Apocalypse-the last girl on e...

بواسطة DaRetroChick

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Rochelle is an average 15 year old girl, that loves partying and hanging out with friends, but is self consci... المزيد

Apocalypse-the last girl on earth.
Argument-part 2
Waking up.

It all starts.

705 15 5
بواسطة DaRetroChick

Rochelle's POV.

Do you ever have them time periods where it feels like the world has stopped and nothing is moving? Like who-ever is watching you from above has pressed pause on their giant remote? 

Yeah, I'm having one of them at the moment, badly.

Why wouldn't I be? My best friend hates me, the guy I used to love is actually a jerk and a player, and the rest of the worlds population are just blurry shapes around me. My room is like a cave and my TV is the only light source, the sound of it becoming more faded with every minute I sit in here.

'This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time'. One of my favourite quotes from Fight Club. You know why? Because that's exactly what it feels like. Tick-tock.  A massive clock ticking away, counting every hour until my time comes, and I dont even do anything about it.

Okay, so since the argument with Derick, I've continued sitting in my room. 4 days, I think? Before you assume, yes I did eat and take showers, but that is only because my parents dragged me out of my room and liturally showed me behind the bathroom door.

But appart from that, all I did was sit there, and stare at the TV. My curtains were shut. My phone went off. I just ignored it, and sat. In partly depression, and partly preparing.

Preparing for something that was going to happen.

Something BAD.


Nella's POV.

I scrolled through my twitter time line, checking for any thing that actually interests me. Rochelle hasnt been online in like 4 days, neither on twitter or facebook.

I checked my phone once again to see if she's replied. I had 2 new messaged.

One was from Jazzie, it said:

'Hiya Nella, Annie told me about everything that happened, and omg I actually cant believe it! Are you deffinitelly going to have an abortion? And also, is rochelle replying to your messages, shes been ignoring me for the last 4 days or something:( xxx'

I quickly replied with:

'Yeah, my mum and dad were really angry at me and I'm grounded, and Im not allowed to go to any party until I finish school:( and yeah im having one. As for Rochelle I must of text her loads and loads of times but she hasnt text back. Despite she was so harsh to me, I still love her and Im really worried about her. xxx'

I clicked send, and checked my other message.


My finger howevered over the message for a bit, unsure wheather I really want to read it. He WAS the guy that ruined my holiday and possibly my future.

I clicked on it and it said:

'Nella, I spoke with Rochelle four days ago and she was really annoyed at me, she slapped me and kicked me in the balls. How are you doing? xxxxx'

I smiled to my self weakly. Good move, Rochelle. I was about to reply with 'Good, you deserved it' but I knew that I really shouldn't. Instead I just put:

'A bit better, I'm grounded though.x'

A bit blunt, but what I could  I have put? I wasnt going to describe all my feelings to him. Exactly how lost I feel and how my life is broken, and how I hate not having my best friend around me.

I was about to go back on the computer when my iPhone lit up with a new message.

I picked it up and looked at the ID.


My heart skipped a beat-at least she's replied! I was so worried that she was dead or something.

I clicked on it straight away and it read:

'Look Nella, I don't know exactly what the hell it is, but something is going to happen. Something really bad. REALLY bad. I dont want anything to happen to you. Warn everyone else, im not in the mood for texting them my self.'

I read the text over and over again, not exactly sure what it meant. I felt anger bubble up inside me.

So I'm extrememly worried about my best friend who hasnt been answering my texts in days, saying things such as 'I'm sorry' and 'are you ok?'. Finally she answers, and I hope it to be something like 'I'm okay, I miss you' or something telling me that she is sorry (she should be). But instead I get this rather blunt text rumbling on about 'something bad' happening. If I could be one person for a day, I would be Rochelle because I really want to know some things that go on inside her head. 

I mean, what is she TALKING about? Has she gone so mad that she is thinking that she is physic and has predicted some aprocalypse happening like in horror films?

I let out a frustrated groan, and replied back:

'I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but whatever it is, please explain.'

I got a text back in around 10 minutes.

'Sorry to confuse you. But havent you realised, all the natural disasters that have gone on recently? and havent you felt the ground shake randomly? Yeah well, I got a very bad feeling about it all'

I froze. 

She was, infact, completely right. 

On the TV, in the newspapers, below my feet.

Well, to be honest I thought it was normal-no one seemed too fussed about it.

But right now it hit me-that sudden glimmer of ralisation. When do you ever get people running around, screaming 'We're all going to die!'? Instead they just sit thre, shrug their shoulders and pretend it's all ok. While really, in the goverment forces, people are tapping away on hungrets of computers trying to guess when the next natural disaster is going to happen.

But maybe they arent.

Maybe Rochelle is the only one that senced it all.


Derick's POV.

I was locked up in my room-we all were. 

Why is it whenver you want something to hurry up it always goes so slow but when you want it to slow down, it hurries forward, out of your sight. 

Usually im the hunter, and the holidays are a swift rabbit. I run after it, trying to catch it and hold onto it, but it just goes faster and faster. And then BAM, were back in school. But this time, the holiday was more like a turtle, and the unusuall thing is I wanted it to hurry the heck up. Because once were back at school, things might slowly creep back to normal, and at least we would all have something to do.

I admit it, its not even 2 weeks into the summer holidays and I'm bored out of my head. Usually I would soak in every second of it and do something that will help me enjoy the valuable time, but right now I dont even sleep, which is something I normally love to do. Even my mum and dad are worried about me, despite the fact that they hate me because of the fact I got a girl pregnant. This is a very strange time of my life.

Oh yeah, speaking of Nella, she is due to have her abortion in 4 days, and I'm going with her. After all it's my baby that they're killing, and I can atleast hold Nella's hand, if that's the most I can do.

Nella's mum and dad burst out crying when we told them the news, which was surprising, I really thought they were going to tear my head off along with my limbs and feed them to some sharks. But Nella got told off more than me. Well it wasn't even a proper telling off. All I could hear through her very emotional mum and dad's sobs and cries was 'We should of never let you go to that stupid party' and 'we should of realised that there would be very drunk boys there.'

What I'm also worried about it Rochelle. She hasn't been answering any of my appology text messages, and nella told me she's been ignoring everyone.


Rochelle's POV.

Sometimes, I wish that the world would end and all humans survive. It would be a fresh start, with us all being equil again. Maybe if that happened, then we would realise that we are all exactly the same. Money is just paper with fancy signs and numbers written on it. Cars, houses, boats etc, are toys for big boys and girls. The way we look, is just a mask created by god. But we all look the same on the inside.

I got lost deep inside my thoughts, when I heard the sound of the front door opening and shutting downstairs. I decided I would take a quick shower, before my parents would start nagging me again.

I grabbed a towel and my dressing gown, and shut the bathroom door behind me.

Our bathroom was ok, but not the best. Well, at least I had warm, clean water to wash in, so I was as grateful as possible for that. 

As I got undressed, I looked down at my body and realised that I've lost weight, alot of it. I must only be a couple of kilo's of being anorexic. But if I did become under-weight, who would actually care? My friends? They would just act normal around me and then bitch behind my back, showing that they dont care enough to ask me. My mum&dad? Sheesh, the last time I even properly spoke to them was around 2 years ago. Teachers? They would pretend to, but really, do teachers care about me? No, they only care about the money. They pretend to care..for 100,000 dollars a year.

So I just shrugged it off, and got into the shower. As I turned it on, I felt the warmth of the water wrap around my body and soak under my skin, making me feel a tiny bit relaxed. I stood there around 10 minutes, just staring into space, thinking about nothing in particular.

Then I got my new John Freida shampoo, and squeezed a bit into my hand. It was a nice see-through blue colour. I began rubbing it into my head, making massive bubbles, when I started to feel cold and realised that the water has turned off.

Whatever kind of sick joke this is, and whoever was playing it, it wasn't funny at all.

I groaned, and shivered, while the shampoo, which was still in my hair, dripped down the back of my neck.


There was a moment pause.


I groaned once more. What was their problem now?! Last month they claimed that we've been 'unsing too much water' when we really havent and turned it off for around 2 weeks. We had to go to a local swimming pool every other day so we didnt turn into cavemen. But I did turn into a gorilla since it wouldn't be appropriate to shave in the middle of a swimming pool.

For now, the only choice I had was to try and get the shampoo out of my hair using  a towel and a hairbrush. It was hard but I did the best I can, and as soon as I stepped out of the shower in my dressing gown I went downstairs. My mum was sitting in the front room, her mac on her lap.

She turned around and spotted me, and said:

'Rochelle, dear, the company doesnt have a clue what is going on. They said they had reposts from over 50 households of their water being completely cut off, but they reasurred me that they havent cut off any water supplied.

I nodded, and went back up. It was either them being too damn lazy to get off their fat arses to check if everything's been working fine, or it was some idiots playing a horrible prank. As I shut the door behind me in my room, it suddenly hit me.

The water being cut off wasn't anyone's fault. It must of been something to do with the events going on recently-the earthquakes and stuff!

Before I went to the shower, the light in my room was turned on. I went to switch it back on but as I flicked the switch, nothing happened. Not the power as well?! This is out of hand, someone needs to do something about it. It may be natures fault, but 'the smartest creatures on earth' should be able to do something?! Now what am I meant to do without TV or internet? Usually I would do homework, but we didn't get set any for the summer holidays.

I looked at the clock up on my wall. It read 5:23.

Wait, what the hell?!

I looked out of the window, to see that the skies have turned a dark blue, with huge gray clouds visible by the horizon, behind all the rows of houses. Usually it wouldnt start to get dark until around 9 30 in the summer.

Something Is deffinitelly not right.


Nella's POV.

It's gone very dark. VERY dark. 

It wouldn't even be this dark at half past 5 in the winter, let alone the middle of summer.

All I could do was stare out of my window at the darkening sky, with heavy clouds getting closer and closer.

When my eyes caught something else up in the sky. It was too fast for an airplane, and much brighter.

My heart was racing faster, and sweat poured down my face at what was going on.

The object was getting closer and closer, until it started to move in the direction of the storm clouds. It got further away, but closer to the ground.

And closer




and then



Rochelle's POV.

It has begun.




Okay, this is the last short chapter, i will try and make the next one 7+pages long. Please vote, fan & coment, long coments are apreciated.

Maria xxx

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