The Lost Dragon

By DeadRights15

5.7K 49 7

What If Natsu anf Sting Were Brothers But Then Natsu Saves Lisanna But Dies In The Process More

Twin Brothers
I Will Find You
Hargeon Port, X784
White Dragon Black Dragon
Ice Rose
Dragon Force
Super Nova
Dragon Sense
Breaking Point
Battle Of FairyTail
Thunder Tactics
Redemption Day
Oracion Seis
The Sisters and the Serpent
Angels and Dragons
Three Dragons in the Night Sky
I am King
The Fairy Hunters
So Much Alike
Purging Sky
Fly To Your Friends
The Strongest Team v.s. The Royal Captains
Ghosts In The Fairies
Dragon Knight
GoodBye Edolas
Im Home

Dragon Slayers

324 8 2
By DeadRights15

Lisanna sighed and rested her head on the table. Her sister Mira was fighting Erza…again.

Don't they EVER get tired of beating each other up like that? she wondered. She watched Erza go flying across the room before she charged Mira again.

Guess not.

Lisanna looked around for something to do. Elfman and Gray were playing cards with Cana. Gray's mentor, Ur, was watching them with amusement. Her other pupil, Lyon, looked bored. Master had left a little while ago to get away from the noise. She really didn't blame him. The other guild members were just doing the usual and trying to avoid Mira and Erza as they fought.

Lisanna got up to tell her sister to stop fighting for the FIFTH time that morning when she heard the Master's booming voice echo throughout the guild. She turned towards the entrance to see what was going on.

The little old man stood by the door to the guild. Lisanna noticed that there were two boys trailing slightly behind him, a blond one, and one with strange, salmon pink hair. The blond boy looked pretty excited, but he was doing a good job of containing himself. His companion looked a little nervous, glancing around the room uncertainly at the people inside. With his dark eyes and the white scarf around his neck, Lisanna had to admit he looked kind of cute.

The Master cleared his throat to get everyone's attention again before speaking. "Alright you brats, listen up! We have two new members joining the guild today." He motioned for the boys to step forward, which they did.

Makarov gestured to each boy in turn. "This is Sting," His hand moved to the blond one. "And his twin brother Natsu." His hand gestured to the salmon-haired boy. "I expect you all to give them a warm welcome and make them feel at home here."

Sting nodded politely at the guild members, while Natsu continued to look around warily. He met Lisanna's gaze for a moment, and she smiled at him.

He started to smile back when Erza started talking. "Hey Master, you still haven't told us what kind of magic they use. Are they strong?"

The Master paused and grinned for a moment before replying. "Well, even I don't know what kind of magic they use, but they were strong enough to beat the crap out of a thief at the marketplace without using it. I'll let you find out for yourself."

Gray scoffed from the other end of the room. "Pfft. Anyone could beat up a common thief. That doesn't make them very strong. They look weird. Especially the one with pink hair."

Natsu's head whipped around to find the source of the insult and he narrowed his eyes when he found it. "Oh yeah? Well first of all my hair is salmon not pink. Second of all, I think you're pretty weird since you're just sitting there with no clothes on."

At that moment, Cana spoke out. "Gray, your clothes!"

Gray looked down and yelled when he saw that he was in his boxers. "When did that happen?!"

Natsu put his hands behind his head and grinned a little. Lisanna saw that his canine teeth were really long. Almost like fangs. "I knew it. You're a weirdo, for sure." The boy laughed.

Gray turned back towards him with an angry look on his face. "What was that?! You wanna fight squinty-eyes?"

Natsu stopped laughing and glared at him. "Sure, why not droopy-eyes?"

Ur got up for a second, probably to stop them, but Master motioned for her to stand down.

Sting was looking a little left-out so he spoke next. "Hey Natsu! Don't hog all the fighting to yourself!"

Natsu looked back at him for a second before muttering something along the lines of. "He started it," before looking back towards Gray, who was cracking his knuckles impatiently. Macao and Wakaba encouraged the two to start fighting.

Natsu was bunching his fists up when he stopped suddenly and turned towards the Master. "Hey, can we fight in here old man?" he asked.

Gray smirked when his opponents attention was divided. He yelled, "You're open!" and jumped at Natsu to quickly punch him in the stomach.

Natsu skidded backwards for a moment before he looked up at Gray and yelled. "HEY!"

Gray grinned evilly at him before replying. "We fight in here all the time. Don't let your guard down!"

The salmon-haired boy stood up and brushed himself off before facing Gray again. As Gray was getting ready to charge Natsu, the latter lunged forward and got up in Gray's face. Gray's eyes widened slightly before Natsu's fist slammed into his jaw and sent him flying backwards. He landed on the floor with a hard thump before slowly getting back up, rubbing the offended area with his hand. "Dang, that was pretty solid." he groaned.

Erza raised an eyebrow at Natsu's impressive speed. "Well now, he isn't too bad is he?" she murmured.

Mira chuckled lowly. "He doesn't seem that strong. I could knock him out easy."

Natsu spun around towards her and he growled, "I heard that!"

Mira blinked in surprise. She had spoken quietly, and didn't really get how Natsu could have possibly heard her comment. Then she smirked. "Oh yeah? So what are you gonna do about it?"

Lisanna cringed at her tone. Mira was in a fighting mood, and she was just goading Natsu on to see if he would attack her. She really didn't want their new guild mate to find out the hard way just how mean her sister could be.

She was about to speak out, but Sting beat her to it. He was really pissed off how everyone was picking fights with Natsu and not including him. "Natsu's already fighting someone, so why don't I take you up on that challenge?" His voice rang with confidence.

At this, Ur stepped forward. "I have a better idea." She managed to gain all the guild's attention. "Why don't you and your brother fight my two students in a tag battle?" Her gaze looked to Gray, who was glaring at Natsu, and then at Lyon, who now seemed excited to have something to do instead of just sit around.

Natsu and Sting exchanged a glance and grinned at each other. Lisanna saw that, like Natsu, Sting also had sharp canine teeth. Sting looked at Ur. "Alright then. Bring it on!"

Some of the guild members got up and cleared some of the tables to the side so the four boys had more room to move. As they were getting ready, Natsu turned towards the Master once more. "Hey, Master, are we allowed to use magic here?"

Makarov nodded at him. "Sure. Just don't hurt yourselves too badly. Porlysica would have my hide if I showed up at her doorstep with the four of you all beaten up." He chuckled good-naturedly.

Sting grinned at this. "Good! So there's nothing holding me back!"

Gray faced the twin brothers while Lyon smirked. "You two can still surrender and save yourselves some pain you know!"

Natsu cracked his knuckles and flashed his sharp canine teeth. "I could say the same to you."

Erza stepped forward now. "I'll be the referee! If I say stop then you stop." She glared dangerously at Gray and Lyon, who looked intimidated, before turning towards Natsu and Sting with the same stare.

Sting fidgeted uncomfortably under her gaze. "Yeah, yeah can we get started already?"

Erza nodded at them, having made her point. "Alright then…match START!"

Gray and Lyon immediately made hand signs for their magic, but before they could cast a spell, Natsu and Sting had already rushed up to them. Sting kicked Lyon in the jaw while Natsu claimed his revenge on Gray with a swift punch to his gut.

Gray and Lyon went flying backwards.

Mira was surprised by their impressive speed. "Wow, they're really fast!" She exclaimed.

Gray and Lyon managed to recover from the initial attack and launched a barrage of magic at their opponents. "Ice-make: Eagle!" Lyon cried and launched a flock of icy birds at the twins.

Natsu managed to dodge them all, but Sting was clipped on the leg by one of them and he dropped to all fours rather than falling. He grinned at his opponents like a predator bares it's teeth at prey. He sucked in a large amount of air into his mouth. All the guild members were intrigued. They had never seen this before. "White Dragon's Roar!" Sting yelled and a beam of white light shot from his mouth and raced towards the ice mages.

Everyone was shocked at this, but Gray managed to compose himself. He dropped to one knee, and placed his hands on the floor. "Ice-make: Shield!" A curtain of ice rose from the ground and covered him and Lyon. The beam of light impacted the ice, creating a small explosion.

The ice mages coughed in the smoke, but Natsu followed up and didn't give them time to rest. Everyone watched as his hands lit themselves on fire, balled up into fists, and caught Gray and Lyon in the jaw, sending them flying apart.

Cana screamed. "Oh my god, he's on fire! Someone get some water and put it out!"

Natsu turned towards her with a confused expression. "What are you freaking out for? It's just my magic."

The entire guild was speechless. Even Laxus, standing in a corner of the room, looked very surprised.

Ur slowly stepped forward, eyeing the two boys carefully. "You two…that magic you have…you're Dragon Slayers aren't you?"

Natsu looked up at her with a grin and answered her question, "Yup. I'm a Fire Dragon Slayer."

"And I'm a White Dragon Slayer." Sting added proudly.

Mira stepped forward at this, a little shell-shocked herself after seeing the two brother's display of magic. "Dragon Slayers? I've never heard of that before…" she spoke uncertainly.

Ur continued on, "It's a type of Lost Magic that was made to battle and kill dragons. It gives the user's body the characteristics of a dragon so that they can better fight them. For example…" Ur looked around the room and found Macao. She pointed to him, "Throw one of your fireballs at Natsu here."

Macao was already surprised, but Ur's request stunned him. "You want me to…what?"

Ur sighed. "Just do it, okay?"

Macao stood up slowly and turned towards Natsu, who just stared at him. He formed a purple flame in his hand and tossed it at the boy, certain that the kid was probably about to get burnt. What Natsu did next made sure that those few who had barely retained their sanity lose it completely. He opened his mouth and swallowed the purple flames.

Natsu patted his stomach and grinned at Macao. "Hey old man, you're a pretty good cook!" Natsu exclaimed happily. Absolute silence followed his words. Macao's jaw hit the floor.

Mirajane pointed a shaky finger at him and stuttered, "Y-you..wha..what the hell ARE you?!"

"One of a Dragon Slayer's powers is the ability to ingest anything comprised of their specific element. That allows them to get a decent power-up." Ur turned towards the Master with a smirk on her face. "Congratulations Master. It seems you've invited two little dragons into Fairy Tail."

Makarov's face was pale. He could almost see the damage bills piling up. Oh, the horror.

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