My Immortal Imprint (Twilight...

By Laylie_Love

18.5K 301 33

Paul Lahote is the hothead from the Quileute Pack. Vera Cullen is a vampire and she is apart of the Cullen fa... More

My Immortal Imprint
My Immortal Imprint- Chapter |1|
My Immortal Imprint- Chapter |2|

My Immortal Imprint - Chapter |3|

2.2K 40 14
By Laylie_Love

Not edited.

My Immortal Imprint

Chapter 3:

We finally left from England with some of my associates also known as The British Coven: Harry, his beloved Elizabeth, Edwin, his beloved Jewell, and also my parents, whom I turned a long time ago, Emijean and Lewis. Us, ten ran all the way back to the house. I walked up to the back of the house and saw Jacob, Seth, Leah, and Paul. I didn't want to say this but I honestly missed him while I went out to get my fellow friends. He was on my mind and I tried to cover it up with random things.

Jacob walks up to me with a smirk.

I turned to my friends. "You guys can go inside. Hey! Sam don't hurt any of them, please we need them." I point to Samuel and he smiled another crooked one.

"I can't promise but I'll try." He puts his hands up in surrender.

I looked at Lena, his beloved, and she smiled. "I got it, Vera. Just...handle that thing that's standing in front of you." She said before they walked inside. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Jacob.


"I see Renesmee isn't the only one who was imprinted on." He smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, acting confused, like I didn't already know what the hell he was talking.

"You do know that everyone in the wolf territory knows when someone imprints? Its ground rules to tell them so they know to protect their imprintee at all cost...but I don't know about you. You know, since you're a bloodsucker and all but I'm sure Sam will compromise." Jacob said, ending his explanation with a cheeky smirk.

"Sometimes, Jacob I question why Bella is friends with you." I joked. "Did you ever think what if we didn't have a choice to be a "bloodsucker?" I didn't want to be one but it happened and I'm not happy with it but I've learned to live with it."

"How old are you?" Paul asked.


"No, I mean your real age not when you were changed." He replied, walking up to me.

"I'm old, Paul; but, I don't age so don't worry about mines."

Now, he was right in my face. He was even blocking Jacob. "Tell me your real age." He demanded me and I don't know why but I liked it, a lot.

"One hundred and ninety nine years old, Paul." I whispered, looking up at him.

He seemed to shiver at the sound of me saying his name. I looked into his eyes and they lit up. It was like a brighter brown. Hazel, almost. I paused for a second as a visual came into play. It was Sam and his pack. The annoying and dirty dog, Quil, noticed Paul missing and told Sam. Now, Sam is going crazy because he is worried about Paul. He is hoping that if Paul went out to release some anger that he'd be careful with it because apparently he knows that Paul has anger issues, in my words.

"So, tell me, Paul. Does Sam know that you're over here?" I asked, running my fingers up his strong, tan arm.

I heard a loud howl in the distance then more followed after. "Shit!" Paul cursed under his breath while running his hand through his hair.

He paused for a second as if he had been trying to think or figure something out. Before I knew it, his extremely warm hands cupped my face before he kissed my forehead while letting it linger there before taking off running into the woods. I watched as he disappeared from my sight. I turned to Leah and Seth then smiled.

Walking up to them, I pulled Seth into a hug. "Hey, Sethie!" He smiled back while hugging me back.

"Hey, Vera. What's up, girlie?" He said back to me. I always looked at Seth as a little brother. I felt so protective over him since the first day I met him.

It took awhile for me to think about what he had asked. What is up? Well, there's the sky, heaven, God, angels, stars, the clouds, some more planets, air, gravity, etc. But, what really is up? I think I'm over-thinking this.

"Nothing much." I replied then turn to Leah, whom was glaring at me. "Okay, Leah. Are you going to hate my family and I for being what we are? We can't change that and I know some of us want to but there is no way we can. Not every vampire wants to be one. Its not like most of us had a choice, okay? It was either this or death. Even though, I'd rather choose death, I wasn't given much of a choice. I know its frown upon. We can't change the past but we can change the future and I was hoping, just maybe you could ease up on us. This is not a lifestyle many of us would've chosen but then again we had no choice."

"I would give you a hug but Jacob told me it'll feel uncomfortable against our skin. Plus, I'm not a hugger. But," She stiffened before sighing. "I'm sorry, Vera. You and your family have been so kind to us and I just...I don't know, I just took advantage of that."

I smiled, brightly at her. "Well, now that the situation have been cleared about we head inside?"

Her face twitched a bit as if she wanted to smile but then again she wasn't used to it.

"I'm sure Esme has made lunch."

Seth immediately agreed. "I'm always down for some food." He turned and looked at Leah. "Come on, Leah. It's not like we have anything better to do."

She looked as if she was contemplating before she shook her head. "I'm okay. I'm-uh- still not comfortable with all of your kind being around."

I nodded my head. I completely understand her. "I'll have Emmett send you out some fo-"

"No, send Seth or Jacob, please."

"Will do." I turned to Seth. "Come on." I said before walking away and I could feel Seth's heat following right behind me.

We made our way to the open door and walked inside the house. The house was crowded. Everywhere you turn was a vampire bit it didn't bother me much and I could tell that it wasn't bothering Seth either.

I led him to the kitchen which was occupied by Carlisle, Esme, Emijean, and Lewis. Esme smiled as she handed Seth three brown paper bags, which I assumed had food in it. I took one bag. "I'll give this to Jacob. You go give Leah her food." He nodded his head and left out. I turned back to all four of my parents and smiled. It's been so long since these four been together and I loved the fact that they got along so well. "I see you all are still getting along. Catching up on the past fifty years?"

"We were, actually." Esme answered. "We were just explaining to them the little joke behind the graduation caps."

I began to chuckle. "Did you tell them how depressing it is? Or, did you leave that part out?"

Carlisle shook his head. "We left it out." His calm look was my favorite. He could look at someone and in an instant they are calm. "We heard you had a run in with Paul."

Folding my lips together, I lowered my head. My body started to have this unknown heat firing inside me. Paul's face clouded my mind. Shaking my head, I glared at the floor. I'm not supposed to be thinking about him. He's really the enemy. Suddenly, I had a thought. Edward can read minds. I bet he can hear mine right now. This was embarrassing. I looked up at Carlisle. "Not a topic I'd like to have." He nodded his head in understanding. "Well, you four continue your conversation. I'm going to head upstairs. I'm sure a hungry werewolf is waiting on their food." I tried to joke to lighten the mood up.

They chuckled and I took my leave as I walked out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs after speaking to a few familiar faces. As soon as I stepped foot into the family room, I was attacked by a little body, that stopped around my waist.

She spoke no words but pulled my arm down. I got down on both of my knees to match her height. I felt the eyes of everyone in the room but focused of my pretty, little niece in front of me. She smiled as she placed her warm palm on the side of my cold cheeks.

Gasping as visuals began to appear as my eyes widened. The first visual was the first time her little eyes saw me when Rosalie held her. The second visual was when I had took her from Rosalie, when she had finally let me hold her. The third visual shocked me the most. It was a visual of Paul and I strange encounter in the woods. How did she see that?

My eyes blinked rapidly as I was brought back to the present. Glancing at Edward because I knew he had saw the exact same thing, he just sent a smile my way. I turned back to Renesmee. "You have a gift. I'm baffled."

I knew just because she had grown a foot since I had left I knew she still didn't talk much or maybe she just didn't want to. But, luckily she was able to speak through the palm of her hand. Her warm had stayed there as a little voice flooded my mind. 'Can you take me on another run, Aunty?'

I tilted my head. "Well..." My eyes flickered towards Edward and Bella. "It's up to your parents."

Renesmee instantly took off towards Bella as she placed her hand on her cheek. I watched her have a silent conversation with her mother and it was adorable. "Was that for me?" Jacob's voice caught my attention next to me. I turned my head and nodded up at him as I was stood on the floor. "I tried waiting but I'm starving."

"I know you are." I joked as I handed him his food and he immediately started chopping down.

I turned my focused back on the mother and daughter just in time to see Bella finally nodding her head, agreeing to the offer. Renesmee instantly gripped my hand, helping me off of the floor before taking off running. I smiled as she giggled down the stairs, passed all of the guests, out of the door, and into the woods.

"Renesmee, stay close by me, okay? No running off like last time." I told her once we were far out of ear's reach. Everyone knew vampires have super hearing, and I did not need Edward or Bella's newborn strength trying to kill me.

I watched as she turned around with a bright smile before lifting her hand up. I bended over slightly so her petite hand could reach my face. The warmth in her body had calmed me just as visuals clouded my mind again as I allow it. The visual is one that'll never get old to me now. It was her memories of me starting from when she was born to now. There was always a new visual of me, a current one.

Renesmee always told me that I was her "favorite aunty." Roselie would always get upset and storm out. Alice, on the other hand, would take her anger out by buying new clothes. You could tell when she was upset because she did the same thing. Go out shopping for a long time with Jasper... Poor Jasper. And, when she finally returned with hundreds of bags, she'd always pull out that one piece of black or red clothing with a slight prissy attitude. I would always laugh, but Jasper or Carlisle would always silence me when Alice starts ranting on about how she's the one that buys Renesmee the latest fashion and how isn't she her favorite aunty, because she could go on and on and on. Rosalie get upset because.... Well, everone knows why she gets upset.

"Where do you want to go, Little One?" I smiled down at her as I stood straight up.

She twisted her body, side to side, repeatedly then started giggling again. I instantly knew she had a little master plan going on inside her mind.

I put my hand on my hip, waiting for her laughing to die down. "Lets go see Uncle Paul. I'm sure he's waiting to see you. "

"Uncle Paul? When did he start being Uncle... Paul?" I felt my cheeks heat up but when I touched my face I am reminded of nothing but the coldness. This was another time that it had happen. Weird.

"Since yesterday. "

I shoom my head, trying to dismiss the unknown feelings of "the butterflies" and the movements thats going on inside of my stomach. "Why don't we go cliff jumping? And, when we're done we could go for lunch. "

"Mountain lion or some actual food?"

"Mountain lion for me, my Child. I'll pass on the actual food. But, I could get you some food, if that's what you want?" She nodded. "Alright, Little One, hop on and hold on tight."

She did exactly what I told her and with that we took off. She giggled the whole way there as we passed in a blur. I am the second fastest in my family but the fastest girl. Edward is the fastest. One day, Carlisle and Esme wanted to see who was the fastest out of their "children." When Carlisle signalled us to go, Edward and I were head to head, neck to neck, until Edward playfully pushed me which slowed me down right before we got to Esme and Carlisle. Since that day, I would call him a cheater. We bickered the most out of our family, ever since that day.

After Edward spent a day with Bella and her human friends, Jessica, Mike, Angela, and Eric... I believe Tyler was with them, he came back home using, what people called nowadays, slang. I was confused until we started arguing again and he told me that I was still "salty" because I lost. Long story short, he ended up explaining to the family and I what it meant and Esme told him to "never hang out with them again."

"Aunty Ver! " My feet stopped running as I looked up at her head resting on my shoulder. "You were about to pass the cliff."

I looked ahead and she was right. I was about to pass it. I was so deep in thought, I wasn't even paying attention. I smiled at her. "You're right, Little One." I let her off of my back and we walked over to the cliff. It's very odd to see that nobody was at the cliff; but that only means private time with my niece. "Don't jump in with your clothes on, Renesmee." I scowled her when I saw her on the edge, ready to jump.

She quickly jumped back muttering a 'sorry' before removing most of her clothes, leaving her in a tink top and underwear. "Can we jump together?"

"Uh- Yeah, sure." I removed my clothes leaving me in my bra and panties. Renesmee walked back next to me. "Ready?" She nodded. "Go!" We took off running and jumped off of the cliff. I couldn't feel anything but the wind passing through. And, before I know it, my body dove right into the cool water. I swam up to the top to see Renesmee already waiting for me with a huge smile. "That was so cool!" She squealed. I nodded my head, agreeing with her. "Can we go again, please?"

I swam over to her. "Fine, but then we'll have to get lunch and head back. I know your parents are waiting for us."

I grabbed her hand and swung her on my back before quickly running to the top of the cliff. "Ready?" She nodded. "Alright, let's g-" Before I could finish my cellphone began to ring in my pants pocket. "Hold on." I walked over and pulled my phone out of my pocket before answering it and putting it up to my ear. "Yes, Carlisle?"

"We have a problem." Internally groaning, I rolled my eyes.

"What's the issue?"

"Aunty.. " I looked over at the small child still standing at the edge of the cliff. "Can we jump now?"

"You go ahead. I'll join you in a minute."

"Okay." I watched as she jumped and disappeared into the water.

"Whats the problem? " I repeated.

"Alice and Jasper are gone."

I gasped. "What? What do you mean?"

"They left us. We have no idea where they went."

"Okay. Renesmee and I will come back as soon as I get her some lunch."

"Alright. Hurry. This is matter to discuss as soon as possible."

"I understand." I hang up the phone before staring at it for awhile. Why would Alice and Jasper leave us especially when we need them the most?

"Aunty! Come on!" The Little One called from below. I smiled before sitting my phone back down.

I walked over to the middle. Just as I am about to take off running, I stopped in my tracks. I could've sworn I heard a growl....but it didn't sound like a vicious growl. I looked around but saw absolutely nothing even with my 20 20 vision. Shrugging my shoulders, I took off running and flipping off of the cliff and into the water. It was such a rush.

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