Camp Sapphire

By Kid076

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"Camp is supposed to be fun right?" More

My Boys


1.1K 78 105
By Kid076

Bling, Bow, Wow. It's me again.

Happy 4th Of July Babies. I love and cherish each one of you.

Y'all dead ass know I love him up there. 

Rylee POV.

  When I woke up, I was in a dimly lit room. I couldn't see that much due to two things, one being that it was dark as hell outside and the other being that I was hanging upside down. "Ah he's finally awake." a voice said. I squinted my eyes to try and get a better view of who this was. "Allow me to help you out there. Boys, lights." he said as these bright ass lights damn near blinded me. I got a better look around the room and saw Justen and Lira hanging in a nearby corner. The wound on Justen's back was opened as his blood was leaking on the floor. It was like he was a piece of meat now. 

  This isn't real. "Your friends aren't looking so well are they now? Let's make them more comfortable. Go ahead Rod." he nodded to the other guy as he cracked a whip on Lira's back. Her screams made me cry. "Aww you feeling sad? How you think I felt when you killed most of my men? That's not good enough. Let's move on to someone who really matters. Tony, you up." he said as the man went to Justen. "Gone head and show our guest some hospitality." he said as the guy began to punch Justen all over his body. "Fuck you." Justen said as the man punched him in his mouth, making it bleed. My heart dropped when I heard a crack after he punched him again in his chest. "That's enough Tony. I think he got the point." he said as the guy walked away. 

  "Who the fuck are you?" I asked trying to keep my voice from cracking. "Just someone who has been watching you since you got here, you're pretty cute. Can't wait to see how that ass feels." he said as I damn near threw up. "Touch him and I'll kill you." Justen said weakly. "Tony, handle that." he said as Tony walked over to Justen and knocked him out. "Rod go ahead." he said as the man begin to punch Lira. It was all to painful to watch. "Don't worry, you'll be next. I'm gonna have fun with you." he said as he traced and pressed a knife against my arm, causing it to bleed. "We have to go now for a few minutes, but we'll be back." he said as they walked out the room. "I'm gonna get us outta here." I said trough tears. "Baby don't cry." Justen coughed. "It's not your fault Rylee, we don't blame you for any of this happening so don't act like that." Lira said as I began to cry even harder.

  "Baby, where would you like our first date to be?" Justen coughed. I know what he's trying to do. "I would like to go Key West." I weakly smiled at the thought. "Well it's set. We'll go and I'll see to it that you enjoy yourself." he said making me laugh. "It's a date." I said. "I'll help you get fly for that day. You know it's only right." Lira said as I smiled. "Thank you. Well I guess everything is set then." I said. I looked down and the floor in front of Justen and saw that it was now a pool of blood was starting to form. My mood instantly dropped, the fact that we are hanging upside down isn't helping either. (A/N: Justen and Lira are turned away from Rylee so he can see both of them clearly but they can't see him). "That was cute, it really was but I doubt that little date of yours is gonna come to fruition." the man said walking into the room again. 

  He literally left like 5 minutes ago. "Rod and Tony,  take them somewhere, I'm gonna have some fun with this one." he said as they nodded their heads. The cut the ropes literally dragged Lira and Justen out of the room. "So you've killed about 5 of my men (A/N: I'll edit when y'all tell me the correct number). How was that? Was it fun? The little bear trap scheme was nice too. Really did a number on that one. Let's not forget about the most recent one. The fan? Aww man that was really good. I should've thought of that one." he said as he circled around me. "I get pissed every time I think about it." he said as he punched me in  my stomach. "Aww poor you. You're friends are dead so there's that. There's not a chance in hell that I was gonna let them kill me." I smirked at him. 

  "Well they won't have to worry about that because I'm gonna do the honors." he said as he punched me again. He pulled out the knife from earlier. "I'm gonna enjoy this." he said as he sliced my legs. That shit stung like hell if I must say so. I couldn't show signs of weakness though. "Aww you're a tough one I see, let's see if I still got it." he said dropping the knife and getting into a boxing stance. He began to use my body as punching bag, throwing a mix of fast and slow but powerful punches. All I could think about was the date that Justen had in store for me. That was the only thing that was keeping me from breaking, well that and my family. Once he got tired, he stopped and lowered my body to ground while I laid there gasping for air. "I'll be back. Can't have you dying on me now." he smiled as he walked out of the door. 

  3 Days Later          

  It's been 3 days of constant torture and it doesn't look like he'll let up anytime soon. My body is bruised and cut up. I can't even move if I wanted to. "Let's play a game shall we?" he said as he sat down on a chair. "Who....who are you?" I asked weakly not even bothering to look up at him. "Ahh yes the typical question. Well I lied when I said I been watching you when you first came here. Matter of fact, I haven't even been watching you at all. I just happen to be a serial killer who escaped with the homies only to stumble upon this nice camp. What a better way to celebrate my freedom then to kill a couple of people? Or the entire camp. It doesn't matter to me because I'll sleep peacefully at night." he said laughing. This nigga is really sick. 

  "You should've seen when I killed the administrator. One of my very first kills here. He was not expecting that at all. I must admit, I was very careless with that one. I didn't think that it would've been so messy. Oh well he's dead now." he said laughing. I'm going to throw up, matter of fact I am going to through up. I haven't had anything to eat in 3 days. "I bet your really hungry right now huh? Welp that's on you. See you tonight kid. You gonna help decide who should die first, your boyfriend or your little friend. This is gonna be fun." he said rubbing his hands together before walking out the room completely. My heart sank as all of these thoughts ran through my head. I can't nor will I take part in killing the people that I love, though the answer is obvious. 

  I just won't. Right now, I'm just numb to everything. I can't cry or do anything else at this moment. Can't even talk slick like I normally do. I'm just here, waiting to die that's all. "You put up a good fight Ry, I'm proud of you." I said to myself as I laughed a bit.  Shortly after that, I passed out. When I woke back up, it was pitch black out. I could bare see anything. "Let's go buddy boy. Wake that ass up." he said as he walked back into the room. The fact that he has yet to even mention his name to me is funny. When the lights flicked on, I saw Justen and Lira just hanging there like they were racks of meat in the freezer. "So let's hear it, who will it be Rylee?" he said as he walked into the room. right before I could answer, the lights cut out.

  "What the?" he said as I heard the sound of explosions going off. "Tony, Rod, y'all know what to do." he said as they took off running. It wasn't long before I heard the sound of them grunting. looks like they're dead. Whoever this was is scaring the hell out of me because I don't know who side they were own. "Looks like I gotta handle-" he said before he was silent. Welp so much for that talk.  "Chris, lights!" I heard an all to familiar voice say. When I looked up, I saw Marlon looking at me with a look a sadness and happiness. "Bro's for life." he said as he begin to cut me free. Deonte was already cutting Lira and Justen free. Y'all I really want to cry right now. Unfortunately, I can't move right now. "I got you bro." Marlon said helping me up. 

  "That was a nice punch, I'll you that but if you think I'm letting y'all leave with him, you dead ass wrong." he said standing up and adjusting himself. He instantly ran to tackle Marlon as he began throwing punches at him, making me fall to the ground in the process. The consequences of being tied up and cut for 3 days is that I no longer have any strength at the moment to even do anything right now. I watched as him and Marlon rolled around on the ground, fighting each other in the process. "De....on....te" I said in a faint voice hoping he'd heard. When I noticed he wasn't, I said it again. My voice is mad hoarse and dry so it's hard for me to even speak. When he turned around, he gently put Lira down and began to help Marlon. 

  I watched the 3 of them go at it, to helpless to do anything to help them. They were getting the upper hand and was his kicking his ass. The smell of something burning was creeping into my nostrils. "D, we gotta go!" Marlon said as they ran back to us and helped us up. "I'm sorry for betraying you like that. I made a vow that we're bro's for life and I'm gonna be sticking by that. I hope you forgive me." Marlon said as he basically carried me out of the building. I couldn't say anything else but I just smiled at him. His apology meany a lot to me. As we were waking out, ole dud on the floor started talking. "Don't think you gonna get away that easily. They don't call me stingray for nothing." he said as he limped behind us. This nigga just don't stay down like damn. As Marlon started to run, I grabbed a rock and threw it at him. Surprisingly it hit him as he fell to the ground. 

  "Come on let's go!" Chris yelled as he started the boat. As soon as we made it to the boat, the building exploded. We made it out of the camp alive, I'm so happy. I slowly crawled over to Justen and hugged him. "Now I get to take you out on that date ba...." he said before passing out. "Just...en. Help me." I said as I watched helplessly. "Rylee, you have to let go so I can see what's going on with him." Deonte said as he tried to move me out of the way. "I got this. Marlon help me flip him over." Deonte said as Marlon politely moved me out of the way. "Chris make sure you steer this bitch right." he yelled as they looked at his back. "Shit his cut reopened and he may have some broken ribs. This doesn't look good." he said as I began to cry.

  "Chris floor this bitch! We got about two hours before we lose him." Deonte yelled as Chris slammed his foot down. I grabbed his hand and silently prayed that he would be OK. It's crazy because even when we are safe, we still aren't safe.

  I can't lose Justen. I just can't.

Decided to end it there.

This chapter took me 3 days to write. The next one will be the last. 








Told y'all to count.                   

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