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The metal of their swords clanged together as they fought in the blacksmith's workshop. Kelsie wasn't sure why Will had trusted her to do this. Also, it was her first time using a sword and Will's twentieth time? Who knew how many times he'd practiced? His feet danced around hers, propelling her sideways.

'I'll catch you if you fall, you know that right?' Will said.

Kelsie nodded, and steeled her body for Will's next attack (this time, this time she'd try to hit back.)

As his sword came back into her vision she lifted her own and swung wildly at Will's waist. It hit him square in the belt buckle, doing nothing. He then lifted the sword back up into Kelsie's face moving backwards. This caused him to fall onto his back (only just narrowly missing the sleeping donkey.) Kelsie bent down to help him up.

'I thought you said you'd be the one to catch me?' She replied, a smug smile on her face.

A few hours later (at night time)

Kelsie was standing in the water, up to her knees in it. Her skin was thrown over a rock and Will was sitting on the beach nonchalantly. He had yet to decide if he was getting in or not.

A wave hit Kelsie in the face and she laughed. Oh, how Will loved that sound.

'You look soaked, Kelse'' Will said.

'You think?' Kelsie replied, snidley.

'Don't make me come over there. You won't like it when I'm wet and angry.'

'Okay. Come and get me, then.'

'You get ten seconds.'

Kelsie ran along the waters edge, and Will began to count under his breath (undoing a button per second.) Then, after his seconds were up, he tossed it onto the rocks and ran after her. Kelsie was almost at the fishing boats now; close to where Will had found her two days ago. Then he blinked and she disappeared from his line of sight. Will paused, confused.

'Boo!' Kelsie yelled, her head popping up from behind a nearby rock.

Surprised Will fell backwards into the water.

'Who's soaked now?' Kelsie teased, looking down at him.

Will smiled and pulled her down next to him, placing his hand on her stomach. Kelsie, now content, shut her eyes and leaning into his touch.

Unfortunatley her closed eyes prevented her from seeing the rock that was holding her skin break. She did not see the waves wash it far away from her. No, she did not see that predicament until she was caked in salt and sand and in a state of complete bliss. It was such a shame to see her heart break as soon as she realised what had happened, such a shame to hear her painful cries as she sat on that beach at midnight, face caked in sand.


Author's Note: So.....that was a lot. How're we feeling about the chapter guys?

This chapter was initially published on the 5th of May 2018, edited initially on the 7th of October 2020, and edited again on the 2nd of October 2021.

This chapter was initially published on the 5th of May 2018, edited initially on the 7th of October 2020, and edited again on the 2nd of October 2021

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