Winter [Harry Styles]

By horantwix

694K 23.1K 5.4K

I didn't think it was possible to be so fascinated by one person, but I was. And I couldn't do anything about... More

Winter [Harry Styles]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-Eight

14.4K 593 145
By horantwix

It was here.

Prom was here.

And to be honest, I was really fucking nervous.

It took three hours to get ready. And that was only because my mother decided to drag out everything. She made me try on the dress to see if it still fit- it did -and then I had to take it off again.

"What, why?" I asked. My mother looked at me, "Well I have to do your hair and makeup."

"You have to? I thought I was doing it.."

"Just get in the chair."

After twenty more minutes, I finally got in the chair. I wondered if other girls at school had their mother do their makeup and hair. Probably not.

"Okay all done."

Well, okay. After I got over the shock of having eyeliner on me, I got back in the chair.

"I think I'll straighten it and then curl it at the end." She began messing with my hair, burning me twice with the straighten and once with the curling iron. It wasn't fun.

"Okay! You can get in your dress now."

I got up and grabbed the dress, heading to the bathroom. I put it on again, adjusting it at the top. I looked in the mirror, my eyes wide.

I looked like a girl. Like an actual girl. My hair and makeup was nice and the dress- dare I say it -made my top half look decent.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head up. Stupid Harry, and his stupid way of asking me and actually making me want to go.

My mother knocked on the door, "Hey sweets, come on. Harry will be here in a few minutes."

I opened the door, almost knocking my mother out. "Oops, sorry."

She waved me off and handed me high heels. I took them reluctantly and slipped them on. We had went shoe shopping and these were the only tolerable pair I could find.

"Oh, you look so beautiful! John, come in here for a second!" My mother gushed when I stood up straight.

My dad came in and smiled at me, "Oh, wow. Honey, you look great."

I muttered out a thank you and looked down. It felt weird being in a dress and heels. But it was kind of a good different.

The doorbell rang and my mother clapped her hands, "Oh! Harry's here."

She rushed to the living room while I stayed with my dad. He handed me a plastic bag and I raised an eyebrow.

"Here's some shoes in case your other ones get uncomfortable," he explained. I dropped the bag and hugged him, "Oh my God, thank you."

He laughed and let go of me, "Harry better treat you with respect tonight. I happen to like that boy."

I nodded and we walked to the living room. The first person I saw was Anne. She was standing in front of Harry, fixing his tie. Harry saw me and pulled her hands away, smiling at me.

He made his way over to me, hugging me when we met.

"Hey, you look absolutely stunning." I blushed at his words, ducking my head.

"I think we should take pictures," Anne told my mother. She agreed and so we began the picture taking process.

"I don't think I ever want to do that again," Harry whispered to me as we left. I sighed and nodded, "Yeah, that took forever. They must have taken about twenty pictures."

Harry opened the car door for me and I got in, watching him walk to his side. He looked really good. His hair actually looked tamed for once, and I wasn't quite sure if I liked it or not.

"So I, uh, have this for you." He opened the console and took a box out, opening it.

"A corsage?"

"Yeah. I, uh, ordered it a few days ago and it matches your dress so.. yeah."

I stuck my arm out and he carefully put it on my wrist. He grabbed my fingers and pulled me towards him, kissing me.

"Okay." I laughed, "Let's go, we'll be late."

He started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "What's that?" Harry asked, noticing the plastic bag.

"Oh, just some shoes in case my feet get tired." I played with the earrings on my ears. They were small and black, and they actually went with the dress.

"Your dress is really pretty," Harry said, looking at me. "You look great."

My cheeks flushed and I stuttered out a thank you. Harry laughed as we pulled up to the venue. The school decided to have prom at a country club. I'm glad they decided not to have it outside, it was getting a little chilly.

Harry pulled the door open for me and took his hand, getting out. We went in and I almost groaned. Almost every dress was the same. But I was surprised to see that they were all different colors. I'm sure I was the only one wearing a dress that was partly black.

"You want to dance?" Harry asked me after we stood in the corner for a few minutes. I shook my head and he pouted. "Why not?"

"I'm not a good dancer."

"Oh, come on. You can just sway if you want," he convinced me. So we 'swayed' I guess. And then a slow song came on. Harry's hands rested on my waist and I awkwardly put my arms around his neck.

"Don't be so tense, Ella." He laughed. "It's just me."

I relaxed and put my head on his shoulder, "Thanks for asking me."

I felt him press a kiss to my hairline, "Thank you for saying yes."

"Okay, lets not get all cheesy here." He laughed almost nervously and I looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He shrugged and cleared his throat.

"Do you think this would be an inappropriate time to tell you that I love you?"


I am not at all ashamed to say that I listened to every high school musical song while writing this. I just had to because you know, it's high school musical. I'm sorry for this chapter if you didn't like it but harry said he loved her oh ym g od he needs to date me. And ahem, over 2k votes yeah you guys rock.

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