Toxic Love (Pearl x Amethyst)

By qxeenmonaababes

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It's just turning Fall in Queens, NY and of course times are tough. Amethyst, a 25 year old is looking for a... More

Chapter 1: Mirrors & Gems
Chapter 2: One Call, One Kiss
Chapter 3: Gunshots & Tears
Chapter 4: Together
Chapter 5: Bombs Away
Chapter 6: Split Paths
~Author's Note~
Chapter 8: Fucked Up and Left U
Chapter 9: Gone
Chapter 10: Woke
Chapter 11: Unforgettable Secrets

Chapter 7: Progress

260 9 5
By qxeenmonaababes

Amethyst P.O.V

I arrived in Chicago after a 13 hour and few minutes drive, but I got there. Its nice but the again all the drama that happens here. I get out the car and walk in the hotel and go to the front desk with an assistant holding my bags for me. "Hello, I'm Amethyst Quartz, I made a reservation for a golden suite, 1 week?" I say/ask the girl at the front desk that paid attention to the computer in front of her face the entire time I spoke. She looks up at me and says "Oh yes! Here are your keys Ms.Quartz, please have our staff take your bags up to your room and enjoy your stay!" Courtney says as she gives me my keys and calls over one of the staff to carry my things. 

"Thank you Boris, I'll talk to you later." I say to my assistant/driver that carried my things in here for me and I kiss his cheek as he smiled and says "Its no problem Ms.Quartz, should I let Ms.Grant know that you made it here safely?" he asks and I shake my head 'no'. "That's ok Bor, I'll call her myself. Make sure to get some rest, you do have to drive me tomorrow." I say to him and he nods while taking his keys and we part our separate ways. Our rooms aren't too far from each other so that's good, plus he's a really nice guy that also very loyal. I make it to my room with the staff man and opened the door and smiled. "Is your room ok Ms.Quartz?" the staff man asks me. "Yes, its perfect thank you." I say and he smiles and sets my bags down inside. "I'm glad and please enjoy your stay at the Peninsula." he says and walks out as I admire the three rooms in the suite, its just perfect for one person. 

(^Amethysts Hotel Suite^)

Well maybe it's perfect for two people a couple visitors because of the bed but you get what I mean. I unpack a little bit and then just admire the room. I mean, I can't believe my life has just changed in the course of 2-3 weeks. Before I was with my abusive and rapist older sister, but now I'm living in luxury and traveling to all the places I could ever go.

I pull out my iPad and FaceTime Pearl, of course she's not in Washington yet but she'll make it there. Speaking of her she answers on the third ring.

~FaceTime Call~
Amethyst- Hey babe, I made it to Chicago and my suite is nice.

Pearl- Good babe, I have a lot of hours to go, it's a 2 day flight, no stops either.

Amethyst- Aww, just keep smiling and think of me.

Pearl- For you, anything. I'm just so bored and alone. I've called a couple of my friends but they had to go. So know it's just me and you.

Amethyst- *smiles* I love you.

Pearl- I love you too. I wish you were here, in this comfortable bed, laying beside, in a thong, with wine.

Amethyst and Pearl share a laugh.

Amethyst- I'll do that when you pick out one for me. *smiles*

Pearl- *smirks* Hmm ok. Let's make a deal, whoever makes the most progress on rebuilding our empire, has to be the other person's sex slave for an entire night when we meet back up.

Amethyst- *blushes madly* O-oh ok.

Pearl- *smiles devilshly* Good, I love you and I'll talk to you later.

Amethyst- I love you too. *kisses the camera*

Pearl- *kisses the camera*
~End Of FaceTime Call~

I'm still blushing from what Pearl said about being a sex slave. I doubt I'll win this bet, I'm always submissive anyways and it is Pearls company so who knows what she has up her sleeve. But what if I do win? What will I do to her? Would she call off the bet and take control and fuck me senseless like usual, not that I'm complaining. Aww what the hell, I'm just over thinking this! It's just a sex bet, it's not like I'm gonna die.

I strip down into my bra and underwear with my silk robe that I brought with me and I go to the balcony and sip some wine. I get hungry so I go back inside with my glass and call room service to bring me a filet mignon with green beans. I get in the comfortable bed and turn on the TV and watch the news. As I watch, I hadn't noticed how terrible Chicago's crime is. I'm not in the crime parts but I'm gonna definitely donate some money for those who have lost loved ones and even their homes.

I start thinking of my speech and how to incorporate the troubles of Chicago into the speech. I know it's all about an explanation about the sudden bomb that destroyed the Club with people dead and injured, but I want to attack other points too, to insure that Chicago can be a safe place. As I was writing down my ideas and little notes, occasionally doing a little research, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and a feminine voice saying "Room service!".

I get up and fix my robe a little and walk to the door and open it for her to roll in my food covered with a silver top. "Thank you so much." I say smiling at her and I give her two 20 dollar bills as a tip. "Oh, you don't have to give me so much." She says in amazement. "Its no problem, I want too." I say with a smile. "Thank you so much, your kinder than the petty rich people that come here every so often." She says with that same pretty smile and leaves the room. I uncover my plate and the food looks really good.

(^Amethysts Dinner W/ Wine^)

I immediately dig into my food and its amazing. It doesn't compare to Bismuth's or mine or even Pearl's cooking but ya know, its good. I switch back ad forth between eating, drinking, and writing down my ideas and notes. I finish eating and writing down my ideas, now all I have to do is write it down and remember it and then speak it in front of lots of reporters, news men and women, and even people form Chicago. Damn it. I sigh and take a break from writing. I roll my food tray back out in front of my door for pick up and go back inside to put on a cute romper I packed just in case I wanted to do anything fun.

I put it on and grab my phone and slip it in my back pocket as I walk out the door. It's 7:39pm right now and I wanna go exploring, see what this place has to offer. I text Boris and see if he wants to go do something and he says yes. Pearl treats her drivers and other people that she's hired for a life time like their only made for that job, that their nothing more than what they are hired for. I treat them as friends. I knock on Boris' door and see him in a nice outfit, not in his regular suit that he supposed to wear.

(^Boris' Outfit^)

I smiled once my eyes met his face. He didn't have the strong, serious and protective look on his face while he's 'working'. Instead its replaced with a warm, calm, and sweet expression, a smile with his white teeth shining even through the slightly dim light bulbs hanging from the ceiling in a beautiful fashion. "Hey, you ready to go Ms.Quartz?" he teases me with his smile and slight laugh. "Hardy har har. Very funny Bor, come on. Let's have some fun before we do some work tomorrow." I say and as we walk out of the building towards the bar and club, that's exactly what we do with slight drinking, twerking, laughing and eating amazing food, man the Peninsula is amazing, I feel sky high. 

~~Time Skip To Next Day~~

I wake up and feel the bed empty, even though its comfortable and the beautiful sun shines I my face, I can't enjoy it without Amethyst in my arms. I miss her lips on mine and everything, God I sound like a hopeless romantic! But I can't help that Amethyst is all I have, and I'll do nothing but love her. I get up and order some bagels with nova lox for breakfast with a side of coffee. I go to the bathroom and do my routine, take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, and then walk out. "Room service!" is the first words I here after I walk out of the bathroom and walk towards the door to let the man in as he rolls the mini cart with my tray of food on it, into the room. I give him a tip as he smiles small, thanks me, and walks out. 

I start eating and remember Amethysts speech for Chicago. I set it to record and so I turn on the TV and scroll the recordings list and find the special TV program. I click on it and speed through all the commercials and things I didn't care about until I reached the beginning of Amethysts speech. I glues my eyes to the screen as I eat and watch my love on TV.

~~On The TV~~ 

Amethyst- *pulls out index cards that she wrote on* 

Reporters and Audience- *chuckles and snickers lightly*

Amethyst- *ignores the laughter, begins reading her written script* Hi, my name is Amethyst Waters and-

Reporter 1- *cuts her off* Ms.Quartz is it? Where is the actual owner of Pearl Enterprises? Ya know, Pearl Grant? *other reports and audience laugh at his joke insulting Amethyst*

Amethyst- *feels embarrassed at first, but then gets pissed but keeps her cool in front of the cameras, tosses index cards to her left on the floor gaining everyone's attention, begins to speak* Look, I'll admit I'm obviously not Pearl Grant and a lot of you are wondering who I am. I am Pearl Grant's partner, romantically and through business and we make it work.

Reporter 1- Ms.Quartz, so your saying that your dating Ms.Grant? 

Amethyst- Yes I am and I couldn't be happier with our relationship. Pearl isn't here obviously because Chicago wasn't the only one affected by the bombing. In Washington D.C she is working on rebuilding OUR empire. Two casinos and this club here were massively destroyed so we had to split ways and take care of them both. This was a total shock to the both of us that has happened, but this will not change Pearl Enterprises, but build it up. This is just a minor mile stone that we will get through together. Not only will the clubs and casino get fixed, but so will Chicago. Now I'm not saying that I can make all the crime go away, that takes time, but I can also help. 

Reporter 2: How are you going to lower Chicago's crime rate? Are you aware that its gotten 20% higher from just last week and now has reached 86% of most dangerous cities in the United States? 

Amethyst- Yes I am aware of Chicago's frequent crime rate always rising higher and higher with each week that goes by but I want to help make the crime rate go down at least 40%. 

Reporters and Audience: *gasp* 

Reporter 3: Ms.Quartz, you do know that you are trying to do the impossible correct? 

Amethyst- *smiles* Yes I am. I'm willing to do the impossible because I feel that mothers and fathers of their children shouldn't have to peak outside of their windows and doors before leaving the house for school or work. Or even neglected children that go out and are left vulnerable that are easy targets for gangs to pick them up and then the next day their parents see that the child has died in a shooting accident, and it's their fault that they didn't hug the child enough, or show them any attention. I want to start a foundation called Keep Chicago Streets Safe. KCSS, and I will be donating 10,000$ to that foundation to get it started and help children and adults keep their city safe. I am willing to do the impossible because in the word itself says "I'm possible", and I know I'm possible to achieve me goal within time.

Reporters and Audience- *claps and cheers for Amethyst*

Amethyst- *smiles and thanks everyone for being there*

~~Recording Ended/ Off The TV~~

Wow, I'm absolutely shocked that Amethyst handled that so well, she seemed like a natural! All she needed was someone to start that spark, then all she has to do is keep the flame burning. I can't stop smiling at the TV, even though it's blank because I turned it off, Amethysts words echo in my mind like a poetic sympathy that spoke to the people of Chicago and gave them hope. I look at the clock and I see that it's almost time for me to get ready and do my speech, but I doubt mine will top my love's.

Amethyst P.O.V
I am now at the club and it looks horrible. Everything is pretty much destroyed and it's tearing me apart. The mayor Illinois hired a whole construction crew, plus people from close neighborhoods to help clean and re-model the entire club. We begin working, now! Almost everyone is wearing the brightly yellow colored hats and white and black shirts that say "I Re-Built With Quartz" on everyone's back, even mine.

We start clearing the debris inside and out the building, from broken bottles with centimeters of alcohol left in them, to paintings and art work that are burned and dis-colored, to huge chunks of cement and building that had caved in when the bomb had gone off. Its now been 3 hours and we have finally gotten everything cleaned, now it's time to take down the weak and only part of the building that's left with a wrecking ball, and replace it with a strong, beautiful club that will be better than ever.

"Hey, you stay here and help everyone out, I still have to go visit the people that were hurt." I say to Boris and he nods while taking the lead as I get into the car that we took to get here, and drive off to the hospital. "Hello, I'm Amethyst Quartz and I'm here to see the individuals that got injured in the bombing of the Club off of 37th and Main?" I ask and he looks up and smiles at me. "Here is a list of the rooms that they are in, have a pleasant day Ms. Quartz." He says to me and I smile back at him and walk to the first rooms that are on the same floor.

I see the mountains of equipment hooked up to each of these four patients, and I almost want to cry. I walk over to one of them and they open their eyes to reveal a beautiful brown from a pretty lady, even though she had stitches and bandages covering her body, with a cast or two. "Hey, aren't you that woman on TV? Uh, Amethyst was it?" She asks and I nod my head 'yes'. "Yeah that's me, how are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Like shit." She says and we both laugh. "Your funny even when your banged up." I say and she shrugs. "I have to be, to keep this smile on my face. For me not to remember.....the...." She started saying until she teared up and few spilled out, I wiped her tears with my cheeks. "What position did you work?" I ask. "I was a bartender and a striper." She says and I was confused. "Wait, why were you both and how did you manage to do that?" I ask her. "In the mornings from 8am to 3pm, I'm a bartender until my friend in the last bed Mo'Nique would take over. And then from 5pm to midnight I'd be a striper. They both pay me good money and I needed them both because we don't have a lot of either ever since the rat problem." She said.

"What rat problem?" I asked. "A few weeks ago we suddenly had an out break of rats that just suddenly came in and came out, it was dozens of them, coming from the vents and stuff, people ran out, some of the employees too, and they never came back. That building has some problems like AC not working when needed, old poles, weak tables, even sometimes expired alcohol and dull private rooms too. But I have filled complaints but nothing happened. It stayed the same so I did too. I have two kids that I have to take care of, they stay in the closet while I'm at work because our neighborhood is cheap but very dangerous since mostly elders live in it. Chicago has it's problems, and I hope that you can solve em' because if not, Chicago will either fall, or it's crime will spread everywhere, both options are bad." She said to me and I listened to every word, and that really opened my eyes.

I walked to the front desk and paid half of everyone's medical bills, including Rachel's. It's the least that I can do because most of them need surgery and other things that cost lots of money that I have, but I can't spend it all on. I walk out the building and get back in the car and head to the club and see everyone gone. I was confused at first but I see that it's 7:09pm. They have been working so hard and we got a lot done, I'm proud of them, I really am and it's starting to look better. What other people would call lazy at this point, I'd call progress because I was able to bring people together to help re-build a part of their city, hear the problems of Chicago and figure out a way to help, and even give money to help pay people's medical bills and start a foundation to keep parents and kids safe from the dangerous streets of Chicago, I deserve a nice pat on the back along with a martini. 


I want to start off by saying thank you for reading this note! It means a lot to me😊 Ok, so the stuff I said about Chicago about the crime rates, and the address of the Club and all that stuff isn't true, I made that up, don't think it's real because it's not. Now I have heard internet sources say that Chicago is dangerous but to be honest I just randomly picked both D.C and Chicago for this book just because. I'm not saying that Chicago is a bad place or that their clubs and shit aren't good and they have multiple problems because I added that for the sake of the story. DON'T GANG UP ON ME PLEASE, I'M JUST A SEMI TALL BEAN😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Anywho, I'm also sorry that I'm slowly SLOWLY updating this book and Forbidden Love, but that's because this summer I've just been lazy asf and I have to get back on track with my life and school and updating and balancing it all is hard, if your an author you understand and if your aren't, I still hope you do because it's hard out here for ya little brown girl😭😭😂😂 Anyways, please be patient, I don't have many ideas for Forbidden Love, hell I may end the book because of it, but I don't know, I'll try my hardest. I love you all, gay kisses from me to you always!❤❤💋💋💖💖💓💓👑👑✨✨

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