What He Wanted (Book#1 of The...

By SiyaNavas

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(Book#1 of 'The Runaway Club' but also can be read as stand alone). Ria Malhotra was done. If her parents tho... More

Chapter 1 : Elope to freedom
Chapter 2 : A strange meeting
Chapter 3 : To get to know more.
Chapter 4 : The breakfast orders
Chapter : 5 Banshee in a Ferrari
Chapter 6 : Post-Gucci Peace offering.
Chapter 7: Little Angel In Taffeta and The Frenchman
Chapter 8 : A Blast From The Past
Chapter 9 : Noble Knight and Her Steed
Chapter 10 : Getting Emotionally Attached to Food
Chapter 11 : One Almost-True Love
Chapter 12 : The Universal Answer to All Things Makeover
Chapter 13 : Traffic Rules for the Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 14 : Billionaire's girlfriend Jealousy
Chapter 15 : Losing A Grip
Chapter 17 : The Bed-Time Story
Chapter 18 : Punches? I Don't Think So!
Chapter 19 : The Playboy's Night Plans
Chapter 20 : The Last Chocolate Chip Cookie In A Jar
Chapter 21 : Seeing Red
Chapter 22 : Oh, look! How alike our sob stories are!
Chapter 23 : Mr. Teddy is my husband and the Evil Potato is my sister-in-law
Chapter 24 : Ohmigosh! Are those--?!
Chapter 25 : The Soon-to-be She-Hulk
Chapter 26 : Well Hello, Playboy!
Chapter 27: Shifting Mount Everest and Throwing A Tea Party In Venus
Chapter 28: Missed Me?
Chapter 29: Bugs Bunny
Chapter 30: We--he,er...him...I-I, you know?
31. My Perfect World
32. Brownie Points
Chapter 33: The Coffee Date
Chapter 34: DΓ©jΓ  vu Disaster
Chapter 35: Dead Weights and The Deserving
Chapter 36: On Either Sides Of The World
Chapter 37: Blind Eye and Traitors
Chapter 38: Prince Charming to Cinderella
Chapter 39: A Smuggled Heathen Goddess
Chapter 40: Limelight Virgin Arm Candy
Author's Note

Chapter 41: Hurricane Ria

5.1K 145 11
By SiyaNavas

PLAYLIST----- Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do 


"Gran, I can explain."

I never thought Adam calling Claire by her rightful position in his life would sound so weird. Or that it suddenly made me open my eyes fully and see who she really was.

The mother to my secret boyfriend's father.

"No boy, what more have to tell more than hiding something so big from me and giving me so much heartache?" Claire asked with a frown; something I had never seen her wear from the moment we met.

Then again, we met only twice.

But my, she was scary.

"So Ria was with you all the while?" Lorraine asked in a confused daze. "Then why in the world did you propose to Sarah?"

"Didn't she cheat on you with Aaron and now she's with Aaron and now she's cheating on Aaron with you?" Kimberly asked and there was silence as all of tried to gather either head or tail of what she said; whichever came first.

"Or are you guys in a ménage relationship?" She guessed again and we all flinched. I shuddered at the thought.

Now that was one perverted thought.

"Okay, this is going downhill real quick." I muttered to Adam who was having trouble getting words out of this throat as his sister started coloring our situation with R-rated thought. "Now would be the best time to snap out of it Adam!" I hissed in his ear and that spurred him into action.

"No, she is actually with me. Aaron...well, that was cover to create evidence against Sarah." He blurts out and shrugged like it was no big-deal.

Real smooth, Adam, real smooth.

"You are as smooth as a chunky peanut butter, baby." I snapped at him with an annoyed eye roll.

"A--- What?!" The women exclaimed simultaneously and the hall echoed.


I was pretty sure Chloe would have started planning her way out now as the entire California must have heard their screams.

"Evidence, mom." Adam rolled his eyes as if his grandmom, mother and sister weren't yelling out our supposedly secret plans so loud that the Martians will sue us for noise pollution. "Sarah well she is an accomplice for my ex and----"

"Why don't---" I interrupted Adam's panic rant with a pointed glare, "----you ladies join us out of the party for a minute. I think it is better if we show it you rather than explain it now." Claire took a deep breath and looked over at Lorraine and Kimberly who was still eyeing me suspiciously, as if to make sure that I wasn't a two-way-tango for the previously mentioned gorgeous men. I shuddered again.

"Very well."



And like that, we strode along the deserted corridors in a herd of five towards the so called "watch-tower". I gripped Adam's arms in reassurance as we came to halt in front of a seemly normal hotel suit. I knew I probably looked like a drowned koala trying to hang onto the last eucalyptus tree branch the way I clutched Adam but I didn't give two hoots about it then. All what mattered was how comforting it felt to hold on to his powerful arms as I stood there, waiting for the world to crumble beneath.

Wow, I feel like a damsel-in-distress in a cheap romantic-comedy book.

Without waiting anymore, Adam turned the doorknob and pushed inside with me in his arms while the ladies followed us. No, the world didn't crumble beneath my feet but I did hear something crumble. Aaron was sitting in a swing chair watching a monitor while he chewed potato-chips, legs on the table as if he were in a freakin' movie hall.

And you know what the most horrifying thing was though.

It was Salt and Vinegar.

I stood aghast, glaring at the offending packet as Aaron swung his easy chair in our direction with a last smirk.

"If ya'll need a packet, go get---whoa man, you brought your entire family to catch your ex?!" He immediately jumped off his chair and gaped at the three women following us.

"Yeah..." Adam rubbed the nape of his neck with the arm that was not around me. "Long story short; they might have caught us making out in the hall. Don't ask more." Adam glared at Aaron as he walked up to Aaron's monitor with the women in our trail. Adam detached from my side to watch the monitor as I huddled myself away from Aaron; scared that he might approach me while munching on that cursed food.

"No man, whatever." Aaron shrugged and turned to all women in the room in-general, "Anyone want Lays?" He offered the disgusting green packet and I cringed away from the rancid smell as if it were some poison, pinching my nose to stop myself from breathing in the toxic fumes.

"Ewww, ew, ew, ew, ewwww!"

I swear, that wasn't me.

I pulled away my noseplug only to see Kimberly skipping back from Aaron crab-style, brown hair everywhere and waving her hands in front of her as it were a part of an intricate tribal dance to bring destruction to whatever was making her do this ritual.

"Now you mentally traumatized her!" I exclaimed and went towards Kimberly to pull her into a comforting hug to soothe her.

Oh, poor thing. I petted her wild curls sympathically as she shivered against me in revulsion.

"What, I was being a gentleman!" Aaron said incredulously, looking at Claire and Lorraine for support and all he got was scolding look. Aaron dropped his shoulders in defeat and tossed in some more chips to ease his sore failure.

But what is beyond me is how he eats this junk and still look like a reincarnated Adonis.

Aren't models only supposed to eat barely edible things like...salad?

"Ladies, you might wanna look at this."

Adam called to us and Aaron turned before suddenly realizing that Adam just questioned his masculinity. He opened his mouth to yell at him but his curse was drowned when Adam plugged in the speaker to the CCTV footage playing in the monitor.

Sarah was standing in the middle of a different hotel room and I can safely say that she shook with anger, if that death glare and livid body language was anything to go by. In the far end of the room, Chloe sat in an armchair leafing through a black file as if she had all the time in the world and that an angry woman didn't stand just a feet away ready to rip out her heart with her bare hands. Anderson stood by the door, guarding it and at the same time eyeing Sarah, so that he can act out if she decides to bring her murderous fantasies to life. Celine simply sat in the plush, watching the proceedings with mild interest.

"I cannot believe you're asking me for more money!" Sarah yelled, throwing her hands in different directions to show her frustration, "Papa had already given you how much you've asked for!"

"10 million is not a figure, sweetheart." Chloe fixed her cool gaze on her, the business woman in her shining through. Tucking the file back in its original position and raised from the arm-chair lazily. She slowly walked up to her; her aquamarine gown which left little to imagination clinging on to each of her movements like I did to Adam's arms when we stood outside. All of us held our breath, waiting to see what would happen as our eyes trailed on the curvaceous figure that was Chloe.

"It was I who helped you get your dream man whose, let's not forget, net worth hits nearly 50 billion." Chloe said with an air of superiority and I gasped. I looked at Adam, who was staring the monitor intensely, with a look of disbelief.

"You are seriously not THAT rich!" I exclaimed, remembering that one time he took me to a restaurant and he told me that he had 25 billion worth properties. He seemed to be thinking the exact same thing as he looked at me with a smirk.

"I simply told you how much properties I own. You never asked how much I was worth." He winked and I rolled my eyes.


I fixated my attention back to the screen as did others, except for Claire who stared at me a second longer before turning away with an unreadable expression.

"You Lexwoods are weird." I muttered under my breath.

"You can say that again." Kimberly replied in the same undertone next to me.

"Amen, sister, amen."

I tried concentrating but by then half of Chloe's villainous monologue had already gotten over. Great, I thought, hoping that she boasted out her clever plans like how every other normal villains does.

"I could have done those without you as well!" Sarah seethed, "But I called you into the scene because I thought it would be more effective if I had you behind me. Now you are blackmailing me, even after I gave you everything you've asked for! I gave you money, I brought Adam's business documents to you...."


I fist-pumped in happiness but my fists landed on Aaron's face.

"What the hell, woman!"

"That was for polluting the environment and scaring Kim." I excused and turned back to the monitor before he could tell anything more.

"Of course" Chloe laughed in the screen in a mocking tone, "I could see everything was going well for you; with the man of your dreams worshipping the floor that brown woman walked on."

"Racist b*tch!"

I hissed and launched at the screen but Adam caught me just on time and cuddled me close to his chest.

Calm down Ria, remember...Prison clothes; not good, it doesn't suit my with my figure. Not to mention, I am pretty sure Papa Jones doesn't deliver pizzas in prison, neither does McDonald's. See? Not worth it.

With that thought I calmed down.

"If it weren't for me and my crew to stage her cheating escapade, Adam wouldn't have dropped her like a hot potato and come to you. In fact look at them now, she would sure keep Aaron busy for some days and then, both of them would avoid her like plague." I heard Claire and Lorraine gasp as they understood the intensity of it all. And what surprised me was that Chloe, despite the fool-proof plan she made, gobbled up all our bullshit drama like a hungry cat does to a bowl of cream.

"Now all I am asking is 50 million USD which mustn't be a big sum as you are going to marry one of the richest men on earth." Chloe circled a distressed Sarah like a predator. "Besides, I really don't think you would wait me out on this as it would only take me a second to bring all of what you dreamt come crashing right down."

"You will get money from the clients who want Adam's files, will you? Why are you torturing me like this?" Sarah was on verge of tears by then and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her.

"Papa's business isn't holding well..."

"I don't care about you or your papa!" Chloe snarled, taking out her true form and then I could the glimpse of the really sick woman inside. "I get the money on your marriage venue or else, I surely wouldn't 'forever hold my peace' when the priest asks the crowd. Got it?"


Sarah had her head lowered yet I could see the tears that lined in her eyes through the screen. It's hard not to feel sorry for her and instantly I wished that she hadn't fallen prey to this vicious woman. I craned my head to look up at Adam and found him staring at the screen, eyes glazed indicating that his thoughts were elsewhere.

"Adam?" I called softly and he looked down at me, the corners of his eyes softening immediately.

"Yeah, baby?"

"What were you thinking?"

His arms tightened around me, pushing me closer to is washboard abs and I blushed. He trailed his eyes on the screen again as he held me close, as if he were afraid to let go of me.

"I was just wondering how blind I had been to love a woman like her." He whispered and I sighed, twisting in his hold and turning to meet his blue eyes. I gently placed my arms around his neck, the way I could be so close to him and feel him closer to my heart.

"It was not your fault that you trusted her, Adam. It was her loss that she broke yours and missed being with someone so amazing such as you." I told him in a firm voice and blushed deeply when didn't say anything back and simply stared at me.

"Why haven't you come to me sooner?" He whispered to be, so soft that I almost didn't catch him. I laughed and flipped my imaginary hair as my real one was tied up in a bun.

"Because I am this awesome person who comes only to rescue the damsel-in-distress." I told him in my best Superman imitation voice.

Adam laughed, "So I am the damsel in distress now?" I nodded.

"You sure did sound like one before."

Adam laughed the kind of laugh that had his beautiful eyes twinkling almost hypnotizingly and crinkled his face adorably. I laughed with him, unable to hold it any longer and shook my head at him. But my laughs faded away as I caught Claire staring at us with the same look I caught her with earlier and this time Lorraine too stared at us, a smile grazing her features. The sound of door opening ceased all the activities of the room to find out who the intruder was.

It was David, Adam's dad.

"The cops are outside. They want to see the tape before proceeding with the arrest." He nodded at his son and looked at the three stunned women. "What are they doing here? I thought you were not bringing them?" He jabbed this thumb at the women and I felt truly sorry for him, who had no idea about how women would react, just like his Adam.

Like father like son.

"David Jackson Lexwood!" Lorraine seethed, surprising me, "How dare you not tell me about this?"

David's eyes widened, as if he realized his slip. He rushed to Lorraine and gathered her thrashing little body into his large arms just like Adam does to me, "Hush, darling. You know you aren't a good actress. I was just helping you, honey." He tried soothing her and it seemed to work.

"Either way, you are sleeping on the sofa tonight."

Lorraine grumbled as David groaned making Adam and Kimberly snicker. I swatted his arms to be quite. That was when five men in suits barged into the room, badges shining in their arms and the butt of guns sticking out of their suits.

"FBI." The handsome dark-haired man in the front announced, hands tied behind his back professionally. "We've been reported a white collar crime by Mr. David Lexwood in Lexwood Corp.?"

"Adam Lexwood." Adam shook his hands with the anonymous guy, "Yes, that would be correct. I am the CEO of Lexwood Corporation." When he fell back and took me back into his arms, I asked him something I had been itching to ask.

"Your dad knew of this?"

Adam gave me a look. "Of course." He told me lowly as David ushered the officers to the CCTV footage. "Remember I told you back in India that I called my dad on the way that I was cancelling my engagement?"

I nodded hesitantly. Adam smiled at some thought that was running through his pretty head.

"Well, he definitely called me back when I made no move to do what I said I planned on doing. So I had to let him in because according to him, 'this old man could use some action'" He winked at me.

Kim was right. Lexwoods were a weird folk.


I kept the half eaten pepperoni pizza back in the box and wrapped my arms cheekily around Adams mid-section, pulling myself impossibly closer to his hard frame as I shot him a playful smile. He mirrored my smile but simply looked a hundred times handsome than I can ever pull off, as he transferred the can of beer to his other hand to bring his hand over my shoulder and pulled me closer to the crook of his arm. I snuggled into his side and placed my head on his chest where I could hear the gentle lull of his heartbeat, a contended smile grazing my lips as I stared at the TV absentmindedly. The warmth of his body cocooned me into its protectiveness and I couldn't help but sigh at the fuzzy feeling that bloomed in my chest.

It's been almost a month since all the drama settled; eloping, pretend dating, criminal hunt, exposing a few double faced bitches, romantic reunion and all that jazz.

After the officers were convinced that there was enough evidence for arrest and a few radio messages later, the guy in charge whose name was Roland whatever-his-last-name-was-I-kind-of-forgot knocked on their doors before flashing his fancy golden badges at their shocked faces. While Anderson surrendered, Sarah burst into tears; she was wailing and brawling by the time Roland was done explaining. Celine thought it was a brilliant idea if she could make a mad dash for it but obviously the 'suits' chased her into handcuffs. Chloe had the most interesting reaction; she refused to accept at all even though Roland held the files pertaining Adam's company.


"Ma'am" Roland began as an officer behind cuffed her hand and kept a heavy, warning hand on her shoulder. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." He rattled off his predetermined line with a stoic face, as if he dealt with conniving women who yells all the time.


And she continued you yell like a banshee while being led out through the stunned medias and paparazzi who immediately started snapping her pictures like crazy. Sarah's father put up a lot of fight and chased the FBI's SUV in hopes of bailing her out as me, Aaron and the Lexwoods stood out in the foyer watching the paparazzi chase the cars till their legs carried them before turning back at us. Adam took the exact moment to turn me around in his arms and kissed me senseless, the shutters of camera going off around us madly.

"Mr. Lexwood! Sir! What do have to say about your fiancée getting arrested on your engagement party? Sir!"

"Mr. Adam Lexwood! Are you in an affair with Mr. Aaron Krystal's date?"

"Who is she, Mr. Lexwood?"

"Sir! Were you cheating on your fiancée throughout your engagement with Mr. Krystals' girlfriend? Mr. Lexwood! Here!"

I had looked back and forth confusedly as if I were watching a Ping-Pong match, my eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights as the paparazzi went absolutely nuts over us. Adam remained as cool as a cucumber sweeping his blue gaze at the men and women tearing and clawing over his scary bodyguards.

"Sarah Brooke and I had been in an engagement, it was true."

Adam had begun, his voice so powerful and commanding that a hush fell over the paparazzi who looked at him as if he were the God who just descended from the heavens above. His arms clutched me closer as if he was trying to protect me from them with that simple action as the paparazzi thrust their microphones in our direction. My heart warmed and so did my cheeks.

"What happened, Mr. Lexwood? Who is the woman in your arms and what is your relationship standing with her?"

Good question, I had thought.

"My engagement with Sarah Brooke no longer stands as she had cornered me into a bond with her accomplice. Chloe Olmstead who was a mutual acquaintance for myself and my friend, Aaron Krystals had caused a rift between him and I for her financial ploy with my ex-fiancée. It was because of them that my girlfriend and I broke up as she had framed my girlfriend to make me think she had cheated on me. But it was much later into playing puppet to their plan did I realize the truth and we had come together but never let in on anyone about this development. My friend, Krystals had helped us through for bringing them in the eyes of law and my family stood behind us supportive of our action till the end."

"You had never announced having any girlfriend before, Mr. Lexwood. Then how can this unnamed woman become your requited love now?" A particularly seedy man asked.

"Ria Malhotra" Adam pinned the man with his piercing gaze as he announced my name loud and clear, "----was mentioned to medias before, although never formally. I had mentioned her when all of you had approached me regarding a few press statements released by Margrett Sloveno."

And that was when the paparazzi went abso-freaking-loutely crazy.

"She was the mystery woman?!"

"She was the unnamed woman who you shared a serious relationship?"

Although I was pretty sure that it was bit of a lie as I was still in India, in a blissfully ignorant relationship with Vicky as screwed around my back when Adam had released his statement. But then I had remembered he had indeed renewed his statement a several times again on confronted with camera after we came together. So that kind of makes it a truth I guess.

"Is it true, Ms. Mall-hotra?" A red-haired had asked.

"Malhotra." I automatically corrected my name and the camera eyes swung in my direction. So I decided to speak up.

"Yes. It is true. Adam and I had been in a relationship for quite sometime."

"How long, exactly?"

Ah, that was a tricky question. So I stuck to:

"That I cannot tell as we had been apart for some time and lot of other complications. But recently, we came together some 46 hours ago." I flashed them a blinding smile, "But I think what matters is that we came together, that's all."

"So you weren't Aaron Krystals' girlfriend?"

"Nope. Aaron is a very good friend of mine who I will always cherish and yes, I was his date tonight. Just because I was his date doesn't qualify me as his girlfriend, does it?" I raised a plucked eyebrow and nobody had any answer to my question.

"Do you love Mr. Lexwood, Ms. Malhotra?"

I remember having looked at his eyes with a soft smile playing on my lips when I simply said, "I do." Adam had smiled back at me, his blue eyes shining brightly as he drew me into another sweet kiss.

Adam's dad took it to himself to take care of the on-going case and Adam rarely contacted himself with the case, only for a few signatures and statements now and then. I never asked what happened to them, nor want to know what happened to them as long as they don't disturb my happy bubble. The Lexwoods thought it would be a good thing to let both of us have some alone time and I certainly didn't object.

And we were back in his penthouse in NYC, watching Criminal Minds while munching on takeout pizza and sipping on beer cans like any other normal couple out there.

I kept my chin on his chest, over his scull tattoo as he was shirtless (no that I am complaining) and looked at him sipping his blue can with his eyes fixed at the moving TV screen, the blue lights playing across his handsome features. The light made his face appear more rugged and when he turned to me with a boyish smirk, I nearly swooned.

Damn, I am one lucky woman.

"You look like you really badly want to ask me something." He said with suppressed laughter lining his eyes and quirking his full lips to a heart-stopping smile. "Would you be out with it already?"

"Okay. Okay!"

I giggled like a high-school fan girl as he turned himself more to my side and my hands wandered past his broad shoulders, admiring the muscles that tensed under my touch. I drew myself and sat on his lap because let's face it, it was the most comfortable place in the world. And also because I like it. My hands wound themselves on his hair, playing with its blonde ends as I watched it's silky ends shone and glistened in the multicolor emitted from the TV which was still running.

He chuckled, "Such a tease."

"Soooo...." I began as I traced the tribal tattoo that ran past his shoulder blade down to his biceps that flexed under my light touches, "Why didn't you tell me that you are ridiculously rich? Like seriously, Adam? Fifty billion US dollars?! Are you kidding me? Do you know how many popsicles you can buy with that kind of money?" I ranted my eyes wide as I looked at his filled with mirth and something else.

"What?" he chuckled as if he heard a legit joke, "You have seen people who are richer than I am so what?"

"Richer than you?" My voice was a silent scream as my mouth opened twice its size, "The only person richer than you that I had ever seen is Bill Gates...and maybe Donald Trump and both on the television screen only! I didn't sit on either of their laps and play with their hair or hug them like my cuddle toy." At this he laughed, shaking his head as if he couldn't believe me.

"But you have swatted on one's head, crushed his toes and punched his jaws. Pretty close enough." He shrugged.

"Donald Trump?"

"No. Aaron Krystals."

"Aaron? You mean Playboy? He is richer than you? Not possible." I huffed.

He shrugged again. "His net worth is 62 billion USD. That is, he earns around two thousand dollars every second whereas I only earn of about a thousand six hundred dollars every second."

"Holy shit! Two thousand dollars a second?" I wolf-whistled.

"Well, he does run a shipping Corporation." He twirled a strand of my dark hair around his finger as he watched it's movements mesmerized, "I am just a hotelier although I had tried investing in shipping a few times, nothing major. But that guy's got his fingers in all the gold pot there ever is... ships, stock market, and real estate...the list goes on really."

"Just a hotelier?" I echoed his words as I sat up in his hold so that my eyes leveled his and that my lock of hair slipped from his hold. "Adam, you are this great guy who can basically buy the Central Park if he wants to. I don't care about the figures but that doesn't make you any less or any more great, for that matter. And I definitely am not going to compare; Aaron is an asshole anyway."

He chuckled, his voice husky and deep. "Aaron definitely wouldn't want to hear that." He commented lightly but I was quick to notice that although his body language was relaxed, something shone in his eyes that perplexed me...intrigued me...something that pulled me in.

"Whatever." I fell back into his hold, my untamed hair tumbling down his broad shoulders as I nuzzled my nose on the crook of his neck inhaling a scent that was uniquely his, "You know, I'd probably knock your laptop and waltz into your life like a hurricane even if you weren't this ultra-billionaire." I whispered and then giggled.

"Hurricane Ria" I jumped in his arms at the new found pun, "Like Hurricane Katrina." He laughed with me for a moment or two.

"I know you would..." He whispered back making his minty breath hit my face as he gently tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, his eyes ablaze as the light behind me added a bit of drama to his orbs. His eyes ran over my features as if he was trying to memorize every inch of my face as I did his.

His bright eyes that mirrored my love for him. The stubble that covered his entire jaw. This roughish scruff. His messy golden hair that flopped on his forehead. His pink lips that seemed so damn kissable at that moment. His aquiline nose. His sharp jawline and straight teeth.

I could go on forever but his eyes flashed suddenly as if he remembered something.

"Wait h-here, will you?"

Suddenly, the confident and playful Adam I so familiar with was gone to replace it with a nervous and fidgety guy who seemed not to know what he was doing. His hands shook ever the slightly and he seemed to have trouble making eye-contact with me which he had done effortlessly many a times before. I nodded and he placed me on the couch as if I were made of porcelain, to hurry off to god knows where before I got a chance to ask him where he was going. I fixed my glare on the television where the next show has already started.

Did they catch the UnSub so soon? Who was he and why did he kill Steve?

I suppressed a groan and spent the next ten minutes trying to convince myself that I was annoyed that my boyfriend just dropped me like a hot potato when we were just about to kiss.

What is more important than me?

Gosh, I am starting to act like a clingy girlfriend.

He probably forgot about an appointment or to call someone or to send some files or.....


I turned my face to the origin of Adam's call grouchily and my eyebrows furrowed. Adam was on one of his knees in his shirtless glory, his sweatpants hung low on his hips as he rubbed the nape of his neck nervously.

"Why are you down Adam? Did you lose something....?"

He wordlessly reached to the pocket of his pants and retracted a dark purple box from it. My heart started beating so loudly in my chest that I thought it was going to beat out of my chest. I eyes widened and jaws dropped when I spotted a distinct logo that said Tiffany and Co. on the purple box. Adam met my eyes finally and he seemed unsure, nervous and scared; making him look like a hopeful little boy for a moment.

"Er...I kind of wanted to ask you this the moment everything got over and when I saw this I couldn't help but buy it....I even carried this in my pocket all the time for the past three weeks...but I-I didn't get a right moment to ask. Maybe I was just...stalling, you know." He was silent for a moment and my eyes were lining with unshed tears, "Now that I know I probably won't be able to live a day without you...I had to. I-I love you and I want you to be with me for the rest of my life."

I held my breath, not trusting myself to speak or get up as he popped the lid to reveal a small rock that glinted from the TV light.

"Will you marry me, Hurricane Ria?"

I chuckled a sob as tears fell on my cheeks and I shook my head aimlessly, a cross between a nod and shake. Adam's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Is that an yes or a no?" He asked.

My heart wanted to scream 'yes' a thousand times over but instead the only thing that came out of my mouth was;

"Why can't you put on a shirt or at least turn on the light?" I croaked. He ran a nervous hand through his mane before getting up and hurrying to the switch to turn on the light. Once the room was flooded with light, we was back in his knees in front of me as he nervously shuffled in his knees.

So damn cute!

"Now can you tell me..." he trailed off, glancing at me hopefully. "My knees are kind of hurting right now---"

"Yes!" I jumped into his arms, throwing him off the balance and onto the crème rug, "Yes, yes, yes, YES!!!"

"Okay. Okay." Adam laughed underneath me, "You can stop mauling me now."

We laughed our heads off for a minute.

"Urg, I love you." He murmured, his lips brushing mine as he gently slipped the cold ring into my finger. I smiled into his kiss.

"I love you too, doofus."

And just like that we sealed our future with a kiss.



But don't worry! There is an epilogue left and after that Adam and Ria will be gone for good. As much as I don't want them to go (I LOVE THEM DAMN TOO MUCH) they deaserve this amazing ending *sigh* I am such a good person.

So I will try to update the epilogue as soona as I can.


(I am too sad and too tired to write more. It was 5,500++ words guys! I took 6 hours to finish this!!!)

I love you too!

Until next time!


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