Through the Dark

By AshesandAvery

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Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. How Severus Snape hated him. Always showing off, too much like Potter. Why c... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Detention with Snape
Chapter 3: To the infirmary
Chapter 4: Confusion
Chapter 5: Unexpected
Chapter 6: To Choose an Opponent
Chapter 7: Anger And Help
Chapter 8: Shock Of A Lifetime
Chapter 9: Pain and frustration
Chapter 10: To Break And Fall
Chapter 11: Assurance
Chapter 12: The Problem with Toads
Chapter 14: Comfort and Plan
Chapter 15: The Hartfords
Chapter 16: Central City
Chapter 17: Meeting The Wells
Chapter 18: Friendship And Family
Chapter 19: The Dreadful Day
Chapter 20: To Wake
Chapter 21: Dad
Chapter 22: Promises
Chapter 23: Panic ensues
Chapter 24: Hope
Chapter 25: Accepting Fate
Chapter 26: Resisting temptation
Chapter 27: Phoenix To The Rescue!
Chapter 28: The Lost Of A Protector
Chapter 29: Regrets
Chapter 30: Suspicion awakens
Chapter 31: Missing Someone
Chapter 32 : Part And Parcel
Chapter 33: Cold Shoulder!
Chapter 34: Mending A Broken Heart

Chapter 13: A friend indeed is a friend in need

9.5K 291 76
By AshesandAvery

Lucius, who was nursing his usual brandy after dinner, was startled by a popping sound he heard. He stood with a grace, left his room and headed towards the sitting room. He thought it might be his wife, Narcissa, who was spending the night at her sister's, although in secrecy. To his utter surprise, there stood Severus Snape and Harry Potter.

"What--what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Hogwarts? And why is Potter here with you, Severus?" Lucius asked.

"I need your help Lucius," said Severus, who headed straight to the point.

Lucius smirked, knowing his friend would go straight to the point.

There's something that bothers him, Lucius noticed. Severus looks anxious, worried... and scared? He rarely looks scared, while Potter is mirroring Severus' look.

But Lucius nodded and asked Severus to continue. The other man took a seat and Lucius called a house elf, asking brandy for his old friend and warm milk for Potter, who accepted the rather mundane drink, looking grateful. When he heard Severus' tale, Lucius Malfoy felt himself go weak.  He didn't expect things to be that alarming.

'Dear Merlin! Blood quill of all things?! What are you playing at, Umbridge?' Lucius thought.

"What is it that you need my help for, Severus?" The Malfoy patriarch asked.

"It's not safe for Harry to remain here or me, Lucius. It's Dolores Umbridge we're talking here! She'll send me to Azkaban the minute she knows what I am, and I can't let that happen. With Dumbledore gone, I'm in danger. Harry too!" Snape exclaimed anxiously.

"I agree. What is your plan, Severus?" Lucius affirmed.

"I don't know. I--" said Snape before he was interrupted by the Potter boy.

"Wait, what?! Dumbledore gone? What's going on?! Is that why you were early fetching me from St. Mungo's? Just so you know, Professor, I'm here!" Harry spluttered, his glass of milk almost spilling to the floor.

Snape glared at Harry for interrupting and then softened when he saw the young man's confused look, "Professor Dumbledore have been arrested by the Aurors and Umbridge is taking over the school. Hogwarts isn't what it seems like or what it used to be," said the Potions Master.

"Arrested?! Goodness, Snape! Why haven't I got wind of that?!" Lucius asked, his voice rising. "How come Wizengamot hasn't heard of this?"

"You mean you don't know?" The Potter boy asked incredously, "Aren't you one of those Wizen-whatever, Malfoy? And wait!" Harry turned to Snape, his head snapping, "Why did we come here, Professor? Don't tell me you trust him?"

It was Lucius' turn to glare at Harry. The Potter boy glared back.

"Harry Potter!" Severus chided, "Lucius is one of my oldest friends, Harry. He is willing to help us. Now get back to your seat, and--"

"--But, sir!"

"No!" Severus scolded the boy again, "I know you have every reason to doubt Lucius, but--" when Harry started to stand, his green eyes flaring, Severus caught the boy's arm, "Listen to me while I am addressing you, boy! Get back here!"

At the sharp tone, Harry sank back to Snape's side, but continued glaring at Lucius. To his surprise, Severus Snape looked at him and clasped his arm, "Thank you, Harry. Now," he said, turning to Lucius, "shall we get back to discussion?"

"What are we going to do?" Harry asked, his voice now lost with energy.

"Leave," said Lucius out of the sudden. Harry's eyes snapped back again towards the other man, and he looked at him with anger. How dare he?!

Snape looked at him, wide eyed. "What? Leave? Lucius! I came here for your help! You can't just ask me to leave, Lucius Malfoy, lord or not!" snarled Snape.

"No, you blasted man! I meant, leave Hogwarts. Leave the wizarding world for good. Never return. Go to the muggle world. Go anywhere you want. New identity. New life. New name." Lucius said, his eyes turning almost mercurial.

Snape blushed a little for his outburst. He pondered on what his friend said. It is a good idea but there are repercussions that needed to be considered, but nevertheless, it could work. 'Living a life as muggle. Sounds tempting.' He thought.

"Live in a muggle world with new names. But, how? Won't our records or anything could alert the ministry our whereabouts?" He heard Potter asked.

"Your school records will be sealed. All your records in the ministry will be sealed. You can Obliviate anyone you want. Then, leave." Lucius said, his tone deadpanned.

Harry was silent after the statement. Obliviate and leave? Like... Leave and never return? What about his friends? Hermione and Ron and Neville and the people--

He didn't notice the tears that rolled down his cheeks as his line of thoughts became rather depressing.

'What, leave the Weaselys, the first family he ever had? Leave Gryffindor, the place where he first felt he belonged? Leave Hogwarts, bringing his memories of them, and them not even being able to know who he is should they happen to meet in the streets?'

His heart ached and tore at the thoughts of his friends and what he would leave behind should he actually heed to the plan.

But Snape did not. He saw Harry shed his tears behind his silence, and Severus knew by then how hard it must have been for the boy.

With a fervent look towards Lucius, Snape asked, "May Mister Potter have his rest, Lucius? We require a room for the night. He cannot go back as of yet, he is still unstable."

Malfoy put his brandy glass on the coffee table and summoned another house elf. Harry was still weeping silently at Snape's side, and it was then that Lucius asked within himself whether Potter and Severus had actually became of somewhat good friends over the past week. He instructed the elf to prepare one of the master suites, of which the elf should divide, with a connecting door and have one bed each. The elf's ear tweaked and then with a stammer, the elf popped away.

When the elf returned, Snape turned to Harry after thrusting a flannel he transfigured. "Here, Potter. Go with the elf, and rest. I shall talk to you after a while."

Harry stood, his knees wobbly, but managed to do as Snape had instructed. As soon as he arrived to his temporary quarters, the still distraught young man sobbed onto his pillow, allowing himself to have the luxury of pouring his mixed emotions onto the mattress, his head still whirring with the thoughts that brought him sadness and grief.


"Potter and you seem-- what's that blasted word Draco uses when he is with his friends? Ah yes, chummy. I wonder how, and when." Lucius let the sarcasm drip over his words. Severus took a gulp of the brandy in the glass in his hands.

Severus sneered, "That is between the boy and I, Lucius. Don't you know how to read warnings like 'don't step on the grass'? I never asked how you and Narcissa became infatuated with one another, when all you both know is focus on yourself, and family next."

Lucius chuckled, "Alright, Severus. Fair play."

"Do keep in mind that while you are ny friend, you are not to take advantage of it. Now, on to the matter at hand. Since the boy is not here, you can tell me how exactly can you make your oh-so-brilliant-plan to work," Snape said with a snort.

"Have you little to no faith in me, my friend? I can do all that and more, Severus. My magic and my family can make an Unbreakable Vow, unless you want to Obliviate me as well?" Snape glared. Lucius knew he wouldn't! The blonde man smirked, "I can do the necessary arrangements, Severus, should you decide to go with it. Just give me the signal."

After Lucius' pledge to help, Severus sighed and he stood up, brandy in hand, to look at the Malfoys' beautiful garden. Somehow, instead of the usual lessening of his stress, looking at the sight only made Severus feel the weight of the situation more, "When did it become so much, that it has to come to this, Lucius? Where did we go wrong?"

The blonde man answered somberly, "When we took his Mark, Severus. When we took his Mark. It changed everything; it changed us. Up to today, I can only wish that I did dare defy Abraxas, like I had planned, and that I had been able to help you more. Perhaps, maybe, you did not become a bitter young man and me as a man of politics and bad name. We could've had lived the life, Severus. The life that is only part of our deepest desires fifteen years or so later."

Snape closed his eyes. Lucius was right. Maybe if he hadn't been that mad at himself and at the world, maybe Harry might have been his, or that he could've learned to love and be loved by someone else and move on with his life. But he knew that his early and young days had affected him in a negative way, where he became more drawn to the Dark, rather than let it be a tool for him to appreciate life more.

"Come now, Severus. You should not grow maudlin over what has been said and done. We were both young, and reckless," Lucius remarked, trying to lift his friend's spirits to focus on the task at hand. "At least, you are trying to make this all right by helping the child of the Potters. You are a good man, Snape. You should not think otherwise."

Snape turned towards him, but his face was still shadowed by his dark hair, "Thank you, Lucius. For everything. For helping me to help Harry Potter, and for making me feel better about myself everytime."

Lucius stood and clasped his old friend in the shoulders. There was no words that was needed to be exchanged for the both knew that at times like this, they both reveled in their friendship that was rooted on having almost the same experiences when they were young.

"The night is dark, Severus, and indeed is full of terrors, but mornings always come back to end it. Have faith. All shall be well in the end, just trust on it. Trust on me, and on Fate. He favors those who know the value of sacrifice. Do what you need to do."

"Again," Snape said, his voice thick with emotion, "I thank you with all my heart, Lucius Malfoy. I have known no other man like you, who is a great and loyal friend, and a good father and man at that. The world may turn on you, you despicable Malfoy Lord, but know that I am here. I will never turn on you."

Lucius beamed at him, a smile he reserved for the people that meant a great deal to him, "And I you, Severus Snape, and I you. Now go and have your time with Potter. I am sure he needs the comfort, too."

The dark man nodded at his friend, and went to do just that.

Lucius, meanwhile, looked at his garden and planned the necessary steps to help his friend, who is needing him as of the moment.


When Severus reached the boy's room, he was not surprised to have heared Harry sobbing, although muffled a bit, no doubt by pushing himself onto one of the pillows.

He knocked. "Potter? Can I come in?" Severus asked quietly. He didn't received a reply, but the sobbing increased. He slowly turned the door knob and found it to be unlocked. He opened the door and entered.

He approached the boy silently not wanting to startle the boy. He sat at the edge of the bed and reached out to touch the boy's messy hair. He smothered it. He chuckled inwardly. 'Ah. What have you done to me Harry?' He thought.

"Potter. Talk to me," said Severus.

"What do you want? Leave me alone!" Harry snapped, although his tone may have been more sharper if not muffled by the pillow.

"I can't do that, child. I'm here for you every step of the way. I promised you, and I keep my promise. I'm a man of my word, Harry," admonished Snape gently.

Then the sobbing stopped. Harry sat up and leaned on the headboard. He was quiet, although his tears were still streaming through his eyes. He didn't know what to say. He was confused. He didn't know what was going on. Malfoy's word played in his head, 'Leave'.

"I feel weak. I feel hopeless. I can't even do magic. It's not fair! I can't just leave everything and go. What about the Weasleys? What about my friends? What happened if Voldemort and his croonies attacked?!" Harry said desperately.

"Potter, as much as I would like to stay, it's not safe anymore. For you and for me," explained Severus.

"But--what about my friends? Weasleys? Remus and Sirius? I can't just leave them! They're my family! They're the only that I have left!" Harry said in anger. The tears were starting to fall once more.

"I know, Harry. I know it's hard. You have to understand. It's not safe anymore. Do you want to keep your friends and family safe? Obliviate them," Severus said.

Something caught on Harry. He realized Snape kept saying it isn't safe for him or for Snape. He decided to get an explanation.

"Why do you keep saying that you're in danger? Don't lie to me! Tell me the truth!" Harry snarled.

Snape knew there's no way getting out of this. Harry's look reminded him of Lily when she knows he's lying. Snape sighed in defeat and told him everything.

Harry paled drastically. Snape was a Death Eater and turned to spy for Dumbledore. He looked up and saw Snape looked down like a reprimanded puppy.

"I can't just leave them because of the mistakes you did! It's not fair! They're the only ones I have left!" Harry said before breaking down.

Snape felt a pang at his chest. He looked and saw Potter crying. He did something he never thought he would ever do. He held Potter in his arms as he cried. Potter muttered the same words over and over again. It was 'it's not fair.'

"Hush, child. I'm here. I'm not leaving," Snape said while running his palm over the boy's back. Harry hit Snape's chest weakly and cried harder. "I know it isn't fair, Harry. Life isn't always fair. Can't you see? This is hard for me to have even thought of this, that things have to come to this just so we could keep you safe," Snape said, his tone gentle. He continued telling Harry that he was sorry, too, that he had to be stupid once in his life and cause this boy in his arms' misery and many more things than what he cared to retell.

After a while, the crying stopped. Severus didn't want to risk moving in case he waked the Potter boy. He heard the boy's breathing was even and quiet. He gently laid the boy on the bed and tucked him in.

He kissed the boy's forehead and walked out of the room to see Lucius.

But Lucius told him to go to bed, and tomorrow, they would lay out the plans.

When Snape found his way to his door, he paused.

Then he went to Potter's and opened the door. Harry was groaning, and tears were flowing down his cheeks; the third of the day.

And then he found himself settling next to the boy, and this time, he did not dare to stop the overwhelming flow of something that makes him protective over the boy, and was making him appreciate Harry Potter of the young man he was becoming. He cherished the moment of Potter settling on the base of his neck, as if he was a little boy finding comfort to his Daddy because something was supposed to be under his bed.

Somehow, Potter's tears stopped.

Severus felt pride upon the knowledge that his prescence can calm someone else. And that someone was so young, yet so old at the same time.

Whatever it was, Snape thought as sleep was claiming him, it could only be good.

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