Homeless, Not Hopeless (JiKoo...

Da Arikashikari32

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Jungkook's family runs a soup kitchen for homeless Hybrids. Usually Jungkook is satisfied with knowing that... Altro



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Da Arikashikari32

Jimin came back from his shower in the black hoodie Jungkook bought him and a pair of sweatpants.

Jungkook had laid down by now, tucked under Jimin's blanket and in that kind of space where he felt like he was dreaming, yet he was still slightly awake.

Jimin didn't notice his eyes barely slitted open and he sat down next to his friend before he pulled the chain that turned off Jungkook's lamp.

Jimin slowly slid into bed and Jungkook almost immediately wrapped himself around the Hybrid.

"Goodnight, Jimin-hyung."

The older blushed and grabbed onto Kook's fingers, "Night Kookie. Love you."


Jimin was making breakfast before anyone got out of bed the next morning.

Jungkook found him and helped him finish up before they took Jungkook's parents breakfast in bed.

They all talked for a while, about Junho, then the boys went back to Jungkook's room.

Neither of them were very hungry after hearing that Jungkook's uncle had been arrested for rape charges and that they all had to testify.

Jimin didn't want to remember the incident, and Jungkook didn't want Jimin to be in a court room of people whom he had to tell that he was no longer a virgin.

They'd talked about that kind of stuff before. Who could spend six whole months with someone and not have one sex conversation?

But it didn't get very detailed. They just told one another they were virgins and that Jungkook had his unofficial first kiss in second grade.

Jimin stayed curled up against Jungkook's chest, purring as the younger scratched behind his ears.

Kook thought Jimin's purr sounded nice. It wasn't annoying or too loud.

"Kookie," Jimin threw his arm over the taller's waist, "Aren't you getting bored? I'm sure we've been here for an hour."

"No, I'm fine," Jungkook smiled to himself, "Perfectly fine."

"Don't you mean-"

"No, no cat puns. I mean, you're fifty-percent cat, but...no puns."

"Aw, c'mon. I think I'm allotted the oldest one in the book," Jimin giggled, lightly clawing at Jungkook's back.

"No," Kook chuckled, pulling his Hybrid closer, "No one is allowed puns. Puns ruin humanity. People think it's all pun and games and then someone loses an eye."

"Hey, hypocrite. That was a pun," Jimin pouted.

"I know, pretty sneaky, right?" Jungkook grinned to himself.

"Yeah, but it wasn't punny at all."



"I liked it. Made me happy and giggly," Jungkook chuckled. "Or maybe it was you, who knows?"

Jimin blushed at that and lightly stuck his nails in Jungkook's back.

The younger pulled away, getting Jimin's hand off his back.

The older took the opportunity to get up, "I left my collar on the sink."

"Come back when you get it," Jungkook called to him, "Bring your brush too, I'll brush your tail."

Jimin blushed and hugged himself as he mumbled an okay.


"They've been in that room all day," Mrs. Jeon whispered to her husband.

"Honey, Jimin was just raped. He probably just wants to be comfort-"

"We can afford a therapist. He doesn't have to trap our son in there with him."

"Are you....hearing yourself right now? You do realize that Jungkook's the one who won't let Jimin leave his sight, don't you? If anything, I bet Jimin just wants to be alone."

Mrs. Jeon looked to her feet and nodded. "Things are just so different without them at the kitchen. It's too quiet. There's no one to greet everyone and talk to them. I'm busy cooking and Moonbyul can't stay pass three-"

She sighed and let herself relax in her husband's arms as he engulfed her in a hug.

"They'll be okay, Mahi. Just let them work things out the way they need to. Jimin's hurting and so is Jungkook. You know how he is. The guilt's probably eating him alive."

"He didn't do anything wrong."

"If he won't listen when Jimin tells him, what makes you think he'll listen when we do?"


A week passed like nothing ever happened. Everything went back to normal.

Jimin went to work, Jungkook and his mother ran the soup kitchen, and Jungkook's father went back to the clinic.

Since Jimin had confessed, he and Jungkook had been a bit more touchy. Nothing too bad, but cuddling was almost guaranteed at night.

"Have fun today," Jimin smiled up at Jungkook as the younger latched his Hybird's collar around Ji's neck.

"I will," Jungkook smiled softly, his hands sliding over to Jimin's shoulders, "Stay safe. Be good. No parties."

Jimin giggled and blushed once Mrs. Jeon entered the front hall.

"Jimin-ah," she said, pulling on a light jacket, "I made you some tuna sandwiches for breakfast. There's snacks in the kitchen, eat to your heart's content."

"Thank you Mrs. Jeon," Jimin bowed to her, smiling when he felt Jungkook's hand on his back.

"No problem sweetie. I also left a recipe for black bean casserole on the counter. Could you start making it around noon? It'd be a big help."

"Of course," Jimin nodded.

"Alright, let's get going Jungkook. I need you to mop the floor, since I didn't have time last night."

"Alright, Eomma," Jungkook turned Jimin to face him and smiled once more, "Stay safe. I mean it."

"I'll be fine. I'm gonna stay right here all day. I promise."

"Thank you," Jungkook pouted, ruffling the smaller's hair.


"Hyung, this casserole is amazing," Jungkook grinned as he shoveled another three forkfuls into his mouth.

The Hybrid blushed and ducked his head, "Thank you, Kookie."

Mr. Jeon let out a chuckle, turning to his wife who was staring at their son. He let his gaze follow his wife's and he couldn't help but notice how goofy Jungkook's smile looked.

"Taemin," Mahi reached over and grabbed her husband's hand.

Their eyes met and they gave one another a nod.


Jimin was able to move back to his room that night, since he told Jungkook he'd be okay and made it a promise.

Yet, at one in the morning, he couldn't lay still.

He was burning up and he missed Jungkook's arms around him so much.

He was mewling to himself quietly, rubbing his face into his pillow. It felt good to nuzzle something.

After another fifteen minutes, he started to want friction in other places. Along his arms, on his stomach, in his hair, and finally that specific area below the belt.

He let his fingers sweep over the tent in his pants and his eyes fell shut as he let out a mewl.

It only got hotter the longer he laid under his blanket, so he threw it to the side and clutched one of the extra pillows to his chest.

He'd never felt this hot in his life, not even when he went to the beach with his old family. Not even when he presented as an Omega.

''Maybe...maybe just," Jimin mumbled as he sat up, mewling as his pinky swept over his bulge.

He let out a moan, then quickly covered his mouth. He couldn't tell if he was blushing or just hot.

The Hybrid managed to get his nightstand drawer open, having to pause and let the urge to moan pass by a few times.

He pulled out a small toy, one he'd went with Mrs. Jeon and purchased (because going with Jungkook would have warranted mental suicide).

Jimin took a deep breath then laid on his back.

He'd never touched himself before, but he knew it was part of his Omega life.

He had his first heat when he was fourteen, but he didn't know what it meant and he simply sat in a tub of cold water for two days.

He never had someone who's touch he desired, either. There's was no reason for him to touch himself.

That was until Jungkook.

Jimin was almost positive that Jungkook was bigger than his toy. The nights he spent in Jungkook's arms had him pressed against the younger.

But it would do, he was sure. Since gaining access to the internet, Jimin researched some things on his breed and Omega nature.


Jungkook woke up slowly, trying to figure out what was making that quiet, high-pitched noise that he heard every few seconds.

He hadn't set an alarm. He just thought he'd stay home with Jimin today.

No way someone was baking at this hour. It couldn't be the oven.

Maybe his dad was in the shower. The shower head in his parents' room makes a squealing noise sometimes.


The noise quickly turned to a voice and Jungkook furrowed his brow.

Sounded like Jimin.


...His dad wouldn't.

No way.

How does...how would he even handle the situation if his dad was touching Jimin?

Would he have the guts to punch his own father?

What about his mom? How would she react?

Jungkook rolled to his side, facing his door, and stared into the darkness.

The noises had stopped. Everything was quiet, completely. Jungkook couldn't even hear the air conditioner running or crickets outside.

A few minutes later, Jungkook's door opened.

He was confused at first and then a low whine met his ears.


Jungkook sat up as Jimin moved closer, only to have the older clamber on top of him, almost kneeing him in the groin, and push him back down.

"Jungkookie," Jimin purred, rutting his crotch against the younger's hip.


"I'm sorry, I," the older stopped everything, his body tensing up and shaking.

Jungkook let his hands find Jimin's shoulders and he lightly rubbed his fingers into the fabric of Jimin's shirt.

All of the sudden, Jimin groaned and buried his nose in Jungkook's neck, "I'm sorry."

"Hyung, what's wrong? Are you okay? You're covered in sweat."

Jimin let out a mewl then a whine as he started rutting his hips again, "Jungkookie, I want you."

"Wh-What? Hyung!"

"It's my heat, Jungkook. I'm sorry, but I can't stop it. I don't want to stop it," Jimin panted out, a high whine leaving his throat.

"Jimin-hyung. I...I don't- Your heat? I...I didn't know you were an Omega."

"I am. And I'm sorry," Jimin lifted himself up, reaching down and practically ripping the drawstring from Jungkook's sweatpants.

"Hyung!" Jungkook grabbed Jimin's wrist and the older let out a seductive growl.

"Kookie...please," Jimin whined, "I'm sorry, but I want you and it won't stop."

Jungkook managed to sit up, pulling Jimin's hands to his shoulders, "Hyung, I can't. I...don't have...like, condoms or anything. If you're an Omega you could get pregnant-"

"I know," Jimin purred, lightly dragging his nails across the younger's shoulders, "I don't mind. It's what I'm made for, Jungkookie."

"No," Jungkook brought his shaky hands up to Jimin's hips and he pushed the older to lay down.

Jimin let out a mewl as his head hit the pillows. He immediately turned his head and buried his face in one of them.

"You can stay in my bed, Hyung. I'll sleep downstairs. If you need me, call for me."

"No," Jimin groaned, "I need you to touch me, Kookie."

"Hyung, I can't-"

"Just use your fingers," Jimin cut in, "I don't want to take your virginity. Just use your fingers."

Jungkook felt a thousand times hotter with that statement. His vision got blurry for a second as well.

"Kookie," Jimin panted out, "Please."

The younger male let out a silent sigh, then turned to the door. He stared into the darkness of the hallway, biting his lip as he thought.

This was something intimate. Full on sex or not, Jungkook thought feeling sexual pleasure from someone else was something couples do.

Jimin said he loves him, though.

He...really likes Jimin.

"One second, Hyung," Jungkook whispered, standing up and moving to close the door.

Jimin mewled at the click of the lock.

"Jungkook," the Hybrid groaned, "You smell so good."

Kook blushed and carefully came back to stand beside the bed, beside Jimin's writhing figure.

"Hyung...is it okay for me to turn the lights on?"

"Yeah," Jimin reached out and snaked his hand up the taller's thigh, "Perfectly fine."

With the amount of tension in the room, Jungkook could only think of cat puns as he grabbed Jimin's hand and leaned down to turn his beside lamp on.

Jimin rolled to his stomach, letting out a whine as Jungkook squinted and turned away from the lamp.

"Sorry, Hyung," Jungkook whispered.

The older male lifted his head, showing Jungkook his red cheeks, swollen lips and sweat-matted hair.

"Are...Are you in pain or," Jungkook cautiously sat on the edge of the bed.

Jimin rolled to his back and grabbed the other's hand, placing it on his stomach, "I need your touch, Jungkookie."

"Hyung," Kook croaked out, "I've never done this I...I don't know how."

"Me neither," the Hybrid giggled.

"O-Okay...um," Kook pulled his hands to his face and Jimin whined, "is-is it true th-that Hybrids have self lubrication?"

"Yeah," Jimin bit his lip, "It gets worse when I have your scent, Jungkookie."

"What gets worse?" Jungkook asked, dropping his hands to his lap.

Jimin gripped the younger's wrists and pulled his hands to his hips, "The sticky stuff."

"The sticky stuff, um...okay," Kook closed his eyes for a second, "Okay, um...s-so....I guess you should take your clothes off."

The older slid Jung's hands up to his torso, bringing his shirt with them, "Do you wanna do it?"

Kook gulped and let his eyes fall down Jimin's body. Jimin's stomach was toned, but he didn't have rippling muscles or anything extreme. The small patch of hair below his navel was cute, sort of thin- which Jungkook was jealous of.

"Uh...do you...want me to undress you?"

Jimin giggled then nodded, "Yes Jungkookie."

"O-" The human choked on his next breath and had to regain his composure before he could nod.

Slowly, Jungkook pushed Jimin's shirt up further, the older's hands falling away once Jung had himself slightly under control.

It took a minute, but eventually he was able to pull the other's shirt off. He tucked it nicely under his pillow then brought his hands back to himself.

He tried not to stare at Jimin, but it was almost impossible to not want to look at the honey glow of his elder's skin.

"You can touch, Jungkookie," Jimin whispered, "I want you to touch me."

"Kay," the younger mumbled, reaching out and lightly running his fingers over Jimin's chest.

The Hybrid's senses were in overdrive, but Jimin had always thought that being touched intimately by someone you love would feel as amazing as it had when Jungkook touched him. Now he just had to convince himself that Jungkook wasn't godly.

"Is that....that...okay?" Jungkook asked, unable to look at Ji's face.

"Yeah," Jimin nodded, "But, Jungkookie?"

"Yeah," he started to pull his hand away, afraid he'd done something wrong, but Jimin pulled his palm flat against his chest.

"Would you....Do you wanna.....Could you kiss me and not regret it later?"

Jungkook paused at that, his eyes going wide as his tongue poked the inside of of his cheek, "What?"

"Kiss me," the older simply said.

"Oh...um," Jungkook hesitated before he slowly moved so that his hands were beside Jimin's head.

Jimin stared at him with this look, that was nothing short of lust, as Jungkook fixed his lower body over Jimin's.

"I've never really kissed anyone, but," Jungkook blushed as his hand suddenly and unexpectedly slid across the sheets, causing his body to fall slightly.

"But I know that," Jimin reached up and cupped the taller's cheek.

Jung nodded and Jimin's nostrils flared as he whined. He still looked cute though.

Jungkook giggled as he lowered himself to his elbows. He lightly touched Jimin's cheeks and played with the Hybrid's hair.

When his eyes came down to meet Jimin's, he couldn't hold back his laugh.

Jimin pouted and wrapped his left arm around the younger's neck while his right hand continued stroking Kook's face.

"Sorry, Hyung, I just...your face is really red."

"I'm burning to death," Jimin mumbled.

"You feel normal to me," Jungkook shrugged, holding his fingers against Jimin's cheek.

"Kookie, I...this is sweet and all, but...I might go insane and do something I'll regret. Please kiss me."

Jungkook blushed, the thought of Jimin losing his resolve only slightly arousing.

"Okay," the younger took a deep breath, leaning down and tilting his head slightly.

Jimin closed his eyes, so Jungkook copied him.

When their lips met, Jungkook flinched at how warm and wet it felt. Maybe Jimin was burning to death.

The Hybrid whined against Jungkook's lips and the taller pulled back.

"Did...Did I do something wrong?" Kook asked, trying to catch his breath.

"No," Jimin mewled, "I just need more, Jungkookie..... I'm sorry. It can't be...I'm sorry I stole your first kiss."

"You didn't steal it," Kook shook his head, "We traded," he laughed lightly.

Jimin managed a smile, but it only lasted a second before the lust was back and his senses were begging.

"You...Kookie, will you use your fingers now?"

"Do you want me to? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Jimin let his hands fall to the younger's biceps, "Please."

"Okay...well, I'm....gonna...take your pants off, okay?"

"Okay," Jimin let his arms rest above his head and he let out a groan.

"Ah, Hyung," Jungkook brought his hand to Jimin's mouth as he pushed himself up, "We have to be quiet. Eomma and Appa are asleep."

Jimin nodded in agreement, closing his eyes and lightly rubbing his own chest.

Kook let out a breath of relief then moved over to sit at Jimin's left.

The Hybrid seemed lost in his own world as he rubbed his nipples, not even noticing when Jungkook slid his pants down slightly.

"Can you lift your hips?" Kook asked, blushing since Jimin already had a tent in the crotch of his sleepwear. And a dark, wet circle.

Jimin did as asked, letting himself fall against the bed once his pants were to his knees.

Jungkook pulled them off his feet and carefully placed them at the end of the bed. Then he turned to Jimin, trying his best to keep their eyes locked.

But he honestly wanted to know. How big was Jimin? Was he girthy or long? Was Jimin bigger than he was?

"Kookie," the Hybrid whined, rolling his hips against the mattress slightly.

Jungkook reached out and placed his hands on the older's hips, lightly rubbing his thumbs in circles.


"Hyung," Kook bit his lip and looked to his hands, "I'm scared."

After a couple seconds, Jimin sat up and pressed a kiss to the younger's forehead, "Why are you scared?"

"Wh-Well....I don't know, I guess.. But what if things change, Jimin?"

The Hybrid lifted the human's chin, fighting off a mewl at the contact, "I won't go anywhere."

"No, I mean...like, if... I really like being your friend. I don't wanna lose that. I'm scared things will change. Stuff like this...there's always feelings wrapped up in it."

Jimin nodded, agreeing with the human, "You don't have to-"

"No, I...I wanna help."

Jimin giggled then pressed another kiss to Jungkook's lips, "You're an amazing person, Jungkookie. Maybe that's why I love you."

The younger blushed, pouting when Jimin kissed him again, "Lay back down."

"Yes sir," Jimin smirked and laid back into the pillows.

Jung stared at the older's torso for a few seconds, then gained enough courage to lower his gaze to his elder's crotch.

Jimin was small, almost...well, he was tiny.

"Because I'm Omega," Jimin muttered.


"It's small because I'm an Omega. Not necessary for reproduction."

"Oh...um, that's okay, I mean. I...don't care how....big...you are."

Jimin blushed as he smiled and started rubbing his hands over his chest again.

Jungkook kept rubbing circles into Jimin's hipbones. It seemed to calm the older and Jungkook needed the contact to calm himself.

After a lot of staring, drinking in the Hybrid's body features, Jung grabbed a pillow and placed it in front of his knees.

He's an Omega, act like an Alpha, he told himself.

Seconds later, Jimin was mewling as Kook grabbed his hips and pulled him so that his butt was propped up by the pillow.

Kook blushed at the sound, hearing it echo and knowing it was loud.

"Jungkookie," the Hybrid spread his legs, lifting them up until he was almost folded in half like a lawn chair.

Jung looked away for a second, not really prepared to see....what he would refer to later as, the essence of Jimin.

When he managed to psych himself up, he reached out and let his hands smooth over Jimin's butt.

The first thing he noticed was that Jimin had noticeably less hair than any male he'd met before.

"Hyung, do you shave down here?"

"No," Jimin blushed, "Should I? Does it look bad?"

"No, not at all. I just...I just have a lot of hair is all, so....I was wondering. Some people shave and others don't. I was just curious."

"Oh," Jimin breathed out, "Maybe it's because I'm Omega?"

"Maybe," Jungkook smiled, "Or you could just be lucky."

"Don't smile at me like that!" Jimin pouted, "Makes me feel dirty."

Jungkook laughed lightly, completely giving up on staying quiet at this point, "Well...do you...want me to...go ahead or are you not...like, ready?"

"Yeah, please," the Hybrid slowly lowered his hands to the sheets, "Just go slow, okay?"

"Okay," Jungkook nodded, "Tell me if it doesn't feel right, okay?"

Jimin nodded, closing his eyes and letting his head fall to the side.

Kook slowly moved his hand over, then let his index finger touch Jimin's rim. He pushed slightly, but the muscle wouldn't give way.

He was confused at first, since Jimin was seriously wet, but then he blushed once he remembered what Taehyung told him.

Joon hyung said gay sex was really difficult....Apparently a guy's butt gets tighter than a girl's pussy.

God bless and God damn Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook pushed his finger against Jimin's entrance with a bit more force. A couple seconds of persistence earned him a quiet mew from Jimin as his fingertip slipped in.

"That okay?" Kook asked, biting his lip.

"Yeah," Jimin breathed out.

Jungkook gulped before he repositioned himself on his knees and pushed his finger farther in.

Once his index was in up to his knuckle, he paused, "Hyung?"


"H-H...um. How do I stretch you with just one finger?"

Jimin giggled, his walls tightened around Kook's finger, "I don't know. Maybe, like...put another one in?"

"Oh...okay. Won't that hurt?"

"Maybe?" Jimin giggled.

"Want me to try?"

"Yeah, I'll let you know if it hurts."

Kook took a deep breath, fighting away his blush as he pulled his hand back and lined his middle finger up beside his index.

Jimin could feel the younger's fingers at his entrance, which made him nervous. What if it did hurt? What if he couldn't take it?

"Kookie, wait," Jimin huffed out, his right hand falling down to rest against his thigh, "Hold my hand."

Jungkook nodded, his left hand tangling with Jimin's, then he bit his lip and prayed as he pushed his fingers forward.

Surprisingly, Jimin had little resistance to the younger's fingers. They slid in easily, with little fiction against the older's walls.

"Hyung...it feels like you're already stretched. Did you do this yourself?"

Jimin nodded, "Yeah, I...I bought a toy. I used it before I came to you."

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and his shoulders relaxed, "Hyung, it won't hurt. Not this time. You could've told me that. I was so worried I'd hurt you."

"Oh...I....I guess that makes sense," Jimin nodded, "So...could you...put another one in?"

Jungkook smiled to himself and nodded, letting his ring finger slide in next to the others.

He kept a steady pace, letting Jimin get used to the feeling.

After about five minutes of this, Jimin gasped, his right hand pulling the sheets to his face.

"What?" Kook looked up with worry spread over his features. He stopped when Jimin said nothing and the Hybrid growled.

"No, don't stop!" Jimin whined, moving his hips slightly, "Felt so good. Do that again."

"Do what?"

"I don't know you, like, poked something. It felt so good, Jungkookie, please."

"O-Okay," Jungkook pushed his fingers back in and Jimin shook his head.

"Up, like, to-towards my penis," Jimin blushed and hid his face behind the sheets.

"Oh," Kook dropped his eyes to Jimin's member and found a puddle of precum decorating the Hybrid's abdomen.

He pushed his fingertips up inside the Hybrid and Jimin mewled as his body tensed. So Kook repeated the action until Jimin was moaning, then he went back to thrusting his fingers in and out.

"Kookie, no. I was gonna cum. I was so close. Please."

Jungkook stopped everything for a second, getting into a position where he could lay over Jimin without hindering his hand's movements.

"Kookie, it felt good. It felt so good," Jimin's arms snaked around the younger's shoulders.

"Can I kiss you again?" Kook asked.

"Yeah," Jimin nodded.

The taller licked his lips then closed his eyes as he leaned down.

They pressed their lips together and held their breath, both too scared and too inexperienced to move their lips.

Jimin was the first to slowly open his mouth and pull Jungkook's bottom lip between his own.

A minute or so later, they'd found the rhythm of one another. (Jungkook was proud he hadn't passed out.)

The two eventually got the noise they heard in movies. It took Jungkook experimentally sucking against Jimin's top lip.

When they were comfortable, Jungkook started moving his fingers again, causing Jimin to gasp.

Kook pulled away from the kiss at that, staring at Jimin's teary eyes.

"I'm gonna cum," he announced, "Kookie, please."

"I won't stop," the younger shook his head.

"Oh, God," Jimin choked out, pulling Jungkook down and nuzzling against his cheek, "I love you, Jungkook," he whispered.

Kook pressed a kiss to Jimin's shoulder and the older threw his head back.

Jungkook decided to curl his fingers, since he'd always heard that felt good for some people, and when he did, Jimin groaned.

"Hyung," Kook whispered.

"I'm gonna cum, Jungkookie. Feels so good. You're hitting that spot again."

"Yeah?" Kook turned his head and kissed the older's cheek, then the corner of his lips.

Seconds later, Jimin threw his head back and moaned, prompting Jungkook to stop his actions.

The older was panting heavily, his hands clenched in Jungkook's shirt.

Kook slowly pulled his fingers out of the Hybrid, blushing at the squelching sound.

"Oh...my God," Jimin breathed out, giggling a bit afterward and resting his hands on his forehead.

Jungkook smiled lightly at the other, moving back just a bit. He laid on his side, next to Jimin, and wiped his fingers off on his shirt.

"Do you feel better, Hyung?"

"Yeah, lots," Jimin giggled, rolling to his side. He reached down and pulled the pillow from under his hips, then draped his arm over the human's side, "What about you?"

"What about me?" Kook furrowed his brow.

"How do you feel? Do you regret it?"

Jungkook thought for a few seconds, waiting for anything other than embarrassment to overcome him, "No. Do you?"

Jimin paused, then brought his hand up to the other's cheek, "Not at all."

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