Compilation of One Shot

By poutyUJin

1.4K 49 2

I make a special book just for One Shot stories , since I don't want to mess up my profile with a book with j... More

Hey , Pretty Ghost
Is it Snow Yet ?
Before I Close My Eyes
The Subway
Date Me , Again

Bright My World Once Again

119 5 1
By poutyUJin

She's a girl with dark past and present . Her father who currently in prison because he murdered her late mother and under care of her brother which is a head of gangster group . She scared of her own life . Everywhere she goes , she will be followed by her brother's men .

Her brother's principle is easy , as long as she followed everything in his way , she will be saved .

"I love you , sister . But take care of you is hard for me . I can't watch you all time , so , as long as you don't disappear in front of my men , I will never hurt you . But all you did is the opposite . You know that , oppa don't like people who turn an easy work into hard way ." , his brother is pulling her hair hard after slapping her face .

At that time , she incidentally lose from the men because she is helping a nanny pushing the towing wheel fill with recycle things .

She want to cry but she already feels numb towards her brother action towards her . She is hurt physically but her mental and emotions already hurt right after the death of her mother . To her , her mother is the only place to tell everything . Her mother will listen to her even she was tired from working .

Her mother was killed by her father due to abuse of drug . Until now , she always felt lonely even she have a friend that understand her condition . Even she's hurt , want to cry and release her anger but she swallow it because she is used to feel all that emotion at the same time .

One day , while cleaning the mirror of the restaurant that belong to her friend's family , Jane , she is being approached with a guy . "Have a sit first" ,without looking at the guys face , she continues wiping the mirror . The guy is sitting near to the table that close to the mirror .

After done with her work , she is calling Jane to take order . Jane is weird with the guy order where he was ordering everything in quantity of 2 but he just alone . Then , SuJi is sending all the food to his table .

"Lee SuJi-shi ?", SuJi raise her face after the guy is calling her name . She tries to load whether she ever met this guy or not .

Back then , there was a guy who always watch her secretly . After a year , he collected courage to meet her face to face . On her way back home , he followed her and he got caught with her .

Knowing that she had been followed , she walked faster but he chased her and stopped her step . On her forehead , there was a worn-out bandage and somehow , he felt pity towards her .

He took out few bandage from his pocket and put into her palm . "Take care of your wound especially here . You might caught fever because of the worn out bandage .", while taking one from her palm and paste it on her forehead to replace the worn out one .

He left her with his warm smile as soon as he did that and left her in confusion . She got knew his name because his name was written on every bandage given by him and was her last time of seeing him but his present at that time was making her smile once again after a long time .

"Do you remember me ?" ,she might knew him but since she always getting hit on her head , she don't have any clear memory with him .

"Ah , here " , he gives her bandage that have his name written on it . JUNGKOOK

"Sorry , I don't remember you " , when he hope that she remember him but still , he creates a smile

"It's fine. Come and have a sit "

"But I'm working " , he grab her wrist and seeing at her neck a bruises due to pressure of hand . "Manager-nim , can I borrow her for a while ?" , he shouts to the guy who is sitting at the counter and gives an okay sign .

SuJi is looking him in unbelievable stare and he just smile . He stands from his seat and slightly pushes SuJi to sit in front of him .

"I just got my first salary and I don't have anybody to spend the money with .My parents are staying overseas and all my friend are busy .So , just accompany me . I won't be long " , while eating his food .

SuJi don't said anything but her mind is saying out loud ," I also got my salary recently and I also don't have anybody to spend the money too . But my parents were no longer alive and I don't have any friend"

That goes repeatedly every month whenever salary day came . He will come and borrow her for one day just to share what he had done with the money . Somehow , the memory of him start to accumulate and now she know that , he is the guy that made her dark world , bright again even just for a short time .

Remind of his warm smile throughout the day , is brighten her whole life once again . However , one day her brother caught with his own eyes , seeing that SuJi with other guy . He doesn't feel ease at all . Because he don't want SuJi to be happy at all .

At one night ,after she is done locking the restaurant , she is getting drag by her own brother into his car . SuJi feels that something bad might happen to her . As they arrive at home , his brother drags her by pulling her hair and pushing her hard to the wall . She is being kick by him multiple times .

"You don't deserve any guy like the way I don't deserve any girl . I can be happy the way I am but you can't be happy in the way you are ." ,her brother statement makes her cry very hard but he don't even care about her tears at all and left her in her room .

This all happen when her brother blamed SuJi for their father's death in prison . If SuJi didn't told the police the true story ,their father won't be in prison and died there .

The next day , she is going to work even her body is hurt . This is because living in the house under the same roof with her brother felt like hell and only work make her forget everything even at short time .

She is the first one that arrive at her work place and start arrange the table and chair . At one time , her head is spinning and might faint but she held to herself that she can't be admitted to the hospital and have to keep on working .

Later , Jane came with her father and the other worker . Seeing that all table had been arranged , all of them thought that it must SuJi was the one that did it but they couldn't see her at all . Jane is searching her best friend in the restaurant and see her fell asleep on the chair while covering her face with the towel .

She wake her up by taking away the towel that cover her face . Jane could notice that SuJi is not in a good condition at that time and ask her to go to clinic . However , she refuse and want to keep working .

During evening , Jane force her to go to clinic after seeing that SuJi almost faint at most times and she couldn't ate comfortably . She goes to the nearest clinic . After filling a form and got a number , she sit at the seat outside the examining room . There are no patient at that time

"I could just go to the pharmacy instead but since I'm already here ..." , then the nurse call her name after a patient just leave the room .

"Have a sit" , a doctor is writing some on a paper before giving it to the nurse . SuJi is playing with her nails while waiting for the doctor .

"Owh , SuJi-shi " , it's the guy that she always met once a month , JungKook .

She just lower her head and keep playing with her nails . "So , since you are at the clinic , you must sick or hurt anywhere , right ?" , quickly , she shakes her head .

JungKook just sit still while thinking something . "Nurse , help me " , while dragging SuJi into X-ray room with the help of the nurse since SuJi refuse to tell him . After taking the picture of the X-ray , SuJi changes to her clothe back without her knowing that JungKook is asking the nurse to observe any weird movement from her .

SuJi sit back and the nurse put her X-ray film on a bright plane . JungKook wore his square glass and observe the X-ray thoroughly . "Your rib is broken and almost touch the diaphragm . Luckily , it's not broken fully and still tangle with the bone . But still , you have to perform a surgery whether to connect it back or just broke it . I recommend you to just broke it instead of connect it back "

"What will happen if I don't want to perform surgery ?"

"Why ?"

"Because I already 'dead' from the pain . So , I think that I don't need a surgery . Such of waste of money " , she say in a calm tone . If JungKook don't know the real story , he might let her pass but since he know everything , he won't .

JungKook knew her brother was always watching of her step since high school . He also pretend to not recognize her brother on the street . He also knew that she broke her rib because of her brother because he tagged along behind her . He wanted to save her but he clenched himself .

Her brother's men are waiting in front of the clinic and SuJi never going out yet even it's already 10 pm where the clinic is about to close . One of them are watching over her at the restaurant but he also don't see her there . The man is entering the clinic and even ready with the gun but the nurse said she don't even know about it . He left the clinic and get call from her brother .

"Search her . Bring her to me as soon as possible or you are the one that I will kill "

JungKook don't have a choice but to break the doctor's law since he wants to save her life by putting a sleeping pill in her water . He brought her to the hospital to undergo a surgery . Since he just need to wait a green light from the director of the hospital which is his father , so , he is easily pass and get the surgery room immediately .

The next day , where doctor and the nurse are changing shift , SuJi take that chance to run away since there are not much nurse walking around . When she already go out from the ward , she use the stairs to go down . However , JungKook already followed her right after she left the ward .

JungKook change his path and SuJi straight away walk to the bus station . While waiting for the bus , suddenly , a black sedan stops suddenly in front of her . The car's mirror is lower and she find out that it's him .

"SuJi-shi ?" , she is preventing eye-contact from him . She believes that he must up to something again .

"I know you want to meet your brother . Let me give you a ride "

"I can take bus" , while correcting her hood .

"Bus will be arrived at 8 am and it just pass 7 . So , do you want me to force you or ... " , SuJi gave up on waiting . She also don't want people to mistaken him as bad people because she knew he just want to help .

On their way back home , two of them is silencing themselves . JungKook knew he had made mistake by kidnapping her last night and perform surgery without her knowing . And SuJi worried that , her brother would hurt her once again

Later , they arrive at her house . "Can I meet your brother ? I have something to explain about your condition " , he makes excuses as he knew she wouldn't let him to .

"No , you can't . My brother don't like stranger . So , just go back to work . And please , don't find or meet me at the restaurant or anywhere after this . Let just pretend , we never run into each other " , JungKook just smile like there are other plan in his head .

"Ok , then " , he drive out from the house compound .

Her brother who is waiting all night are dragging her sister into the house and locking the door . He is going somewhere and leaving her with other 2 man .The 2 man that usually tag her , have bruises on their face . She believes that , it must be her brother .

"I know you don't even want listen to my explanation and want to beat me with that bat , right ?" , after he come back from somewhere with a silver bat . The same bat that he use to beat up the men .

He smirks evilly while giving sign to the other man to go out from the house . "SuJi-ah , you must be pain-proof , right ? Just yesterday I beat you and you did it again last night . So , you must like that pain , right ? The pain that appa gave to mom on the night of her death . Should I gave that pain , so , you can die the same way as mom ?"

When he about to swing the bat on her , it can be listen a fighting sound outside of the house . He don't stop and he swing again the bat . It hit SuJi's rib . When he about to hit for second time , her brother is being shot by a police on his shoulder who are entering through back door .

Her brother who already collapse down , but still can threat her , "SuJi-ah , are you the one who sent them? I'll kill you , SuJi . I'LL KILL YOU !" , another shot get on him while SuJi is crying when she heard another gunshot .

Later , her brother's wound being treated by medical team before being drag to the police station for further investigation under 'Attempt for Murder' Case . SuJi is bring to the hospital by the van . "Let's go" , a man in full white outwear suddenly jump into the van and close the back door .

"Keep anything what you want to say . Let treat your wound and heal first " , SuJi just look at him unbelievably . Just like how he is being calm and cool facing a girl with bad family background .

"I just want to be friend with you . Seeing you always being alone and cry at the back of the school , swallow your own pain , you really test my patient as a guy . Even I was you , I might end up killed my own brother . You had been held in for too long , and now you don't have to keep it inside ." , while treating her wound stitch that was opened after the hit .

She is crying on her pillow .

After 1 hour , JungKook is done with the stitch and he find out that she already fell asleep . "It must be so long since your last deep sleep . SuJi-ah , I'll help you to forget your nightmare and I'll try to bright your world once again . Let me erase all the black memories that you own like it never happen to you " , he cover the blanket on her and stays beside her .


#leesuji #jungkook #leehalla #halla #junghalla

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