Knight in Shining Armor

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Chapter 54

I walked Nikki back in the house and told her to pack a bag.  I needed to get her window fixed before we left. I can’t believe that guy he is seriously losing his mind.  I couldn’t get what happened out of my head, once I pulled up outside and saw Nikki’s window busted in all I saw was red.  I was livid, I jumped out of my car and grabbed Kevin and started pummeling him.  I could only see Nikki being hurt and I was not going to let that happen.  If Toni’s boyfriend Charles wasn’t there to stop me, I think I would have killed him. 

I scrolled down to see what window repair place would be open 24 hours.  I couldn’t figure out which one to use, so I called another friend of mine Jeff and asked him who fixed his back window at his house and he told me to call Fairley’s Glass Repair.  He gave me the number and told me to ask for Timmy.  I talked to him for just a minute more and hung up and called the glass repair shop.  I dialed the number and asked for Timmy and we discussed fixing the window and he told me he would be here in fifteen minutes and it would cost $250.00.  I explained to him I didn’t care what it cost; I just wanted the window fixed.  I gave him the address and told him we will be waiting for him to get here.


I kept calling her but she didn’t answer.  I started to get nervous.  I called her again, still no answer so I went to the back to check on her.  I looked in the bathroom, not there, so I went to her room and there she was stretched out on her bed.  She looked exhausted; this was just too much for her to have to deal with today I just hope her blood pressure is not out of control. 

I sat down on the bed and touched her face, feeling the softness of her skin.  She was beautiful and being pregnant just made her just that much more beautiful.  I rubbed her arms up and down trying to wake her without scaring her.

“Nikki; sweetheart wake up for me ok.  Niiiki sweetheart wake up for me I need to talk to you.  Baby wake up, I know you’re tired, but I we need to finish get your stuff together.”

“Come on Nikki, wake up.”

I felt his hand rubbing up and down my arm, it felt so nice I could lie here all night and let him rub my arm. I don’t know how much more I can take of him touching me his hands feel so good, I wonder what they feel like on the rest of my body.  I slowly opened my eyes to see those soft grey eyes that looked blue to match his shirt.  I could look at this man all day and night and never get tired.


“Hey gorgeous, did you have a nice nap?”

“I’m sorry I know I was supposed to be back here getting an overnight bag together, but I started feeling dizzy and very nauseated, so I decided to just lie down and see if that would help.”

“Baby are you ok, are you hurting?”

“I’m fine, I feel much better now, I think it was too much excitement for me and lil miss lady.  I was so terrified that Kevin was going to come through my window. I don’t know what has gotten into him, but he seriously need to chill out. I don’t think it’s safe for me to be around him unless it’s at the doctor’s office, but I don’t want him to be here at my house when it’s just me, I don’t feel safe.”

I helped her get up then the doorbell rang, I went to open the door while Nikki finished packing her stuff. 

“Who is it?”

“Ah it’s Timmy from Fairley’s Glass Repair.”

“Ok, just a moment.”

I opened the door and let him in and showed him the window that needed to be repaired.

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