Saber shifter

By MatildaMiller

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Once in a thousand years, the world of Shifters is thrown out of balance. Once in a thousand years, an Ancien... More

Personal Note to readers
Character names and species (updated)
Chapter one (edited)
Chapter two (edited)
chapter three (edited)
Chapter four (edited)
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter 8
Chapter nine
Chapter ten

Chapter eleven

80 5 1
By MatildaMiller


Waking up with pale light filtering through the curtains, I'm slowly gaining my senses when I realise that I'm pinned to a chest with a big muscles arm around my stomach and slight snoring in my hair. The culprit was jay sleeping comfortably with my side pressed to his chest. I try to pull away witch resulted in a grumble and being pulled tighter. If it wasn't for the fact that i had to go to the bathroom I would have enjoyed this but as he keeps squeezing my tummy he is increasing the pressure on my bladder.

I suck in a bid breath of air and get really close to his ear and let out and ear piercing scram. The effects we immediate and i was released from his griping and i quickly ran for the bathroom. After a refreshing toilet brake and a shower i was ready for the day.

As i exited the bath room i was met with a very unhappy Jay and a happy Leo, I shrugged "i really need to go to the bathroom don't sulk about it" and proceeded to walk to the kitchen and made myself some toast and gave Leo a peace of meat. I heard the shower turn on indicating Jay had decide to have a shower.

I felt like going for a walk through this village that we have suddenly imposed on. The early morning sun rays hit my face as I step outside the door and the sweet fresh air tickled my nose. I calmly walked through the village with one local guard following me around, my walk finished in front of the chefs hut. Two guards on ether side of the two double doors, the guard who accompanied me on my walk swiftly walk in front of me as he opened the doors and gestured for me to enter.

The immense hut had one massive round thrown room and a few side rooms, the free tribes king sat on his thrown with a deep studying gaze. I quickly sobered up to my situation and bowed to show my respect. "Your grace so glad to meet you after these turbulent few days, im sorry that my mixed pack has caused one disruptions since we arrived on your land."  He gestured to one of the surrounding guards to retrieve a chair for me. "From my communications with the dragon king you wish to make an alliance to face this impending war with the wolves? Am I right little saber?"

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