Bridging the Gap [ON HOLD]

By briannanicoled

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Katelyn Blaine has nothing left, except her little brother... She decides to run away after her father's deat... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

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By briannanicoled

Katelyn found her brother fast asleep in his bed when she got home to the apartment after her fight that night. She collapsed quickly and fell asleep with a throbbing stomach, where she got punched.

The pain was comforting, she thought as she sat in her first-period class. Xavier was being annoying again and wouldn't stop talking to Katelyn. But she was growing used to Xavier, he really was a nice guy despite his dark look.

"You smoke?" Xavier randomly asks making Katelyn drop her pencil on her desk and look towards him.

"No." She answered before merely picking her pencil up and continue writing.

"Drink?" Xavier continues to push, he's trying to get everything he can out of Katelyn. Xavier is starting to think that Katelyn is just an average pretty girl who has never done anything interesting with her life.

"No." Katelyn responded again making Xavier sigh, but he was far from giving up.

"Ever gone clubbing?" Xavier asked hopefully.

"No, for the fifteen millionth time." Katelyn said getting annoyed just as the bell rang.

Katelyn and Xavier walked together to second-period while people in the hallway were giving them curious glances. Katelyn didn't think anything of their stares but they all know what Xavier is playing, he's the notorious school bad boy that gets whatever he wants.

Xavier saw his friends in the hallway and dragged Katelyn over to them so he could speak with them real quick.

"You guys a thing?" One of the guys immediately asked seeing that Xavier and Katelyn have been seen a lot around school together.

"Only in his dreams." Katelyn responded making the guys laugh.

As the guys continued to laugh another one spoke up, Katelyn immediately recognized him as James who is in her second-period class with Xavier as well. "I have never seen Xavier in school this much, like ever." He laughed as Xavier shoved his shoulder to shut up.

The three of them then walked to their second period, taking seats in the way back of the classroom. The teacher began teaching, it was really dull for every person in the class.

Suddenly Katelyn's phone started buzzing in her pocket and heads turned towards her. Katelyn didn't turn off her phone in class because she deleted all the numbers on her phone after the fire. Quickly grabbing her phone out of her pocket she looked down at it and saw that it was Michael calling.

"Katelyn no phones in class." The teacher called out as he narrowed his eyes at Katelyn for disrupting the class.

Katelyn stood up, knowing that if Michael were to call her during school it would be important. The teacher immediately spoke up, he was a strict teacher and this was not acceptable to him.

"Sit back down in your seat and give me your phone." He says as he holds out his hand, but Katelyn just looked from the teacher to her ringing phone. She was always known to follow the rules at her old school but Katelyn's rebellious side was emerging and she did something she never thought she would ever do.

Katelyn accepted the call in front of her teacher as she picked her book bag up off the floor. "Yes Michael, what is it?" Katelyn answered as her teacher grew furious walking over to his desk for something, but Katelyn didn't stick around to figure out what he was getting.

With the whole class staring at her with wide eyes Katelyn walked out of the classroom with the teacher yelling at her to come back.

"Everything okay over there?" Michael asks nervously hearing her teacher yell from the other line. Katelyn just fast walked away from the classroom and out the front doors of the school building to her motorcycle.

"Yeah, everything's good." Katelyn lied as her heart was racing, she thought that it felt good being rebellious for once.

"Okay well, I need you down at the gym right now." Michael said in a rush making Katelyn narrow her eyes.

"Why?" She asked, wondering why Michael would need her urgently.

"Just get down here, you won't be disappointed." Michael said as Katelyn sighed before hanging up and climbing onto her motorcycle and putting on her helmet.

Katelyn was about to take off when she noticed Xavier running out of the building to her. She stopped and placed her foot on the ground to keep her balance on the motorcycle while Xavier stopped in front of her.

"Where are you going?" Xavier panted and Katelyn instantly grew annoyed, this boy didn't know when to stop. This is her business and he shouldn't be getting in trouble as well only to figure out where she is going.

"That's none of your business." Katelyn said as she waited until Xavier said something before taking off again.

"You ran out of the class, that's not like you." Xavier commented, he finally noticed something that made Katelyn rebellious and he intended to figure out what it was. Xavier hasn't gotten anything out of Katelyn and he could tell this was important.

Katelyn knew that Xavier was trying to figure her out, but she wasn't going to tell him anything. She had her mind set on keeping her personal life to herself and a charming guy wasn't going to change her plans.

Katelyn didn't respond, finding it easy to ignore Xavier and his attempts to figure her out. She then sped off on her motorcycle towards the gym, only hoping she won't be in a lot of trouble tomorrow at school.

Pulling up at the gym, Kaitlyn rushed through the doors. "Michael?" She asked looking around the gym that only had a few people working out in it. Her eyes connected with Zion's who she saw through a glass window in his office in the back of the gym. He waved her over to come into his office but she uneasily looked around for Michael first. 

Katelyn barely knew Zion, and he gave her a weird feeling. She couldn't find Michael so she made her way through the randomly scattered gym equipment and around the old boxing ring in the center of the gym before she arrived in front of Zion's office door. 

"Yes?" She asked after opening the door and standing in the doorway. Looking around Zion's office, she realized how clean and tidy it was, without any pictures or little objects.

"I just wanted to tell you good luck tonight at Revolution." Zion said as he gave Katelyn a wink, he found her attractive and smart. But Katelyn's stomach rolled in disgust; Zion was like thirty years old. But she held in her disgust as she gave him a small smile with a thank you in reply, before closing the door again and search for Michael once again. 

Suddenly her eyes landed on Michael in one of the farther corners of the gym talking to a woman a little older than herself. Katelyn walked over to where the two were standing and caught both of their attention. 

"Katelyn, this is Jennifer." Michael said as he nodded in the woman's direction. 

"You can call me Jen." She corrected Michael with a small smile as she looked Katelyn up and down. It was part of her job to assess every fighter who wants her help.

"Nice to meet you." Katelyn said with a nod as she looked towards Michael questioningly, she was wondering if she was the reason that he called her down to the gym or if it was because of something else.

Katelyn looked closer at the woman, she was short, really short with brown hair that reached her shoulders and winged eyeliner that automatically drew everyone's attention to her face, that was really skinny and defined.

The woman, Jen, wore a pantsuit making her look very professional and only at the gym because of business. She didn't look like she worked out or fought at all, she was just too small and petite, even to Katelyn.

"Michael contacted me with a little information about you and your first win last night," Jen said to begin with, she was very interested in Katelyn even though she tried not to show it. "I'd like for you to consider hiring me as your personal publicity manager."

"What's that exactly?" Katelyn asks confused, she isn't famous and just started in the street fighting business so she wondered why she'd need a manager. 

Michael spoke up before Jen could explain, "She'll help you schedule your fights better, choose what you wear, who you associate yourself with, and even work with clubs and companies to sponsor you."

"I don't think I need that right now. Plus, I'm not making any good money yet." Katelyn said because she didn't want to have to pay her because she was already going to struggle with paying rent on her apartment. 

Then Katelyn looked towards Michael, she didn't think she was paying him. Yet most likely he probably took part of her winnings the other night, he was the one who handed her the money. She reminded herself to go over what percentage of her earnings Michael would be given, because he can't just be taking however much he thinks he deserves. 

"I've been talking with Zion about this and he said he will pay her for us, but only if you prove yourself to him. So if you want the potential to make more money than the other fighters, I suggest you prove to Zion that you will bring his gym more business by winning these fights." Michael explained and in return he received a nod from Jen who approved of what he just stated. 

"I would love to do business with you and this gym Katelyn, I think it would be what's best for everyone." Jen said honestly while Katelyn still debated whether or not this will be good for her. She's just starting to figure things out on her own, but she thought that maybe Jen would actually bring some stress off her shoulders. 

"Okay, yeah. Katelyn agreed, making Jen smile before holding out her hand. She took it and both the girls shook hands in the promise of a future deal with each other. Jen's eyes held accomplishment while Katelyn didn't know quite what she was getting herself into. 

Michael looked at Jen and Katelyn and smiled in success, he really hopes that Katelyn has what it takes to become a good fighter. He doesn't want to waste his time but feels as though both Zion and Jen can keep Katelyn on track to unleashing her full potential.

He wants to make money and helping Katelyn has started to become an easy way to do it.

Both Michael and Katelyn said bye to Jen before walking over to Zion's office together. Michael told Zion about what they all had discussed, but Katelyn noticed how Zion's eyes always shifted to her. But looking at the clock hanging on the wall, Katelyn realizes that she needs to pick up her brother from school.

"Thanks for the help hiring Jen today guys, but I've got other things to do today." Katelyn said just wanting to leave and not do anything until the fight tonight. 

"You didn't want to train for a little?" Michael asked kind of upset, making Katelyn wonder what he does for a living because he didn't seem like a trainer when they met.

"No, I've got responsibilities." Katelyn said merely, making Zion scrunch his eyes in her direction. 

"These responsibilities better not affect your fighting." Zion spoke up making Katelyn shake her head almost immediately, as if not get on Zion's bad side. 

"Oh no, they won't." She assured them both before walking out of the gym and hopping onto her motorcycle. She had twenty minutes to reach the school before they out, and this time she was determined not to be late. 

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