Від HaruHae1015

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This is a Super Junior fan fiction. Some of what is written are not real and just fantasies of the author. I... Більше

Chapter 2: Incheon, Hi there.
Chapter 3: Guests and Gift
Chapter 4: Sweet dreams
Chapter 6: DongHae scores again
Chapter 7: HaeHae's First Date
Chapter 8: Crazy Dinner


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Від HaruHae1015


Mactan International Airport

Mom: Are you sure bout this? You can stay in LA with your auntie's and cousins. They would be really glad to have you there.

Zelle: Don't worry Ma. I'll be fine. I need some time on my own and besides I've always wanted to go to Korea, I was just waiting for the perfect job and somehow it came. But it doesn't mean I wont go to LA, when i had everything, I will consider staying there and take you there, but I still would want to settle in Korea. Its where I find my peace.

Mom: I understand you. If it helps you from getting over everything, after all that has happened. You have my support.

Dad: You're mom is right. You have our support. Just don't forget to call us. Especially when you need someone to talk to.

Zelle: Thanks dad, mom. I couldn't have done it without you. *walks towards her parents and give them a hug*

Dad: I'm so proud of you. We both are. I can't believe your all so grown up. It was just like yesterday that we scolded you about some small stuff.

Mom: *sniffs* *wiping the tears coming out on her eyes*

Zelle: Papa, look what you've done. You made mom cry. *hugs her mom* Don't worry. Nothing will change, I would still be the daughter you used to scold. Its just that I got set on my own adventure and got to keep things moving forward.

Mom: I know dear *releasing her daugther from hugging* I just can't get over from all the things that happened from Ian.

Zelle: *looks down and frown, then looks back up and smiles* Ma, don't fuss about it. Its just that were not meant to be together and I' m happy that God didn't let that wedding happen so that I won't be miserable forever. Besides, I'm happy that we didn't get married, somehow I felt that it won't work.

Airport Announcer: Passenger for Flight AA140 bound for Incheon,South Korea please proceed to the boarding area.

Zelle: Well, there's my cue. See you on Skype. * hugs her parents once more*

Dad: See ya kid. Call us when you landed.

Mom: Take care. And don't forget to pray.

Zelle: I will. Thank you. *kisses them on the cheeks, then turns to her best friend* I guess this a goodbye?

Siobee: Hell no!!!, more like see you later. Your not dying you know. *laughs* HAHAHA

Zelle: I'm gonna miss you so much * hugs*

Siobee: I know. Me too. * lets go from the hug*

Zelle: *turns to her parents* Tell kuya (brother) my goodbyes and kiss Gabe for me. I'll call him later to check how Gabe is doing.

Mom: We will. Now you go before we change our minds.

I smiled as I pushed my luggages through the passengers area. Before I finally went in, I turned for the last time, I waved and gave them a huge smile and blew them a kiss goodbye.


Before to start my journey to a new life. My name is Zelle Saine. I am a graduate of fashion design and also a hotel and restaurant management graduate. I have achieved my goal in life. My parents are from a well known family. I live in a province somewhere in the Philippines. My mother is Filipino-Spanish while my father is Filipino-American. I am 26 years old and single. I was supposed to be married but things was just not what it meant to be.


Phone rings

Zelle: Hello?

Liza: Where are you at? We're supposed to have a double date remember?

Zelle: Yeah, I remember. Im leaving my apartment. Who is this guy your introducing to me again?

Liza: Your going to find out when you get here. So you better hurry up before he gets here first.

Zelle: Shush, its just a 30 minute jeepney ride from here. But I'm going to ride a cab, so I'll be there in 15.

Liza: Great.

Zelle: Just promise me this won't be a disaster. I still can't forget about that guy you introduced me 4 months ago.

Liza: I didn't even know Tom has a live-in partner. So does Alex. When Alex introduced me to him, I asked if he wanted to date someone he said I would love to and he never even gave us a hint that he has a kid and has a live-in partner.

Zelle: Just promise me it won't happen again.

Liza: I promise. I already did a background check. We have tons of friends in common. He's safe.

Zelle: I got my cab. See ya.

Liza: See ya. Bye.


I told the driver where I was heading to, he nodded and pressed the start button of the meter for my fare. The radio is playing a sweet love song and it gave me a flash back. I used to have a boyfriend. One year ago. His name was Johnny. We were college sweethearts, I was a year older than him. We were 3 years together and I thought he was the one since we always talked about marriage and kids. I was graduating first and we agreed that I'll be working on Cebu since we wanted to watch this Kpop Concert in Manila. Oh yes, we are a huge Kpop Fans, one reason why I fell deeply inlove with him.With have a lot of things in common. He agreed in me working miles away from him. A month after graduation I got hired in a call center company, my shift is 8 am - 5 pm. I chose this job since it less hassle and it pays really good and it has good benefits. One other reason why I also chose this job is because I wanna pursue my dream to study Fashion Design and with this job it can help me save a lot of money, since me and my parents agreed to pay for the school expense while I pay for my rent, allowance and project and materials expenses. It was a good deal. Our relationship was great for 2 months. The long distance relationship didn't seem to rock us out. Till I went home for a visit, I didn't tell him for I want to surprise him since also it is a festival day on my hometown and he would come to our house to celebrate with my mom. I left the night before the festival so I would be there in the morning.

I arrived safe to my hometown. I didn't went straight home, I went to my Aunt's house to stop for breakfast and shower hence I was suprising him for I knew he would be staying at our house. My aunt told me to come with them on our way home since I have a few luggage. I agreed and thanked them. We left their house at 10:45. It was a 10 minute drive between my aunt's house and our house. We finally reached my house. My tita hopped out of the car first. My mom greeted her by the door. I went out to the opposite door so no one would see me. My Uncle waited for me to get my bag before he entered the house. Just after my father turned his back after greeting my Uncle, I went inside.

Zelle: Hi mom. Hi dad.

I greeted. Dad turned as fast as he could and hug me. He told me he was surprised so does my Mom. I was searching our house for the sight of Johnny but I can't find him. I asked my Mom, he said he can't make it by lunch since he has some other appointments but he'll try to catch up. I found it weird since he told me last night he's going to our house. Thinking it might be urgent I just waited for him to get back. The time went by visitors came and left. The boys were partly intoxicated by the beers. It was already 3 but still no Johnny. I called his phone but it just kept ringing. So I went to my Mom and asked if Johnny spent the night at our house, she said No and that Johnny stayed in his rented room. I found it odd again so I asked my Mom if I can borrow our car and I'll go see Johnny. She handed the keys to me. I went out of the house and got in. The drive was just 20 mins. I pulled over a few miles away from Johnny's house so that he won't notice. When I reached the main door his friends were surprised to see me, as expected no one knew I was coming since I wanted to surprise Johnny. But then it got odd when they blocked me in entering the house. I demanded to let me pass because I came to see Johnny. Still not budging I used my entire force and was able to push him aside, as I reached the door I heard giggles, I thought perhaps his sister is here. So I didn't bother knocking because I want to make him jump for the surprise and the door was unlocked. I turned the knob and I was the one surprised of what I saw. I saw it in my two eyes, Johnny with the daughter of the house owner on top of him, naked and is making love. I was shocked but I managed to move. But Johnny caught my hand.

Johnny: I can explain.

Zelle: How long has this thing been going on?

Johnny: About a month. I'm sorry.

I walked past through Johnny, walking towards the girl.

Jena: I'm so sorry Zelle. I --

I slapped her real hard that it left a mark on her cheeks. I knew what she was going to say, that she can't help it. She shot me a surprised angry look.

Zelle: Sorry I can't help it either.

Then I turned around and made my way to the door passing Johnny.

Johnny: Lets talk about this.

As I turned around I felt my hand flying into his face, I slapped him real hard, enough to see the mark on his face.

Zelle: There's nothing to talk about. It explains everything.

I reached for my ring finger,taking off our couple ring. I took his hand and placed the ring.

Zelle: Put it on hers, she deserves it more than I do.

Then I left the scene. Disregading him calling my name and his friend trying to explain. I hopped in my car and turned the engine on. I looked at him at once more, knocking my window, pleading for my name. I stepped on the gas and roared the engine. He stepped back. I looked at him once again, his face surprised and distraught seeing a tear finally fell on my face. I released the clutch and drove away from the scene. When I got home everyone was shocked seeing me crying, I told them everything. They comforted me, even my dad who was drunk. I decided to leave that evening and since then I never dated till 3 months ago.

Finally I was able to regain my senses and snapped myself out of that horrible memory. It was still painful but enough to make me realize theres nothing to look back. I finally reached my destination. I paid the taxi driver and told him to keep the change for his good driving skills. I went inside the mall went straight to Starbucks to meet Liza. Just as I was approaching the cafe, I saw Liza sitting by the window pane with his boyfriend Alex, they were laughing and I found it cute and is missing having someone to laugh with,well I have friends and bffs but its different with someone who you share feelings with. I went inside and Alex saw me. He told Liza and she turned around and greeted me as I approached them.

Liza: Girl, you look amazing. You must give me some new tips. I love your look today. It is so you.

Zelle: Thanks *gives a cheek to cheek* its good to see you and to you too Alex, i see you've been having a workout lately.

Alex: Great to see you, Zelle. You look so gorgeous,getting better each time we meet. Yes I did, I want to have a healthy life since Im going to have a family with my baby Liz.

Zelle: That's good. You know who to contact for the gowns and everything.

Liza: Already placed your name on the list.

Zelle: So where is this guy your talking bout?

Liza: Oh, he's almost here.

Zelle: Great, I'll go grab our drinks. Do you have any idea what he would might drink.

Liza: Oh, yes. His favorite drink here is your favorite too.

Zelle: Cool, I think we'll get along fine. So I'm gonna go and order.

Zelle left the table and went to the counter. As she was ordering, Ian went inside the cafe. He searched for Liza, and finally found them. He approached them.

Ian: Hey, Liz.

Liza stood up and greeted Ian.

Liza: Hey Ian, * gave him a cheek to cheek* so glad you could make it.

Ian: So am I. Hey there Alex, haven't seen you awhile.

Alex: Wassup dude? *shakes hand with Ian* we should hang out with the boys sometime.

Ian: *sits down at the table* That would be great. I'll look forward to that. You should text me and give me a head-up for some night outs. I might be available.

Alex: Sure thing. The boys would love to have you back. So, your still working at that radio station right?

Ian: Yes, I am. Do you listen to it?

Alex: When I do work out I play it on my radio.

Liza: Me too, also when I cook and clean my room.

Ian:Thanks you guys. So Liz, where is this friend you talking bout?

Liza: Oh huh- uhm * turns around to look for Zelle*

Zelle got her orders and is walking back to the table as Liz turns her head to find her. She saw a man sitting on the chair where she sat awhile ago. She saw Liz transferring to the chair next Alex.

Zelle: You must be the guy Liz was talking about.

Ian was surprised to hear a cool and sweet voice behind him. So he turned to see who she was. He was surprised at the owner of the voice. She was tall, slim and slender like a super models body, she has a fair skin tone that suits her image very well, she has the lips as perfect he has ever seen. Her smile was so sweet and melting. He saw her mouth move as she was speaking. Then she offered her hand. Ian was puzzled of what she was doing, then he realized and went back to his senses.

Zelle: I'm Zelle and you are?

Ian: Ian. Please to meet you. *accepts the hand shak*

Zelle: I took the liberty of ordering you a frappuccino. I hope you won't mind. Liz told me you and I had the same drinks.

Ian: Oh, thank you. Then I guess we had something in common.

We both sat down. Sitting beside each other. We shared some datas about ourself. I turned and took a glimpse to Liza and I saw her smile the sweetest smile. Somehow I found it odd with that smile it was bothering, but somehow I didn't pay much attention to it. So I turned back to Ian.

Ian: So are you working or something?

Zelle: Uhm, I'm both working and studying. Im having a part time at Liz' cafe at night and I go to school at day.

Ian: What are taking up right now?

Zelle: Uhm, Bachelor of Science major in Fashion Design.

Ian: I can see that it suits you well. You look gorgeous with you dress.

Zelle: Oh *blushes* Thank You. I designed and made this dress.

Ian: Impressive, I might recommend my friends to you.

Zelle: I feel honored, but I can't. I haven't passed the board exam yet.

Ian: Take it as a practice. A good start in advertsing.

I think real hard bout what he said, it is indeed tempting. Then somehow I found myself agreeing and smiled at him. We chatted for awhile and enjoyed it for a moment. Then Liz stood and suggested that we should go and see this new horror me.

Zelle: Can we watch something else? You know I'm not much of a fan of horror movies.

Liza: C'mon. Its not that scary. You'll be fine.

When Liz told me those words it somehow didn't help me feel good, it even made worse. We went out of the coffee shop and went to the movie house. Liz volunteered to buy the tickets and dragged me along.

Ian: Is there something I should know why she doesn't like watching movies?

Alex: Well Zelle is not kinda that healthy. She has this heart problems but she doesn't wanna talk bout it. So don't mention that to her,wait till she opens up.

Ian started to wander and worry. She walk beside her and asked her if she wants to go see that movie.

Zelle: Well, I supposed theres nothing wrong in trying. I mean it's not that scary.

Ian didn't how to respond but he knew one thing, he wants to be there for her.

Ian: Well if you get scared I'm just right here beside you.

Zelle just gave her a smile, one that makes you wanna say that this is not going to be good. Ian just met her moments ago but he felt at ease and comfortable with her. He found out that they have lot of things in common and he noted to himself he must have a 2nd date with her. His insticts are telling me je doesn't want to miss this girl.

They went inside the theater. They choose their seats. They picked at the middle part of the theater. For them its their perfect spot. As the theater starts to dim off Zelle was getting nervous, Ian felt that his seatmate is not at ease,he took a glance at her and he saw the look on her eyes the uncomfortableness. He didn't know what to do, he was scared if he'd offer his arms around her or he held her hands he would offend her, and I tell you thats one thing he doesn't want to happen right for he interests her. But he does want to comfort her. So he decided to offer hand. We might not know she might be grateful for his kindness.

Ian: Zelle, are you alright?

Zelle: U-uhm, yes I am. Its just too cold jn here.

Ian: Here, use my jacket *takes off his jacket*

Zelle: Oh, I'm sorry for this. *takes the jacket and wears it* If only I knew we'd go to cinema I would have brought same pull overs. But thank you, so sweet of you to offer your jacket.

They both smiled. As the movie went, Zelle starts to smell the sweet cool male scent on Ian's jacket, and from that moment she knew she's loving this scent. She started to imagine what would it be like hugging him. Then she felt her heat beating and thumping fast. For that though made her heart beat like hell. She thought something is definitely wrong her. She shook her head and paid attention to the movie. As the movie went on, the horror is sucking her in. She's getting nervous. She's getting scared. Scared that she might start breathing fast. But then she felt her some held her hands. She looked at the owner to that and she saw on those eyes, glowing despite the darkness, reassuring her that everything is alright, he's here for her.

Ian: You'll be fine. I promise you that.

Zelle: *smiles* Thank you Ian.

They both smiled. Still holding each other hands. She leaned her head on Ian's shoulder and she felt as comfortable ever. Everything faded away.

Soon the movie was over, they all exited the movie house. Ian and Zelle along with Liza and Alex. Still holding each others hand. As if never letting go.

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