You Always Have What Other's...

By marge228

148K 5.7K 2.3K

Hazel just wanted to get out of the hospital, Percy was bound to end up there one way or another. Piper wante... More

Just Some Stuff To Know:
I Annabeth
II Percy
III Thalia
Hi! (An author's note)
IV Hazel
V Piper
VI Jason
VII Frank
VIII Percy
IX Nico
XI Thalia
XII Annabeth
XIII Percy
XV Frank
XVI Percy
XVII Jason
XVIII Annabeth
XIX Nico
XX Thalia
XXI Piper

X Leo

4.7K 206 56
By marge228

Leo didn't think that living in the school was all that bad. He could eat, shower, sleep, and live his normal life.

The only obstacle was the janitor.

The old man was a cynical bastard that searched the entire damn school up and down before lock up. Seriously, even the cabinets were checked.

Leo usually chilled under principal Zeus' desk and held his breath until the clock struck 10:30, then proceeded to the teachers lounge to scrounge for food. He will admit it, he had probably destroyed some teacher-teacher friendships by swiping it, but it was pretty damn hilarious watching the staff accuse each other of eating their food.

He slept on the couch in the guidance office and set his alarm for 5:15. It was early, yes, but Leo couldn't risk getting caught. He depended on his alarm, if it didn't go off, he didn't know what he would do.

Today, Leo would find out.

Everything the previous night had been executed flawlessly. He took his shower in the locker room, and snacked on a delicious bowl of fried rice (curtesy of Coach Hedge).

But when he went to bed, something just didn't sit right with him. He check off everything on his to do list, he even stole a brownie from cafeteria to celebrate his 2 week anniversary of successfully hiding out. The alarm was set, and his clothes for the next day were set up. He closed his eyes, and drifting into an uncertain sleep.

He woke up to a rough hand shaking him violently. Leo groaned groggily, rubbing the blur from his vision. Principle Zeus and the guidance council were hovering over him like he was on an operation table. Leo sprang upright, his heart stopped in his chest.
"Well, what do we have here?" His principal boomed.


It was the alarm.

It was the damn alarm that got him caught. Apparently, it got set at 5:15pm, not am. It was not possible for Leo to be this careless. At least, he thought so.

Embarrassingly, Leo had to sat in the principal's office for an entire hour, explaining how he survived in the school for two weeks.
Principal Zeus looked ashamed. "Well," he sighed. "I guess we have to call your parents."
Fear gnawed at his chest. "N-no sir, you don't have to do that."
"They have to know you've been here. They must be worried sick."
Leo bounced his leg anxiously as he dialed the landline. He had to get out of here.

For eight, interminable minutes, he witnessed the horrific phone conversation on his principal's end. His foster-mother's snarly voice was almost palpable.
"Would you like to talk to him?"
No, oh god no.
His principal coaxed the phone onto his ear.
Leo wasn't even able to hold the phone to his ear for five solid minutes. When Rosa lectured, she lectured.
"You are return to this house immediately and answer to the social worker as soon as she gets here, do you understand?"
Leo mumbled an obedient 'Yes, Rosa', and was an inch away from hanging up when a small, meek voice sounded from the other end.
He quickly pulled the phone to his ear.
"I miss you, when are you coming home?" The sadness in his foster sister's voice was heartbreaking.
"Soon," he promised. "Very soon." He grimaced. Oh, how he hated lying to her.
"Did you really steal a brownie from a teacher?"
Leo grinned. "Well kiddo, it's the sort of thing you can do when you're as awesome as me."
Nyssa giggled as Rosa's voice boomed in the background, calling her to dinner. The two siblings hastily said their goodbyes, and Leo left the office with an awkward walk of shame too his homeroom.


Leo went straight home after school.

Nope, never mind, Leo almost forget that their was no way in hell that was going to happen.

What the elvish boy did not count on that day was the immense downpour. He cursed Mother Nature, and his own mother. Regardless, he hopped on his bike to the only place he had left to turn to.

He halted to a screeching stop in front of the Grace residence, threw down his bike and knocked on the door four times. The rain soaked through his clothes as he waited, drenching his backpack and all the possessions he had inside.
Leo wiped his eyes, squinting through the rain.
"Hey Sparky, long time no see," he grinned. "Can I come in?"
Jason studied him up and down. Leo must've looked exactly the same as he had in middle school. He was still ironically short, and his boyish charm never escaped him. Jason, on the other hand, shot up like a tree in less than four months.
The blond blinked at him, puzzled. He looked behind him, debating whether his home was suitable for guests. With a defeated shrug, Jason opened the door to pull Leo out of the rain.


After Leo had explained his situation, Jason looked just as confused as he did earlier.
"So... why did you come here?"
Leo pondered the question for a moment, not really sure himself. "I didn't really have anywhere else to go."
"Leo, this is the first time we've spoken in years."
Leo looked at his feet, knowing this was where the conversation was heading. "I know."
"You do realize I have absolutely no reason to help you, right?"
Leo nodded.
Silence vibrated in the air, Leo's judgement day was here.
Eventually, Jason sighed. "Thalia can't know you're here though, okay?"
Leo looked up at him in shock. "You're letting me stay?"
Jason nodded. "You can sleep in my mom's old room. I'll sneak you dinner and stuff."
Leo almost felt tears brim in his eyes.

For the rest of the night, Jason lectured Leo on every house rule he could think of, and Leo didn't even dare to think about breaking them. When the two heard Thalia'a key unlocking the front door, Jason shooed Leo into his new room.

After four weeks on the run, Leo had discovered that he finally was able to sleep in a bed.

Alright gang, now that every point of view has been written, is there anyone you really want to hear more from? I was thinking Thalia, but I want to know what you guys want.

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