Cupid's Contract

By EllieKeatingAuthor

161K 11.8K 1.3K

Eve has accidentally entered into a love contract with Cupid. She has to find her soulmate, or be his slave f... More

When Adam Dumped Eve...
To Grandmother's House We Go...
Under The Influence...
Keep Calm and Consort...
Blinding Headaches & Binding Agreements...
Flowers Are A Girl's Best Friend...
Terms & Conditions Apply...
Let Them Eat Cake...
To Pee or Not To Pee
Soul (Cycle) Mates
Nickelodeon's Nipple
Burn Baby, Burn
Dido Can Keep Her White Flag
Augustus Gloop
Nice To Meeting You
BLTs and Bitterness
A Compass and a KISS
A Life of Crime
The Little Mermaid
When Eve Stalked Adam
Little Red Riding Hood
Bingo Spinsters
Chinese Burn
Gingham Giggles
Jack and The Giant Peach
Snakes and Corporate Ladders
M&M Dimples
Don't Step On My New Suede Shoes
Sleepover Kit
Eve Stands Up...
Barbara Gets Stood Up
The Consort's Confidant
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Rodeo Queen
A Full Recovery
Petal Pusher
Paging Dr. Muscles
Made of Honour
Travel Restrictions and Rashes
Step One
Summer Dresses and Work Stresses
Aloe Vera
Toilet Tirade
Dolphin Dimples
Command Central
PDA is Prohibited
Walkie Talkie Time
It's French
Culottes and Deep Thoughts
A Woman's Touch
Secret Juggler and Rum Punch
Jungle Cats
The Bet Backfires
Blood Is Thicker Than Slaughter
The Splash Zone
Tina Fey over Beyonce
The Chill of Rejection
All Just A Misunderstanding?
A Change of Plan
Like Riding A Bike
Fire Hazard
Bargain Booze
The Only One
Fur Ball
Burton of Responsibility
H-two-oh damn!
Chapter 69: Damn You Fine
Route of Escape
No Thanks for the Wicked
Wing Failure
The Business of Love
Porcelain Throne of Lies
Don't Drink and Delegate
Wrap It Up
The End, I Guess

Double Trouble

1.4K 137 7
By EllieKeatingAuthor

Sitting in her cubicle, waiting to hear back from Veronica, was one of the longest ten minutes of her life. Passing the time rearranging her collection of pens and making new folders in her inbox did very little for her anxiety levels, though it did earn her multiple curious glances from Daniel.

"Are you alright, Eve? You're making more noise than Polly used to."

It was true. Now that Polly was gone, the office was oddly silent. It made for a productive atmosphere, unless of course one had no intention of being productive, in which case it was very easy to create enough noise to distract both yourself and your colleague.

"Fine, fine. I've just realised how much dust is in between the keys on my computer..." She picked it up and gave it a hardy shake before blowing aggressively into the gaps.

"I don't think you're supposed to do that. Something about spit and electric circuits."

Eve scrunched her nose in disgust. "I'm not spitting, Danny boy, I'm blowing."

"Yes but where are you blowing the dirt too, anyway? Deeper into it, isn't it? We'd be better off taking it apart altogether. I have a mini screwdriver in my bag, if you'd like." He was already reaching for his knapsack, and Eve genuinely considered doing some casual handyman activity at work.

But she wasn't that desperate.


"Let's put that on the firm maybe list, I think. Have you had a chance to make a post about the vacancy in our department? As nice as it is having that corner for your after-lunch yoga session..." To be honest, she hadn't felt the need to replace Polly in a hurry, until she had walked in on Andrew mid-downward dog, and then it had become a top priority.

"Er, here's the thing. What about an interdepartmental transfer? You know, like someone from Marketing or Hospitality? Should they be given first shot at interviewing, yeah?" He looked sketchy but Eve was possibly imagining it, as she hadn't been able to take him seriously since she had become too well acquainted with his bottom and astounding flexibility.

"Naturally, if there is someone suited in House we would consider them, but it isn't a done deal. They'd have to be qualified."

Daniel looked relieved. "Oh, because I-"

"Fancy clocking out half an hour early? I could do with a drink..."

But before he could finish Veronica was at the door and offering Eve a gin and tonic. It was a bit of a no brainer.

"Whatever you think, Daniel. I trust you, I need to handle this, though. Immediately. We'll chat about it tomorrow, and you can show me who you have so far."

As far as Eve was concerned, the day was done and it was time to gossip with her best friend and squeal about Luke over a drink. She had earned that much, at least. She grabbed her purse and looped an arm through Ron's, and off they went.

Veronica, however, refused to answer any of her questions until they were seated at an outdoor table at their favourite after-work bar. Two cold and crisp G'n'T's between them, Veronica sat primly on a wooden chair and Eve, forgoing the matching chair, got comfortable on the wide bench. Once settled, her drink tasted, Eve leaned forward and began to demand information.

"Well? What happened? What did he say?" She was leaning forward, so eager that she nearly knocked over her drink.

Veronica was in no hurry, however. She was rooting through her sleepover kit once again, though this time she triumphantly produced a berry lip balm. "I picked this up for you, by the way, the other day. I saw it and just couldn't resist. Here!" She thrust it at Eve, who was wearing much less makeup than her friend. To be fair, what little she had put on that morning had melted off during the dramatics of her day.

"Thanks? I'll try it later." She put it down and reached for her drink. "Now, spill already! I'm dying here!"

Veronica reached for the makeup again. "Your lips look dreadfully chapped actually, try it now! Go on! Then we can talk about Luke." She pushed it towards Eve again.

Sighing dramatically, Eve gave in and applied the lip balm. "Oooh, its quite nice actually. Smells lovely. How does it look?" She puckered her lips at her friend.

"Looks perfect. Really brightens your eyes. Oh look, here they are now!" Veronica smiled brightly and waved at someone over Eve's shoulder.

Eve turned around and, as she noted her old crush smiling brightly and making his way towards her, cringed. "What's Luke doing here?" She fervently whispered, while forcing a smile on her face.

"Oh, did I not mention we were meeting him here for a drink? Silly me."

Eve was no longer interested in Luke but that didn't mean she wanted to supervise his dates. "Oh, I am leaving. This is weird and I am not chaperoning. You've got some odd kinks, Ms Keating." She started to stand up, more than ready to abandon her refreshing drink if it meant not playing third wheel.

But Veronica stopped her with her own fierce whisper. "You won't be a third wheel. This is a double date."

Eve's jaw dropped. "Pardon me? I don't think so!"

Veronica grabbed at her arm as she tried to move away. "Please please please! You can't leave now, it'll be so weird! Plus you owe me for giving away my number!"

"That was a favour, you mug! This is being held hostage!"

But it was too late to run, for standing in front of her was Lovely Luke and the last man she had ever expected to see.


Who do we think it is, huh?

I'm hoping no one guesses right, but I've figured out some of you are a little too clever for your own good...

Double Update Sunday, with chapter Double Trouble! Seemed fitting! 

Love love love.

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