
By bangtan-yeonghon

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Genre: Angst | Mafia!AU Members: Jungkook | You/Reader | Yoongi | Taehyung | Namjoon | Hoseok | Jin | Jimin... More

Character Profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23.1
Chapter 23.2
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Final Chapter

Chapter 25

877 37 26
By bangtan-yeonghon

Several seconds bled into the dead silence surrounding them, two hearts beating one next to the other at different paces, one slow, the other racing in front of possible death. Jungkook's mind was working on all the different scenarios of how this could go, and none of them had a pleasant outcome. He was holding you tight, feeling the warmth leaving your body by every moment that was wasted. He had to get this over with fast. He thought about running, but within the first few steps you would both be shot, he considered fighting them, but that would not go well either. There was only one way out, a risky one that no matter if it worked or not, would separate the two of you again. It required some serious thought. He looked down at you, clenched his jaw, and made his decision.

"What are you doing here, kid?" Black Tiger asked.

"I could ask the same question, but I already know the answer."

Black Tiger sneered at his answer.

"Smart little punk. You know, I'm actually proud of you, son. Now, put the girl down and get in the car, we have things to do."

"What if I don't want to."

"Don't try your luck, boy."

"Oh, but I will. I've got nothing to lose anyway."

"You know there is nowhere to go, kid, don't make this difficult."

"Maybe there is," Jungkook said with a smirk.

"Don't fool yourself. Get in the car, I don't have time for your childish games."

"I'm not getting in that car, and I will prove it to you that we'll walk out of here."

"Oh, yeah? How? You plan on taking on all of my men by yourself?"

"No need to. You will let us go."

"You're delusional. These guns pointed at you are not toys, kid."

"There is one thing you would want more than me dead, because I'm not leaving her behind, one thing that would benefit you more."

"And what is that?" he raised an eyebrow.


Black Tiger stared at him, analyzing if he was serious, because he clearly did not think he was. He started laughing after a good two seconds of silence.

"Oh, man, that was a good joke. Kid, I already have you, now stop rebelling and get in the car while I'm still nice. You know I tend to lose my patience quite fast."

"I know you're looking for a leader."

"Glad to see you're informed of what has been going on in the group, considering you've chickened out a while ago. So, what do you propose now?"

"I'm in."

"You're in? You're in for what? You've fucked around so many times, whining that you don't want this life, that you want to go to college and shit. And now you want to be the leader?"

"I have reasons to believe you don't have a better option. "

"And why is that?"

"I know you...there is no chance you'll leave your precious group in the hands of another but your own blood. I got skills and information none of your close circle members have. Namjoon? Don't trust him that much. He already tried to kill me, what makes you think he won't turn against you too?"


"You heard me. Care to reconsider my offer now?"

"You've grown to be a tough man, Jungkook-ah, I'm proud of you. But you need to get even stronger if you want to be a leader. You can't afford to have any weaknesses. And the one you so eagerly wish to sacrifice yourself for? She's the biggest one."

"24 hours is all I ask."

"You're in no position to ask for anything, kid."

They stared at each other with bloodshot eyes, ready to kill to get what they want, but the things Jungkook said made Black Tiger take a step back and fall into doubt about his choice for the next leader. The boy was right, he wanted someone with his blood rule his kingdom, not just a stranger he found one night standing in the rain outside his house. He trained both the boys, but Jungkook always seemed to naturally have it in him, even though he hated it. He had to think this trough really well, but if he killed the girl now, he would forever lose Jungkook. Accepting his proposal did not seem like such a bad thing after all. And, like he said, he was starting to lose patience, he had more important things to do.

"I'll do an exception for the last time, Jungkook-ah. Tomorrow I want you in my office, no excuses. And if she gets into the way one more time, I'll personally kill her, mark my words."

"Yes, sir!"

Jungkook's face was stern. Black Tiger nodded, motioned for the others to put the guns down, and got into the car. The sound of engines running and tires screeching has never been so relieving. Jungkook glanced at you again; you pale face was covered in small drops of cold sweat. He rushed to the car he parked on the side of the road, carefully placed you on the backseat, and headed towards the safest place he could think of, your home.


On another side of the city, Hoseok was driving down the road, with Yoongi silently looking out of the window right next to him. He knew something was off, but he always trusted his leader. Only that he had so many questions in his mind that needed answers, he could not help but ask.

"Jungkook is on the right way to Y/N, right?"

"Hm?" Yoongi looked at him.

"I know how you do stuff, and this doesn't feel right. You'd never agree to let Jungkook go alone."

"You're good," he chuckled.

"So he is. Taehyung won't like this."

"He'll get over it. This was the only way of getting Y/N out of there."

"We could've just take them by surprise."

"I am positive that's what Namjoon would've wanted."

"So you think it's a trap?"

"Yeah. That kid had a feeling too."

"How did he convince you to let him go alone though?"

"We made a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yeah, he takes Y/N out, we take care of her until he comes back."

"I still don't see what you get out of this."

"There is something, but I guess you weren't so quick on figuring out this one," he smiled.

"What?" Hoseok analyzed what he said a couple of seconds earlier. "Until he comes back....what does that mean?"

"You will see. You trust me, right?"

"I do."

"That's enough. Now turn the car around and floor it, we need to get to Taehyung before he reaches the destination and flips."

"What are you going to tell him?"

"I'll figure something out on the way. All he needs to know is that Y/N is safe, that will calm him down a little."

"Don't get your hopes too high, you know he can be really difficult at times."

"He doesn't have any other choice. He'll have to calm the fuck down and wait, like we all will. We have bigger problems now."

Yoongi closed his eyes, clearly done with the conversation. Hoseok did not say another word for the rest of the ride. When they got there, Taehyung was already out of his minds with anger. It was just an empty old glass factory, no trace of Y/N nor Namjoon. It took a while only to get Taehyung to listen to them, but as soon as Yoongi raised his voice, he dug his eyes into the ground.

"So Y/N is with him now?" Taehyung asked.

"Most likely," Yoongi calmly replied.

"And we won't do anything to get her back?"

"That was the deal. He gets one day with her, then she comes back to us."

"What about him?"

"I don't fucking care about him. Y/N is what you want, right? That was the deal. Now shut the fuck up and get in that damned car. Sleep at your hotel tonight and meet us at the club tomorrow. I'll tell you where Y/N is. "

This conversation could have gone for a lot longer, but it would only have ended up with someone getting punched, and they had other things that needed their attention. Yoongi had so much on his mind, that wasting his time on this was not even worth it. Taehyung knew that as well, and as much as it bothered him that you were with Jungkook, he had to get over it. It was going to be some really long night.

Soft rain was falling from the sky like millions of small diamonds shining in glory for one brief moment that was soon to pass as they would smash against the earth, embracing it in their cold and wet touch. The calming sound made everything else fade away as in a dream, the perfect picture of serenity. But in a certain apartment the lights were still on, even though only two hours were keeping the morning away. A shadow gliding along the smooth surface of the curtains disturbed the peacefulness of the night. It seemed to be running back and forth, looking for something. That shadow was Jungkook gathering all the bandages in the house, and everything else he needed to clean your wounds and stitch them. It was a familiar feeling. And to think he would have to do the same thing less than two weeks after he shot you. His bleeding arm was almost numb, but that didn't stop him. Your well being was a priority. So he worked fast in making sure you were not bleeding, your pulse got back to normal, and you were no longer shaking.

It was almost 6 AM when he finished everything, falling on the side of the bed next to you. He made the right decision in bringing you back to the place that you both called home for a while. Being raised in the kind of environment that he was, Jungkook always made sure to have everything he needed in case of any kind of emergency. You would sometimes make fun of him, but in the end they turned out useful. If he had taken you to the hospital, everything would have gotten out of control. But in his hands, you were safe, and that was all he wanted. He checked the clock; your time together was running low by the minute. His eyes were tired, his body on the edge of collapsing. Blood was no longer running down his arm, but his T-shirt was painted in red. A deep sigh escaped his lips. Why did all of this had to happen to you? He eyed you again, making sure you were alright and went into the bathroom. He carefully took off his shirt and threw it in the trash can. The wound looked bad, but he had had worse. Changing the bandage and taking a shower would do. It was as if the water was washing away everything he had on his mind, giving him a few minutes to actually breathe.

Being home felt so unreal now. It was like being back to their lives a few months back, but not really. He opened the door to the bedroom and stood there watching you. At that time he had sworn an oath to protect you no matter what, and it seemed like every time he had failed to do so. At least that how it was in his mind. He could have done anything to keep you by his side forever, but even these 24 hours seemed like a luxury now. He felt pressure on his chest, and it burned hotter than the wound on his shoulder, a devouring fire that swarmed through his veins. Blame, hatred, heartbreak, fear. A need for revenge.

But your touch, your warmth could make them vanish like magic. They say love is one of the most powerful feelings, and maybe they are right. He sneaked in bed next to you, gluing his body to yours as to scare away all the cold that send shivers down your spine, and the nightmares that tortured you. His eyelids fell heavily, pushing him into deep sleep, the most peaceful he had in a long while.

Inside your mind images were flashing with such speed it made you dizzy. A familiar scene, an abandoned building, dust filling your lungs, two chairs, ropes digging into skin, darkness. Shadows moving in the distance made your heart race. You looked around trying to get a hint as to how you ended there. A hot drop made your eyes trace it to your thighs. Blood. An excruciating pain traveled through your head like lightning. You tried to groan but your voice was so weak, like a whisper in the middle of the crowded city.


A voice so dear tickled your ears. But it sounded different from what you were used to, it sounded scared, worried. Jungkook? You guessed right. On the other side of the room, close enough to get a clear image, but still far out of reach, a pair of loving eyes traced back to you. He had a few bruises and stains of blood, but looked far better than how he did back in Yoongi's secret torture basement. You tried to move closer to him, forgetting for a second that you were tied to a chair, just like he was. Your confused expression didn't seem to faze him. You opened your mouth again, hoping words would come out loud and clear, but it was useless. The pain from your head traveled throughout your spine and down to your toes, making you shiver. With chopped lips and cold sweat dripping from your forehead you felt the room spinning out of control. You felt like the darkness was closing in on you, swallowing your entire soul. And you were too weak to fight. You closed your eyes, ready to feel its cold touch, but distant murmur pulled you back it. New faces appeared in the picture, faces you knew all too well.


It was out, the first word traveling from your lips. But it didn't seem to reach him. You tried harder. This time he turned around. You looked him in the eye and smiled. You were saved. You didn't know from what, but you were saved. Everything felt distant, yet so familiar, like it had happened before. It seemed like he and Jimin came while you were passed out, even though it felt like just a second. Something felt off. It was like you skipped a few scenes from a movie and ended up wondering what had happened during those because nothing made sense. But you were saved. With every step he took closer, your smile grew larger. He kneeled next to you, his devilish grin giving you the strangest feeling. You saw a shadow moving in the background. You looked up and locked eyes with Jungkook who was screaming at the top of his lungs, even though no sound came out. He kept trying to free himself from the tight grip of the rope. This didn't feel right. Everything was moving in slow motion. At a closer look, Taehyung looked nothing like the one you would kiss so passionately. There was something demonic about his whole aura. Trying to piece everything together was a great challenge. You tried to remember the last thing you saw, your last whereabouts, something that would clarify what was happening. That's right, Namjoon's place...But you came after me, Taehyung, you saved me. What's wrong? What happened?!

"STOP!!" Jungkook's scream made your heart jump. You looked down, eyes widening when they landed on the suspicious syringe he was holding. You shook your head softly.

"No...No, Taehyung, please stop. What is that? You're scaring me. Tae, please!"

" Once this thing goes into your veins, you will feel like your blood is made of fire, you will start seing things, hearing things...if all of it goes in, you'll die..."

"What?" your voice died in the heavy air. "No, stop! Kim Taehyung!!!"

Too late. He pushed the needle deep into your skin, letting the fluid burn you. Tears rolled down your cheeks. This isn't real. You tried to fool yourself into believing it was all a nightmare, but it was more than that. Your head felt light, spinning again. Same feeling of falling into nothingness. You fought it one last time to look Taehyung in the eye. He seemed pleased with the outcome. It hurt you so much it felt like your lungs were pressed between two steel walls. Why?... Losing strength, you let your head fall, a small, shiny ring resting on your finger capturing your attention. It seemed like the only thing that fit into the picture, the only detail that you could cling on to. It seemed so familiar, you strained you brain into finding the piece of puzzle that seemed to be missing. A day that seemed far away, Jimin's room, a velvet box, the scene became clearer step by step. It was then that you first saw the ring, but why would you be wearing it? Your furrowed eyebrows completed the shocked and confused look on your face. It was then when it hit you. It was not a nightmare, it was a memory.

Everything shattered in a blink of an eye, leaving only your mind floating in deep black. It was clearly something that had happened in the past, but it still made no sense. You recalled how adamant Jungkook was to let you go with Taehyung back when he tried to run away with you, after treating the gunshot wound on your shoulder, how safe you felt with Jungkook, how his kiss awakened something deep in your soul. You were a couple. A blinding light came to you at great speed, piercing your soul as images from the past flashed before your eyes, connecting into the movie of what had happened that day at the old, abandoned building. You saw Yoongi, you felt the fear as he pointed the gun at Jungkook, the pain of leaving him behind, how terror crept into your bones as you made your way through the hallways, the spark of courage you got when you saw the pipe laying in front of you, and how everything faded away with one hit. You tried to close your eyes, to block everything; it was suffocating. Then, as if someone had pulled a sword out of you, it was over.

You eyes snapped open, heartbeat so strong and fast paced you could feel it in the back of your head. Tears fell like waterfalls, soaking the pillow underneath. Your nails were digging into the sheets, refusing to let go as you struggled to breathe. It took you a moment to take in everything before you became aware of your whereabouts. White walls surrounded you, white curtains were dancing in the soft wind, a cold, pleasing touch that made the small hairs on your hands stand, a bed for two cramped in the corner, a wardrobe large enough to satisfy a couple, a vase standing on the sole nightstand on your left that at one time might have been overflowing with flowers of various colors now only held a sheen layer of dust. The air wore a trace of a fragrance that was once giving life to the room, but it was now barely there, as if nobody entered it in weeks. The dust that embraced every surface hinted at that as well. You pushed yourself into a sitting position, eyes following every object in the room from one side to the other. You had no clue as to where you where or how you got there, but it gave you a sense of calm and security. That feeling again, that you knew this place, but couldn't really put your finger on it.

The door creaked, making you jump just a little. With a delicate push it opened, giving you sight of the man that stood behind it dressed in leisure clothing with hair falling over his eyes, cups of tea in both hands.

"Oh! You're awake," Jungkook spoke with a bittersweet smile.

His oversized shirt and loose trousers combined with his messy bed hair made for an intimate-morning-between-lovers image. You couldn't understand why, but it made you warm inside. And somewhere in a small box in your head, you knew it was something you were used to, something that had happened before, but you were too distracted by the present to focus on the past.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice so tender.


"Still a bit confused?" he offered you one of the cups and took a seat on the floor right in front of you.

"Yeah. Where am I?"

"How's your body? Does it still hurt? I've given you some painkillers, but I need to know you are alright."

"I'm...fine. My whole body feels weird."

"Well you were close to death for the, what, third time? I would feel weird too," he said in a playful tone.

"I think I passed that digit," you chuckled.

"Where's Taehyung?"

"Why are you asking?" his tone changed the slightest bit.

"He was there, in the warehouse. He took me out."

"He didn't take you out, Y/N..."

"But I saw him."

"It wasn't Taehyung you saw."

"Then who?" Words came out of your mouth faster than they traveled through your brain. You realized short after Jungkook was the one that saved you, only that it was too late. You bit your lip and eyes changed to an apologetic look. He let you off with a soft laugh.

"Thank you."

"I don't deserve it. I'll have to save you a million more times to make up for everything I put you through."

"And what exactly is that?"

"Everything...But now is not the time to talk about that. You've been through a lot, Y/N, try to relax now. You're out of danger."

He was about to get up and leave when you stopped him. "Where exactly am I? What is this place? Have I been here before?"

"Why? Does it ring a bell?"

"It feels....strangely comfortable."

"And so it should."

"So?" you eyed him, demanding an answer.

"Home, Y/N, you're home."

"Home? This is my place?"

"Our place, to be more precise."

"Our?!? How...well did we know each other?"

"Enough to share an apartment apparently."

"Well I can see that but..."

"Rest, Y/N, you need it."

"Wait a second. Why are you here?!" The last time you saw him he was barely alive in that basement. How come he was now standing in front of you with only the bruises and cuts on his face reminding you of that?

"I saved you, remember?"

"Yeah, but how are you out? Yoongi wouldn't let you go just like that...Did you run away?"

"Knowing Yoongi, do you think I'd be standing here if I ran?"

"There's a slight chance."

"Funny. How I got out, doesn't matter. What matters is that today we'll take a break from all of the mafia stuff and make sure you get better."

"I'm fine, Jungkook. I just need to know."

"One step at a time."

He got out of the room, but let the door cracked open like an invitation to follow him. In other situations, you would have stayed put, but given the circumstances and your growing curiosity, you pushed yourself on your toes, almost losing balance when you took a step forward. You placed your right hand on the door in an attempt to balance yourself when something in the left corner of your eye captured your attention. A small frame in which a picture of you and Jungkook was kept away from all the dust. You took it in your hands, chest tightening as your eyes scanned it to the very last detail. Your smiles were bright as if you had no worries, no pressure, no darkness coming to get you. He had a hand around your shoulder and you had both arms wrapped around his torso. It seemed like a sunny summer day somewhere at the seaside. Flashes of a memory brought tears to your eyes. It was easy to forget that day, but hard to forget what it felt like. You dried your eyes, placed the frame back on the small table, and followed the smell of ramyeon to the kitchen. Your steps were wary, something Jungkook noticed too.

"Why are you so tense? Relax, nothing bad is going to happen," his voice was reassuring.

"It's nothing...just that it feels strange...being here, with you."

"Why? Would you prefer Taehyung?"

"No, it's not that. You said this is our home...every corner seems familiar in some way, but I can't remember any of it..."

"Is that what's bothering you?" he came next to you and caressed your shoulders.

"I feel like I lost a great piece of me."

"Baby, you haven't lost anything. You're still here, I'm still here, we're home. We can always start again." Seeing how your eyes were watery again, he pulled you in a sweet, cozy embrace. "It's going to be ok."

You closed the hug and buried your nose into his neck, breathing in as much of his perfume as you could. It was a soft scent, not something that would hit you in the face, something only the most intimate act would bring to the surface. His strong arms were keeping your body steady, feeling like the most carefully built and trusted armor that existed, at least for you. And it was all natural, like nothing but time stood between this and the memory of a hug that had happened in the forgotten past. Your mind was clear of Taehyung, of the group, of Namjoon, and all the other problems you both had. It was just the two of you and that's all that mattered right now. You had questions and this was the perfect time to get answers. After you ate he insisted on checking your wounds, especially the one on your back. Your mind raced to something you remembered just before waking up, Jungkook had been there too. It was the perfect point to start.

"Last night...I had a dream..."

"A dream?"

"Yeah. We were both tied to chairs in some run down building just outside the city. Yoongi shot you, Hoseok pulled my hair and beat you to a pulp while Jimin enjoyed the show, and Taehyung...he injected some substance in my leg, and it burned. At first I thought it was just a nightmare, but now I am almost sure it was real."

You felt his movements halt for a couple of seconds. "Y/N..."

"You told me Yoongi was not trying to help me..."

"You really can't let that go, can you," he was worried.

"If we were close enough to share an apartment, I'm sure you knew well enough how much I hate to be left in the dark."

He let out a soft laugh. "You got me cornered now."

"Spill it," you said playfully.

"It's true, what you remember. It was supposed to be one of the best days in our lives."

"Great turn of events."

"You said it. Anyway, I was not expecting Yoongi to show up. Then I woke up tied to a chair, just like you. I felt the world tremble under my feet when I saw you passed out in front of me. And when Taehyung drugged you I swore I'll be the one killing him. How far does your memory go? "

"Just till there. How did we end up in that car crash?"

"Jin got us out of there, he gave us his car. You were unconscious and when you came back it happened."

"White lights coming towards us...car flying in the air...they took you away. I tried to fight back."

He kneeled in front of you, and wiped the tears that were silently rolling down. "We can stop here."

"No. I remember blood and shards everywhere, I remember black shoes getting closer...your fingers slipped right between mine. A man...he pulled me out and tried to choke me to death," your voice was shaking. "A ring...I saw a ring flying through the air. Now that I think about it, I was wearing a ring that day, it was silvery and had small stones, so delicate yet gave my hand a royal touch. Do you know about it? You must have seen me wearing it."

Jungkook's eyes read sorrow. "An engagement ring."

"Yeah, it looked like that. Wait...what?"

"Y/N, I asked you to marry me that morning..."

You lips parted in shock. You rose to your feet and took a few steps towards the center of the room that served both as a kitchen and a living room. He closely followed you.

"No way. This can't be happening. Why can't I remember any of it? Why can't I remember you? This is not right." You were crying, out of control.

"Y/N, baby, calm down. It's not your fault. Give it time."

"No...I can't just forget everything just like that. I can't..."

"Stop, baby, you're only hurting yourself." He clasped your hands and pulled you into his arms.

"I want to remember. Our memories, our time together, I want them back. I want them all back!!"

Headache was spreading fast, your shaking body losing strength with each shot of pure pain. You were not sure anymore if you were crying because of your amnesia or because of that. Your feet were the first to give in.

"Y/N!" Jungkook gave you enough support not to crash, but safely land on the floor. You were laying in his arms, all sobs and waves of cold sweat. He put a hand over your forehead. "You're burning. This is not good."

In the middle of tossing and turning, drowning in pain, your eyes landed on the cups that stood on the coffee table in front of the couch, right to your left. The last piece of the puzzle. Your breath hitched for a second and right then in all came back to you. They were no longer just flashes, but big pieces of information that surfaced from the depths of your subconscious. Eyes closed, you let everything fall into place. You were just a by-stander to your own life, at least to some part of it that was stolen from you by the greed of some people.

"Y/N...Y/N!!" he gave your body soft shakes. "Y/N, baby, wake up!"

He was about to pick you up and take you back to the bedroom when you came back to your senses. You looked at the man standing in front of you, the one you longed for, the one who felt like home, the dark brown eyes that made your feet weak, the soft lips that glided over yours with so much love it made your heart go crazy, the long locks of hair that were always messy when you woke up, the same warmth that you remembered. You knew them all so well, you knew him all so well.

"Jungkook..." your voice was close to a whisper, but his name came out with a different color this time, a different feeling, something more profound, something mixed with so many emotions that only hinted at one thing: I remember you.

"It's ok, Y/N, I'm here. How are you feeling? Does it hurt that bad? Should I give you another painkiller?"

"Jungkook-ah..." again, the same feeling, now followed by a smile. You placed your left hand on his cheek and caressed it. "I remember."

"What?" It was as if the soul had left his body.

"I remember...everything," your smile grew larger.

He looked you deep in the eye, speechless, for a couple of seconds, then his arms wrapped around you so tight it was hard for you to breathe. Tears completed the emotional picture. He was the first to break the hug. "Are you sure?"

You nodded.

Another hug followed by a kiss none of you had seen coming, it was all dictated by the feelings. Surprised, but clearly pleased, you deepened the kiss and let your lips dance for long minutes, until the thirst was finally quenched. Back in bed, you cuddled under the sheets bringing back all the moments you had together. The last rays of the sun bled into the sky. Time was running low. Jungkook considered for a second the possibility of running away, but they were outnumbered and out of money to fly to another country. He knew he had to tell you that fate was about to throw them another shot, but he felt so good having you back in his arms, he felt whole again.

"Does Taehyung know?" you broke the silence.

"Hm? Know what?"

"That I'm here, with you..."

"He probably does."

"I still wonder how he's not barging in any given moment."

"It was part of the deal."

"Deal? What deal?"

"I only got 24 hours with you," he said as he roamed his fingers through your hair. "I have to take you back to Yoongi before that."

You pushed yourself on the elbows and looked him dead in the eye. "What do you mean?! I thought...I thought we were finally done with that."

"Y/N, listen to me, this is the only way to keep you safe. I have to go back...to Black Tiger..."

"No...I don't believe you! I just got my memories back!"

"I know, baby, I know, and I hate it, but there's really nothing I can do. In exchange for your life I had to give this up."

"Jungkook-ah!" Any trace of a smile vanished, sadness picking at your heart.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. You have to trust me."

"How much time do we have left?"

"Not much..."


"Two hours."

"Two hours?!? And when were you going to tell me?? When we parted ways? Were you even going to??"

"I know it's hard, Y/N, heck, it's Hell for me too! But you need to understand I did this for you! Was I not to give up our chance of happiness, you wouldn't be here right now!"

"Why always us, Jungkook?..." your sobs got lost into the night sky.

"I'll find my way back to you, I promise!" he cupped your face.


"Just trust me."

You placed you head on his chest and let his shirt absorb the tears that streamed down your face for the last time that day. You took a shower after Jungkook made sure water won't get into the wounds, and changes into new clothes. Their scent contained the feeling of home. You took the picture out of the frame and put it in the back pocket of your jeans without Jungkook noticing and slid outside of the bedroom. Just like always, he was waiting for you in the living room. You avoided his eyes, certain you wouldn't be able to control your emotions, and he didn't say a word. He was driving down the empty city streets while you were staring out the window, silence pressing on both of you, but none having the courage to break it. And what was the point, after all, you'd say goodbye in a few minutes. You dreaded parting ways with him, even when you knew that it was for your own good. The car came to a standstill in front of a hotel both of you knew well, the one owned by none other than Kim Taehyung. Your eyes stopped on the golden rotating door then flew back to Jungkook. Fear took over and he noticed it.

"It's ok, Y/N, he won't do anything to you. If there's something I am sure of, is that Taehyung will never hurt someone he cares for...and as much as I hate to say it, he loves you, Y/N."

"I don't want to go..."

He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to face you. "It's been the best 24 hours. The best weeks, months I had were the ones I spent with you. No matter what happens, I will never let go of this feeling, baby. If fate ever decides to give us a break, I'll find my way back to you."

You wanted to believe him, but deep inside you were aware he was going back to the ones you so wholeheartedly hated, the ones that were keen on killing you. Being in different gangs would only make for a tragic end, one your heart was not ready for. And still, you found the strength to nod. He reached for your seatbelt and unbuckled it for you. You were both fighting against emotions that were slowly choking you. One last look into his eyes, full of sincerity, full of things not even words could describe, something only the two of you knew.

"I love you!" you said softly before you jumped out of the car and rushed towards the entrance of the hotel, not daring to look back. You heard the tires squeal just as you were about to enter, but broke into crying just as you did. The chilly air and darkness of the night were your sole forms of relief. Half an hour later a voice tracing back to the VIP entrance made you raise your eyes from the floor you had been emptily staring at since the moment you sat there.


You tried to force the corners of your lips to curve into a smile, but it was too broken to seem genuine.


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