Through the Dark

By AshesandAvery

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Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. How Severus Snape hated him. Always showing off, too much like Potter. Why c... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Detention with Snape
Chapter 3: To the infirmary
Chapter 4: Confusion
Chapter 5: Unexpected
Chapter 6: To Choose an Opponent
Chapter 7: Anger And Help
Chapter 8: Shock Of A Lifetime
Chapter 9: Pain and frustration
Chapter 10: To Break And Fall
Chapter 11: Assurance
Chapter 12: The Problem with Toads
Chapter 13: A friend indeed is a friend in need
Chapter 15: The Hartfords
Chapter 16: Central City
Chapter 17: Meeting The Wells
Chapter 18: Friendship And Family
Chapter 19: The Dreadful Day
Chapter 20: To Wake
Chapter 21: Dad
Chapter 22: Promises
Chapter 23: Panic ensues
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Accepting Fate
Chapter 26: Resisting temptation
Chapter 27: Phoenix To The Rescue!
Chapter 28: The Lost Of A Protector
Chapter 29: Regrets
Chapter 30: Suspicion awakens
Chapter 31: Missing Someone
Chapter 32 : Part And Parcel
Chapter 33: Cold Shoulder!
Chapter 34: Mending A Broken Heart

Chapter 14: Comfort and Plan

8K 249 206
By AshesandAvery

Harry felt safe. Comforted. He felt safe in Snape's arms. He felt warm. He snuggled deeper into his pillow only to realize his pillow is moving. He opened his eyes and only to be found that he's been crying himself to sleep and Snape must have come in to comfort him. He pondered on what Snape said, and then realized that he was wrong.

Well, waking up at with Snape and sleeping being comforted by the same adult was more than Harry dreamed of, regardless of who is. What matters to Harry is that he has someone who truly cares for him.

Then, he heard Snape groan. The man must've waken up. Ah, early riser, just as Harry had thought he is.

"Woken up already, Harry?" He heard Snape asked. Harry nodded. He cannot help but grip the man's sleeping clothes when Snape tried to stand up.

"What, Harry? What is it?"

"I was... Wrong, you know, concerning last night."

Snape's left eyebrow lifted, "Oh really now? Pray tell, Harry Potter."

Harry only buried himself upon Snape more, "Last night. I said that if I were to go and Obliviate people," there was a hint of sadness as Harry said the words, 'Obliviate people', but Snape let him continue, "I'm not alone. Not that much, at least."

Snape, as expected, snorted, "Of course, you stupid child, because I--"

"--Because I've got you. I'm not really alone, Sir. Not by a long shot, I'm not, so thank you."

Somehow, Harry's words must've affected Snape more than he knows, for there was something else that was flashing in the black pools, and yes, Harry knows that whatever it was, he must mirror it in his own gaze.

Then slowly, Harry withdrew his hand, and himself. Snape didn't say anything, but he stood, his back turned to Harry, and said, "Yes, Potter. By doing this, I believe we both earned a ticket to being stuck with one another."

Harry smiled. He didn't mind being stuck with Snape.

Surprising, but he wouldn't mind at all-- not so much as he thought he would for four years.


When both came down, Narcissa was there, preparing breakfast for them. She must have been told by Lucius about what happened last night, for she didn't say anything, instead, she bid them to sit while waiting for Lucius to come down.

Snape guided his charge towards a seat on the dining table, neither of them said a word. Only the ocassional movement of Narcissa as she cooks and her utensils would be heard.

That was, until Potter hissed in Snape's ear, "Malfoy's Mum cooks? I thought she's a stickler Pureblood?"

Snape glared at the boy, "Shut thy mouth, Mister Potter."

Narcissa must have heard all of it, for she blurted out, "Mister Potter, do you know that women ought to cook?"

Potter had at least the audacity to blush at the Malfoy Matriarch's comment. The boy did shut his mouth and pretended he didn't do anything. Snape supplied the explaination, "Women are trained to be domestic, Mister Potter. In the Wizarding World, Pureblood women are either taught to be good in cooking or in embroidery."

The boy only nodded.

"Rather shy, are we now, Harry Potter?" Narcissa asked, her voice teasing. The boy blushed harder.

"Funny lad." Narcissa said with a laugh.

Harry just kept quiet. He really was fascinated by the way the Malfoys are since he came here a few hours ago. They seem to be... Rather kind. Generous. And now, Draco's mother cooks for him. Granted, it was truly a surprise, but he was so used to the haughty and elitist way they projected themselves. Harry wondered; who are the real Malfoys, then? The ones who are seen as evil, or this? Kind and gentle and as Snape put it, domestic.

When Lucius Malfoy entered the scene, Harry noticed how his eyes lit up like Christmas when his gaze landed on his wife. Narcissa's eyes were dilated and they were shining. Snape broke the moment with a cough, and Harry smiled when he saw Snape roll his eyes.

"Here is your coffee, Severus. And quit being so abashed with seeing us," Narcissa said with a coy smile.

Lucius laughed, "Good morning to you, too."

Harry watched the exchange. How... Casual. It was like watching him and Ron and Hermione. It was just like how they imagined themselves to be when they turn thirty or so.

"Quit taking her clothes off with your eyes, Lucius. We have a minor here." Snape fake-snapped.

Harry's eyes widened and blurted out with a blush, "I do not mind at all! They're married. I get that!"

Snape snorted and the Malfoys laughed. Lucius ruffled Harry's hair and said, "Why don't you teach that one to Snape here, Mister Potter?"

Snape glared, "Do not poison the boy's mind, Malfoy."

"And let you have all the fun? Snape, don't be such a spoilsport. I let you poison my son's! Why can't I do the same with yours?"

Harry's eyes widened at the comment. Did Lucius Malfoy just implied...

"Stuff your mouth, gentlemen! Eat." Narcissa exclaimed and laid down a full English breakfast in front of them. Snape had another cup of coffee, both Malfoys had tea and Harry appreciated the similar warm milk that appeared in front of him. They dug in the food with vigour and when it was finished, Narcissa waved a wand and it all disappeared.

"Come, Mister Potter. I am endeavoured to entertain you whilst these horrendous men talk." Harry smirked at the word, horrendous. He managed to use the same word when he was at St. Mungo's. He followed the woman quitely, while Snape glared at Lucius. The two men looked at one another, and as soon as Potter was out the door, Malfoy straightened his back.

"Word came out, Severus, albeit in a different manner. The Daily Prophet had told the story, in their usual tell making. They had said Albus Dumbledore was a downright maniac, attacking Dolores Umbridge while they were discussing some sort of business. The Ministry had appointed her as Headmistress starting this day. We must make our move." Malfoy began.

"What make the Wizengamot of it?" Snape inquired. "Surely, they must have some opinion about it."

"Nothing. They pretend it isn't as ominous as it is, although the tension is thick."

Snape sneered, "I hate politics. We need to get out of this hellhole!"

"Of course. We shall visit Gringotts to settle yours and that boy's accounts. Think of a name. It is better to have a name that is far suspicious than Severus. Leave the rest to me."

"I will my friend. I will inform Harry to think one as well."

"Ah, speaking of the boy, how is he?" Asked Lucius

"He was crying yesterday. He took it hard. After a while, he accepted the fact that it's no longer safe anymore to remain here. He didn't want to leave the mutt and the wolf including the Weasleys and muggleborn Granger." Said Severus

"Of course he will. They're his family. I expected that from him," chided Lucius.

Snape nodded and kept quiet.

After a while, Malfoy added, "But he has to. And he will. You told him it wouldn't be safe at all, yes?"

"Of course," Snape replied, "And Lucius?"

"Yes, Snape?"

"I told him. Of him, and the Mark."

"Hmm. There is no use in keeping it for a while longer. He needs the information. Surely, you and I both know how long that boy has been kept blind by Dumbledore. The old man and I share mutuality over tons of things, but never about his belief that children are not to be told of anything."

Severus nodded again, "He is too protective, as well as secretive. Sometimes, I wonder if the things he do are truly for the Greater Good."

"A little bird told me that the current Headmistress made the most ridiculous of rules. Umbridge is downright mental, I tell you. She has banned chocolates and candies, and even those earrings girls wear.

"Draco wrote they never learn from Defense again this year. Maybe I ought to remove Draco from her, and transfer him to Ilvermorny, or Durmstrang."

Snape gave a dry laugh, "I wonder how my colleagues are faring."

"I heard she almost threw Sybil Trelawney out of Hogwarts."

"That is true," affirmed Snape, "I was there, you know. She is a despicable being, more evil than the Dark Lord at some point. I tell you, Lucius, if she is not to be removed, she will be able to bring the Castle to its end. The students are endangered by her mere prescence."

Lucius took a sip of his Earl Grey and leaned back. There was darkness looming ahead, and it brings back the fear he had. The Dark Lord had risen, and now that he had outright refused to do the evil being's bidding, he himself and his family in danger. Perhaps, he might follow Snape into the Muggle world, perhaps not. Time would only reveal the answer.


Meanwhile, Harry was currently being handed clothes after clothes after clothes. Some old things, but definitely still usable. Harry was bombarded by the realization that this was the Malfoys. Narcissa was doting and motherly, much like Molly without the incessant hugs and kisses. She actually wanted him to change his clothes after being in them for two days now, and now Harry had a wardrobe of them.

She turned to him and smiled, "Harry-- may I call you that?"

"Uhm..." Harry smiled rather impishly, "Yeah, sure, Madame--"

"Narcissa. Or better yet, Aunt Narcissa." Harry's eyes widened. Aunt?!

"Don't look surprised, Harry. I often dote on young ones. See, I and Lucius never had the huge family we dreamt of when we were younger."

"Uh. Yes, Au-- Aunt Narcissa."

The Malfoys were actually nice. So why do they not get along with the Weaselys? And Draco always sounds like a snob.

But nevertheless, Harry continued listening to her, not minding how much she likes to tell tales of Draco and Lucius. It was evident that they all loved one another. And Severus was part of her stories, too.

How Harry wished he had known of this side of them earlier in his life.

"I understand you're sick with a Muggle disease, Harry," Narcissa stated, her eyes turning rather soft. "How do you take it?"

Harry just smiled. He knew he should be used to such questions by now, "Yes, Au-- Aunt Narcissa. I am. But don't worry, Professor Snape takes care of it."

Narcissa smiled. Her face was brightened by the action, making her look prettier, "I'm glad of it, then. I am assured; we all are. Severus will be good for you, Harry, and you for him."

Harry blushed.

"Now, why don't you change? It is long overdue, and take a shower if you want."

Harry thanked her profusely and went to his room. He managed to shower and dress, when he heard Snape's familiar voice on the other side of the door.

"Can I come in, Mister Potter?"

Harry hurriedly dried his hair, frowning as he wished he could still do Magic and hold his wand-- wait! Where is his wand?

When Snape entered, the man thrusted a few vials of Harry daytime potions.

Harry grimaced as he drank each of them, and was grateful when a glass of pumpkin juice was given to him. Harry downed it in one.

Snape told him to sit and they will have to discuss their plans for them to blend in the Muggle world.

That means, Harry thought, turning sad at the way things were to turn out, my time with my friends are limited.

"Now, Harry, Lucius suggested, and I agreed on your behalf, to have different names." Said Snape calmly

"Different names? Like we're changing our name? Completely?' Spluttered Harry

"Of course Potter. We can afford anyone tracking us down with our real name. The ministry can find us using our real name."

Harry smiled widely, "Can I choose?"

Snape looked at him, "Yes--" the boy was about to squeal, Snape can see it happening. But before that, he managed to stop it, "but, and only if it is not an absurd name."

Potter gave a curious and mischievous glint in his eyes, "What is absurd in your book, Professor Snape?"

"Names, like those of the goblins. Or insects, like Beetle or Dragonfly. Do not even dare to name yourself after a tree!"

Harry toppled over on his bed, laughing so hard. He never knew Snape had even the capacity to think that he would name himself after an insect, or a tree for that matter. Goblin names are quite atrocious, they would never fit in the Muggle setting.

"Quit laughing, you impudent brat!" Snape chided, clearly annoyed, "I am serious, Potter."

Harry stopped the moment he heard the word serious, thinking of his godfather. And then he started to think, he would never name himself after a star. It would only prove to be difficult and would give Harry bad memories, or Romulus, for that matter. Nor does he want a Shakespearean name or a name from a book, since Hermione would remind him of it. He would certainly not want a name that coincides with any of the Weasely brood, like Frederick or Charles. Or even legendary beasts, like Phoenix or Ash. It will only remind him of Hogwarts, of Magic and everything he had learned to love and live for.

He wondered what Snape wanted...

"Halt thy thoughts, Mister Potter. To narrow your choices, I have come up with a surname," Snape said out of the blue. Harry nodded. The man continued by saying, "Hartford."

Hartford? Snape looked stoic as he said it, but it did not go unnoticed that the man's shoulder tensed a little. There mist have been some sort of reason why he chose it. Harry let it slide. Hartford was a wise choice, if he was to be asked. It is quite a known surname in the Muggle world. Harry nodded in agreement.

"Yes, well. Have you managed to think of one?"

Harry shook his head. He needed to think. There was a part of him that was hesitant, see. Everything he knew, to be replaced by something else. It is indeed good to have made sure that his friends would be safe, and to start anew, but it is still a proving to be heavy upon his heart. Harry looked up at Snape, hoping his gaze was enough to send the message. Snape must have understood, for he told Harry to come by the library if he wants someone to talk to or he needs suggestions from books. Snape said he would be more than willing to help Harry. Harry was thankful for it.

Left with only himself and his thoughts for company, Harry let himself drop on the bed and stared at the ceiling. This was proving to be a rather sticky and uncomfortable situation, but Harry was determined to go through with it-- or anything, for that matter-- to save his friends, his family and the Magical World he had grown to love.

He knew it was big leap. It's not a baby step but big. He's determine to go through it as long as Severus remains at his side. Having the older man around made him feel safe. Like he's invincible. He felt confident therefore he's willing to do anything for the man that have been with him.

With that, Harry was in deep thoughts on what he wanted his name to be.

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