The Only Thing That Matters

By rachael_l_wood

362K 9.1K 947

Isbell Murphy had her whole life planned out with her college boyfriend, Blake Williamson. But when she wakes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
AMAZON IDEA (unedited)

Chapter 6

16.5K 435 51
By rachael_l_wood

 “We’re working very hard, Ms. Murphy. You have to be patient. Blake’s got a lawyer that knows his ways around the books,” Ryan’s voice said through the telephone.

 I was getting desperate. Blake was determined to get me behind bars. But why? I hadn’t done a single thing to him, other than hide the fact that he had a daughter. But he deserved that. He deserved that, didn’t he?

 “I understand,” I said, defeated. I was tired of dealing with it. I was tired of reporters standing outside of my house, ready to pounce like a predator to its prey whenever Anthony or I left. They were animals and I was tired. I didn’t know how much more I could take.

 “Don’t worry, Isbell. We can make it through this. The trial is in two weeks and we’ll go from there. There’s not much more Blake could do to destroy your life than he already has. And even then, it’s not like it’s sticking,” he reassured. I nodded even though I knew he couldn’t see me. I glanced over at Anthony who stood arms crossed, leaning against the doorframe to the bedroom. His eyes grazed the room and I could tell he wasn’t very pleased. From the moment we came back from the café yesterday, he was on edge about every aspect of this situation. He even threatened to waltz into Blake’s parents’ house, which he was staying at for the time being, and beat the daylights out of him. However, I kept him tamed. I didn’t need another payment on my hands, although Anthony offered to help pay for mine.

 “As long as your sure we have a chance,” I sighed. I ran my hand through my frazzled hair and sat down on the edge of the bed. I heard Anthony move from the doorframe and make his way over to the bed. He sat down next to me and immediately started to scratch my back, lightly, but comforting. I glanced over to smile at him. He could see the stress in my smile and he leaned in to kiss me lightly.

 “I’m sure, Isbell,” Ryan stated. I could hear the confidence practically seep through his words. That gave me a little more hope. I could almost see a sliver of light at the end.

 “Well, thank you, Ryan. For everything,” I said quietly. Even though I knew that Ryan Dawson was trying his hardest to put up a good case for the judge, a small part of me still thought we weren’t going to make it. I kept telling myself we’d win, but that same small part of me would whisper in my ear, telling me I wouldn’t see my daughter when she came home from school. I wouldn’t see her when she woke up in the morning. I wouldn’t see her grow up.

 “Goodbye, Isbell. Chat soon,” Ryan said before the line clicked dead. I pulled the phone from my ear and held it in my hand, letting it fall to my lap. I let out a sigh and leaned into Anthony’s chest.

 “What are we going to do if we lose?” I asked, fear settling throughout my body. Anthony stopped scratching my back and pulled me close to him. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing either one of the people that I loved. It was unbearable. He stiffened beside me, and put one finger under my jaw. He forced me to look at him, his brown eyes boring into mine.

 “We are not going to lose,” he said through slit teeth. I let my face fall from his finger and I put my hand up over my mouth to keep the sobs from overpowering me.

 “What if we do?” I asked. Tears filled my eyes and Anthony lifted his thumb to wipe the tears that fell from the brim off my cheeks. He leaned in, planting a kiss on my soft, wet cheek before resting his forehead against mine.

 “Isbell, you have to stop thinking about the negatives. Ryan has a really good case stacked up and if he says we’ll win, we’ll win. No ifs ands or buts about it. Okay?” he asked softly. I couldn’t disagree with his face. His words instantly soothed me and I nodded, sniffling and wiping the tears from my eyes. Anthony sat up and gave me a sincere smile before patting my back and standing up.

 “Now, Kayden will be home in a minute,” he said before exiting the room.

 I sighed and stood up. I walked over to the mirror to fix the brokenness of my face. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t fix the brokenness inside by looking in the mirror. That would stay for a while.

 Before I finished brushing my hair, the school bus honked out front. I took in a deep breath and put a smile on my face. I wanted to be happy for my little girl and thought of Kayden telling me everything that happened at school lifted my mood. I left my bedroom and met Anthony in the kitchen. I glanced out the window in time to see Kayden fly off the bus and sprint into the house. I waved at the bus driver through the window as Kayden came plowing through the door.

 I walked over and helped her out of her jacket and placed her backpack down by the door. I looked at my little bug as her face lit up. She jumped into my arms and I kissed her forehead, extremely happy that she was here, considering I didn’t know how much longer I had with her.

 “Mommy, I rode the little bus today,” she exclaimed. Her eyes were bright with excitement and her blonder ringlets had fallen in her ponytail. I couldn’t help but smile as Anthony and I exchanged glances. It was crazy how little kids thought. And it was crazy how the littlest things could brighten a child’s day.

 “Did you?” I laughed. Kayden nodded her head vigorously before jumping out of my arms and running over to Anthony. He smiled down at her and ran his hand over her nappy hair. Kayden put her arms up, demanding that she be picked up, which Anthony reluctantly took. He kissed her cheek and carried her into the living room where he sat her down and turned on the television. He spoiled her and I admired him for that. I couldn’t because I was her mother, but someone should. She didn’t have any grandparents that would, so she had Anthony.

 “Would you like some chocolate milk, princess?” he asked. Kayden’s face lit up and she jumped up, nodding her head. I laughed. I didn’t realize until that moment just how amazing Anthony was to my daughter. I didn’t realize until that moment how lucky I was to have him. I didn’t realize until that moment that he was what I wanted to complete my life, my world.

 “Blake, get out of here, now,” I demanded.

 Blake was standing on my front porch demanding to see his daughter. I declined, telling him that he had no right. He then, of course, brought up my whole arrestment situation, which he still did not know that I knew.

 He stood in front of me, planted to the ground, arms crossed showing off just enough definition through his shirt. His blonde hair cascaded across his face, falling just in front of the eyes, the way I had fallen for back in college. However, I was over it, over him and there was no way I was letting him get a day with my daughter.

 “She’s mine too, you know,” he spat. I was disgusted as a little bit of saliv flew to my lips. I immediately lifted my hand to wipe it off, making sure to keep myself covered with my robe. It was too early to be dealing with this. I didn’t care if he wanted to take her to the zoo, she was mine and she wasn’t going anywhere, especially with him.

 “I know good and well, Blake, you don’t have to remind me,” I hissed. I started to shut the door but he put his hand out to stop it. The door wasn’t budging.

 “Let me have one day with her, or I’ll bring it up in trial. You have no right to deny my visitation and if I brought it up, then guess who would be in trouble,” he smirked. My heart stopped beating for a split second. Anger surged through my body, rippling over every vein and nerve, threatening to devour any patience I had.

 I glared at my ex. I couldn’t believe he would use that against me. It was true that I didn’t have any right to deny his visitation since we had never gone to court about this issue, but bringing it up in trial was low, even on his part. If he did, all that I’ve ever worked for in Kayden would be ruined. She’d slowly be corrupted by the man I hated to call her father. And man was a huge stretched on his part.

 “You wouldn’t dare,” I whispered harshly. I clutched my robe tightly to me, knowing that any minute Anthony would come downstairs to see what was going on.

 Blake had a smug look on his face which sickened me. I knew he would. He would do anything to try and hurt me. Back in college, I would have never thought of such, but here, in the present it came with the territory.

 “Try me,” he laughed.

 I drew a deep breath in, defeated before backing up and letting him in. I watched as stepped through the door, clearly satisfied. I shut the door behind me just as Anthony came down. He stopped dead in his tracks and I could tell that he wanted to pounce. I swiftly walked over to him and kissed his lips, trying desperately to make Blake jealous. But he just stood there, amused, which angered me even more.

 I sighed, pulling away from Anthony who had many questions brew inside his head, yet he had a hard cover on his face. I patted his chest, telling him to follow as I made my way up the stairs. I glanced back down at Blake who had made himself comfortable on my couch.

 “She’ll be down in a minute,” I snapped.

 Anthony followed me up the stairs and as I turned around he immediately began demanding answers. I swallowed, hard, before taking a deep breath in, not knowing how my emotions were playing out. Millions of the swarmed my body at once and I didn’t know how I was going to release them.

 “Blake is taking Kayden out today, for some bonding time,” I said slowly trying hard not to scream. Anthony looked over at me, clearly unsatisfied with the situation. He crossed his arms and looked at me with a “are-you-serious” expression. I nodded slightly before making my way to the bedroom, falling down onto the bed. Anthony was close behind.

 “What the hell, Isbell? What are you thinking? You can’t allow him to take Kayden. Who does he think he is? Why are you letting him?” he asked, shutting the door so he could let his anger out. He took his deodorant from the bureau next to the door and proceeded to chunk it at the wall, making me flinch. The rage practically radiated off of his body, filling the room with a cloud of anger. I had never seen him like this. It kind of scared me. 

 “He said he’d bring it up in court. I can’t let that happen, Anthony. If he does, I’ll be charged with more than false things I have been accused of. I’d be charged with breaking the law, reckon there isn’t anything set in custody with Kayden,” I said.

 Anthony stood by the door, breathing in slowly, calming himself down. He closed his eyes, planting his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

 “I don’t understand why he thinks he can just forget about you and then find out he has a child and just walk up in here and think he can get away with things,” Anthony said. I felt tears sting my eyes. I nodded before leaning back on the bed and letting the sobs overcome me.

 “And now, he’s downstairs of our apartment and he thinks he can take Kayden on a ‘day out’. Does he even know how to be a father?” Anthony asked.

 I looked over at him, shaking my head. I flashed back to the day at the hospital, when he saw Kayden for the first time. The rage that clouded his eyes, the disgust in his voice. I couldn’t let my daughter be with him for a day. An entire day.

 I started to shake. The sobs were overpowering me and I wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Everything in my life was going down hill. I lost my job and I couldn’t find a new one due to my criminal background. I fell asleep every night practically in tears. Blake was downstairs waiting to spend the day with my daughter. I couldn’t help but think that I was losing my daughter too, slowly. I was slowly losing my grip. I was falling off the cliff faster than I thought humanly possible.

 Anthony left his post by the door and made his way over to the bed. He sat down and stared out the window. I couldn’t tell what was going through his mind. I shook my head and let the remaining tears fall. I knew I had to get Kayden up before Blake did anything more.

 I stood up, wiping the remains from my cheek, the whole time Anthony sat on the bed. I sighed, pulling my robe closely around my body before walking down the hallway and into my daughter’s bedroom.

 She looked so peaceful, dreaming her sweet, innocent dreams. It hurt me, knowing that I had to allow her to spend the day with her father. I didn’t want to give her away for the day. I wanted to wrap her up in my arms and protect her from life’s hardest struggles. She was my daughter, my little bug.

 I tiptoed across her room to her bed, feeling the softness of the carpet under my toes. I sat down on the edge of her fairy-themed bed, setting my hand on her shoulder. Easily, I shook it. She stirred, flipping over onto her back, saliva drooled all down her cheek. I stifled a laugh as I shook her once more. This time, she opened her eyes, clearly confused as to where she was at.

 “Goodmorning, bug. Time to get up. You have a big day ahead of you,” I said sweetly. I stood up, going over to her closet, picking out her giraffe, long sleeved shirt and matching brown pants. She was going to the zoo, might as well match the theme.

 I walked back over to her bed, setting back down on it. I shook her again, seeing as she had fallen asleep. She grunted and opened her eyes once more. Her blonde ringlets were in a tangled mess and knowing that I had to brush it out made me instantly tired. I was not ready for the fight she was going to put up.

 “Come on, Kayden. Wake up,” I soothed. Kayden sat up and rubbed her eyes. She turned to look at me and gave me a hug before sliding out from underneath the covers. She looked as if she would pass out sitting up.

 I stripped her of her clothing and placed her zoo outfit on, proceeding to help her to the bathroom and brush her teeth. When she was done, I helped her down the stairs and to Blake, who had busied himself with a magazine that was planted on the end table in my living room.

 “I need to brush her hair before she goes,” I said stiffly. Blake nodded, completely focused on Kayden who shyly stood in front of him. She placed her thumb in her mouth as Blake held his arms open, hoping for a hug, and a huge smile planted on his face.

 “Hey, Kayden, sweetie. Come give me a hug,” he said in all too sweet voice. He angered me so much. I went into the bathroom and grabbed Kayden’s hairbrush, coming back into the living room.

 Blake had proceeded to plant Kayden in his lap. She smiled shyly up at him as he told some random story that probably had nothing to do with her. She giggled as he kissed her cheek. I wanted so badly to snatch her up away from him. He didn’t deserve to bond with her. He didn’t deserve anything.

 I came into the living room with a fake smile planted on my face, letting Kayden know that it was okay, even though in my heart I didn’t want it to be. I knew that he wasn’t going to hurt my daughter or anything, but I knew that he wanted to hurt me and I couldn’t let myself allow it. If I took Kayden away from him today, then he’d bring it up in court and I wouldn’t only be hurting me, but my daughter as well. So I had to suck it up and let it be.

 “Come here, bug, let me brush your hair,” I said softly. Kayden looked over at me with sad eyes. She always hated when I brushed her hair. Her hair was so curly, it knotted easily and she always screamed when I had to rake out the knots.

 When I finished brushing her hair and throwing a bow in it, Blake stood up holding out his hand for Kayden to take it. She eagerly did and followed Blake out the door. Before she made it down the driveway, I ran to the door. I couldn’t let her leave without saying goodbye to me, and Blake sure as hell wasn’t going to make sure it happened.

 “Kayden,” I yelled. She whipped around, looking at me with a questioning stare.

 “Are you going to kiss your mommy goodbye?”

 She laughed, throwing her head back in an exasperated way before plowing across the yard and into my arms. I breathed in her familiar scent of berries before pulling back so she could give me a kiss. I smiled at her before planting her back on the ground.

 “I love you,” I yelled as she crossed back across the yard and into the back of Blake’s car. I felt my heart sink. I didn’t want her to go at all. Blake shut the door to the back seat and climbed into the front, backing the car up and heading south.

 I shut the door behind me and made my way back up to my bedroom. Anthony was still sitting on the bed, but instead of staring out the window, he was watching the door, waiting for me to arrive. He stood up and flew to me, his body pressing against mine.

 Throwing me on the bed, he kissed me harder. I was so caught off guard I didn’t notice the robe that I was once wearing fall off my body. He kissed my neck making me melt into him.

 “I’m so sorry for earlier,” he mumbled into my neck. I didn’t care anymore. I pulled his face to meet mine, crashing my lips against him, sending a message saying I didn’t care. It was me and him now. I let myself forget all the stress that was accumulating and the worry I was sickening myself with. Instead, I went with Anthony’s body as he took me to cloud nine. It was him and me.

 “Did you have fun, bug?” I asked as my tired daughter stumbled through the door. In her hand sat two huge stuffed animals, one a tiger and the other a giraffe. It was six o’clock in the evening as she made her way to the couch, settling down and closing her eyes. Apparently, she had had an eventful day.

 I turned back to Blake who handed me a take-out box. I assumed it was hers and I walked into the kitchen, throwing it into the fridge. I turned back around expecting Blake to leave, but he stayed planted in the kitchen.

 The way his eyes bore into mine made me uncomfortable. I knew something was brewing in his head. He had something he wanted to say, but he wasn’t letting any words fall from his mouth. I could feel my heart beat quicken as we stood in silence in my kitchen, the refrigerator the only noise in the small space.

 I was about to step past him when he put out his hand to stop me. I looked at him through slit eyes, not knowing what he wanted to say. It bugged me. He turned to face me, fully, letting his eyes sink into mine. I saw a small smile creep up his face and I had a very uneasy feeling seep in my body.

 “I want custody of Kayden,” he stated. My whole body went cold. My heart froze over and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I glanced over at my angel asleep on the couch and back to Blake who smugly sat in my kitchen.

 I fought the urge to hit him. The anger radiated through me and I couldn’t hold back any longer. Before I knew what I was doing, my hand connected with his face and a slap was heard throughout the house.

 I stared in shock at what I had done. I felt the sting in my hand as Blake lifted his hand to rub his face. He stared at me in disbelief before pointing his finger in my direction. I could see hatred pouring from his eyes and I felt the same. I took in deep, hesitant breaths. I watched as he exited my kitchen and headed to the door, not once turning back around.

 “You just wait, Isbell. I will have her,” he said, shutting the door behind him.

I am so sorry this chapter wasn't very good. I tried hard to get it updated as soon as possible. I promise the other chapters will make up for it. Don't forget to comment and vote I'd love to hear from you guys! :)

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