Tangled Waves (Pirates of the...

By decapiitare

11.8K 232 87

A tale in which there are seals, some revenge (that may or may not work out) and sacrifice. (Will Turner/OC)... More

Tangled Waves;


1.6K 35 11
By decapiitare

Entangled. Caught. Stranded. No matter how you put it it didn't change the fact that Kelsie was well and truly stuck. Caught in a net. How humiliating. She hoped no-one found her here.

But then if no-one came to find her how was she to get out of the net?

She was tired and sticky and her skin was lying at the bottom of the net in a sodden heap. The fur was stuck together in clumps and had seaweed strewn over it. Typical.

Wait. Were those footsteps she could hear? Or was she imagining them?

No, she was to tired. It was not worth her effort. She'd just have to leave it up to chance.

Not even one moment after realising this Kelsie closed her eyes and drifted off.


When Kelsie awoke she was in a bath. She was still salty and her mouth tasted like seaweed. Gross. How long had she been asleep? Anxiety crept into her bones.

Then there was a knock on the door, and a voice asked if they could enter the room. Kelsie regained her composure and covered herself with her seal skin; which had (to her relief) been resting at the bottom of the tub.

'You may enter.' She said, barely hiding the shake from her voice.

The door creaked open. Kelsie could see a man standing in the shadow of the doorway. He was wearing a brown vest over a white top, the collar of which supported a scarf. The sleeves of the white top were long and rounded at the ends. He stepped forward from the shadows of the doorway and Kelsie was able to see his face.

His brown eyes shone with warmth, and he had a relaxed smile on his face. His hair was tied back into a scruffy ponytail, which reached the bottom of his shoulders. He held out a hand for her to shake.

'My name's William Turner, but my friends call me Will.' He greeted.

'I'm Kelsie.' She replied.

'Good to meet you Kelsie.' He said, tipping an imaginary hat at her. Kelsie smiled. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as she'd thought at all.


Author's Note: I love Kelsie and Will so much, and I'm excited to have you read about them. What do you think so far?

This chapter was published on the 12th of July 2017 and edited initially on the 7th of October 2020, before being edited/re-written on the 8th of August 2021. I hope you enjoyed it!

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