temple

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Sheikahprincess tarafından

Link POV.

I stay with my wife Impa and daughter Katelynn for a week before head out back my journey again and Sheik was on the way to spirit temple to meet at spirit temple after I leaving the Gerudo fortress and Sheik stay with his finacee and his daughter Brianna it be while before I could  coming to home to see my family again I saw the Gerudo watching I get pass them to find the prisoners man.

What took you long  I give up hope being save from this place said the first man.

Sorry I has a baby on the way then then my wife water broken I couldn't leaving if I went with my new born baby girl before I  coming here said Link.

You married and have a daughter what your wife name said the man.

Impa of the Sheikah tribe she my wife said Link.

You mean you married to a Sheikah wow what your daughter name said the man.

Katelynn said Link.

Katelynn that a beautiful name said the man.

Yeah said Link.

Look a Gerudo guard between you said the man.

What said Link.

You there what do thinking you doing said the Gerudo guard.

I draw my sword ready to fight.

You fight that fine by me said Gerudo guard.

We in battles I win the fight against the Gerudo guard.

Wow you real know how to fight said the man.

Can you get out of here without being see said Link.

Yeah please save my friends there four of us here said the man.

After watching the man leaving I made thought Gerudo fortress knock out the guard out cold with arrows I fight Gerudo guard to the last one all four man was free and next stop was the spirit temple a woman appear before.

You there your name is Link right said the woman.

Yes why you asked said Link

There a Sheikah woman hold a baby is here to see you said the woman Waiting my wife is here she done this before said Link.

By the way name April said the woman.

Nice to meet you April said Link.

I walk outside after April give me paper so I can leave to going spirit temple after I talk with my wife Impa and why bring  daughter Katelynn out here for.

There you are said Impa.

Impa why are you here said Link.

I got worried when Cassidy told you coming to Gerudo fortress said Impa.

Impa babe Bongo told you stop worrying so much I be back after Leaving spirit temple I always coming home to you and Katelynn said Link.

Your right I sure not worried about you so much said Impa.

Yeah please going to Kakariko Village I be home soon said Link.

After you find who the sage of  spirit said Impa.

Yeah said Link.

Will I come with Cassidy so I be head home said Impa.

Okay love you said Link.

I love you too said Impa.

So that your wife and daughter said April.

Yeah so I'm clear to the spirit temple said Link.

Yeah the guard know to let you thought said April.

Thanks you said Link.

Anytime coming back to visit being your family around to said April.

I well said Link.

I headed thought the gate spirit temple sand storm is not going to stop me from get to the spirit temple 

I made to the spirit temple where I  meet Sheik again he was tell me about Nabooru he believes she the sage of spirit we looking for he played new song for me then leaving like always I went into the temple found a young man with a young woman.

Aren't you Link the hero of time said the young man.

Yes you are said Link.

My name is Jason I'm prince of the Gerudo.

My name is Anna I'm the princess of Gerudo.

So what brings you here to Spirits temple said Prince Jason.

I'm looking for the sage of spirit said Link.

I see said Princess Anna.

I get mother then said Prince Jason.

Okay said Link.

It the hero of time the people of Hyrule who is going to save us all from Ganondorf dark rule I believe my father sure stay in power so Hyrule can be a wonderful and beautiful land to live in said Joshua.

Don't start brother please said Princess Anna.

Your  dream may coming to end soon has soon I find who the sage of spirit and shadow is I'm going after your father and end his dark rule said Link.

You don't know the sage of Shadow is your no good wife Impa said Joshua.

What did you say about my wife said  Link.

You hear me whoever head of Hylian and Sheikah have a baby together anyways that made me sick said Joshua.

Why said Link.

Joshua enough said a young woman.

But mother said Joshua.

Don't says a another word said the young woman.

Ahh said Joshua.

So sorry about that you see my younger son don't like you said the young woman.

I see your name is Nabooru right said Link.

Yes your name is Link Right said Nabooru.

Yes are you the sage of spirit said Link.

Yes I be waiting for you hero of time I need your help oldest son and my daughter are fighting monsters left and right in the temple we believe

the Twinrova are behind this I a feel they Link please help my son and daughter out here said Nabooru.

I well said Link.

We going thought the temple looking the Twinrova we can't find them no where what's do this mean for Nabooru I have help her we was outside I got mirrors shield from Prince Jason then we hear a voice call for help we looking around and saw Nabooru was take by the Twinrova she brainwash by them.

Mother said Princess Anna.

We save her said Prince Jason.

They for they have done said Link.

Thank you brother and Link we defeated them save mother said Princess Anna

We heard back inside the temple we went deep into the temple where fighting monsters left and right we finally find the boss key to boss room we went found the the Twinrova we their monster turn be out to be Nabooru the Twinrova brainwash again

Prince Jason  and Princess Anna is upset now they are going after the Twinrova.

Koune and Kutake  most be defeated said Prince Jason.

We find the Twinrova deep in the boss room where they when us to following Ganondorf that was not going we fight the Twinrova and I knew went for a fight after

we defeated them I knew their mother was at chamber's of the sages.

Will I be off see you later said Link.

See you later said Prince Jason.

Says hi to Impa for us said Princess Anna.

Okay said Link.

In chamber's of the sages.

Kid or sure I says Link thank you for defeat Twinrova I became the sage of spirit said Nabooru.

Your welcome said Link.

Now there's one more sage left the sage of Shadow said Nabooru.

Your young son says it my wife I don't believe it said Link.

You find out soon enough for take this Medallion and going home to your family said Nabooru.

Okay that what I  was planningto anyway thanks for reminding me Nabooru and I know Impa is mother now she doesn't have time to be a sage of Shadow said Link.

Like I says you waiting and see now please take this Medallion said Nabooru.

She give me the spirit medallion and send me on my way back to the spirit temple so I can talk to oldest son and her daughter.

Please tell Jason and Anna I  love them said Nabooru.

Link you back said Princess Anna.

Yeah said Link.

so mother won't coming till my father is defeat said Prince Jason.

Yeah said Link.

LINK yell Sheik.

What wrong Sheik said Link.

You have to coming back to Kakariko Village someone set it on fire said Sheik.

What no said Link.

That not worse part Impa is missing said Sheik.

No sorry Jason and Anna but I  have to get back to Kakariko Village said Link.

We are coming with you said Prince Jason.

Thank you Princess Anna.

Thank you let going said Link.

I got on Epona and head to Kakariko Village my wife was trouble

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