Dear My Sanity (A Jeff the Ki...

By Eternalie

1.1M 39.6K 46.1K

*FIRST BOOK IN THE Dear My Sanity SERIES* "Look at your hands. Their blood is on your hands." Jamie stares at... More

Dear My Sanity (A Jeff the Killer Story)
Chapter One~* (Edited)
Chapter Two~* (Edited)
Chapter Three~* (Under Editing)
Chapter Four~*
Chapter Five~* (Edt.)
Chapter Six~* (Edt.)
Chapter Seven~* (Edt.)
Chapter Eight~*
Chapter Nine~*
Chapter Ten~*
Chapter Eleven~*
Chapter Twelve~*
Chapter Thirteen~* (Edt.)
Chapter Fourteen~* (Edt.)
Chapter Fifteen~* (Edt.)
Chapter Sixteen~* (Edt.)
Chapter Seventeen~* (Edt.)
Chapter Eighteen~* (Edt.)
Chapter Nineteen~*
Chapter Twenty~*
Chapter Twenty One~* (Edt.)
Chapter Twenty Two~* (Edt.)
Chapter Twenty Three~* (Edt.)
Chapter Twenty Four~*
Chapter Twenty Five~*
Chapter Twenty Six~*
Chapter Twenty Seven~*
Chapter Twenty Eight~*
Chapter Twenty Nine~*
Chapter Thirty~*
Author's Note (IMPORTANT)
Random Facts

If Jamie Had A Harem . . . (Extra)

22K 1K 1.5K
By Eternalie

1- Jamie

I slip off my jacket, which is full of dirt because Jeff thought it would be funny if he let Smile Dog drag me across the yard. The dark hoodie falls on the ground with a loud thump and a huge cloud of dirt emits from it.

"Eww," I mutter and kick it. "Jeff!" I shout.

"What?" He yells from the shower.

"You're washing my jacket!"

"What?" He yells again, but this time in frustration. "I just washed it yesterday."

"Yeah, well it's all dirty again thanks to you and Smile." I growl and walk to the bathroom door.

He chuckles to himself. "That was so funny watching you get dragged through the dirt."

"I didn't see him coming!" I protest.

I can hear the shower turn off and the curtain being pushed back. He still hasn't responded. Suddenly, I hear the door knob turn and Jeff walks out with only a towel on. I quickly back away from him, taking in his almost naked body.

"Still funny as hell." He says, smirking at me.

I turn bright red and look away from him. He steps to me and I can feel him begin to wrap his arms around me when the door flies open.

"Jeff, don't you dare touch my Jamie!"

I'm tackled the ground by someone wearing all gray. I look up and see Gold is the one who tackled me. He sticks his tongue out at Jeff and Jeff glares back. I squirm out of his grip and move away from them. What is going on?

"She's mine." Jeff says simply.

"She's doesn't even like you!" Gold retorts.

"She doesn't like you."

"Correction, she doesn't like either of you." A voice says from the doorway. We all look and see Dr. Smiley looking right at us.

"Go away Smiley. This is between me and Gold."

"And me!" Ben comes out of the computer and lands beside me. "Jamie, my love," He grabs my hand."Don't worry, I'll take you from them."

I pull my hand from his grip and stumble back. I land on someone's arms . . . Wait, no, someone's tentacles. I look up at Slenderman and he wraps his tentacles tighter around me.

"I think the two of us will be going now."

"Oh what? When did Slenderman join this?" Ben shouts.

"When did you join this?" Jeff snaps back.

Ben sticks his tongue out and Jeff pulls out his knife. Meanwhile, Slender is slowly walking out of the room.

"Uhm, boys?" I say. They all stop and look at me. "He's kind of taking me."

"Oh hell no! I'll save you!" Ben rushes at Slender, causing him to drop me on the bed. I only have time to sit up and look around before I'm in someone else's arms.

"Hello, there, baby." I look up and see a guy with a white mask and orange jacket.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask.

Everyone falls silent and looks at him.

"Oh, that's right. I haven't been introduced yet." More silence. "I guess I should go." The guy slowly stands up and leaves. We all awkwardly stare at guys back.

"Shall we continue?" Jeff asks.

"Why? We all know she loves me." Gold responds.

"I've seen her naked!" Ben shouts, causing me to blush.

"I am naked." Jeff yells back.

"Put on some clothes!" Slender says, poking Jeff in his chest.

"I have too!" A voice randomly shouts and Mr. Widemouth comes out of the closet.

I groan. "Not him too!"

"I'm going to be included in this, yay!"

"Go away Mr. Widemouth."

"Aww." Mr. Widemouth turns and goes back in the closet.

I stare at all the guys as they continue to argue. Suddenly, I feel a smooth pair of hands cover my mouth and pull me back into their chest. The first thing I notice is that they have boobs.

"Jamie, I have to tell you something." Rayne whispers in my ear. "I think I love you."

My eyes widen and I start to pull away from her but she is suddenly yanked away from me.

"She's mine!" I turn around, my eyes widening even more at the sight of Jane holding Rayne back. "Jamie can only be lesbian with me."

"You tried to kill her!"

"You did too."

"I haven't!" No way.

"Not you too, Darcy."

I turn and see Darcy in the sluttiest outfit I've ever seen. "I got it for you, Jamie."

"Wow," I hear Ben whisper to someone. "Jamie is so good, she even has girls in her harem."

"What's a harem?" Gold asks.

"It's when a lot of guys like one girl, like in Jamie's case."

"I don't want a harem!" I protest.

"But we love you!" They all shout.

"Don't forget me too!" Gabriel runs in and throw his arms around my neck.

"How did you get here?" Jane asks.

"How did you get in?" Jeff snarls.

"I love you, Jamie!"

"Jamie, be mine."

"Jamie, love me!"

"You're a girl! Get out of here."

"My love burns only for you!"


"What the hell? Everyone knows it's Jamie x Jeff!"

"Go away, Jeff. Don't you get her enough!"

"No one even invited you here, Gabriel."

"But she loves me!"


"I love Jamie!"

"Jamie, be my Zelda and I'll save you just like Link."


"Can I come out of the closet yet?"

"Jamie, do you like my outfit?"

I look back and forth between everyone before running out of the room screaming.


The fuck did I just write? Haha, enjoy this little extra!

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