The Team with the Legend

By godofmischiefbitch

5.5K 1.9K 692

{#51 in share/12.05.18} Sarah is the living legend .She has the power every fairytale fighter wants . You can... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 2

587 178 101
By godofmischiefbitch

Zacky was sitting on a couch looking outside of the window. He was in deep thoughts, but this was something, everyone got used to. Every time he sat on that couch, looking out of the window,he was in deep thoughts. He never heard or felt anything, this was only one of the things showing how dominated  he was of his powers. He was very powerful. But everyone has its "soft" sides right?
Sarah was walking around in the school with her friends.
They were having a lot of fun as usual, but the usual was a bit weird these days because Sarah was feeling uncomfortable...As If she was being watched...
So, she couldn't do anything in a relaxed way.
That day, she decided to talk about it with her friends, but they simply laughed about it and said that it was normal because everyone was looking for a prom date. She laughed at that answer in an accepting way but she felt as if there was more behind this feeling, but she decided to stop researching until prom. If there was going to be an until prom...
As soon as Hakeem entered the house all covered with blood, Again.
Zacky stood up and gave the "It's time" command. The 6 fighters were going on a mission once again ,but Zacky was kinda stressed because of Hakeem, he couldn't heal his wounds anymore.He had lost too much energy so, he couldn't refresh himself. This was too risky for Hakeem, Zacky couldn't take him to this mission it would be self-murder, but he knew that Hakeem would never agree on staying at home while they were on a mission, he needed something to catch Hakeem's attention but what?
That Day, everything was normal for Sarah and she started to think that her friends might have been right. She smirked at herself thinking of all the weird thoughts she had because of this feeling, but she was always like this, she was thinking of every possibility. This was one of the things making her look weird to other students because high schoolers always had to be relaxed and chill about everything.
The other thing were her eyes.
Her white eyes.
It's pretty unusual and sometimes a reason to let out a little scream for everyone.
I mean have you ever seen anyone else than a cosplayer with white eyes?
Probably no and if yes, it seems like the world around you is full with action...
Zacky studied Hakeem with a thoughtful face. He was trying to figure out what "job" he could give him to make him st
stay at home.
Suddenly, his face got a bit color and it seemed like he had an idea. Hakeem's favorite subject "The Legend". Hakeem was a dreamer so, he would love this little "job".
The Legend was a subject he had always found interesting.
Still, Zacky hesitated, he didn't know if anyone other than him should be doing this.
He bit his underlip uncomfortably.
He knew he had no other choice this time.
Today, Hakeem would have to check on Sarah.
Normally, Zacky was doing that Job and he wasn't letting anyone even mention taking over.
The "Job" is watching and protecting the Legend during the day.
Considering that she was gonna be the top weapon against the bad, this was more than necessary.
A lot of the other Teams and Zackys teammates were always wondering why they weren't just taking the Girl to train and get her to use her powers as soon as possible, but also this was something Zacky never probably answered. In fact, his answer was more than illogical
"We wont have to rip her off her life until the bad takes action"

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