cutiepie {taehyung x reader}

By kqvyfx

184K 6K 3.4K

You really don't like this person because he always bullies you in school. One day you got partnered with him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

7.5K 221 184
By kqvyfx

My writing skills are getting bad these days :') btw thanks for waiting reading, voting and leaving comments. I love you guys so much

Your POV.

The party thingy was also participated by the Seventeen members but they came a bit late. Jin asked Soonyoung to help them and this happened. (Jin knows Soonyoung too)

(Forgot to mention that in the last chapter and u can't do anything bout that can ya.)

We all had a sleepover at Haejin's house and mostly woke up late the next morning.

Jin, Mingyu and Jihyun woke up early and prepared breakfast for us.

We all went home/ dorm after spending the whole day together.

The next day i woke up and had breakfast mom made and went to school.

The moment i stepped into school, Jihyun and Haejin attacked me and started fangirling.

"OMGGG (Y/N)!! YOU HAVE TO WATCH JJ PROJECT'S COMEBACK!! Jinyoung and Jaebum looked soooooooooooooooo handsome!!"




Both of them squealed while jumping around like monkeys.

"Oh my gosh guys. Don't embarrass me in public." They both stoped and acted hurt and hit my arm running away while laughing.

Smh. How did i became friends with them again?

"I feel you babe. They did that to me too."

"Jiyong. Can you at least say hi or something. You gave me a heart attack."

"Well that's what friends do." She said poking her tounge out playfully. Well at least she's not fangirling like them.

"Let's head to class."

(A/n - Well I'm basically the one who's fangirling like that with my friend ;) My multi fandom life *sigh* )

Jiyong and i went to class and shit down ;) at our place.

School was boring like usual but still i have to study for the finals. I went to the library after school to study things that didn't stick on my brain during class.

I haven't see Taehyung or his friends yet today. They have other classes today. Not even one that's same to mine. I don't know about the other girls.

"(Y/n) why are you studying so hard. It's not good for your brain." Speak of the devil.

"Taehyung. How did you know I'm here?"

"I have my ways baby." He said and pecked my lips.

I looked down to hide my blushing face from him.

"Aww. Is my baby blushing."

"Tae. We're in the library."

"Well than let's get out." He took my things and shoved them in my bag.

He throwed the bag over his shoulder and pulled me out.

"Did you ate lunch?"

"I wasn't really hungr-"

"Baby! Why didn't you eat first? Let's get food for you to eat."

"What's with the 'baby'. And did you eat yet?"

"Of course i had-"

"Then why is your stomach grumbling?"

"Okay i haven't."


We went to the nearest convenience store and ate ramen. After that i had ice cream and we both went to the playground.

We talked and played around a bit and Taehyung got a call.

I 'accidentally' saw the id caller and it's his mom.

I signaled him to pick it up and he talked to him for a while.

"(Y/n). I have to go now. You go home too okay. Stay safe." He said after they hung up.

He kissed me quickly and kissed my cheek.

"Okay then. You stay safe too."

He walked away waving his hands towards me. I waved back and walked away too.

I arrived home and mom and dad wasn't here. Probably on a trip again.

"I'm home."

"Hi (Y/n)."

"Ouh. Namjoon. What are you doing here?"

"Jin hyung asked me to come over for dinner. The others are on the way."

"The others as in Yoongi, hoseok, jimin, taehyung and jungkook?"

"Them plus your friends."

"All of them?"


I nodded and went upstairs to change my clothes and went back downstairs to help Jin make dinner for 11 people.

Namjoon helped us a bit but Jin told him to just sit still afraid that he'll burn the kitchen.

Jimin, Haejin, Jihyun, Jiyong, Jungkook and Hoseok arrived and they sat at the living room waiting for food. Haejin helped setting the table with Jungkook.

Right after that Yoongi came with Taehyung.

"Well your late. Your about to miss the best food that you'll ever taste." Jin said with the sass.

"We've been caught up with something." Taehyung said.

"Both of you?"

"We'll tell you later. Now where's the food. I'm starving."

We dropped the topic for a moment and sat at the table. Hoseok took the extra table and some chairs from the store room because the dining table wasn't enough for eleven people.

We had dinner with small talks. When we're about to finnish our food Taehyung suddenly suggest something.

"Guys. I have an idea."

"Nope. Your ideas are usually dumb or really dumb." Yoongi sassed.

"Aww pleaseeeee. Just this once."


"Okay. How about we play the game where you have to say the numbers 'one' 'two' until two person says the same number. The two person has to play rock paper scissors and the loosing person has to wash the dishes." Taehyung finished his speech. ( Do you guys understand this?)

"Sounds interesting." Jihyun said.

"Yeah. Let's do it."

"ONE." Taehyung said.

The game goes on until Namjoon and Yoongi said the a same number.

"Aaaahhhh. I don't like this." Yoongi ans Namjoon said in sync.

In the end.... Yoongi won and Namjoon had to wash the dishes.

Everyone finished eating and put their plates in the sink.

Jin offered help Namjoon so that he won't break anything and he gladly accepts.

We all sat in a circle waiting for Namjoon and Jin finish washing the dishes.

They both sat next to each other in the circle after washing the dishes.

"So.. why are you two late?" Jin started.

"Well so you all know... Except the readers... That my mom left me and my dad and taehyung's dad left him and her mom. So they both coincidentally met and fell in love and all that shit. So just now our parents introduced us to each other even tho we already knew each other." Yoongi stated.

Taehyung told me about his dad leaving him when he was 6 during one of our dates.

"Are you two okay with that?"

"I'm okay as long as my mom's happy. And I'm okay for Yoongi hyung to be my step brother. We all are already like brothers."

"Me too."

"Aww so sweettttttt. (≧∇≦) "

"Okay. Now what're we gonna do now?" Hoseok said.

"Me and (Y/n) are gonna go for a date. Bye bye bitchesss." Taehyung said and was about to run away but Jin saw that coming and held him down.

I giggled at both of them and Jin started blabbing about cursing and saying inappropriate words.

After that we started making small conversation and all.

Some talking about their struggles of life and some talking about the beauty of life.

'Life is a beautiful struggle' they say.

"Really guys... I have to go on a date with (Y/n)." Taehyung started whining.

"Me too. I want to go out with Haejin." Jungkook said which made Haejin's eyes widen.


"No. Yes. Wait what?"

"He means yes." Namjoon helped.

Everyone laughed at Jungkook's cute action.

"Yeyyy. You two are official (・ิω・ิ)"

"Okay now that's done... We're goin on a date and i don't want any of you guys disturb us. And again... Bye bye bitches." Taehyung said pulling me out of the door.


"Lol Tae. You shouldn't do that."

"Lol (Y/n). I'll do what ever i want." He said imitating me.

I laughed and hit his arm playfully.


I've realized that there isn't much of Taehyung x (Y/n) moments but what can i do. I hope you enjoy this even tho it's not much. It's my first book soo yeah.

Have a great dayy :)

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