Dance with me || Park JiminXK...

Bởi littlefairy0501

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"As time fades away, my arms will keep you safe..It's just you and me dancing in this dream." Xem Thêm

Epilogue 2.0


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Bởi littlefairy0501



Seulgi and Jimin went to the mart to buy things for the little party. Ever since they entered college, they didnt see each other since everyone was busy. They went to Seulgi's house to prepare the things since they are having the party there.

"Okay.. All the things are here.." Seulgi looked at Jimin. Jimin nodded but then he scratch the back of his head.

"But I dont know how to cook." he said and grinned.

"Oh you guys are back. Let me help you with that." Suddenly Seulgi's mother came in the kitchen. Seulgi smiled and glanced back at Jimin.

"Thats my life saver." she said and walked to her mom. "Thankyouuu." she hugged her.

"What about me?" Jimin pouted and crossed his arms to his chest.

"Na ahh." she said and totally ignored Jimin. Jimin pouted but then they started to work in the kitchen.

After few hours, Jimin finished preparing the food. He plopped down to the couch while waiting for Seulgi to finish her work.

"Seulgi yaaa.. I'll take a shower first." he said and Seulgi shouted back 'okay!'. Jimin went to Seulgi's room to shower. Since it was almost 1 year he didnt come here, he noticed that the decoration of the room changed. Even the paint was different. It wasnt pink anymore, it was peach and had this english touch. It was beautiful and that made him smile. He walked to the closet to take a towel. Since he lives across from her, he always comes to her house. So it was like his own. Even some of his clothes was left there.

Jimin pulled a towel and walked to the bathroom but then his legs stopped when he saw a family picture. It was an old picture but it was framed prettily. He hold up the picture and stared at it. He didnt recognise any of the people in the picture but he took a guess that the little girl was Seulgi because she had her eyes and her smile.

"Jimin ahh... You......" Seulgi came in and Jimin was surprised. He looked at her when she approached him.

"You didnt shower yet?" she asked and then she saw the picture in his hands.

"No.. I was going to then I saw this on the way.. Is this you?" he asked. Seulgi looked at his hands and he saw a glint of tears forming. But then she smiled.

"Yeah.." she nodded and took the picture from his hands. She smiled looking at the picture.

"Theres something that I didnt tell you yet. I was afraid and I didnt really know how to." she said. Jimin stared at her lovingly, trying to give her all the strength he could.

"This is my family. My birth family. They died in a plane crash when I was 6. This is my mom," she point to a woman, "my dad," to a man, "my brothers," she pointed to the two boys in the picture. "I dont really remember them because I was young but I still remember their faces. I didnt have much memory with them. But I remembered my mom loves it when I dance. She said it was her happiness because when I dance I was happy. Thats the reason why my grandparents sent me to BoPa. They wanted me to continue doing what I love and what my parents probably wants me to do." she paused. "Then after 2 years, my uncle came back from Japan. He said he was going to take care of me with his wife and his son. We lived with them about a year and then my grandparents passed away. It was a lot for me to take in. I didnt have my family and my grandparents died. I only have my uncle and my aunt. After my grandparents died, my aunt knows I was too sad and depressed so she always helped me and try to make me happy again. She asked me to call her 'mom'. That time I was happy because at least I know someone really loves me. I was happy and I had the faith to live again. And then you came along and made my life even more bright. I never really thought I could feel love again." she ended her story. Jimin's eyes got teary too but then he smiled.

"I actually already knew about your parents. Even before we dated. Taehyung told me that. But I didnt know about the rest of it so thank you so much for telling me this. And if you think this could make me love you less, you're wrong. Because it only make me love you more. It makes me feel like protecting you more than I ever did before and I never thought it was possible. So you dont have to worry about that, okay?" he said and he hugged her. Seulgi smiled in his arms and she nodded.

"Okay. I really have to take a shower. They are going to arrive in an hour and you need to get ready too." Seulgi said and she stole the towel in Jimin's hands and ran to the bathroom.

"Heyyy! Kang Seulgi!" Jimin shouted and then when he heard Seulgi's laughter, he laughed too.

"Where did you go?" Seulgi asked when she saw Jimin step into the kitchen. She was arranging the fruits into a bowl and Jimin smiled seeing her.

"Home. You stole my turn so I had to ran home to get ready. Or else I wont be ready in time."

"Why? I dont think you take that much time to get ready." Seulgi replied still with her work. Jimin helped her to take the plates on the shelves.

"Oh I dont. But you do.. If I waited for you, I might have to just meet the guests in my home clothes." He said while placing the plates on the kitchen bar. Seulgi bit her lips and hit his shoulder making Jimin laughed out. Then he looked at Seulgi.

"By the way, you look great. I never thought you'd still have this." Jimin said and Seulgi looked at him.

"What? This dress? Of course I do." Jimin smiled. "It was the only gift you ever got me other than this necklace." she continued and Jimin chuckled.

"Hey, it wasnt my fault you burned down the other one I got for your birthday last year." he said laughing when Seulgi pouted.

"You're mean. I'm telling mom.." Seulgi said still pouting making the guy laughed louder.

"Okay I know you're happy but your friends are here." suddenly her mom aka aunt came in and told them. Seulgi and Jimin turned to her and nodded.

"Okay.. Let's bring this out.." Seulgi said and they bring the food out of the kitchen to the yard.

"Jimin ahhh!!!!!!" Taehyung saw Jimin and Seulgi putting the plates onto the table. Jimin turned around and saw Taehyung and his eyes brightened.

"Taetae!!!!" he ran and jumped to bear hug Taehyung. And like they always did before, Taehyung catches him and hugs him back. (see what i did there? ㅋㅋ )

Seulgi giggled and shakes her head before hugging Irene who came with Taehyung. Taehyung and Irene studied in Japan so the four of them didnt see each other for almost two years already. Taehyung and Irene decided to enter the same university when both of them discovered that they love singing so much and they happened to be accepted to the same university.

"I'm starting to doubt if they are in a relationship." Seulgi said, shaking her head.

"I know right. They talked on the phone almost everyday. I dont even know what they talked about." Irene replied and they both looked at the two guys who was still jumping with excitement weirdly.

"By the way......." Irene said and she showed her hands. Seulgi's eyes widened and she was thrilled.

"OMG he proposed?!?!?!" Irene nodded and grinned excitedly.

"Oh my god.. Ireneeee!! This is great news! Why didnt you tell me earlier?" Seulgi asked while hugging her bestfriend.

"It just happened yesterday. He brought me to the place he first asked me to be his girlfriend. And he proposed there." She explained while still smiling. Seulgi was so happy she hugged her bestfriend again.

"We have to celebrate this. When everyone's here, I'll tell Jimin to make the announcement." Seulgi said and Irene smiled.

After a few minutes one by one of their friends arrived and soon the yard was full of people. The 5 girls sat together and talked while the 7 boys played with each other. The other guests was there having fun too.

"Hey..." Seulgi looked to her back when she heard the voice. Lisa came holding a glass of juice.

"I hated you before. Because you took Jimin away from me." Seulgi and the girl's eyes widened, Lisa's face was serious.

"But I think you deserve him. He is a great guy and you are the only one that is suited to be his girlfriend." she said with a smile. Seulgi let out a deep sigh of relief and she smiled back. Lisa hugged her.

"Babe, where's the car key? I left something in the car." a guy said and they all turned to him.

"Yugyeom?" Seulgi said with a surprised face. Yugyeom smiled sweetly at her and she hugged him.

"You two?" she asked.

"Its been a year already.." Yugyeom replied while putting his arms around Lisa's waist. They both smiled.

"You didnt tell me anything. But OMG congratulations.." she said and the girls congratulate them as well.

"Ohh by the way... Where's Jinyoung and Sana?" Seulgi asked and her eyes wondered around the place.

"Couldnt make it. Their flight was delayed and 3 hours so they had to wait. Jinyoung has been cursing all day." Yugyeom replied.

"Oh my gosh.. Really? Poor them.. Flight delays is never a fun thing. Especially when we wanted to go home." Seulgi said..

"Oh and Sana eonnie said that they'll contact you guys once they arrive so they could meet you." Lisa said and Seulgi nodded, smiling sweetly.

"Hello and good evening everyone... Its me, Jimin.." They turned to the voice... "So, its kinda weird for me to talk here and I'm sorry to interrupt. I hope you guys are having fun." the guests cheered and clapped. Jimin laughed.

"I actually have something to say.. Firstly, a very happy news, our friend, Taehyung and Irene, is engaged." the guest clapped again and they looked at Taehyung and Irene who sat a little bit away from each other. Seulgi pushed Irene to stand next to Taehyung and she giggled and went to him. People asked them to kiss so they did and Taehyung hugged her tight.

"Second, the wedding will be announce later since he just proposed yesterday so they didnt really have the time to discuss yet." he continued...

"And the third one, is what I wanted to say since two years ago, ever since we finished high school." he paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "I was so in love with this one girl for almost two years. I hurt her in so many ways and I made her cry almost everyday. Even when she was mine, she still had to suffer my stupidity and still got hurt multiple times. The way we started dating was funny too because she was the one to asked me to be her boyfriend. And I was so thankful for that since I was to much of a coward to even ask her out on a date. We've been dating for three years now and to add up the years I've been in love with her, it was already 5 years. I never really thought I could love someone so much and I even doubt myself because she changed me. She fixed my broken heart and she healed it with her love. I could never asked for a better girl in my life. And for the first time in my life, I think she is the best decision I've ever made. And I want to make a better decision than that. But this time, for once, I wanted to be the one ahead and be the man in our relationship. Well I am but all the things that brought us together was because of her. So I wanted to help her make the relationship works too so..... " he paused for a moment to keep calm. "Can you come here for a moment?" he said and everyone turned to Seulgi. He didnt have to say the name, everyone already knew. Seulgi was already tearing up so she hesitated at first. Then Wendy, Sooyoung and Yeri pushed her to the front. Jimin took her hands and wiped her tears that conincidently fell when she reached his hands.

"I dont know if you expected this before, and I've thought about this for a long time. I was going to asked you on our graduation day but I thought it was too fast and you wouldnt say yes. So I kept this......" he took out a ring from his pocket.. "for two years already.. June... erm.. I mean my mom told me to ask you when it was the right time and I dont really understand since I thought every moment with you is the right time. But I guess I didnt have the courage to ask you this important thing since I'm always a coward when it comes to this relationship. And I know we're still studying, but I dont think that should be the reason why we couldnt be together. I'll have more confidence and strength if you're with me.. " Seulgi hit him on the shoulder softly and shaked her head, not agreeing to the statement he just said. He laughed.

"And now, I dont want to be a coward anymore so I'll just say this to you now, or in ten seconds later I'll run off without saying anything. So, Kang Seulgi....." he opened the box, "Can you please let me be the man in our relationship and accept this ring?" he said.. Seulgi was about to say yes but then she frowned.

"And?" she asked.

"Be my wife?" Seulgi smiled and then she grinned before bitting her lips.

"I'll be honored." she said and nodded. Jimin smiled happily and he slid the ring to her finger before hugging her and spin her up in the air.

"Thank you..." Jimin whispered to her ear softly and Seulgi smiled and she kissed him. Jimin pushed her back and frowned.

"I thought you'd let me be the man.." he said and Seulgi pulled him back.

"That could start tomorrow." she said and kissed him again. Jimin smiled happily and the crowd clapped and cheered for them.

"Looks like we're going to have a double wedding. We have a lot of work to do." Wendy said and the other girls nodded in agreement.

p/s: okay now I know some of you shipped bambam and lisa but since bam is not in the story, and i just wanted to make Lisa date someone, so I chose Gyeomie.. And its just a story hehehehe till next time.. toodlesss💕

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