Matt's Story [COMPLETED]

By AlexTom123

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Matt just wanted to be left alone. He hated everyone and everything and his life consisted of the same routin... More

Vampire Crush
Chapter 1 - Matt
Chapter 2 - History Class with Kristen Ambrosine
Chapter 3 - Canteen Moments
Chapter 4 - Midnight Changes
Chapter 5 - The Morning After
Chapter 6 - People Just Never Learn
Chapter 7 - Waiting Around for Nothing
Chapter 8 - Breakfast with Kristen Gone Terribly Wrong
Chapter 9 - Almost...Almost...Nah Got You Again!
Chapter 10 - Oh Gareth.
Chapter 11 - Eavesdropping on Chubbs
Chapter 12 - On the Look Out
Chapter 13 - Attacking Silver Objects
Chapter 14 - "Wolf"
Chapter 15 - Broken Fingers and Wet Lips
Chapter 16 - Weekend Searches
Chapter 17 - Shopping with Matt
Chapter 18 - If Only Time Could Turn Back The Clock
Chapter 19 - White Lips, Pale Face, Breathing in Snowflakes
Chapter 20 - The Second Attack and A Confession from Beyond
Chapter 21 - The Confession
Chapter 22 - Matt's Story
Chapter 23 - Awkward Encounters
Chapter 24 - The Picture
Chapter 25 - Letting Go
Chapter 26 - Classroom Banter
Chapter 27 - Aaron, and Kristen's Story
Chapter 28 - Fight, Fight, Fight!
Chapter 29 - Beginning to Trust Again
Chapter 31 - It Was Like Lightning
Chapter 32 - Darkness, Blackness, Silence
Chapter 33 - The Cinema Trip
Chapter 34 - What Next...?

Chapter 30 - Water

337 31 1
By AlexTom123

Luckily, Matt's first class had been Art so he hadn't had to sit with Kristen wondering how to react around her. He liked her company (he was actually starting to admit it to himself) but he didn't want to be in the awkward position of whether or not to act like a couple in public. He didn't need any more attention and, with Kristen hanging out with him anyway, he certainly wasn't losing anyone's eye. 

Art, for once, didn't appeal to him. He didn't feel like drawing so he just sat there and stared into space. The teacher looked at him strangely but didn't mention it and Matt was glad. He didn't want anyone coming near him just because they thought they could because Kristen had been able to weasel her way into his life. 

It must have looked strange, seeing him so calm and mellow, but no one pointed it out and, if they did, it was never to Matt. People still didn't risk his anger and he was thankful for that. He didn't need anyone else trying to press themselves onto him.

He didn't need any more friends.

Art was over surprisingly quickly and Matt rushed towards the canteen to get there first. He got his usual meaty plate, including meatloaf, and dropped to his usual table, shoveling food down his throat before the rest of the students came wandering in. He wondered whether to wait for Kristen before leaving but just as he thought about it, she came through the door and spotted him immediately. He needed more food anyway so he stood up and moved back towards the line for a second time.

"Hey. I'll wait." She said as they passed each other. Matt just nodded and watched as she moved around and sat on the same table he was on previously, tapping her fingernails against the top as she waited. 

He almost got distracted from his food. He was only brought back by the clearing of the old woman's throat as she eyed him suspiciously. He just indicated the rest of the food and she rolled her eyes before dumping another portion on his plate.

They should have learnt by now, surely.

Matt moved back towards the table and sat down opposite Kristen. He slowly pushed a glass of water towards her and she smiled before fiddling with it in her fingers. Matt quickly dug in, knowing that she was watching as he did so. He didn't feel uncomfortable as such, but it was unnerving feeling her gaze on him and he wanted it over and done with. 

Once done, he pushed his plate away and then looked up at Kristen. She was sat there quietly, looking down at the table, a soft smile glittering her mouth as if she was thinking about a past memory. She'd been silent whilst he'd eaten and he wondered what she was thinking about currently.

Kristen must have noticed his cock-eyed look because the corners of her mouth lifted up further and she sighed, relaxing against the seat. "Did you enjoy that?"

Matt nodded and licked his lips.

"I used to love meat. Anything with chicken in was my favourite. I had it with almost everything. I miss it. All I can taste now is bland cardboard or powder. There's still a hint of what it used to taste of but it's completely overpowered."

"Sounds terrible."

"It is." She pressed her hands against the surface of the table in front of her and Matt followed her tapping fingers. "My diet just feels like I'm drinking different flavours of smoothies."

Matt frowned and looked around. They weren't getting much attention but he still wondered why Kristen was almost too obvious with what she was. True, she'd worded it carefully, but anyone with suspicions would have figured out what she meant. She had to be more careful.

Kristen carried on, oblivious to Matt's thoughts. "Some taste better than others, I've noticed." Her eyes sparked and Matt suddenly clocked on, his eyes widening.

He tasted nicer than everyone else?

"I guess it just depends on the person. I don't really focus much when I'm hungry."

"Kristen, you're so obvious." Matt murmured under his breath as he leaned forward so only she could hear it.

Kristen shrugged. "I don't care. Who's going to believe them?" She smiled as Matt thought for a moment and then relaxed back in his seat. "Anyway, I like playing mind games."

"I know."

Kristen tried to hide her smirk as she leaned forward and touched his hand lightly. He forced himself to keep his hand there, wondering how she was going to react to him. He needed some kind of clue on what they were supposed to be in public. She twisted his fingers slightly with hers but it wasn't enough to make it obvious. "I can be serious though."


"When I'm at your house." She said and squeezed his fingers. Matt bowed his head to prevent himself from looking at her.

Did that mean that she was serious about them? Or was she just referring to the talks they'd shared?

"Matt, what are we?"

"What?" He answered, startled.

She dropped his hand and grabbed her chair. Next thing he knew, she was next to him, pressing into his arm casually as if sharing a secret. "I don't know whether to hold your hand or keep my distance or anything. What are we?"

"I dont know." He answered quietly as he looked around. People were starting to stare and he didnt want them to. "Can we talk about this somewhere else?"

Kristen didnt move. "I need to know. Do you like us being this way?" She pressed closer into Matt's side and he swallowed. He didn't even need to answer; his heart answered for him, speeding up like a wind up toy in reaction to her. He knew she could hear it because her fingers skimmed his under the table. "I dont want to do anything you're unhappy with but you're giving me encouraging signals. Please tell me." She poked his thigh gently.

Matt didnt know what to say but he didn't want it to go back to before. He liked Kristen being close. He couldn't lie to himself. So what if people commented? It was none of their business. Kristen had decided her fate. He couldn't save her from him even if he tried. 

Unable to say all of that, he just grabbed her hand, interlaced his fingers and squeezed. He felt her squeeze back and ice flew up his arm in a shiver. 

"Tell me if I go to far." She whispered before she covered their locked hands with her free one and leaned against his shoulder.

Matt could already hear the whispers. People were looking, noticing their physical touches, watching curiously as Matt didn't push her away. He could see them thinking Why? Why her? What's so special about her? He swallowed and almost winced as he heard some people bash into each other in the line because they were so distracted.

He didn't like the attention but Kristen didn't seem fazed. In fact, she was messing with their fingers in a care free manner, smiling to herself like an idiot.

"Aren't you aware of these people?" He asked, almost shocked at her lack of reaction to their public affection.

"Who cares? It's not their business."

She leaned up and Matt instinctively moved a strand of hair behind her face. He immediately heard gasps around the room and flinched, removing his hand immediately. "I feel like I'm in a zoo and everyone's staring at us.

"Could be a lot worse." She said as she thumbed Matt's cheek absentmindedly. "We could start making out and then maybe we'd create a heart attack."

Matt snorted. "No thanks, I'll pass."

"Come on." She stood up and pulled on his hand to do the same. Matt raised himself from his seat and gripped her hand tightly. She immediately returned his iron hold and it still surprised him at the strength she held behind her innocent face. "We should go outside, away from probing eyes."

Matt nodded and allowed himself to be led out of the canteen, the sea of stares following them as they left.

He was able to finally let out a breath when they entered the yard and Kristen pulled him to a patch of grass. Matt plopped down and Kristen quickly sat beside him, threading her fingers more tightly with his. He sighed and leaned back, stuffing his bag behind his head so that it acted like a pillow.

"Is this better?" Kristen asked as she looked down at him, scanning her eyes up and down his body. 

Matt nodded and closed his eyes, one arm resting above his head. He didnt even move when he felt Kristen lie beside him. Instead, he put their hands on his chest and expanded his lungs so that they raised with his body. 

It was a moment before Kristen spoke.

"So... are we together or...?" She asked and Matt opened his eyes to see her fiddling with her hands again, not wanting to make eye contact. 

Matt shrugged against the grass. "I don't know. Aimee wants me to live my life. I cant hurt you. You're here at your own risk. We're here like this," he indicated their entwined hands, "right now. I tried to push you away but you're obviously not going to leave me alone..." 

Kristen grinned.

"So do you want be..." Matt breathed in and then pushed Kristen's head slightly with his as if to indicate the last of his sentence.

"I really like you, Matt, but I want you to like me too." She said and twisted onto her side, drawing circles against his chest with a finger from their hands. "Do you like me?" She looked up into his face.

Matt's throat clogged up. What made it so bloody difficult to answer her question? Why was he struggling so much to admit it?

Because he wasn't used to feeling emotions.

It was like experiencing a relationship for the first time.

Matt squeezed her hand to try and make her understand but she wanted the words, he could tell. Her head slowly moved over to lean against the side of his chest as she waited and his heart began to thud. 

"I...Y-yes." He choked out and then cursed himself for feeling so innocent and stupid about the whole situation. He'd already seen her half naked. Why had it been so difficult to just say one word to her? He thumped his head on the ground and heard Kristen chuckle quietly, as if she could hear his thoughts.

"I just wanted to hear you say it. Are you okay with this?" She indicated them both and Matt, not wanting to risk it, just squeezed her hand in reply. Kristen chuckled again. "Good. You'll be doing a lot of this."

All was good, for that brief moment of time...

Until something whipped across Matt's vision. 

Before either of them could react, Matt's top was soaked and Kristen's hair was wet and sticking to his other top, making it damp. They both sat up immediately and Kristen clutched Matt's shoulders even before he started shaking. 

"Matt, look at me. You want to get back at them, right? You know who did it? You cant lose control otherwise you'll lose that chance. Matt?" She gripped his face as Matt tried to control his breathing and shaking chest. 

After a few minutes, the change subsided and Matt closed his eyes. It took too much effort to stop himself just letting go lately. 

Just as he expected, Laura was pissing herself laughing against the nearby wall, two empty cups in her hand, laughing with Gareth, who was smirking, obviously pleased with themselves. 

Matt was glad that he wasn't the only one who was pissed. He saw Kristen's eyes flash as he saw her own battle going on. How had he not noticed before? She had a far away look on her face but he knew that she was aware of everything. 

Matt gently ran his fingers through her hair and then twisted the ends, allowing water to drip onto the grass. His own top was too wet and it clung to him, making it difficult to squeeze out without stripping.

No matter.

Having the same idea, Kristen and Matt both rushed towards Laura and Gareth before they even realised it. Matt pulled Gareth into the air before throwing him dangerously towards the school. The boy skidded across the pavement on his hands and, assuming by Kristen's twitch of the nose, he was bleeding quite terribly. 

When he finally moved, he was too dazed to realise what had happened. His jeans were ripped down the front and his top was dirty and grazed. He had cuts along his kneecaps, across his palms and along his jawline when his head had smacked against the bench he currently sprawled against.

Laura, on the other hand, had been half strangled. Her face was practically blue and her nails were scratching at Kristen's enclosed hand against her neck. Kristen glared into her face and Laura suddenly went as stillas a statue. Kristen quickly flicked her wrist and Laura thumped against the pavement a few feet away, sat like a rag doll.

Heart still rushing, Matt turned to Kristen and his eyes lit up. He never knew she had it in her. He had to admit that it had been...


He cringed as he thought it but it was definitely true. She was like a tiger when she was angry. He hoped to see her come out of her shell at some point. Instead, Matt startled Kristen as he gripped her chin and briefly gave her a gentle kiss. She melted against his touch but he'd already stepped back, admiring the damage they'd both done.

"We need to leave."

Kristen nodded. "We cant be seen here."

Matt shook his head in agreement. "We need to change as well."

"But we probably wont make it back here in time for the next class if we go back."

Matt smirked. "Who said we're coming back?"


Thanks for reading! I really would like your opinion if you have time!


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