Discovery - Larry/Ziam/Nosh m...

By bandhoez9194

16.4K 351 81

One Direction. World famous boy band, idols to thousands of boys and girls across the world. Theyre making it... More

Warnings etc + thank you!!
*Telling the fathers*
A day of You and I.
story time and some terrible smut
*Ziam and Nosh time*
*A meeting and more*
*Interview Time!*
*Check Up Time!*
*Summer Solstice and a Surprise*
*A lover's spat*
*kidnapped and a better outcome*
*coming home*
*Drama. Plain Drama.*
*Well, Shit*
5SOS Are Here!!
A Couple Surprises and A Battle
Everything Resolved
Family Time
The (Almost) End pt. 1
The (Almost) End pt. 2
Nosh Wedding
Character Ask
Ziam Wedding
Larry Wedding


943 26 5
By bandhoez9194

A/N Hey everyone, thank you for the reviews and comments and stuff for the last chapter.... sorry it seemed a bit off, i wrote it all on my phone.. anyway, thanks! Now, as usual, i know people don't usually read this, so, i won't make it long, so enjoy! :D oh, and unless i say differently, the POV's will be Louis... :D


After Liam and the boys had pulled me in, I started crying. I hadn't let it sink in much, but Harry had hurt me badly. He said that he didn't want to see me, and I was scared I would be a single parent, and what if he found out? He could try hurting my child. Before, I would have thought that he couldn't do that to a child, but now a days... he was different. he was more aggressive, and hell, he even yelled at Niall. No one yells at him and can't feel guilty about it. but he did. it scared me.

"Louis? What's wrong, hun?" Niall asked, as the group hug broke apart. "Huh?" I asked, rubbing the tears from my eyes. "oh, um, I'm just happy you guys will stick by me," I said, only partially telling the truth. "Lou, that's not the entire truth, c'mon, you can tell us," Liam said, pulling me against him. Zayn, Niall and Josh all nodded and I sighed.

"It-it just hurts that Harry won't know about his child. and what if he finds out? What if he tries taking him or her? I already lost my Hazza, I can't lose my baby. Or what if-" Liam pressed his hand over my mouth, saying, "Lou, nothing is going to happen. everything will be fine. and we will be here to protect you and your baby. No one is taking him or her. don't worry, love."

I nodded mostly convinced. I was still scared something was going to happen, but I tried pushing it out of my mind. If my boys said nothing was going to happen, them nothing was going to happen... right?


About an hour after all of us... minus Harry... relaxed and Josh put in a movie - I think it was Kickass 2 - I decided to go get something to eat. "Hey, I'll be right back, Jr. and I are a bit hungry," I said standing and walking to the door. "Okay, Lou, but be careful, I don't know if Styles left yet," Liam said, watching me with worried eyes.

"I'll be fine, don't worry, Li," I said, waving my hand, trying not to show my nervousness.

I walked out carefully and noticed Harry standing by the table, smirking slightly. So, trying not to show my fear of the younger boy, I walked to the kitchen quickly and started making a sandwich. "So, what did you tell the others that you didn't want me to know?" I heard behind me, making me start. I turned to see Harry's emerald eyes watching me coldly. I turned away, knowing I'd breakdown if I kept watching him.

"Something I know you'd hate me for, or hate me even m-more than you already do," I answered, my voice breaking on more. I was trembling slightly, my hands shaking as I finished making my sandwich and started cleaning my mess. "I have a reason for disliking you. I don't say hate, its too strong of a word. but I do dislike you," Harry said casually, not realizing the pain he was causing me.

why can't he realize that he...he is my other half, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get me pregnant. why does he insist on hurting me? I asked myself, struggling not to cry.

"Something wrong, Tomlinson? Don't like the truth?" Harry asked cruelly, as if he wanted to see me break. he probably did. but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction... I hoped. "Well, are you done? I would love it if you left, so I could get my food, I'm tired of seeing you," Harry said and that was it.

I whirled around, my element manifesting physically around me. All i could see was red, small flames were running up and down my clothes, not burning me. "Why do you fucking insist on provoking me!? If you're getting tired of me, then just leave me the fuck alone! I have too much fucking shit to deal with to deal with your fucking insults! Fuck!" I yelled, fire spurting from my hands as I pointed at him.

Harry's eyes flashed with fear, but then glared back at me. "You know what, fuck you Tomlinson, just kill yourself, I'm tired of dealing with you," he snarled, but then put his hand over his mouth as he realized what he said.

I flinched and fire vanished as I went silent with shock. "L-Louis, I-I didn't, I-" he stuttered, cutting off when i started shaking my head. "F-fine, I guess y-you'll get your w-wish then," I whispered, still not believing he said that. "You'll never have to see me again," did he really hate me that much? I started walking slowly back to the living room, still shocked, and he reached out to grab my arm when I passed.

I flinched and he pulled his hand back. "I-I'm sorry, Lou, I didn't mean it, p-please don't do anything, please, I'm sorry," he whispered, but my mind was in a daze and his words didn't register with my thoughts.

I walked into the living room and saw Liam and Zayn standing, Z holding back Li, but let go as soon as he saw me. "Lou? what's wrong? I heard the yelling," Liam asked, going straight to my side and pressing his hand against my cheek. "H-Harry told me to-to kill m-myself," I whispered, still not believing it. "D-does he really hate me th-that much?" I started crying as I wrapped my arms around my stomach, protecting my baby.

Liam wrapped me into a hug, and I felt Zayn, Niall and Josh join in. "He's angry right now, and a bit confused, he didn't mean it, baby, don't worry," Zayn whispered, and i started crying even more. "I-I need to go somewhere for a bit of time. I won't do anything stupid, but I need to go. I can't be around him now, you guys can visit whenever, or contact me, but don't let him know where I am," I whispered, trying to pull myself together.

I stood back and the other boys nodded. "Where will you go?" Josh asked and I glanced at Zayn. He nodded and closed his eyes. "Okay he can't hear us, even if he tried," he said, and I took a deep breath. "I have a safe house I used to go to all the time with my mum and sisters. My dad... wasn't always the best dad, and sometimes, we needed to get away. I'll write the address, but don't let...him see it," I said, and they all nodded. "Actually, I'll just text it to you, I need to go now, can you bring some clothes from my flat, Li? I don't want to go back there right now."

Liam nodded and pulled me into a tight hug. "Take care Lou, don't worry about anything, just have a nice vacation away from all this. We'll visit when we can," he whispered into my ear, and I nodded. "I'll see you later, then," i said, and walked out the door.

He was still standing there. I didn't look at him, even when he said, "Louis, please, don't go, don't do anything, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, please don't-" I cut him off by closing the front door, and walked quickly to my car and got in. I let a few tears slide down my face, but quickly wiped them away and started the car. I glanced back at the house and could see Liam, Zayn, Niall and Josh waving, and could see... him watching me as I pulled out. i drove quickly down the road, and whispered to my stomach, "I'm sorry baby for putting you through all of this. But don't worry, I'll love you with all my heart, even if no one else will. You're my baby, and no one can say differently." I patted it gently and focused on the road again.

As soon as I made it to the safe house - a beach house that my mum had bought years ago for escape - I pulled in and stared at it for a second. I hadn't been to this house since about two months before I auditioned for the X Factor. That was almost two years ago. And now I'm back, this time escaping from my best friend, and the father of my child. It hurt worse than escaping from my father. I stepped slowly out of my car and pulled the key off my key ring. even though I hadn't used it in over two years, I still carried it around with me, it reminded me of worse times when I was down. But now, I'm using it again.

I unlocked the front door and stepped in. I turned on a light, and was hit with a shit load of memories. I could almost see my twin sisters, Phoebe and Daisy, sitting on the couch, talking or my mum and eldest sister Lottie in the kitchen, cooking dinner, or my other sister Felicite sitting on a chair, playing with her phone. A tear fell down my cheek, and I decided to call my family. I hadn't talked to them properly in a long time. But first, I needed to text the address of my house to Liam, Zayn, Niall and Josh. i pulled out my phone and quickly did a group message.

To: Leprachan - Zed - Leeyum - Jay From: Tommo

"Hey, i'm finally hre. u cn cl me if u wanna talk, but heres the address: 605 B Orchard St. its not 2 far, abt n hr drive. thx guys 4 erythng."

I hit send and a few minutes later I got four texts reading almost the same thing, saying, "ur welcome Lou," and "we're always here for you." the last one was from Liam, but the other three said the first. I smiled and relaxed. Then I got another text from Liam.

From: Leeyum To: Tommo

"Hey, when do u want me 2 brng ur clothes?"

From: Tommo To" Leeyum

"anytime u hv the chance 2day, whn he isnt around."

From: Leeyum To: Tommo

"KK, c u thn."

I shut my phone only to open it again and stare at my contact list. I planned on calling my mother after I ate something, I was eating for two now. I shook my head at that thought, still not used to the fact that I had a child growing in me, even though it had been almost four hours since I had found out. I shook my head again and stood, walking to the kitchen.

I searched through all the non perishable cans we usually refreshed every six months, and I found some canned ravioli. I checked the date, and it was still good for another three months. I put it in a bowl and started warming it up in the microwave. It was pretty much the only way i knew how to cook. I sighed, thinking that i would have to live off of take outs and easy bakes.

I started missing home already, wanting Har- no, don't think of him I told myself sternly, and right then the microwave beeped. I opened it and stirred it slightly, and took a bite. I nodded to myself, and sat on the couch.

I started staring at my phone, feeling the need to call my mum now that I was almost done eating. I sighed and decided against putting it off. I picked it up and pushed speed dial number three. He was number two, and I thought I should've changed that my now, but no. I didn't want to. The phone rang three times and my mum's voice said, "Hi Boobear, how are you?" I smiled and answered, "Hi Mum, I'm good. But I'm at the, the safe house right now. I needed to get away from Ha- um, him."

I could hear her sigh, and then say, "Okay, Boobear, do you have food? Because if you remember, I was on the phone when you told your friends that you were pregnant, and I know you need food for the baby too."

I gasped, not realizing that she had heard. "Y-you don't mind? You don't hate me for being a- a freak?" I said, disbelief coloring my words. I heard her chuckle, and then she said, "Boo, I could never hate you for something like that. Besides, I knew all about your element, seeing as your father was the same way. I also knew all the risks, especially seeing as you are gay. So, don't worry hun, I could never hate you."

I sagged against the couch in relief, and whispered to her, "Thank you mum." She answered, "Anytime, Louis. But still, do you have enough food? because I can have someone bring you more if you need it." I told her, "Liam, Zayn, Niall and Josh all know where this is. Liam's bringing me some clothes later today, actually. So, I'll be fine, but you can visit whenever you need to."

"That's alright, Louis, I have to stay with the girls. Your father is back, and, well, you know," she said, slightly uncomfortable. My chest tightened as i thought of that bastard hurting my little sisters or my mum. "Mum, why don't you five come here? There's room, and I'll want all five of you around during my pregnancy... wow that sounds weird, but seriously, come," I said, and she obviously hesitated before saying, "Alright, Boo, we'll be over tomorrow."

I smiled, and said, "Yay! I can't wait to see you, but I have to go now, Liam's here," right as the doorbell rang. "Okay, Boo, I'll see you tomorrow, and I love you," she said, and I said, "Love you too Mum, see you tomorrow." I hung up and opened the door to see both Liam and Niall standing at the door.

"Hey, Li, I didn't know you were bringing Niall. Its alright though, c'mon in," I said, rushing to add the end part as Niall frowned. He smiled happily and both walked in. "Here's your clothes, Lou, and I brought Niall because we have something to tell you. Right, Ni?" Liam said, and I nodded them to the couch. "Okay, what's up?" I asked, and Liam glanced at Niall, who smiled and nodded. Liam took a deep breath and said, "Lou, we're pregnant."

A/N and voila!! there's the third chapter!! :) hope you liked it! I should hopefully update soon, but no promises..... school is hectic! :P any way....



follow!!! :)

(or not, its up to you, but I would really love it. :D)

~ Banana

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