His Best Friends//S.M

By crybaby-bella

119K 1.7K 375

This is really bad,, but some people seem to really like it, enjoy... #3 in thesidemen #4 in sidemen #5 in W2... More

1- A brown haired boy
2- "Your accent is cool"
3- "He smells good too"
4-"i want you"
5-"so messed up"
6-"they'll love you"
7-"Stay Over"
9-"it was just a kiss"
10-"I can't help myself"
11-"We haven't met"
12-"He's the one for me"
13-"I'm happy here"
16-"I can't do this"
17- "I love you"
18- "Legless"
19- "you're cute"
20-"I want to be alone"
21- "thank you"
24-"shut up Harry"
25-"I love him"
26-"thank you"
28-"18 months"
29-"It's all over."
30-How it Ends.
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23-"Minifreezy Sandwich"

2.9K 50 4
By crybaby-bella

I wake up and remember what happened last night,

9:00am I read, as I check my phone.

"Ughhh" I quietly grown as I roll over, the thought that Simon slept here last night also in my head.

He's been getting up kind of early recently, so I expect him to be gone already.

A smile creeps onto my face as I see that he is in fact still here and also still asleep.

I pick my phone up and take the covers off my legs.

I don't want to wake him, so carefully get out of bed, smiling to myself as I look back at him before I walk out of my bedroom and close the door quietly also.

I slowly creep downstairs and into the kitchen, aware that some people in the house are still asleep.

"Hey Cal" I say, greeting Freezy who is in the kitchen also, still quietly but not as far as a whisper.

"Hey Jade, how are you?" He replies.

"I'm okay, um how is JJ?"

"He's okay, well he was last night, he's not awake yet" he says, laughing slightly at the end.

"That's good" I sigh, "I can't help but feel that what happened was my fault" I don't make any eye contact with him, I may have talked it out with Tobi and made up with Simon. But we can't just pretend it didn't happen.

JJ and Simon are--

Were best friends, and because of me they might never be the same again.

I thought I got over this last night, but I guess not.

"Jade this is not your fault. Those two will be fine, they've fallen out before and they've been fine afterwards. Just give them some time and they'll be okay again." He places one hand on my shoulder, supportively.

"I guess you know better than I do"

"I do, and I also know that you don't have to worry and everything will be fine, okay?"

I just nod my head a few times, unenthusiastically.

He takes his hand away from me, but then places the other hand in the middle of my back and pulls me towards him, he wraps his arms around my shoulders, which turns into them being around my head, as he is so much taller than me.

I then proceed to wrap my arms around his waist too.

The hug seems to last a while, which wouldn't usually happen with Cal, but I need it right now and he gets that too.

I'm about to pull away when I am startled by a voice behind me.

"Grouphuuuug" I hear a so very familiar voice say, before another pair of arms wrap around me too. I can't help but notice how cute he sounds.

"Simoooon" I say, my voice and laugh muffled as my face is pressed into Cal's chest.

"Do you realise the privileged position you're in? Many girls would kill to be in a Minifreezy sandwich" Cal laughs, before pulling away.

"Yeah well, not me" I laugh. "But a Simon hug is something I'm interested in" I say, looking towards Simon with a large smile.

"Well that I can deliver" he replies, bending down and lifting me up, with his arms under both of my arms.

I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

I hug him tightly, but then pull away and look at his face.

We just stare into each other's eyes, for what seems like hours.

"Guys, guys" Freezy says, bringing us out of our trance to look at him, in sync. "I get that you like each other and everything, but feel free to hold back when I'm around." He is being totally serious, but both me and Simon can't stop laughing at him.

"Ugh whatever" he says, picking up the drink he made and taking it out of the kitchen.

Once he left, Simon and I look back to each other, resuming our original gaze.

I smile to him and run my fingers through his hair, eventually placing one of my hands at the back of his head, the other still around his neck.

He begins to lean his head towards me and I do the same, before I know it we're kissing again.

I like not having to hide anymore.



My best friend just started a story of her own, so please check that out. It's amazing!!

Her username: alexwitton02

This chapter is actually dedicated to Alex, as I wouldn't have posted it right now if it wasn't for her.

We had a deal, that if she uploaded a certain amount of chapters on her new book that I would update all of my books which are published & unfinished TODAY!!

Currently, I'm on book 2/3 & its 11:26 😬

Better get writing my chapter for book 3 😂

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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