Zodiac Adventures: The School...

By Z_White

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"Welcome, my dear heroes and villains to the School for Heroes and Villains, also known as HV. You will be tr... More

💥The Heroes and the Villains💥
💥Chapter 1: Dorms and Arrangements💥
💥Chapter 2: Fashionably Late💥
💥Chapter 3: Laser Tag Death Match💥
💥Chapter 4: Territory💥
💥Chapter 5: A Villain's Mind💥
Wattys 2017
💥Chapter 6: Just Another Day💥
💥Chapter 8: Questions and Answers💥
💥Chapter 9: Broken Hearts Pt 1💥
💥Chapter 10: Broken Hearts Pt 2💥
💥Chapter 11: Heroes Code💥
💥Chapter 12: Meet The Parents💥
💥Chapter 13: Change💥
💥Chapter 14: Lies💥
💥Chapter 15: Taken in💥
💥Chapter 15.5 : Weak💥
💥Chapter 16: Lust and Love💥
💥Chapter 17: The Movies💥
💥Chapter 18: Sailing💥
💥Chapter 19: Plans💥
💥Chapter 20: Food💥
💥Chapter 21: Exposed💥
💥Chapter 22: Goodbye?💥
💥Chapter 23: Left Unsaid💥
💥Chapter 24: 4 months💥
💥Chapter 25: Trap💥
💥Chapter 25: Yin and Yang💥
💥Chapter 26: The Extractor (End of Book 1)💥
Check it Out!
1st Chapter is Out!

💥Chapter 7: Let's get Educational💥

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By Z_White

First Period (Elemental)

This is the period where the Zodiacs as well as you, the readers learn more about the elements. Yup. I just made this book educational. I will be gathering this information from various sources. Remember, some of the traits and characteristics do not apply to everyone who has the element. But it does sometimes apply to a vast majority of people from that element group.


Fire (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo):

Aries and Sagittarius were two of the people who entered the room early. They took a seat side by side in the center middle of the room.

Having time to spare they started talking about planning another movie night, as well as what movies they should watch.

Time was ticking and just as the late bell was about to ring Leo entered the room sitting by the window. The teacher shot her a side glance, adjusting his glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose.

"Now if everyone can take a seat, I'll be taking attendance then we'll proceed with today's lesson."

Once the teacher finished his attendance it was time to teach.

"Fire elementalist tend to have a personality that can be seen as over dramatic, enthusiastic and outgoing. They make quick decisions, due to relying on their gut instincts."

The class nodded taking some notes down.

"Your traits also include, but are not limited to agressive, ambitious, fearless, selfish, callous, strong and vigorous." He continued.

"As a hero you should try your best to embrace only the heroic qualities and villians the villianous qualities..."

"For example, a hero should not be aggressive unless called for in a battle, and a villian should not be soft unless they want to be destroyed."

Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

Virgo and Capricorn took a seat in the front of the room because they believed that when you're in front you pay attention more.

Taurus came shortly after a chewing a piece of toast he had stolen last minute from the cafeteria. He scanned the room until his eyes landed on Virgo. Virgo was happily talking to Capricorn about who knows what. Taurus rolled his eyes. He popped the rest of his toast in his mouth, chewed, swallowed and walked to the opposite side of Virgo.

Virgo did not yet notice that he had arrived. Taurus leaned down to the person that occupied the desk he so desperately wanted.

That person, was a girl. She wore thick black rimmed glasses. Her hair was up in a tight ponytail. She wore an black oversized shirt with white leggings. The badge that was clipped on the left of her chest read, Hero.

The girl looked up at Taurus, butterflies fluttered in her stomach due to Taurus' killer smile.

"Hey." He chuckled.

"H-H-Hi." She stutters.

"I'm sorry to ask you this but do you mind moving one seat over. This girl here is a friend of mine and I'll be devastated if I can't sit next to her." Taurus said putting on a face of distraught.

"O-Oh... s-sure..." The girl gathered her stuff moving it to the desk to the left.

"Beautiful and nice." Taurus said to the girl his signature smile on his face.

The girl turned red as a firetruck as she moved to the next seat. With that, Taurus sat down.

The teacher -Ms. Earin- walked into the classroom. She wore a button up shirt and dirt brown pants, her hair was up in a messy bun.

"Now. First things first. I am Ms.Earin. Not Ms. E, not Ms. Rin, Ms. Ear-in."

The class looked at their teacher with blank stares.

"I don't care about your names at the moment so before we get started with the lesson any smart questions?" She asked.

Capricorn slowly raised his hand.

"What?" She asked him.

"Are you related to the headmaster?"
Capricorn asks.

"I'm his cousin."

The Earth elementalist nodded their head releasing short 'Ohhh's of realization.

"Okay, no more questions lets get on with the lesson. Earth elementalist tend to be two main things dependable and trustworthy. However, those qualities tend to be found in hero elementalist not villains. Because, really, who ever learned about a dependable, trustworthy villian, no one, that's who. Now open the book that's under each of your chairs."

Water (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer)

Scorpio took a seat between two girls. One was a hero the other was a villain.

Pisces and Cancer walked into the room just after the late bell rung. The teacher, a gray haired, seemingly 50 year old man pointed to the 2 front center chairs.

"Great. I hate the front." Cancer sighed.

"If you didn't eat that extra stack of pancakes we wouldn't be here." Pisces informed her.

"They were surprisingly good, if I had a chance I'd do it again." Cancer declared taking a seat.

"Listen up for your name. Henry Kilop."


"Jikkia Nighava."

"H-Here." The hero girl besides Scorpio stutters.

The class laughed, mostly the villain students at the strange name.

Scorpio rolled his eyes.

The teacher continued with the attendance

The class marking the majority of the class present.

"Okay todays lesson is just a basic overview of the traits of most water elementalist that make them well them. Water elementalist tend to be emotionally sensitive, not only that they are highly aware of others emotions. They also have huge imaginations, and in the most part are implusive rather than logical."

"Okay I don't know about the emotionally sensitive and aware part but the rest is pretty spot on." Cancer nods.

Pisces nods. He could to relate to all parts of the description which worried him. Are villains suppose to be emotionally sensitive?

He rolled his eyes. He blames his parents.

You see, Pisces has a secret he hasn't told anyone and who knows if he'll ever tell.

Air (Libra, Gemini and Aquarius)

"Air elementalist are intellectual people which makes for both good heroes and good villians. They are also good analyst when it comes to a problem standing in their way. The problem that occur from being an air elementalist however, is that they are not intune with their emotions."

Libra and Gemini wasn't paying much attention. Instead they were texting eachother underneath their desk talking about how boring the class was. They were only 15 minutes in.

Aquarius on the other hand was taking notes.

'●Not intune with emotions...'

That didn't seem like a good trait for a hero. So she adds to her notes.


The heroes gathered themselves proclaimed table in the center of the lunch room. The lunch table looked like so.

Virgo and Capricorn sat on one side of the bench, Aquarius and Scorpio on the other, while the rest took to their own side of the bench.

"Pairing class was horrible." Sagittarius groaned.

"Tell me about it." Aquarius groans along with her.

Sagittarius, Aries and Aquarius were in the same class due to air specialist being paired with fire specialist. While earth specialist was paired with water specialist.

"What happened?" Scorpio asks taking a sip of his ginger ale.

"Well... Leo was of course assaulting me as always, but surprisingly not as bad. I think almost beating her at laser tag made her respect me a smidge. Not a lot but a smidge." Aquarius shrugs.

"To be honest Libra was fine, she spent most of her time ignoring me which I did not mind at all." Aries shrugs.

"For me, Gemini kept on flirting with me, like, does this boy ever stop. If a girl says no then leave her alone." Sagittarius said stabbing her caesar salad and stuffing it in her mouth.

"Well looks like someone likessss youuu~." Virgo said poking Sagittarius lightly on the shoulder.

"I sure hope not..."

"I mean at least you know he's determined? That counts for something right?" Aquarius teased.

"Aqua." Sagittarius says blankly.

"Yeah?" She replies.

"Shut up."


The group laughed at their interaction.

"Oh so you all think this is funny?" Sagittarius asks.

"Uh, yeah." Aries laughs.

Sagittarius rolled her eyes,"Well, Virgo, why don't you go out with Taurus? He obviously likes you." She says drawing the attention to Virgo who started choking on water upon hearing Sagittarius's question. 

The heroes laughed looking at her reaction.

Virgo composed herself wiping her mouth with the napkin Scorpio had passed to her from across the table.

"Me? With Taurus? Are you crazy?" Virgo exclaimed.

"What he's not cute enough for you?" Sagittarius asks.

"N-No, I mean no one would really say he wasn't cute..." Virgo stutters.

"So... what's the problem?" Sagittarius asks.

"Well... he's a villain, I'm a hero. We can't possibly get together. That'd be weird."

"So you're fine if I go out with a villian but you're not fine with it?" Sagittarius questioned.


"Just as I thought."

"Go on a date with him I'm sure it'll be fine." Aquarius adds looking to Virgo.

"But what if I embarrass myself?" Virgo said biting the bottom of her lip.

"Then he doesn't deserve you." Capricorn chimed in.

Virgo nodded her head,"If he asks me on a date I'll do it... but only if Sagittarius goes on a date with Gemini."

Sagittarius gasps, "You're evil."

Virgo shrugs, "So, if Gemini asks you out on a date again will you say yes... or say no?" Virgo was challenging Sagittarius a smirk present on her face.

"Argh, fine." She grumbled.

"Yay!" Virgo exclaimed

Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio and Aquarius looked at the two girls. One was angrily stabbing her salad and stuffing her face while the other one calmy drunk some water. In the inside though she was praying for a certain villain to not make a move.

"Well this has been fun but... its rest hour and I plan to rest." Aries said while standing up from his seat. "I'll see you all next period." He picked up his tray and walked away.

"Oh Scorpio and I have to watch the new episode of The Flash, so we'll be going." Aquarius said getting up as well.

"Wait a new episode came out?!" Scorpio exclaims.

"Yeah, we were watching movies with everyone, fell asleep and missed it."

"What are we waiting for lets go!" Scorpio shouts.

They picked up their tray and practically sprinted out the cafeteria.

"Those two are such dorks." Sagittarius said with a shake of the head.

"Hey do you think they might start..." Capricorn began to ask before getting cut off by Virgo.

"Liking eachother? No. They're like brother and sister. Scorpio has that need to protect her but it won't go past that. Aqua on the other hand sees Scorpio as a brother only a brother." She states.

"How can you be so sure?" Capricorn asks.

"Yeah, what if she starts to like him?" Sagittarius asks.

"She won't I just know." Virgo shrugs.

"If you say so... I'm going to lay down. See you two later." Sagittarius waves good bye picking up her empty salad bowl and throwing it out.

"I could use a nap." Virgo says to Capricorn. In her mind however she was planning on shutting herself in her room and fangirling over her favorite boy group, BTS.

"Okay, have a nice rest. I'm going to clear my mind." Capricorn waves slightly.

With that being said they headed their own separate ways.

Chapter 7 done! This was more of a filler chapter but the story of course progressed a bit just a bit, but yeah. Yes. I know this chapter was mainly focused on the Heroes but certain chapters the villain signs will shine and vice versa. So don't get butthurt that your sign wasn't mentioned.

Welp, time for me to sleep.

Summer slumber here I come~

☁Z.White Up, Up and Away☁

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