Just Go With It (Lucaya Fanfi...

By SasMaster145

11.9K 264 81

Character's ages: Lucas Friar: 19 Maya Hart: 19 Zay Babineaux: 19 Josh Matthews: 21 Farkle Minkus: 18 Riley M... More

1. Kicked Out
2. Call Of Duty & Teen Wolf
3. Party Time
4. Ex's & Just Go With It (1)
5. Movie Night, Possibilities & Just Go With It (2)
6. Problem Solved and the Sound of an Angel
7. Clubbing and The Blast From the Past
8. Flashbacks and Comfort
9. Smiles and Drawings
10. Apologizing & Remembering the Past
12. Anger Release
13. That Should Be Me
14. Body On Me & the Happy Moments
15. Making Up for Lost Time
16. Focus On Me, I'm Proposing

11. The Truth and Jealousy

615 15 2
By SasMaster145

* One week later *

Maya's P.O.V

Two days after I saw him again, he never came to the apartment again. I was happy, until I went for a run the next week. I accidentally ran into someone and made them drop their things. I immediately helped them pick their stuff up.

* Flashback *

"I'm sorry, I should look where I'm going!" I gasped and stood back up with the bunch of flowers the guy had dropped.

"They were actually for you..." The guy answered and I finally looked at his face. My eyes grew wide and I gave the flowers back to him and started walking off, sticking earphones in my ears. He had caught up to me and stopped me with a hand on my arm.

"Will you please give me 5 minutes? That's all I need, please." He begged and I huffed.

"Fine." I followed him to the nearest bench and we sat down.

"I don't want to argue or for you to forgive me straight away. I want us to work, I want us to be together again, like how we used to be. I know that it's not going to happen until I explain myself." He paused and I didn't say anything.
"So from the beginning, my dad used to work for Danny for at least 10 years, one day a drug exchange went wrong and my dad was held accountable. I was only eight when this happened by the way. Anyway, Danny clipped him and my mother found out the next morning what had happened and Danny said it was a job gone wrong and he got caught in the gunfire. I knew what had really happened because Bucky, Danny's bodyguard who also happened to be an undercover cop seen and knew everything. From that day on I swore that I would hunt him down wherever he went and would get justice for my dad. I got into his gang when I bumped into Danny, who I called D, when I was in a store buying some things for my mom and there was a robbery, I tried to help the guy but they put a gun up to me and I panicked and swore that I never seen anything and I was minding my own business. He took that opportunity to scare me into doing whatever he wanted. And I did when I knew who he was, few weeks later I found out Nicole was his daughter. Her dad treasures Nicole so whatever she asked for she got. She asked him if she could tag along to one of my jobs and she drove. Instead of going to the address, she went to a hotel instead and said that Simon, the guy we had to meet, was located in a new location. So we went up and no one was there, before I could even walk out she pounced on me. I pushed her off me and she laughed. She said if I don't do what she says or wants then she's going to tell Danny who I really am and why I am there. I couldn't risk it all, I was so close to getting my dad's justice so I went through with it. I don't know how but she knew about us and she said I had to end it with you and that day you caught us, she planned it. I didn't know you were coming over, it was all her. I would never have thought of hurting you, I know it was wrong, I was wrong and I want to make it up to you because I know I broke your heart. Seeing your face broke my heart too and I know I can never fix that." He explained.

"How do I know you're not lying to me?" I asked, keeping an emotionless face.

"If you want we can go and meet Bucky right now and he will tell you everything. He knew everything that was going on, including Nicole." He answered.

"Fine, let's go!" I said, if he is really telling the truth then he won't have a problem with going to meet this Bucky.

"Alright then." He said and motioned me to follow him. We got in his car and I made sure I was ready to punch his lights out if he tried anything dodgy.

We reached the police station and went in. Xander walked up to the desk and asked for Bucky Dixon. We waited for five minutes before he came out and greeted Xander. He was tall, had tan skin, his black police uniform and his hair... He had that silver fox thing going on, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't hot for his age.

"Xander! How you been?" He said embracing him in a hug. Damn even his voice was hot. Damn if I was into older guys I would certainly be after him, his whole body was to die for, the way his arms flexed as he embraced Xander and pulled back. I couldn't even hear anything they were saying, all I could see was him and his pearly whites as he smiled.

"MAYA!" Xander said a lot louder and I snapped out of my daze.

"Sorry, what?" I blinked.

"You must be Maya... How you doing?" He put his hand out, smiled and winked. I melted.

"I'm single... I-I mean I'm Maya." I corrected, oh my god, I must be so red right now.

He laughed and his dimple appeared on his face. Is this guy for real?

"What can I do for you, Xander?" He asked Xander and I snapped out of this dream and tried to listen to what he was saying.

"Can you explain everything to Maya. And I mean everything." He said seriously and Bucky's face turned serious.

"Let's go in here." He said and lead us to what looked like an interview room. We sat down and started talking.

He explained everything from the beginning to the end. He explained how Danny is now dead because of a gun war between the cops and his gang. Because both Bucky and Xander were in Danny's gang, Xander got his revenge and shot him while Bucky got the rest of the crew. Xander never got sent down for what he did because Bucky took the wrap and said he was shot in the gunfire. I guess karma is a bitch.

I had no words for what I had heard besides that he was actually telling the truth.

"I do apologize but I have a meeting in five minutes so I'll walk you guys out." Bucky stood up and walked over to the door, and opening it up for us. We stood up quietly and walked out.

"Thank you, Bucky. I'll keep in touch." Xander said and gave Bucky a hug.

"Take care, man and stay out of trouble." He finally said before Xander and I walked out of the police station.

We silently walked to the car and the journey back to my place was quiet. What Bucky and Xander told me I just couldn't believe it, it's like something out of a movie, I never thought it would happen like for real.

"Please say something..." He finally said, breaking the silence.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked, looking out of the window, letting my thoughts consume me.

"I don't know. What do you think of all this?" He asked, looking at me for a second then back at the road.

"I don't know... I just can't believe that this was all happening and you didn't think to tell me? I would've understood. They way I found out that you were technically cheating on me in a sense wasn't necessary." I finally explained and I heard him sigh.

"I know. I regret that so much and I wish I could undo it all but I can't. I want you to know that I trust you enough to tell you about what really happened. I missed you so much everyday. I missed my Maya." He reached his hand over and linked our hands.

I looked down at our hands and pulled mine away, "your Maya is gone. I've changed since then, I'm not going to take anymore bullshit, I will end you." I said as he pulled into the carpark and found a space almost straight away.

"Yeah, I got the teaser the day you left." He laughed and for the first time today I laughed too.
"This is what I miss, us laughing together." He said and turned towards me.

"Yeah well, if you wanna get used to it, I am prepared to just be friends before anything else." I propositioned and his face broke out into a smile.

"Maya, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm ready to make it up to you, to build our relationship back up." He gushed and I smiled and started getting out the car.

"Thanks for not lying to me. I'll see you around." I finally said before making my way upstairs. I ordered the lift and waited for it to come down from the 30th floor.

Once I had got to my floor, I walked down the hallway and made it to the door. Fiddling to find my keys, I eventually opened it, walked in and shut the door behind me. Before I could walk to my room, Lucas stood in front of me, looking worried with his phone in his hand.

"Where have you been? We're late!" Lucas asked and I looked at the time and my eyes grew.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry! I'll go get changed right now." I ran to my room and quickly picked out my outfit.

Maya's outfit:

"Okay, let's go!" I ran out of the room once I shoved my phone in my pocket.

"That was surprisingly quick. Anyway, let's go, we'll miss the movie otherwise." He said and started heading for the door. I followed him and we went downstairs and to his Range Rover.

"So what movie are we going to see this time?" I asked once we were on the road.

"Black Panther. I seen it with the lads earlier today and you just have to see it. It literally lives up to it's hype." He gushed with a huge smile.

"Hold on a minute, we're going to see a movie that you have already seen once today?" I asked in disbelief.

"Trust me, Maya. You will wanna go again." He grinned and I let out a laugh. He is just adorable.

"Okay! If you're saying it's that good then I guess I'll have to see it." I said sarcastically and he laughed.

* After the movie *

"Oh my god... That was amazing! I wanna live in Wakanda, that place is lit! And damn Chadwick is fine as hell. Wouldn't mind a Wakanda King T'Challa myself." I bit my lip as we walked out the cinema.

"If I were gay, I'd totally agree." Lucas laughed and I linked his arm as we walked to Nando's which was only a few blocks away.

"Thank you." I said and looked up at him admiringly, my left arm still linked with his, and my left hand firmly on his bicep, which was turning me on.

"For what?" He asked, looking down at me with a smile. As I looked into his green eyes I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"For tonight, I know the night is not over yet but I want you to know that I appreciate you and I'm so glad we're friends, well best friends." I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled widely and and we carried on walked.

Once we reached Nando's we went inside and waited.

"How many?" The guy asked as he picked some menus. My heart dropped when I seen who it is and Lucas tensed up.

"Table for 2." Lucas answered sternly but didn't emphasize it as we were in public.

Xander looked up and immediately gulped. He seen my arm and Lucas's arm linked and a look of disappointment spread across his face. I slowly let go of Lucas' arm and suddenly felt cold.

"Right this way." He cleared his throat and directed us to a table. Lucas' jaw clenched and his hands formed fists as he followed Xander to our table. I felt my heart beat rise as I was scared to tell Lucas about earlier today when I bumped into Xander.

"Here's your table, if you need anything just give me a shout." Xander says before he attempts to walk off.

"Actually there's one thing I need and that's another waiter." Lucas said with attitude.

"Look I don't wanna fight you right now-"

"Let me stop you right there. If I don't get a new waiter right now, I will speak to your manager, I have the power to keep you out of a job for good." He said with venom. Is it bad that Lucas was turning me on?

"You wanna take this outside, man!" Xander yelled and Lucas stood up causing people to look at us.

"Guys!" I yelled. "You are not about to cause a scene. Lucas, let's go, Xander don't take this to heart but we're going somewhere else." I said and stood up, grabbing Lucas' wrist and dragging him out.

"I can't believe that guy. It's like he doesn't even care about what he did to you." Lucas gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. I had to tell him, this was killing me.

"The reason I took long on my run was because I bumped into Xander. I walked off but he wanted to explain everything and he did. He even got his friend or partner from the police force to back up his story. And since then I've had different feelings about Xander."

"What exactly did he say?" Lucas asked, we entered a pizza place and stood in line.

"He told me that whatever he did was for his dad, and Nicole was blackmailing him. His friend even said that Nicole was psycho that way, she even tried it on with one of her dad's workers through blackmail and because he didn't do anything, that member got shot. I'm not saying what he did was right but he would be dead if he didn't do what she said." I answered. When Bucky explained everything he mentioned Nicole's previous targets and how she got them killed because they didn't do what she said, with that warning from Bucky, Xander had to do it.

"So does this mean you forgive him?" He ask, looking down as we moved forward.

"I don't know. All I know is, I don't wanna hold a grudge against him for something he had no control over. And I want to connect with him again, be how we used to be. I miss him and if we can make a go of things again then I'm willing to try. I guess that will take time." I answered. It was true, I missed him a lot, there were so many memories that we have had together, it's just opportunity got in the way and caused Xander to do what he did.

"Oh..." He paused for a second before carrying on. "What if he's not the right guy for you? I mean, what if the idea seems great but in reality it's a disaster waiting to happen?" He asks, looking at me as he spoke.

"I will never know if I don't try." I answered and he nodded, looking away.

* Back at the apartment *

We got out the lift and walked to our door only to find Josh sitting outside the door tapping on his phone.

"Josh? What are you doing here?" Lucas asked once we were stood in front of Josh.

"I actually came over here to apologize but you weren't in so I thought I'd wait." He stood up and straightened himself out. He looked at me and took a deep breath.
"Maya, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you. A lot of the names I called you and the things I said were said out of anger, and I know that doesn't make it right. I hope you take this rose and will be able to forgive me. I don't think you're a whore or a bitch, I think your wonderful, smart, pretty and Lucas is lucky to have you as his friend and roommate." He pulled out a rose from his pocket and gave it to me. I looked at Lucas who held a smile and I looked back at Josh who looked worried. I took the rose and smiled.

"Thank you, Josh and I accept your apology. But it's going to take a lot more than a rose to heal my wounds." I smirked. He's apologizing so I might as well take advantage of the situation.

"I will do anything for you to forgive me." He says without hesitation and I pretend to think about this and smile.

"Take me for ice cream, your treat and then you're good." I smirked and he smiled and nodded.

"Sure." He said and put his arm out for me to link. I looked at Lucas and he held a questionable expression.

"You coming?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You go, I've got some work to catch up on. You better take care of her, Josh or else." Lucas warned, as I looked back at Lucas I could see a glint of seriousness behind the devious grin. I brushed it off and walked with Josh to the lifts. Not ganna lie, I felt awkward but if anything was going to get rid of this tension and if I was going to get my ice-cream then this would be the best place to do it.

"So..." He started awkwardly.

"So." I replied. God I hate awkward talks.

"I hear you do music, do you play anything?" He asks and I looked up at him.

"Yeah... I play the piano and guitar." I answered, bouncing off the elevator wall.

"I actually play a little guitar myself." He smirked and I looked at him surprise.

"You do?"I asked.

"Yeah. I actually have my guitar in my car. I can play it after we get ice cream if you'd like?" He asked as we got out the elevator and headed out the building.

"Sure." We got into the car and headed to get ice cream.


"Hi, my name is Amy, what can I get you?" The cashier asked and Josh let me speak first.

"Four scoops of ice cream in a cup." I told her and she tapped the screen.

"What flavors?"

"Chocolate, mint choc chip, bubblegum and Ferraro" I answered, it sounds weird but it's actually nice.


"Sprinkles, nuts, chocolate, raspberry and cola source." I answered with a huge smile.

"And for you?" She asked Josh.

"I'll have a small chocolate cookie dough with two scoops of chocolate ice cream." Josh answered and Amy tapped her screen again.

"That will be $10.96 please." Josh pulled out his wallet and handed her the money and we sat down.

"Four scoops!?" Josh asked in disbelief.

"Hell yeah! I'm going to enjoy this." I smirked and he shook his head.

We didn't wait too long before our desserts arrived.

"Damn that is a lot of ice cream. You sure you can finish that?" He asked and I laughed.

"Watch me." I put my poker face on and started eating. Oh god this tasted so good.


After having ice cream, we drove to a secluded area that people came to look at nature and the view of the city.

"Why are we here?" I asked, getting a little weirded out. He didn't say anything and walked to his trunk. This is so weird.

"Don't worry, I only came here to play my guitar for you." He answered and walked to the front of the car and hopped on his bonnet. I did the same and looked out to the view. Josh opened his guitar bag and pulled it out.
"Any requests?" He smirked and I thought for a moment.

"How about... Wolves by Selena Gomez." I suggested and he nodded.

He began playing...

What it sounds like:

"That was pretty good, Josh." I clapped and he smiled.

"Thanks. You wanna play something?" He asked, handing me the guitar and I thought for a second before I started strumming.

What she did:

I sang quieter and stopped singing. "I can't sing in front of people... I have stage fright. I thought I could do it but I can't." I answered and looked away. Laying the guitar on my lap.

"One thing that helped me was picturing someone important, someone who I wanted to make proud, smile and someone who has supported me when I've needed them most. I always pictured my mom. Maybe you should try it, it might help you." He suggested and I looked at him with a small smile.

I closed my eyes and pictured that one person. I smiled and lifted up the guitar while my eyes were still closed. I started strumming and as I pictured their face I felt at home, happier and safe. Words began to fall out my mouth with a tune. Before I knew it, the song finished and I had a smile on my face the whole way through.

When I opened my eyes, I looked at Josh who had his mouth dropped.
"Maya! That was awesome!" He said and held his hand up for a high five. I high-fived him and spoke.

"It was your advice... It actually worked!" I said with a huge smile.

"Who did you picture?" He asked with a smile.

"That is something I'm keeping a secret." I smirked and handed him his guitar.

"It was Lucas wasn't it?" He asked and I froze for a second and before I answered he smirked and yelled out.
"Oh my god, it's Lucas! He really means that much to you, huh?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes, I mean... He took me in without question, he's supported me and kept me safe and I don't know if I can ever repay him for what he's done. He became my best friend." I smiled.
"You better not tell anyone what I just said and that it was Lucas who I was picturing. Got it? Or else I will make sure you can't ever use your dick again."

"You can't make my dick dysfunctional..."

"Oh really? Ask Adam Egan when you see him. He can't ever have kids. Serves him right for abusing his last girlfriend who lost her baby because of the abuse he gave her." I warned and Josh gulped.

"Okay, I'll keep it a secret." He said and zipped his lips.

"We should head back, it's getting late." I said and hopped off the bonnet. I sat in the car and Josh put his guitar in the back before jumping in the front and heading off back to Lucas' place.


"Thanks for the ice cream, the advise and the apology. Consider yourself forgiven, Mr Josh Matthews." I grinned and he smiled.

We were in the apartment now, saying bye and Lucas walked out of the kitchen with a glass of water.

"You're back. How did it go?" He asked and I smiled.

"It went great actually. Josh actually advised me on how to get over my stage fright and it actually worked..." I said excitedly.

"Really!? That's great, what was the advise?" He asked and I looked at Josh who looked at me.

"We can't disclose that information, Lukey boy." Josh answered and winked at me. I laughed and headed to my room.

"Thanks again, Josh." I waved and entered my room to get into my pajamas. When I came back out of my room to get some water, Lucas was sitting on the stool at the island.

"Hey, are you not going bed?" I asked and grabbed a glass.

"I actually have emails to attend to so I will be up for a while." He answered and carried on typing. I sat down at the island with him.

"Did you have fun with Josh?" He asked and looked up at me.

"Surprisingly yes. He's not that bad, I think reality hit him and he's realized being an asshole isn't going to get him anywhere." I laughed as did Lucas.

"So for real. What did Josh tell you to do to make you overcome your stage fright? I mean we tried everything." He asked, folding his arms on the table and looked at me intently.

"That is between Josh and I. I'm sorry Lucas, if you want to know you should have come with us." I smirked and I got up off the stool. He didn't reply so I took that as my cue to leave.
"Anyway... Good night." I hugged him from the side and walked to my room.

Lucas' P.O.V

But I wanted to be the one who helped her get over her fear...

* End of flashback *

Vote and comment.

Damn I have not posted in ages!! I'm sorry!! I know this is what everyone says but I legit had no time, I've been writing in between assignments and before I go sleep. I'm trying to stay on top of the updates but it will take time.

Please take this long chapter as a sorry and thank you for sticking around

SasMaster145 x

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