What The Body Wants

By just_lirikal3470

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Nikki is a registered nurse in a 6 year relationship with the top district attorney in Atlanta, Ga Kevin Rain... More

What The Body Wants
My Body Has A Mind of It's Own
Dinner And More
Dancing The Night Away
TGIF (Part II)
Steamy Night
Love and Lust
Surprise I'm Back
I Love Him; Just not in Love with Him.
The Proposal
The Eyes of the Beholder
Sincerely I'm Yours
Missing You
Answering the Call
Weekend Decision
Old Feelings
An Unpleasant Surprise
Extending The Weekend
A Tropical Getaway
Lies and Truth Which One Will Win
I Didn't Mean To Hurt Him
The Morning After
My Afternoon Snack
A Sex Marathon
Change of Plans
End of Paradise
Back to Reality
Unfinished Business
Making Plans
The Christening
Secret Admirer
Ladies Day Out
Stood Up
The Quiet Before The Storm
A Brothers Love
A New Start
I Can't Forgive Or Forget
Closing the Door
The End Of The Road
The Last Supper
A New Beginning
A New Friendship
New Life
Moment of Weakness
Baby Daddy
Our Arrangement
Could You be the One
Already Sprung
Pregnant and Stressed
Enough is Enough
Psycho Baby Daddy
New Found Happiness
My Superman
A Beautiful Sunny Day
Sudden Turn of Events
Another Chapter Ended
A Welcomed Vacation
Meeting His Parents
Let's Get Acquainted
Becoming a part of the Family
Here We Go Again
The Best Day of My Life
All I Want is You
Starting on our Forever
Sunshine to Dark Clouds
Deja Vu'
My Special Day

Knight in Shining Armor

746 23 10
By just_lirikal3470

Chapter 54

I walked Nikki back in the house and told her to pack a bag.  I needed to get her window fixed before we left. I can’t believe that guy he is seriously losing his mind.  I couldn’t get what happened out of my head, once I pulled up outside and saw Nikki’s window busted in all I saw was red.  I was livid, I jumped out of my car and grabbed Kevin and started pummeling him.  I could only see Nikki being hurt and I was not going to let that happen.  If Toni’s boyfriend Charles wasn’t there to stop me, I think I would have killed him. 

I scrolled down to see what window repair place would be open 24 hours.  I couldn’t figure out which one to use, so I called another friend of mine Jeff and asked him who fixed his back window at his house and he told me to call Fairley’s Glass Repair.  He gave me the number and told me to ask for Timmy.  I talked to him for just a minute more and hung up and called the glass repair shop.  I dialed the number and asked for Timmy and we discussed fixing the window and he told me he would be here in fifteen minutes and it would cost $250.00.  I explained to him I didn’t care what it cost; I just wanted the window fixed.  I gave him the address and told him we will be waiting for him to get here.


I kept calling her but she didn’t answer.  I started to get nervous.  I called her again, still no answer so I went to the back to check on her.  I looked in the bathroom, not there, so I went to her room and there she was stretched out on her bed.  She looked exhausted; this was just too much for her to have to deal with today I just hope her blood pressure is not out of control. 

I sat down on the bed and touched her face, feeling the softness of her skin.  She was beautiful and being pregnant just made her just that much more beautiful.  I rubbed her arms up and down trying to wake her without scaring her.

“Nikki; sweetheart wake up for me ok.  Niiiki sweetheart wake up for me I need to talk to you.  Baby wake up, I know you’re tired, but I we need to finish get your stuff together.”

“Come on Nikki, wake up.”

I felt his hand rubbing up and down my arm, it felt so nice I could lie here all night and let him rub my arm. I don’t know how much more I can take of him touching me his hands feel so good, I wonder what they feel like on the rest of my body.  I slowly opened my eyes to see those soft grey eyes that looked blue to match his shirt.  I could look at this man all day and night and never get tired.


“Hey gorgeous, did you have a nice nap?”

“I’m sorry I know I was supposed to be back here getting an overnight bag together, but I started feeling dizzy and very nauseated, so I decided to just lie down and see if that would help.”

“Baby are you ok, are you hurting?”

“I’m fine, I feel much better now, I think it was too much excitement for me and lil miss lady.  I was so terrified that Kevin was going to come through my window. I don’t know what has gotten into him, but he seriously need to chill out. I don’t think it’s safe for me to be around him unless it’s at the doctor’s office, but I don’t want him to be here at my house when it’s just me, I don’t feel safe.”

I helped her get up then the doorbell rang, I went to open the door while Nikki finished packing her stuff. 

“Who is it?”

“Ah it’s Timmy from Fairley’s Glass Repair.”

“Ok, just a moment.”

I opened the door and let him in and showed him the window that needed to be repaired.

“Vincent?  Who’s at the door?”

“The glass repair guy, are you finished packing?”

She walked up front guess she decided to take a shower and change.  Her stomach is getting rounder and she is absolutely gorgeous.  God I can’t wait for her to have my children.  I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

“Yes I am finished getting my things, I just took my shower so I won’t have to do that later.  We’re hungry, what’s for dinner?”

“Anything you want sweetheart.”

“Tim how much longer before the window is fixed?  Give me about fifteen minutes and I’ll be done.”

“Ok…Nikki would you be ok waiting to eat for about twenty minutes, if not I will fix you something right now.”

“I can wait, I’ll just go in the kitchen and get me an apple and cut me some cantaloupe to hold me over.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes sweetie, I’m good.”

She moved to walk to the kitchen, but I grabbed her wrist and she looked at me with those big doe eyes and I couldn’t help bending down to taste her sweet lips.  I wrapped my arms around her and ravished her mouth.  I can’t get enough of her; I can’t wait to make her mine.  I pecked her lips a few more times before I let her go.  She looked up at me and smiled before she reached up and kissed me lightly on my lips and that made me smile, maybe she is beginning to open up to me.

Ten minutes later Timmy came and told me the window was fixed.  Nikki was walking back into the living room.

“Are you finished with the window Mr. Fairley?”

“Yes ma’am it is.”

“How much do I owe you for fixing it?”

“Nikki, I am taking care of it, just get your purse and I’ll grab your bag as soon as I get a receipt from Mr. Fairley.”

“Vincent Taricone, you will not pay for having my window fixed.”

“Nikki, I’m the one that called him to fix the window so I am going to pay him.  Please don’t argue with me right now I want to pay this gentleman lock up the house and take you two little ladies to dinner.”

“There you go trying to have your way.  It’s my house, my window and I should be the one paying for it.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.  Kevin should be getting your window fixed, but because he is not here, and me being your boyfriend it’s my job to take care of you. So no more fussing just let me finish this…ok?”

“Alright…you will always be my knight in shining armor”

I gave her a wink and smiled at her while I finished paying Mr. Fairley. I went back and checked all the doors again. I grabbed Nikki’s bag, helped her up off the couch and we headed out the door to the car.  I walked to the car and opened the car door for her to get in.  Once I put her bag in the back seat I got in and we headed to get dinner.

“What do you want for dinner?”

“I would love some seafood.”

“Ok well let’s go to Fontaine’s Oyster House.”

“Ok, let’s go.”

Once we got to the restaurant we took our seats and looked at the menu before our waitress came and took our drink order.  We talked about everything under the sun.  I loved talking to her.  She told me her favorite color was blue; she loves to swim and play tennis.  I just want to learn everything about this woman. 

“So after you have the baby, we have to go and play tennis.  I bet I can kick your butt.”

“Whatever, playing me is like playing Venus and Serena.  You don’t want none of this, it’s too much for you to handle.”

“Are you kidding me?  I have been playing tennis since I was ten years old.  I will definitely be puttin it on you.  Baby I can handle two or three of you trust me, I will punish you sweetheart.”

“If you say so, we shall see.  I don’t want you to go crying to your mommy that you got beat in tennis by a girl.”

“Yeah don’t hold your breath.”

Just as she was about to say something else, our food came.  Everything looked great.  We held hands and I said grace over our food and we dug in.  We continued to talk and laugh we had a great time.  Once we finished dinner, Nikki wanted to have dessert and so we indulged in a large piece of strawberry cheese cake and she fed me some and it was delicious.

She put a piece in her mouth and she had a little bit on her bottom lip so I leaned over and licked her bottom lip to get the cheese cake off and then gave her a slow and sultry kiss guaranteed to set her body on fire.  Once I was done tempting her I sat down and asked the waitress for the ticket. I pulled out my credit card and gave it to her she walked away.  Ten minutes later she came back with my card and I signed the receipt and we headed out.

We got in the car, and I couldn’t help myself I reached over and put my lips against her lips and I could taste the cheese cake still lingering on her tongue.  I was about to lose my self-control so I had to break the kiss.

“Nikki you are going to be the death of me.  I can’t get enough of you; you’re everything I have always wanted in a woman.  You’re sweet, kind, funny, sensitive and sexy as hell.”

“You’re all I have ever wanted and I won’t stop until you are my wife.  Trust me when I say I don’t want to live the rest of my life without you, that’s a promise.”

“Vincent, I don’t understand you.  I have done everything under the sun to avoid you and yet you still pursued me.  Now I’m pregnant with another man’s child and you are still pursing me, what is wrong with you?”

Tears started building up in her eyes and the last thing I wanted to do was upset her.

“Listen Nikki, let’s not talk about this right now ok, let’s just head home get you changed and get you in bed so you can get some rest.  I am sorry I made you upset, I just wanted you to see how serious I am about you.”

“Do you forgive me?”

“Let me think about it and I’ll let you know tomorrow.”

“Huh…why won’t you forgive me now?”

“Let’s go home and maybe I will have forgiven you by then.”

She smiled and I knew she had already forgiven me, she just wants to make me suffer, but for her I will suffer as long as I have to.  She is one special lady, and I definitely need her in my life and I will keep trying until she is.

We got to my house and I grabbed her bag and went around and opened the door for Nikki.  I grabbed her hand helping her get out of the car.  I held her hand and walked to the first door.  I put the key in and unlocked the door letting her walk in first. 

“Vincent, your house is beautiful, did you decorate it yourself?”

“No I had an interior decorator.”

“Well she did a wonderful job, perhaps when I am ready to redecorate I would like her name so she can work magic in my house too.”

“Sweetheart by the time you get ready to redecorate your house we will be married and I can buy you a new house and she can decorate that for you.”

“Vincent it’s going to be a while before I can even think about marrying anyone else.  I don’t want you to suffer in a relationship with me because there is baggage that comes with me.  I will have the baby and Kevin will be around, I just can’t put you through that, so please stop trying to convince me that we will be together as husband and wife.”

“Nikki, I am going to say this one more time and this will be the last time I say this.  Once this is all finished and you have had the baby we will wait one year and then we will be married.  I don’t want to hear you talk about Kevin being in the baby’s life, I understand that.  Kevin will be in the baby’s life, not YOUR life.  I know there will be times that you all need to talk to decide things about the baby, and that’s fine.  I just don’t know if I could continue to see you every day and you not be mine.”

“Vincent, I will consider what you have said and believe me I am definitely starting to have serious feelings for you, but I want you to be sure that you will be alright with the situation with me, the baby and Kevin.  I want to be with you, but I am just thinking about you and your happiness.”

“Trust me babe, the only way I am going to be happy is if you marry me and be my wife til death do us part, do you understand that?”

“Yes I understand.  Now show me where I am going to sleep because Nataliah and I are tired.”

“Well come on mommy you can sleep in the guest bedroom. There’s a bathroom in the room and the towels and soap are under the cabinet.  If you need anything during the night my room is just down the hallway.”

“Thanks Vincent, I can’t thank you enough for coming to my rescue.  I don’t know if I would have been able to get through all of that by myself.”

“Don’t think about that, I’m just happy you called me and didn’t try to go through that alone.  Try to get you some sleep and I will see you in the morning.”

“Good night Vincent you are a wonderful man.”

“Night Nikki, sleep well.”

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead before capturing her lips in a spine tingling kiss for which I know I will be taking a cold shower before I go to bed.  After I broke the kiss, she hugged me and left a soft kiss on my cheek.

Cold shower that’s what I need she’s like a drug to me and she definitely will be the death of me.

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