Homeless, Not Hopeless (JiKoo...

By Arikashikari32

131K 8.1K 5.3K

Jungkook's family runs a soup kitchen for homeless Hybrids. Usually Jungkook is satisfied with knowing that... More



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By Arikashikari32

Jimin came back the next day, but Jungkook was still at school when he came in.

Another human was at the counter and he didn't recognize the girl.

Jimin simply sat in his usual spot at the counter, avoiding eye contact with the girl.

Eventually, she went into the kitchen and then Jungkook's mom came out and they greeted one another.

"How are you? Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"I'm fine. I slept okay," he nodded.

"Are you hungry? I can get you a bowl of chili. How's that sound?"

"I'd love to try some," Jimin smiled and nodded, his feet swaying in the air.

"Okay, I'll be right back. Jungkook should be here within the hour as well."

"Okay," Jimin smiled, "Thank you, Mrs. Jeon."

"You're welcome sweetie-pie," she smiled.

Jimin blushed at the endearment. He'd noticed she said things like that all the time to anyone and everyone, but to him it felt like a praise.

"Hey, Kwangso!" A familiar voice drew Jimin's attention towards the front of the room.

Jungkook had just come in and was walking around the tables greeting everyone.

Maybe he did know everyone, Jimin thought. He did the same thing with the people who came for lunch on the weekends. Jimin noticed it during his first visit to the soup kitchen.

When Jungkook made it to the counter, he smiled at Jimin before taking a seat beside him, "Nice to see you back so soon."

"Oh, um....yeah," Jimin dropped his head and blushed, "I...I thought I could help again."

Jungkook chuckled and got up, "I'm gonna go and drop my stuff in the office. I'll be right back. Could you watch this for me?" Jungkook pulled his cellphone out and laid it in front of Jimin.

The Hybrid was going to protest, but Jungkook was already disappearing into the kitchen.

He pouted to himself, flicking his tail lightly, and laid his palm over the device.

The screen was smooth and undamaged. Jimin's first thought was that Jungkook takes good care of his stuff. Which he realized was true when he caught sight of Jung's Iron Man comic laying neatly under the back counter.

Jungkook came back, tying an apron around his waist. He glanced up at Jimin, smiling at the lost look on his face.

The younger stepped closer, noticing how Jimin was running his finger around the edges of his phone screen.

He leaned down and watched the Hybrid for a while. Jimin seemed really out of it this time. Jungkook was almost right in his face and the older still hadn't looked up.

Jimin's finger had gone around about twenty times when Jungkook finally, sweetly, let out a "Jimin-ah?"

The Hybrid jolted back, a soft mewl leaving his throat. Once he focused on Jungkook, he calmed down, "Oh, um...here," he pushed the phone towards the younger.

Jungkook smiled down at the device; at how Jimin's fingers weren't even half the length of one of the long sides. "Why don't you hang on to it for me? Until closing. It always distracts me anyway."

"I c-couldn't-"

"Course you can," Jungkook smiled and stood up straight, "Does Momma know you're here?"

"Yes, I do," Jungkook's mom announced as she came from the kitchen, a bowl of fresh, hot chili in her hands.

"I'll get you some water," Jungkook said, turning to head back into the kitchen.

"Mrs. Jeon, Jungkook asked me to hold onto this," Jimin said, holding out the younger's phone, "But I-"

"Oh, he must trust you then," she giggled, "He won't even let me or his father hold onto it for him."

Jimin blushed at that and laid the device back on the counter.


At closing time, Jimin had finished half his bowl of chili, apologizing that he couldn't stomach all of it.

Jungkook's mother told him it was fine.

"Jungkook-ah," Jimin walked up to the younger as he brought his dishes into the kitchen.


Jimin sat his bowl down and put his glass in the sink. After that he stood in front of the younger and held his phone out, "Thank you for trusting me to take care of it."

Jungkook smiled and took it from the older's hand, "I knew I could."


Jimin was distracted today. Normally he did things carfully, as not to make a mess, but today he'd splashed water on the floor while washing dishes and put too much spray on the countertops. It ended up spilling down onto the floor as well.

By the time everything was ready to lock up for the night, Jungkook had gotten the idea to give Jimin his extra set of clothes.

He always came in wearing his school uniform, but brought an extra outfit to work in.

He hadn't gotten anything on his extra clothes, so he basically forced Jimin into them while he himself wore his uniform home.

He'd taken Jimin's clothes and told the older to come get them tomorrow.

When he went home, he gathered all the dirty clothes in the house and managed to make a load of clothes to wash.

Once they were washed and dried, Jungkook grabbed his mom's sewing kit and put a black patch of fabric over the hole in Jimin's shirt. He was glad the shirt was black and white striped, because it actually looked pretty dope when he was done.


The next day, Jungkook came in to the soup kitchen after school and Jimin showed up about an hour later.

He was still wearing Jungkook's clothes and the younger told him he could wear them until closing.

In all honesty, Jungkook wouldn't have minded if Jimin kept his clothes forever.

The Hybrid only ate grilled cheese that day, but he was once again given the task of guarding Jungkook's phone. He did so as if his life were at stake.

At closing time, Jimin and Jungkook were washing dishes, listening to Mrs. Jeon hum as she got started on a pot of vegetable soup for tomorrow.

When half the dishes were done, Jungkook got the bright idea to take the sprayer and point it towards Jimin before he pressed the lever.

The Hybrid gasped at the water, mainly because it was cold and unexpected. Despite being fifty percent cat, he hadn't ever had any problems with water.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Mrs. Jeon scolded.

Jimin took the opportunity to grab the sprayer and turn it back at the younger. He sprayed Jungkook until the taller managed to grab it and take it from him.

Only after did Jimin realize how soaked Jungkook was. Then he felt terrible. He shied away from the younger male, going back to washing cups.

Jungkook was laughing though, really laughing. And Jimin liked the sound of it.

"Ah, you're fun Jimin-ah," Kook remarked, rinsing a bowl and grabbing the dish towel.

Jimin blushed and ducked his head down more, "Sorry you're wet."

"It's fine," Jung chuckled, "I got you first, though."

Jimin smirked and glanced over at the other, "I got you better."


"Have a good night, Mrs. Jeon," Jimin bowed as they parted ways.

Jungkook ran a hand through his still damp hair, letting out a sigh as he pulled his coat tighter around himself.

"You seem happier when he's around," Mrs. Jeon commented, "Less critical."

"He's fun," Jungkook smiled, taking the keys from his mother and locking the kitchen up for the night.

"Sweet too," she added.

"Yeah, but mostly fun."

"Well, c'mon. You need a shower."

"Do I smell that bad?" Jungkook brought his shirt up to his nose.

"Yes. You always stink when you have PE. But," she sighed, "doesn't mean I don't love my sweaty baby boy."

"Aw, Momma," Jungkook gave her a big hug and she fake gagged, making Jung laugh.


Jimin normally stayed in his spot on the sidewalk, but that night he went farther pass his spot.

He went under the fence he usually slept in front of and into the dump.

He wasn't too sure of exactly what he was looking for, but it was red. He thought he'd know it when he saw it.


Jimin stayed gone for a week, which left Jungkook bored during closing hours. He didn't have anyone to play with.

Although, the alone time gave him a chance to think of what he wanted to do next.

He enjoyed helping Jimin, because it was clear the Hybrid was grateful humans even considered doing anything for him. So, Jungkook wanted to help him more. He liked that Jimin took nothing for granted.

He'd thought about making Jimin a special meal, but that wouldn't be fair for the others who came in and Jungkook knew Jimin would never accept something like that.

Then he thought he could give Jimin some money, but he didn't really have any. Between school and working at the kitchen, he didn't have the time or the desire to get a paying job.

But, he had convinced his mother to take him to a clothing store, saying he needed some new jeans.

He didn't, but Jimin always had the same sweat pants and shirt on, so Jungkook thought he could try and guess the Hybrid's size.

He got a pair of loose fitting jeans- hoping that would help in the guessing game- and a nice, comfy looking black hoodie. He thought these clothes would look good on Jimin, who was always wearing Jungkook's old, black coat. Jimin had a pair of converse too, which seemed a size too big, so Jungkook rummaged through his drawers until he found his favorite pair of fuzzy, black socks. He hoped Jimin liked everything.


It was a week and a half later that Jimin came into the soup kitchen. He came in a few hours before Jungkook got off from school.

The girl he didn't know was back, and she immediately brought out Mrs. Jeon, who greeted Jimin happily.

Jimin bowed to her then pulled a plastic bag out of his pocket, "Mrs. Jeon, I found something for Jungkook-ah....but it's a bit dirty. I was wondering if I could clean it here?"

"How thoughtful," she smiled, "Of course. Come on back."


"Yosub-hyung, good to see you back," Jungkook greeted one of the Hybrids at a close table. It'd been a month since he last saw this man.

"Good to see you too, kid," the old man smiled.

"Have you heard from your granddaughter? Is she okay?"

"Recovering," Yosub nodded, "Last I heard she was in rehab."

"That's good, I hope she gets better. Maybe she can come meet us sometime," Jungkook smiled.

"I'll make the suggestion," Yosub pat Jungkook's hand and Kook noticed how he was shaking. Hopefully it was due to old age, since Kook's grandfather started to do the same when he got to be around sixty-eight.

"Jungkookie," a girl's voice grabbed his attention and he turned to see his cousin, Moonbyul.

"Yeah? Momma need help?"

"No, not right now. I just thought I'd let you know that your little friend is in the kitchen. He brought you something."

"Jimin-ah?" Jungkook smiled, "He didn't have to do that."

"Well, he did. And I'm heading off to work, so I'll see you around."

"Okay, be safe," Jungkook said as he quickly went around talking to people.

He made it to the kitchen about twenty minutes later, finding Jimin sitting on the counter and talking to his mother as she flipped some grilled cheese sandwiches.

"Hello, Jungkook-ah," Jimin waved.

"Hey baby," Mrs. Jeon smiled as she glanced over her shoulder.

"Hi Momma, hey Jimin-ah," Jungkook smiled at the both of them.

"How was school?"

"Boring, but I drew a butterfly on Mr. Choi's chalkboard."

Jungkook's mom rolled her eyes, "I swear that man is too lenient."

"He's cool, Momma."

"Yeah, well, I think he should be more...educational than cool."

Jimin giggled at that and hopped down from the counter. He moved over to his coat, which was hanging on the door knob of the office door.

Jungkook followed him, and Jimin was surprised when he turned around, finding Jungkook less than an inch away from him.

Jung lightly laughed at the startled mewl that left Jimin, taking a couple steps back.

The older held out his gift to the other and Jungkook slowly took it, a smile appearing on his face.

"I found it. You're always reading that comic book, so I just thought...."

Jung nodded, clutching the Iron Man toy in his hand, "I got you something too."



"Jungkook-ah...you really shouldn't. You and your family have helped me so much already."

The younger shrugged and reached pass Jimin, pushing the door to the office open, "C'mon, it's in my bag."

Jimin followed the human into the room, jolting a little once he realized Jungkook was closing the door. "What're you doing?"

"I was gonna change. I can leave it cracked if you want," Jung pulled the door back, only letting it stay open slightly.

"Thank you," Jimin nodded to the younger who hoisted his backpack up on the desk.

He pulled out his change of clothes and a big bag that he pushed towards Jimin. "That's for you," he smiled.

Jimin raised an eyebrow, then stepped forward. He looked into the bag and then he suddenly covered his mouth and dropped to the ground.

"Jimin?!" Jungkook rushed to his side as the Hybrid cried into his palm, "Jimin-ah, what's wrong?"

"I-I..." The cat Hybrid sniffled and lifted his head, but he couldn't look at Jungkook, "I found that toy in the dirt, and you-you bought me n-new clothes. I can't...I can't take them, Jungkook."

"Jimin-ah," the younger sat down on the floor fully and pulled Jimin to sit with him, "I want you to have them."

"I can't," he shook his head and wiped his eyes, "I can't, it's not fair. There's lots of Hybrids you've known before me."

"Yeah, but I've already helped them as much as I can. I can help you. Let me, please."

The Hybrid hiccuped then pouted and Jungkook chuckled at how cute it was. Jimin dropped his eyes to the ground and took a deep breath as another hiccup forced its way out.

"Now," Jungkook pat the older's leg, "I wasn't sure what size you were, so you should try them on and see if they'll fit. If not, I still have the receipt and we can always exchange them."

"Thank you," Jimin looked up, "I mean it. Seriously. Thank you."

"No worries. Besides, you gave me Earth's greatest hero."

Jimin rolled his eyes and looked away as he laughed.

Jungkook pat Jimin's leg again, then got up.

Jimin stayed in the floor, the desk blocking his view of Jungkook. Once he'd collected himself and stood up, he found Jungkook pulling on his usual baggy, white shirt.

Yet the thing that made him blush was the taller's back muscles.

Jimin dropped his eyes to his new bag of clothes then started pulling them out.

He smiled at the socks and laid them to the side. He pulled out the jeans and held them up, liking the light blue color that faded into white in some spots.

"I hope they fit," Jungkook commented, coming to stand next to the Hybrid.

"They should," Jimin smiled, folding them back up and laying them off to the side as well. He pulled the hoodie out and almost started crying again. He expected a long sleeve shirt, not something like this. "Thanks," he whispered.

"You like it?"

"I do," Jimin nodded, having to sniffle once, "I love it."

Jungkook grinned and lightly put his arm around Jimin's shoulder as the Hybrid put everything back in the bag.

Jimin blushed a bit, feeling Jungkook's eyes on him.

"Are you staying today, hyung?"

"H-Hyung?" Jimin's blush darkened.

"Oh, sorry, I...." the younger blushed as well, his arm falling back to his side.

"It's okay," Jimin quietly said, "I don't mind it."

Jungkook let out a nervous chuckle, then looked to his feet, "Okay."

Jimin put his new socks into the bag and tied a knot with the handles, "And I...I did plan on staying, if that's okay."

"Of course it's okay," Jungkook pouted, "You've been gone for a few weeks, I haven't had anyone to play with."

Jimin smiled and hugged himself, snuggling into his long sleeve. He was glad Jungkook patched it up for him. The hole was sort of annoying since his thumb got caught in it quite often.

"Jungkook!" His mother called for him and both boys turned towards the door.

"Jungkook," Jimin stopped the younger from leaving, earning this adorable, confused look, "Um...d-do you think I could help...like...serve people?"

The human smiled and held out his hand, "Of course."

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