Through the Dark

By AshesandAvery

305K 8.7K 2.9K

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. How Severus Snape hated him. Always showing off, too much like Potter. Why c... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Detention with Snape
Chapter 3: To the infirmary
Chapter 4: Confusion
Chapter 5: Unexpected
Chapter 6: To Choose an Opponent
Chapter 7: Anger And Help
Chapter 8: Shock Of A Lifetime
Chapter 9: Pain and frustration
Chapter 10: To Break And Fall
Chapter 11: Assurance
Chapter 12: The Problem with Toads
Chapter 13: A friend indeed is a friend in need
Chapter 14: Comfort and Plan
Chapter 15: The Hartfords
Chapter 17: Meeting The Wells
Chapter 18: Friendship And Family
Chapter 19: The Dreadful Day
Chapter 20: To Wake
Chapter 21: Dad
Chapter 22: Promises
Chapter 23: Panic ensues
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Accepting Fate
Chapter 26: Resisting temptation
Chapter 27: Phoenix To The Rescue!
Chapter 28: The Lost Of A Protector
Chapter 29: Regrets
Chapter 30: Suspicion awakens
Chapter 31: Missing Someone
Chapter 32 : Part And Parcel
Chapter 33: Cold Shoulder!
Chapter 34: Mending A Broken Heart

Chapter 16: Central City

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By AshesandAvery

Hunter and Ezra apparated into their new house. The house looks big but isn't as big as a manor. Just nicely big enough for both of them. They had acquired it through a broker via Lucius, of course. It was fully furnished, with early colored walls. Lucius had managed to have a library (the house had four rooms, one was converted to a library). The stairs were all glinting and well-polished.

"The garden needs weeding!" Hunter exclaimed. Ezra rolled his eyes. The boy has this penchant for pulling off weeds, apparently.

"Get inside, Alexander, and mind you to not to trample on the stairs. I ought to cut your legs off," Ezra reminded. The young man did as he was told and took his clothes.

Then Hunter stopped at the middle of the stairs. He took a moment to look at the drawing area. It was haven. The couches looked fluffy and comfy, the fireplace was adding to the homey feeling. The kitchen was still hidden fron view though.

He continued on. Then stopped. He didn't ask where his room was!

"E- E- Ezra!" He shouted, stuttering a bit. He was minding his tone of course; he doesn't want to be murdered by the man on their first day together. The said man went to the bottom of the stairs, and asked, "Do not shout, Alec! What is it you want?"

"Sorry, but, where's my room, Ezra?"

The man waved him off with a, "Just choose, Alexander."

Hunter's eyes widened. He gets to choose?

He was somehow feeling discomforted by the idea. He likes the freedom, yet he was completely thrown back by it. It was... overwhelming, to say the least.

When Ezra came back, the boy was still standing there, bag in hand. "Alec!" The boy's head snapped towards his direction. The boy looked small, all of a sudden. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know."

"Don't know what, Alexander?"

"Where do you intend to room?" The boy asked.

Ezra sighed. He climbed up the stairs and opened a room. "In, Alexander. Take a look."

The boy didn't move, but asked again, "Where will you room?"

Ezra was completely puzzled. What was the boy up to? But he still answered while pointing to the left room. There were three rooms in the second floor; one on the left, one next to it and another to the farthest.

The boy nodded, his body language immediately shifting to a more easy stance, "I'll get the one next, then."

The boy didn't need any push as he strode towards the said room, leaving Ezra puzzled over his demeanour.


After being settled, Hunter went down the stairs and found Ezra assessing the oven toaster.

"What are you doing, sir?" The man had his fingers on his chin, his brows furrowing and his eyes looked completely confused.

"What is this thing? Do you know what it is? It looks like some sort of box."

Hunter bit his lower lip to keep himself from laughing. Doesn't Ezra know what an oven toaster is?!

"Of course," he replied, forcing himself to remain as calm as possible, "It's an oven toaster."

"What in the world?! A toaster?!" The man's eyes were wide as saucers. Hunter hid his laugh with fake coughs.

"Does it make you cough in some way?"

"No," Hunter answered readily. This is the most ridiculous conversation he ever had with Ezra, and yet he was finding it amusing. He really thought Ezra was well acquainted with an oven toaster. "It makes toasts, Sir."

"Ah!" The man's eyes went shiny, "Like that of a toast-- as in bread?"

Hunter let out air. Control... Control... No need to laugh at Ezra's face. "Yes, exactly."


"You insert a slice of bread," Hunter instructed while showing the man how, "then push this lever thing down, and viola! The bread shall spring up the moment it is done."

"Just like that?" The man looked utterly impressed, "Amazing! And to think they do not have magic!"

Somehow, it reminded him of Arthur Weasely, but quickly erased the thought. No use in thinking about those who are left behind.

Hunter tried his best to instruct Ezra on the muggle technology; from the toaster, to the stereo, to the telly. The man truly is new to the things that were inside of the house, but Hunter did not dare laugh at his face. Ezra might go beserk and actually banish him.

And it was Hunter who made dinner (baked beans, a classic American food), which Ezra actually appreciated.

But when Hunter asked him about cars, Ezra revealed he could drive one.

"You can drive a car?! How is that even possible?" Hunter exclaimed over dinner.

"Alexander!" The older man reprimanded, "Do not shout on the table."

"Well, I am sorry, but, just so you know, this is quite unbelievable. You can't even operate an oven toaster, for Merlin's beard! How can you know how to drive a car?"

"I, for one, do not live under a bloody rock, Mister Alexander. Do not treat me like one."

"I apologize, but--"

"Can we just skip this boring dialogue, Alec?" Hunter only shook his head, too gobsmacked to even comprehend things that well. Dinner went by fast, and soon, both men were in their pyjamas.

Ezra had actually fussed over Hunter, who found it quite annoying. The man would tell him, 'Brush your teeth, Alexander', 'Quit moping around, Alexander, and 'Alexander!'.

"Can you please stop smothering me, Ezra?" Hunter whined.

"Alexander! Do not whine! You are fifteen, not five!"

"Well then, don't treat me as one!"

"Don't act like it, then, and we are even!"

"Ugh!" Hunter groaned. Ezra was so strict!

Hunter grabbed a book from one of his bags and flipped it open. He practically sulked, until Ezra knocked. Although sulking, the young man opened the door and let Ezra in.

"We are to visit the Square on the morrow, Alec. I was offered a position in the school which you will go to."

"I'm gonna go to school?" Hunter sounded like the whole idea was incredulous.

"What do you expect fifteen year olds do, Alexander? You have to go to school if you want to fit in."

"I don't have stuff yet!"

Ezra tsked, "Reasons, Alexander. We took the liberty to do so. Here," the man gave a bag to Hunter. "Please behave yourself, and please make friends. You need it."

"And what of my illness?"

Ezra pinched the bridge of his nose, "Many kids who have cancer do go to school, Alexander. This is your chance," Ezra's voice softened, "I will be there, just so you know."

"I am not scared!" Hunter exclaimed. He was, of course, denying.
It was like going through middle school all over again. He was scared he'll be bullied for being weak. He didn't realize he was hyperventilating when Ezra kept calling him.

"Alexander! Hunter Alexander Hartford!" Shouted Ezra gently.

Hunter looked at up and said "I'm scared. I'll be bullied. I'll never fit in. I can't do this."

Ezra gently shook him and said "Stop this. You'll be fine. I'll be there for you. Don't worry. Calm down Alec. Okay?"

Hunter nodded weakly, calming himself down. Ezra took a vial from his pocket. The Essence of Ease worked wonders and Hunter leaned his forehead on Ezra's shoulder. Ezra's hand automatically touched the boy's hair.

Hunter willingly let himself be comforted.


When Ezra said goodnight and left the room, Hunter was plagued by his memories. He began to sweat profusely, his knuckles turning white against the dark quilts, but didn't do anything about it. He swore to himself he'll never be a big baby and seek out Ezra

By twelve midnight, he found himself tiptoeing to Ezra's room, and was more than happy to have found that the man liked to sleep on one side of the bed only. Hunter climbed on the bed and settled himself on Ezra's person, sighing softly when he felt the man shift to accomodate him. Again, like a little boy, Hunter settled his head on the man's crook of neck.  He smiled happily when Ezra turned towards him, and put an arm under his head, which served as his pillow.

Cocooned under the sheets and his father, Hunter slept well.


The next morning, Ezra awoke to find Alexander next to him, again.

So it wasn't my imagination at all.

The young man was sleeping peacefully and Ezra didn't have the heart to remove himself, in case he wakes Alec up. But he was saved from doing so when Alec upon his eyes and Ezra shut his, pretending he was still asleep. The boy gave Ezra a squeeze on the waist, then a small whisper of "Can you be really my dad, Ezra? You seem nice."

Then the boy stood. He didn't hear Ezra whispering back, "Of course, Alexander."

He sat up and did his morning routine, his heart hammering. When he went down, Hunter was already making breakfast. It seems that Alexander has an affinity for cooking.

"Morning, Ezra. Where shall we head to today?"

"A barber's shop," Ezra replied with a gruff voice. The boy laid coffee and their breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon and toast. The boy had mirth in his eyes when Ezra took two toasts and put them on his plate.

"A hair trim?"

Ezra nodded, "Apparently. Then to the opthalmologist's clinic down the street."

"Have you been here before, Ezra?"

"We had to, your--" a cough, and clearing of throat, "Uncle, uh... Lucio and I had to make sure it is an aminable environment for the both of us."

They quickly finished their meal and got ready for their trip.

Ezra wore a dark collared shirt with slacks and black shoes while Hunter just wore a shirt and jeans. He had worn trainers as well.

Hunter noticed that even in Muggle clothing, Ezra boasts of authority.

When they went to the barber's shop, the man who was tending it, and the barber at the same time gave a smile to both.

"Hello, sirs. Here for a trim or so?"

"Yes. My son and I both require of your service. I believe we have chose a-- what do young people call it?"

"Hairstyle?" The barber supplied. Ezra gave a smirk.

"Yes, that is the word I believe I am looking for."

They were both ushered to chairs while the man called for his assistant, who was in the convenience store next door. The younger man offered both a small beam.

Hunter was nervous. He never had a haircut before, but he dare not let it show. The younger man looked like he was of the same age as him, after all.

The older man went to them, and both Ezra and Hunter chose the clean-cut hairstyle . It seemed rather stylish and not to mention, it is called clean-cut for a reason.

Both men settled to work. Occassionally, the older man asked questions, which were mostly answered by Ezra. The older man, named Eddie, had the oldest barber shop in the city, and his grandson, Eli, was the one helping him run it.

When asked about them, Ezra told the tale of "From London moving here, to start a new life after blah blah blah," and about him. Ezra told the rehearsed story, too, of 'Wife died when my boy here was born, blah blah blah,.

When they were done, Eddie told Hunter that Eli was to go to the same school as him as well. Hunter gave the other boy a rather awkward smile. Eli only gave him a nod.

As they went to inspect themselves, Hunter approved of how he looked. The absence of the scar, which was under a  long lasting glamour charm Lucius casted,  made him look even better. As for Ezra, his short hair made him actually looked younger, for the dark, foreboding prescence of his signature hair was lifted.

When they went to the opthalmologist, it turns out Ezra was to try a new pair of glasses, and Hunter chose contact lenses to let him see. Later on, Ezra explained that all of it was to make them look less than their former selves.

It was odd to see Ezra with glasses. It made him look different. Well, they'll have to embrace changes in order to blend in, Hunter decided. The man approved of his lenses, too. Hunter chose a clear one-- he didn't want to have any other eye color.

"Alexander? Do you want anything before we head to the school?" Ezra asked.

Hunter shook his head.

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