Meeting the Billionaire

By Dinosaurstar

622K 14.1K 714

May is a 18 year old girl who is constantly bullied at school and has been since she was a freshman. over the... More

A new year a new look
Avoid the new kid
Happiness is key in life
Bucket list
Skipping class like a pro
Sleep over part 1
sleep over part 2
Who are you?
Why must is be so hard to buy a present
well that was... fun?
you got to be kidding me
Sexy secretary?
Happy birthday to us
Birthday dinner part 1
Birthday dinner part 2
Birthday dinner part 3
Birthday dinner part 4
I will always love my best friend
oh god James
Wow. that was well
James' mom

Lunch with Mr rich boy

19.6K 527 3
By Dinosaurstar

sorry this is the same chapter as last time but i will be updateing after i sorted my little problem out so please hang on.

enjoy this chapter again 

Harry started his car and drove out of the school car park “ we only have an hour before I have to be back at school” I said “ we will get lunch and I will explain something we wont be long” I nodded at looked forward. Harry's car was really nice, the seats were black leather and everything lit up “ how did you afford this car?” I asked, it was one of the more expensive models of porches “ I will explain when we go for lunch” I sighed, there was something up with this and I have no idea what.

Harry pulled up outside some fancy Italian restaurant and jumped out the car and ran round to my side and opened my door for me, I stepped out the car and looked down at what I was wearing once more then up at the restaurant “ I can't go in there I am under dressed” I said grabbing my top that covered my shorts. Harry sighed and grabbed my hand “ you look beautiful to me, and they wont kick us out” I smiled and walked towards the door with him.

We walked inside the restaurant and I immediately started to swoon, the place was truly beautiful and authentic. A waiter came up to Harry and I “ hey, welcome. Follow me and I will take you to our finest table” I looked up at Harry with confusion on my face, why would we be getting the finest table when I look like this?. The waiter led us over to a table that was cut off from everybody else, Harry pulled my seat out for me and I thanked him and took a seat and watched him walk round and pull out his own chair and take a seat. The waiter handed me a menu and I looked down it looking for something light to eat “ can I have the home Italian salad please?” the waiter nodded and wrote down my order and looked up at Harry waiting for him to make his decision “ can I have a cheese pizza” the waiter wrote out orders down and walked away.

“ so what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked Harry looking him in the perfect eyes, Harry lifted his arm and rubbed the back of his neck “ well you know I asked you on a date this weekend?” I nodded “ are you cancelling on me?” I asked with Hurt evident in my voice “ no, no.. I was umm we might get attacked by the press” I raised an eyebrow “what do you mean press?”. I knew what the press were but why would we get attacked by them?. “ you see you know Starsons clothing?” I smiled “ sure do, I love that company” he smiled “ well how do I put this, you see May I own Starsons clothing I'm Harry Starsons”. My eyes widened and I took a closer look at him and then it clicked “ Oh my god, I have been texting one of the richest men in the world with out even knowing” Harry chuckled “ and me being the owner of Starsons clothing gets me a lot of attention with the press and that Is why I was warning you, once they find out who you are they will dig deep into you”.

I felt a sicky feeling in my stomach “ Harry we cant go out they will find out about me” I said taking deep breaths, It was bad enough me getting bullied by the school but if the whole of America were to find out about what I use to look like would just kill me “ why not?” I could here the hurt in his voice “ because they will find pictures of the old me” I said. Harry raised his eyebrow at me “ what do you mean the old you?” I grabbed my phone and clicked on photos and handed him the phone with the pictures of me over weight and covered in acne.

Harry's eyebrow raised “who is this?” I sighed “ Harry that was me before this summer, I was fat and ugly and if they find them I will be ruined” I said sighing. Harry's hand and reached over the table “ the press won't hurt my girl, I will sue anyone who even tries to post a bad picture of you” I smiled at him calling me his girl “ you promise?” I asked “ I promise” I smiled “ well I better get a dress for our date on Saturday” he chuckled and the waiter came up and placed out food in front of us.

I sat and ate my salad and thought about all of what Harry had just told me when a thought crossed my mind “ Harry will people think I'm a gold digger?” I asked Harry shrugged “some people will think that, but I know you're not” I smiled, I guess so I would never want to come across as a gold digger. I finished my salad and pushed the plate in front of me, I looked over at the clock and saw I had only ten minuets to get back to school but it took us about twenty minuets to get here “ Harry, I need to get back to school I'm going to be late” I said getting up from the table and pulling my shirt down. Harry rose from his seat and grabbed a wod of cash and threw it down on the table and grabbed my hand and let me out of the restaurant.

We got back in his car and he drove back down the roads taking me back to school “ so are you still coming round tonight to give me my foot massage?” I asked hoping he would say yes “ of course, I have to make it up to you” I smiled “ good because I'm looking forward to it” he chuckled and pulled up in the school car park “ sorry that you are going to be late” I waved it off as nothing. I grabbed my school bag from the floor and gave Harry a peck on the cheek and jumped out of the car and ran for home room.


I ran down the halls of the school and ran up to my home room door and pushed it open stumbling in, I stood up straight and smiled at my home room teacher “ yo, sorry I'm late I was having lunch with a very sexy man” people started to chuckle whilst my home room teacher wasn't happy “ May take a seat now” I smiled and walked to the back of the class room and took my seat next to James. I grabbed my bag and pulled my water out of it and took a drink “ May, where did you go?” I smiled “ I went to lunch with Harry” he chuckled “ how old is he again” I smiled “ he is 21 tomorrow like I'm 18 tomorrow” I said smiling “ and don’t forget my present” I said “ May, I have already bought it” I laughed “ good because I've got yours so don’t forget to come round mine tomorrow, you can invite Anna if you want” I said smirking. James' face turned red “ aww you fancy her don't you?” he nodded “ that is so cute” I shouted making everyone turn around “ sorry, I just had a cuteness attack” I said to the whole class and turned back to James “ you have to make this date with her special” I said smiling like the Cheshire cat.

The bell rang and I jumped up from my seat and grabbed James' arm “ lets go cutie” I pulled him out of the class room and to maths.


The rest of the day passed really quickly and I was now on my way to Starbucks to get myself an iced coffee before I head home and I need to go shopping to pick up some more vegetables and orange juice. I pulled up outside Starbucks and jumped out of my car and ran into Starbucks before the afternoon rush happens, I ran up to the counter and stopped right in front of it and spoke to the old guy behind the counter “ hey, can I have an iced coffee please” he nodded “ that would be $3.00” I handed him $5 and waited for my change, he handed me my change which I put in my purse and waited for my drink to be made. Whilst I was waiting I got my phone out and text Harry ' hey, would you like anything for tonight, I'm going to the store' just as I clicked send my drink was given to me. I thanked the dude and walked out of the shop beating the after noon rush and got back into my car and headed down the road further to Walmart.

I parked my car and grabbed my phone checking the text I got from Harry during the time I was driving to Walmart ' well you know you love me can you get me some ice cream and some feet oil' I laughed he wants feet oil?... oh wait ' yeah sure, I started to laughing that you wanted feet oil then I remembered :/' I clicked send and jumped out of my car and ran to the front of Walmart and grabbed a basket. I walked down the isle with all the fresh fruit and vedge in and grabbed what I needed, I then went to the isle with the fruit juice in and grabbed two cartons of orange juice. I walked down the isle with all the body products and started to look up and down the isle for feet oil, I had walked up and down about 5 times and still couldn't find any does this stuff even exsist?. I sighed and walked out of the isle and went to find a worker, I found a young girl and went over to her “ excuse me but do you no where I could find the feet oil?” I asked she turned round and smiled “ yeah I can, follow me” I smiled and followed her turns out I was in the wrong isle all this time. The girl stopped in front of the oils and picked up a pink bottle “ here you go, have fun rubbing someone’s feet” I laughed “ I'm not rubbing someone’s feet he Is rubbing mine” she chuckled “ well you have a great boyfriend there mine would never do that” I laughed “ we're not even going out yet” she laughed “ I guarantee you will go out” I smiled and thanked her before she went off to finish work.

I walked to the frozen food isle and picked up two tubs of ice cream and headed for the check outs, I put my items on the till and walked to the over end and grabbed a bag “ are you okay with packing?” the guy asked me “ yeah I am thanks for asking” he smiled and started to scan my items. Whilst I was packing my items my phone began to rung, I pulled it out of my pocket and put it between my ear and shoulder and carried on packing my items “hello?” I ask “ hey May” Harry is phoning me “ Hey Harry what can I help you with” I say with a smirk “ well May May, I have just finished work so I will be on my way in a minuet so I was wondering if you were home yet?” I laughed “ I'm just paying now” “good good, so I will start heading to your house now, get ready for the best massage ever” I laughed “ it better be an amazing massage” I say. I look up from my shopping bags to see the young guy looking at me with a smirk on his face, I smirk back and grab the bottle of feet oil “ well Harry dear, I must pay for my shopping bye bye” Harry laughed and I hung up and faced the guy once more.

“ well that will be $23.59 and enjoy your massage” I laughed and handed $30 over “ I sure will, he better be good at it” he laughed “ if he doesn't work for you come back here and I will give a beauty like you one” I smiled “ I sure will” I grabbed my change and shopping and waved at the guy before walking out of the store and back to my car.

I sure am looking forward to my massage.

now that problem is sorted out i can now update so thanks for reading 

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