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Content Warnings: mentions of blood and loss of family members.


She pushed herself to the surface of the ocean and gasped, taking in air as if it was going to be her last breath on this earth. The water around her body had a metallic sheen. The air stank of fish and blood. Her entire family was gone.

It was all that pirates fault. Without her none of this would have happened. None of it.

Curse her. Curse everything she has done.

Because of her her parents and all of her immediate family were (literally) sleeping with the fishes.

Kelsie looked back over her shoulder to see if the ship was anywhere near her. Thankfully it was nowhere to be seen. Satisfied she flicked her tail and she began to swim away from the area of the disaster.


There was a noise as something hit a rock and washed up on the beach that she was resting on. Kelsie looked up. The thing that had made the noise was a wooden platform and, for some reason, it had a boy lying on it. His hair was everywhere and his eyes were closed.

She wandered over to him and sat down on the wet sand in front of the platform. The boy had a skull medallion hanging around his neck. It looked like something a pirate would own.

A wave washed up on the beach and hit her in the face. Kelsie raised her head and looked out at the sea. In the distance a ship's sails could be seen. Kelsie squinted. They didn't seem like flags a pirate ship would fly.

Can I send the boy out to that boat? Will he be safe?

It was worth a shot, anyway. And if it did go pear shaped, then she'd only have herself to blame. She stood up and picked up the wooden platform, carrying it to where the water met the sand and mingled with its particles. She then placed it in the water and pushed with all of her might. As Kelsie watched the platform was quickly washed away by the waves.

Be safe. I hope to see you again.

Little did she know how soon that encounter would be.


Author's Note: Do you like what you've seen of Kelsie, and what did you think about her first meeting with Will? Do you have any predictions for the future? Tell me, I'd love to hear from you!

This chapter was published on 8th of July 2017 and was edited on the 1st of August 2021.

This chapter was published on 8th of July 2017 and was edited on the 1st of August 2021

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