Chapter 19 - White Lips, Pale Face, Breathing in Snowflakes

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Sunday went so slow it was untrue. Nothing, as in nothing at all, happened during the next 24 hours. Most of the time he just stayed in the house, pushing objects around and tidying up a few things which may have been sat there for ages. There was no sign of the shadow, though he looked, and there was no sign of a disturbance or murder in the streets. It was almost quiet, just like it used to be.

There was nothing to stress about and, in a way, Matt felt relieved that he was able to have a break.

          Instead of being an investigator, Matt was able to relax and hunt for some food. He’d long since forgotten what it felt like to feel full, as the pathetic little snacks he’d had this week hadn’t been very good for his body. He’d taken longer than usual to recover and his temper had been worse than what it usually was.

His mood swings and thinking had been all over the place and, with a growling stomach every day, it was bound to make him annoyed about minor things. It was a wonderful feeling to feel the heat from the animals’ rare bloody meat slide down his throat and settle comfortably in his belly. He wished he could always feel this way.

          A cow, a few goats and some sheep was just about enough to get away with to fill himself up, if he savoured every part of the animal and wasn’t picky. He hoped it wasn’t too obvious that there was a large animal hunting in the area. He wouldn’t like any more suspicions. He'd got away with it so far.

          By Monday morning he felt a lot happier and a lot more cheery. His cut had disappeared and only left a light almost invisible line of where it used to be. Unless you looked carefully, there was no obvious evidence that he’d been attacked Saturday night. That was the great thing. Anyone who was suspicious about him could never pinpoint any evidence on him as his injuries healed way too quickly.

          He walked to college and skipped his breakfast. What was the point if he was full anyway? It was just for appearances. He walked past and pulled up his hood from his jacket so that he didn’t have to look at anyone on the way to college. Not like it made much difference. When people saw him they just moved out of the way. He was too intimidating to be stopped and that was what he wanted, wasn’t it?

          He entered the building and was walking down the corridor when he was ploughed into by Laura. He immediately spun on his left foot and glared at her. She glanced back and rolled her eyes. “Watch where you’re going, God. You’re not the Queen.”

Matt raised his eyebrows and put a hand on his hip, pulling down his hood to expose his face and bright blue eyes. “Look who’s talking.” He shot back.

Laura paused and turned to face him, stepping forwards. “Shut up. You’re all talk no action.”

“That’s not what Gareth experienced on Saturday.” Matt smirked as Laura’s face paled. “How is your cheating scum bag of a boyfriend?”

Laura froze and wasn’t able to speak for a moment. “I…don’t know what you mean.”

“Oh Im sure you do. Going behind Kristen’s back with her boyfriend? How low do you want to get? He’s not very attractive, especially at the moment. Seen him in hospital?” Matt winked and grinned wider, glaring at Laura with cold dangerous eyes.

She blushed tomato red and glanced around in case someone was listening before leaning forward, whispering in a harsh tone. “She didn’t deserve him. He doesn’t like her, he likes me. He was going to break up with her eventually.”

“Didn’t look like that when he backed her against the alley wall and tried to take advantage…” He shrugged and smirked a cheeky smile as he watched Laura's face drop further. “I guess he was playing you both; you fell big time. She’s not with him now. You can have him, though I doubt he’ll be fighting any more battles any time soon.”

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