BAD WOLF in Civil War *sequel...

By BadwolfRed18

53.2K 1.1K 387

You all know how my origin story began, well now I'd like to tell you a second part to my tale. Not everythi... More

Chapter 1; Lagos
Chapter 2; The aftermath
Chapter 3; The Sokovia Accords
Chapter 4; Finding the Winter Soldier
Chapter 5; The Winter Soldier and Bad Wolf
Chapter 6; Preparing for war
Chapter 8; Siberian Confrontation
Chapter 9; Steve Rogers Bad Wolf, and Bucky Barnes vs. Tony Stark
Chapter 10; I am Mother Wolf Raksha
SONGFIC CHAPTER "Days in the Sun"
Character page
Chapter 11; Life in Wakanda
Chapter 12; Meeting Morowa
Chapter 13; Christmas in Wakanda
Chapter 14; Training with Morowa
Chapter 15; Bucky Bear and Wolfie together again
Chapter 16; The invasion
Chapter 17; A Mother's wrath
Chapter 18; I won't be weak
Chapter 19; The two outsiders
Chapter 20; So this is what love feels like
Chapter 21; Two wolves in love
Chapter 22; Ambush and Betrayal
Chapter 23; Bad Wolf is back
Chapter 24; Mother Raksha vs Kaa
Chapter 25; Finding my soulmate
Chapter 26; Rebuilding trust
Chapter 27 Songfic #2; A Happy Beginning
Ending Author's note
Songfic #3; Rewrite the stars
Infinity War *update*
*Final author's note*
New Book published!!!
Would anyone be interested in a......What If?

Chapter 7; Team Cap vs. Team Ironman

2.7K 61 12
By BadwolfRed18

*Author's note*

Well here we are guys, the climax of the Captain America: Civil War the famous AIRPORT FIGHT. Above is the picture of what you guys wear as Human Bad Wolf in case any of you didn't read the first story.  I hope you guys enjoy this chapter took me awhile to fix the battle I had for those of you who remember the oneshot I once had on my teen/child oneshot story and now having the movie I got to add more stuff or take stuff out.  Now prepare for some feels in this chapter esp. towards the end and hopefully the next chapter will come out in a day or so.


Steve came out from the airport runway garage in full Captain America suit shield and all and when he saw the chopper, he ran towards it only to see something attack to it and fry out its circuits. In the sky Ironman slowly lowered his arm and flew down towards the ground with War Machine right by his side and as the two landed Tony said as his helmet came off and he turned to Rhodey.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport, don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely weird" said Rhodey.

"Hear me out Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this" said Steve. Suddenly leaping over and landing skillfully was Black Panther. As he stood up he told Steve.


"Your highness". From my position just a few feet away from the chopper on the south end hiding very well behind some packages and crates, I snarled lowly at Black Panther just itching to sink me fangs into him for what he did to me. It was then I heard the conversation pick up again from Tony.

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in, that was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy" stated Steve.

"Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday".

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first Tony, I can't".

"Steve," it was then Natasha came out from behind Steve and she continued, "You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Silence rang out until Tony stated.

"Alright, I've run out of patience, Underoos!" Suddenly Steve's shield was grabbed by some kind of webbing then Steve's hands were bound by the same webbing and soon landing skillfully on top of one of the airport trucks wielding Steve's shield was a kid around my height wearing some kind of red and blue spandex outfit with black wedding pattern around it. "Nice job kid".

"Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's...just the new suit...Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark it's—it's perfect, thank you". The new guy stated then began to stammer.

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation". Stated Tony.

"Okay. Cap—Captain. Big fan, I'm Spiderman". The new guy saluted to Steve then introduced himself as Spiderman. Spiderman? Really?

"Yeah we'll talk about it later just..."

"Hey everyone". Spiderman said.

"Good job" Tony finished.

"You've been busy" stated Steve.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint, rescuing Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place, I'm trying to keep—I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart". Tony said without losing his cool but Steve stated bluntly.

"You did that when you signed".

"Alright we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us, now, because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite! Come on". Silence once again rang out until Sam's voice came through our com-links.

'We found it. Their quinjet's in hanger five, north runway'. Steve then raised his hands in the air which gave Clint the signal to fire his arrow to free him from his bounds. Steve let out a loud whistle and exclaimed.

"Fetch girl!" I rolled my eyes briefly for that being my signal but I launched from my position and tackled Spiderman in my wolf form baring my fangs at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, nice doggy good—good doggy. Uhh guys little help here!" When I felt he had enough, I got off him and grabbed Steve's shield and trotted back to him and gave him his shield back.

"Atta girl (y/n)" as an added bonus, I got a gently pet and ruffle on the head.

"So she plays fetch huh?" Scott said now standing beside Steve in his full Antman suit. I growled at him and he backed away.

"I wouldn't go around saying that Scott, she hates being treated like a dog".

"All right, there's two on the parking deck, one of them's Maximoff I'm gonna grab her. Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?" Tony stated as he and Rhodey began flying in the air.

"Got two in the terminal. Wilson and Barnes".

"Barnes is mine!" T'Challa stated as he took off running towards the airport.

Oh over my dead body will you get to him, besides I have a score to settle with you putty tat.

I charged after the king and managed to get bring him down from behind. I snarled and threw him aside before standing in front of him blocking his path to get to Bucky-bear. My tail raised high in the air, fur ruffled madly, ears bent far back against my head and my fangs fully bared and snarling.

"Move Raksha. I won't ask a second time". He sneered. But I stood my ground then the two of us launched at each other like missiles and I managed to lay a hard bite onto his arm drawing blood as pay back for him scarring my face back in Bucharest.

T'Challa tried to scratch me across the face again but I released him just in time then I quickly phased into my human form and did a flying sidekick right into his chest knocking him down.

I had him pinned to the ground with my fangs extended outward showing him I meant business.

"You want Bucky, you're gonna have to kill me first!" I snarled as my eyes phased to my wolf ones. Suddenly I was distracted by one of Rhodey's weapons that almost resembled my resonance howl.

I let out a painful cry as the piercing echo hurt my sensitive ears and through that distraction, T'Challa kicked me off of him sending me skidding across the runway.

I glared up to see Rhodey take out one of his weaponry sticks that would send high voltages of electricity towards anything it touched and he said to me.

"I'm sorry (n/n) this won't kill you but it ain't gonna be a belly rub either". I lifted myself up just as he came towards me but before I could jump out of the way, Steve came out of nowhere and defended me with his shield.

"Go (y/n)! I can handle these two. Go help Sam and Bucky they need you!" I nodded and said.

"Just try not to blow anything up while I'm gone" I then took off running and saw a hole at the side of the building.

I backed up a few feet then took a running start before leaping up into the air and gracefully jumped through the hole to hear the sound of crunching poles and shattering glass.

As I ran through the terminal, I saw Spiderman kneeling on top of one of the directories and heard him say to Sam and Bucky.

"Guys look, I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, I'm really sorry". But when he didn't expect was to suddenly hear a wolf bark which suddenly sent him flying out of the airport screaming.

Next thing they know, both Sam and Bucky pinned down by the spider webs look up to see me standing in my wolf form wagging my tail in amusement.

"You couldn't have come earlier Wolfie?" asked Bucky. I tilted my head cutely like a puppy dog and hopped down from the bridge down to them and used my claws to free Bucky's hand of the webbing before turning to Sam and lowering my fangs towards his chest.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! How come he gets your claws but I get your vicious teeth!?" I only eyed him telling him I could just leave him like this if I wanted to.

"Because she likes me better, right Wolfie" stated Bucky smugly as he rubbed my ear making me grunt lovingly and lean into his scratching. I then gently freed Sam from the webbing using my teeth then phased back into my human form.

"We don't have much time, we gotta get to the chopper and fast". Then the three of us took off running outside the airport and met with the rest of the team.

As we all ran towards the quinjet, an orange beam suddenly shot a few feet in front of us stopping us in our tracks and floating above us was Vision.

"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now". He stated just as all of Team Ironman soon stood in front of us blocking our path. We all stood together as a pack when Sam asked Steve.

"What do we do Cap?" asked Sam.

"We fight" Steve answered.

It all began with a walk towards each other, then a trot until finally we all ran/flew towards each other full force until we all met with our opponents in battle. Everyone had someone to fight against or two members would team up to fight one person.

I fought alongside Wanda to help get Spider man down to the ground and fight like a real man and not stay up in his web. She used her powers to lift me up into the air and I quickly wrapped my legs around his neck and threw him down towards the runway.

I then landed on top of him pinning him down but he quickly flipped over and kicked me in the gut and used his webs to get up on a terminal bridge.

"Did not see that coming from you but I gotta say that was awesome!"

"We're you expecting anything else?"

"Well to be honest I thought you'd stay in that wolf form of yours that Stark always said you'd prefer to fight in".

"Well there's a lot that Stark doesn't tell you and it's that I use my wolf form for when things are personal, right now you're no more of a threat to me than a spider on the wall". I charged at him but he suddenly flipped in the air and used his webbing to capture both my hands.

I was suddenly dragged backwards and then kicked in the face and sent flying towards one of the trucks. I yelped out and landed on my arms and knees panting.

"Luckily he told me your pride can sometimes be your downfall, good thing too huh?" My eyes phased gold in anger but I took a deep breath and stood back up and said to him.

"Tony tell you anything else?"

"That you were once good, but you sided with the wrong side. That makes you a Bad Wolf". I smirked then as another webbing came for my hand, I gripped the end of it and tugged on it hard sending Spiderman straight towards me.

Once he got close enough, I kicked him in the face as payback before gripping him in a chokehold and he was now begging for mercy.

"Wait, wait, wait hold on a sec! You sure we can't work this out together over a candlelit dinner? I mean we're both animals in a way. We can come to an agreement right, Wolfie?" I chuckled icily and said.

"You're real cute but I don't go interspecies, plus I don't date those who threaten my pack". I then extended my claws out and clawed at his chest before leaping up and kicking him in both the back of the head and his back sending him to the ground. "And tell Stark that I'm done with him".

If Stark had the nerve to call me by my Hydra name, then I officially don't want any part of him anymore. Hearing Spiderman say that Tony had called me that officially now broke my heart and I was now done with him.

I sighed deeply and took off running back towards and saw Wanda battling War Machine. I let out a growl then phased into wolf form and let out a resonance howl to send him flying. I turned to Wanda and she looked at me with sad eyes.

I tilted my head in confusion and she cupped my face in her hands and she said.

"You love and are willing to do anything to help Bucky, aren't you?" I nodded then she said with a smile sadly with tears in her eyes. "Then go with him". My ears and eyes perked up in shock.

She wanted me to leave her behind and go with Bucky. I whimpered and looked at her sadly telling her that even though I would die to defend Bucky, I wasn't going to let her take the fall and let the government lock away the only family member I had left.

I lost Big Grey, I couldn't lose Mama Bear too.

"It's okay, I'll be fine. He needs you even more than I do. Go with him. Go! And know that I will always love and be with you Wolfie" Just as I phased into my human form to tell her no, she placed her hand on my back and soon red mystic energy began to lift me up into the air.

"No, Wanda! Wanda! No, no, no, Mama Bear!" I exclaimed as her hand that was holding mine slowly released me as I was too high for her and she began to take control full control as she then gently tossed me to where Bucky and Steve were at.

I was then caught in two arms, one human and one metal and I could barely register Bucky's voice as he was asking me if I was alright. I just stared outwards in utter shock and sorrow.

How could she?

"We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now" Bucky said.

"We gotta draw out the flyers, I'll take Vision you and (y/n) get to the jet".

'No. You get to the jet! All three of you! The rest of us aren't getting out of here' Sam's voice said through our comms.

'As much as I hate to admit it...if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it'. Clint's voice said.

'This isn't the real fight Steve!' Sam's voice said again. Steve and Bucky looked to each other and understood that they had to do what they had to do, with or without the rest of the team.

"Alright Sam, what's the play?"

'We need a diversion, something big!'

'I got something kinda big. But I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me' Scott's voice said.

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" questioned Bucky.

"You sure about this Scott?" Steve asked.

'I do it all the time. I mean once, in a lab. And then I passed out'. What shook me out of my shocked state was seeing a humungous Scott Lang grabbing Rhodey by the leg and I heard his gigantic, and boisterous laughing.

"I guess that's the signal" said Steve.

'Way to go Tic-Tac!' Sam exclaimed. Bucky turned to me and he said to me.

"(Y/n), you okay? Can you move?" I looked to him and tried to focus back on the task at hand.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. We gotta go now!" The three of us soon took off running around the battle field and headed towards the quinjet.

As we got closer to Hanger five, a beam of light suddenly shot at the upper hanger of the building sending the tower down. I knew in my gut it was Vision but just before the debris covered the entrance, red mystic energy stopped it in its place and Wanda's voice rang in my head.

'Don't stop Wolfie, keep going! I love you'. A tear ran down my face as I thought back.

'I love you too Mama Bear. And I'm sorry'. But as we got closer, her red energy vanished almost as if she was being stopped and I immediately phased into my wolf form out of heartbreak and rage and I scooped up both Steve and Bucky onto my back and ran through the falling debris only to be stopped by Natasha.

I snarled loudly and bared my fangs at her as she only stared at us and said to Steve.

"You're not gonna stop?"

"You know I can't" said Steve.

"I'm gonna regret this," she held out her arm towards me and I lowered my head daring her to shoot one of her electro-daggers at me but it went past me and I heard a groan behind me. I turned to see it was Black Panther she had shot at, not me. "Go, get them on board (y/n)".

I nodded in gratitude then I ran towards the quinjet and both super soldiers got off my back and we all ran up the ramp and Steve began to start it up.

As we began the takeoff, Steve fired at the debris to clear a path for us to fly out of and once we had the room, Steve took us out and we began our flight to Siberia. I soon took notice of Rhodey coming up towards and I said.

"Steve we got company".

"Alright hang on". He then began to press on the gas and soon we were out of range.

"What's gonna happen to your friends?" Bucky asked. My eyes closed as I began to think about Wanda. She had sacrificed her freedom for mine just like Pietro sacrificed his life for me.

"Whatever it is—I'll deal with it" said Steve solemnly.

"I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve". I turned to him as Steve said to him after a moment of silence.

"What you did all those years, wasn't you. You didn't have a choice".

"I know....but I did it". Even though I was aware of what was being said between the two WW2 buddies, my mind kept drifting back to Wanda. I should've held on tighter or stopped her when I could've.

I failed Pietro's wish and now because of me Wanda will lose her freedom and be locked away like some circus freak like I was before any of this happened.

I must've been so far out of it because I was sniffling and tears were pouring down my face like a waterfall as soft whimpers came out of my throat. It was then I felt a hand gently stroke my hair and I froze in my spot. A cold, metal hand gently took one of my hands and a cold thumb stroked across my knuckles with such tenderness it was almost unreal.

I felt myself being brought into a black armored chest and a head rested on top of mine as the human hand kept gently petting me. I soon relaxed and gripped onto Bucky as hard and as tightly as I could before I fell asleep due to exhaustion.

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