The Sidekick Club

By TheUncannyCannibal

3.2K 209 379

What do you do when your powers suck? Ethan Wright doesn't have super strength. He can't fly. Hell, he can ba... More



143 8 26
By TheUncannyCannibal

Samantha Porter sat on her bed with her head in her hands. Beside her lay a discarded cell phone with one text sent out via group chat.

Club meeting. 6:00pm.

She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. She could feel herself drowning in guilt. Her throat was closing up, and she felt as though she would lose the ability to breathe at any moment.

Why had she left him?

Why wasn't she there?

She couldn't help but think it was her fault Edison went missing. She had failed in her duty as a sidekick. The horrible thought suddenly struck her that without Edison, she wasn't even a sidekick. She was nothing.

Samantha ran her fingers through her ash blonde hair and took a deep breath. She glanced around her room until she saw her laptop.

She decided right then and there that if her hero was missing, she was going to be the one to find him.

She started with the news article, followed by the statement from the police. After that, she went onto YouTube and searched for videos of Edison's disappearance. When she found nothing but old uploads, she growled in frustration and logged on to her social media. Searching for hashtags of Edison and disappearance, Samantha shuffled through random profiles and pictures, but found nothing of use.

Samantha slapped her laptop shut and buried her fingers in her hair. After a few moments of holding in tears, she flushed out her frustration with a sigh.

Sam opened her laptop again and looked at the time. It read 5:30pm, which meant it was time for her to go. She wasn't sure if she could bare to face the other sidekicks after her epic failure, but she knew there was a chance they'd be able to help. And at the very least, she could warn them to be careful.

Knowing that if she stalled any longer she'd end up late for her own meeting, Samantha set aside her laptop and stood. She grabbed the backpack that held her super suit waiting by her bedroom door before walking out and into the hallway.

Her mother was at work, so she didn't even bother being discreet as she trudged down the stairs and locked up the front door.

Despite knowing it was useless, Samantha kept her eyes peeled for Edison as she walked down the street. She was half hoping that he would turn up with some crazy story about how he'd been teleported halfway around the world and was just now getting back.

Samantha stopped in her tracks. Teleported. Maybe that's how everyone had gotten out of the bank undetected.

But who did she know that had the power of teleportation?

The only person she could think of off the top of her head was Snap, but she was one of the original heroes, and had been killed by villain Hydro a few years ago.

The reminder that heroes had been killed by villains before was not a good feeling for her at the moment. She took deep breaths as she continued walking.

After finding a sketchy deserted place to change into her suit, Samantha walked the remaining short distance to the meeting place.

There were already a few sidekicks there, and for obvious reasons, she knew she couldn't expect all of them to show. Checking the time, she decided to start the meeting.

"Hello, everyone," she said in surprisingly steady voice. "I am sure you have already heard the news."

A few people shot her sympathetic looks, which she wasn't sure she deserved. Still, it made a bit of moisture pool in her eyes. She blinked it away and continued in a less steady voice.

"Edison and the others in the bank were taken by an unknown source. I left my hero alone and now he's gone."

She felt her throat starting to close up, and just when she felt like she was going to break down, Mr. Dependable appeared beside her.

"It's not your fault, Hush," he told her as he pulled her into a much needed hug. "You didn't know."

Samantha relished in the brief moment of comfort Mr. Dependable gave her. He truly was in the right place at the right time.

"I still shouldn't have left him," she argued as he rubbed small, soothing circles on her back.

"You can't be with your hero all the time, Hush. Everyone in this room knows that. I'm sure whatever reason you had for leaving him was a good one. And you have to remember, it was his choice to go into the bank at all. He wasn't forced. This is in no way your fault, Hush."

"But if I was there-"

"Then you'd probably be missing as well," Mr. Dependable told her. "Isn't it better to only have one missing super than two?"

Samantha nodded into his shoulder and took a deep breath. He was right. She would be doing no good if she was gone as well. At least here she could try to help.

"I know some of the heroes are already helping out in the investigation, Talon included. It won't be long before we find him now. You don't need to worry," Mr. Dependable told her as she gained the courage to step away from him.

Hush nodded and looked at the other sidekicks. "If there's anything you guys find out, could you please let me know?"

Everyone nodded their heads and smiled encouragingly at her.


"Of course."

"We'll find him."

Samantha nodded and felt a bit better at this news. Feeling the need for a nap and a Netflix marathon, she turned to face them all.

"Meeting dismissed. Be careful out there. All of you."



Hey guys! Author here!

I just wanted to know...

Who is your favorite couple?

Who do you ship?

Who is your favorite character?

Thanks for reading! Stay classy!


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