the teenage life [UNDER MAJOR...

By ereannie

282K 5.9K 2.5K

>>[previously total teenage drama]<< When you are in high school, obviously you expect drama. You... More

Total Teenage Drama
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven


5.7K 133 38
By ereannie

-Elsa's POV-

I quickly scribbled down the last of the answers of the English, then looked up at the clock. It was nearly lunch, and we had cheerleading practice so I didn't want to miss it. Mr. North (he had quite a peculiar surname, though I didn't mind it) said that if we don't finish our work, we would have to stay after class. I definitely didn't want to stay after class but if I decided too, I would not mind much. Mr. North is a very fun, cheerful kind of teacher. He reminds me a lot of Santa Claus, with his jolly attitude, his white long beard, his round belly and his knack at spreading joy to all the pupils he teaches. His appearance is a lot like the Santa Claus's described in books. I do not believe in that childish nonsense, though. I used too, but now I have grown out of that stage. Mostly everyone does.

I sensed that I was being watched, and a shiver crept down my spine. I felt some strange tingling sensation on my leg, and it stung quite a bit. I turned my head so I was looking over my shoulder behind me, and I realized Mavis was hitting her shoe on my bare leg repeatedly. Wincing, I gritted my teeth together.

"What's the problem?" I whispered, careful to keep quiet so Mr. North couldn't hear. Mavis sat behind me, so she had to lean forwards over her desk. Her lips formed the words 'Tell me the answer for the last question.'

"Mavis," I rolled my eyes as I mouthed back at her. I highly disapprove of cheating, but it is very common these days. Even if it's a minor test that won't affect your grades in anyway, I still think it is wrong. Mavis was my best friend though, so I tried to put it in kind words for her, though normally she never bothered listening. "This is not a proper test. You don't have to-"

She kicked me again and I moaned in pain. Mr. North turned around after talking to a student who asked a question, and raised his eyebrows, shooting me a look. I felt embarrassed, and looked down at my desk. I didn't like being told off, especially if it was my favourite teacher that was doing it. Mr. North is my favourite teacher, and he says I am his most intelligent pupil. I don't want to let him down, and that is why I work extra hard in his class even if the work is really simple and only requires a "Yes, that's true," or "No, it isn't true."

"What's all the noise about, Summers?" he asked questioningly. He has very good hearing because I hardly made a noise when I moaned. I didn't make eye contact with him but I continued staring at my desk. I usually avert my eyes from the teacher when I am told off, and that is very rare.

I plastered a smile on my face and tried to hide the pain, although my leg hurt quite a bit. I rubbed it against my other leg.

"Not trying to help Daniels, are we?" he folded his arms. I knew what to do.

"Oh Mr. North," I said innocently. "You know I wouldn't. I just banged my elbow on the table, that's all," I rubbed it to persuade him, and he sighed. That meant I had him convinced.

I can be very convincing sometimes. And I'm a good actor. That's why I'm always chosen for the main roles of plays. And I hardly ever lie, so teachers trust me to tell them the truth, and that is why I am a class prefect. It is a great responsibility, and it shows that I am a strong leader. I hope to be a strong leader one day, though it can be quite tiring.

"Alright then. Just don't make so much of a sound," said Mr. North, eyeing me suspiciously. His eyes narrowed slightly but he folded his arms and then rubbed his forehead.

"She wasn't, you're the one that was born with supersonic hearing Mr. North," Mavis muttered under her breath as he turned away to talk to the student. As soon as he was facing the other direction and no longer looking at me, I looked over my shoulder and whispered to Mavis.

"Why did you do that, Mavis?" I questioned her; annoyed that she did such a thing.

She smirked and stuck up her middle finger at me. I rolled my eyes again and then ran my fingers through my hair, and then I began nervously fiddling with my pen. I looked at my watch to check the time.

The bell rung and I stopped playing with my pen. I zipped open my pencil case and placed it inside, zipped it back up and them placed it in my bag. I got up, pushing my chair in, and quickly slinging my bag over my shoulder. My bag had little snowflakes patterned on it with a blue background. It was a gift from my grandmother and I treasured it most of the things I have, because I love my grandmother, even though she only visits on special occasions, but I don't blame her for that. My grandmother is old and ill and travelling makes her sick. Mavis got up and then grabbed hers, which is more of a Goth type of bag; black with a bright white skull smack bang right in the middle of it. She came over to me and slid her arm into mine easily. I glanced over to Hiccup and Flynn. Hiccup was busy tying his shoe laces and Flynn was busy chatting with a boy with brown hair chocolate brown eyes and tanned skin.

Mavs started a conversation and laughed at me as I scowled, but I didn't mind much. We have been best friends ever since nursery. Her bad girl behaviour was not what made us friends; it was how she was inside. We are pretty tight, since I have known her for about eleven years.

"That is not funny," I said, rubbing my leg which still stung, and I tapped her nose in a joking manner. "I have Osgood schlatter Mavis, kicking my leg makes the pain that is already in my leg worse."

"Liar," Mavis laughed, placing her hand in bag and producing two dairy milks. She smiled and handed me one. I thanked her and tore open the wrap hurriedly, because I absolutely love chocolate. "And what the hell is Osgood schlatter? It sounds like a fucked up name for a disease."

"I actually do have it," I told her. "Why don't you check it up on the internet? It is real. It is basically when-"

"Yeh, I bet it is," she said, cutting me off and waving her hand. I puckered my lips together but I didn't say anything. Typical Mavis. I looked and saw Flynn and Hiccup coming out the classroom, chatting to each other. Hiccup is shy, awkward and clumsy, Flynn is mischievous, confident and hilarious. They are complete opposites of each other but yet really close friends. All of us are. I am the mature one, Mavis is the rebel, Flynn is the funny one and Hiccup is the kind one. I guess our differences make our friendship stronger.

"Hey Mavis, hey Elsa," Flynn said, placing his arm around me and Mavis. We both laughed a little and Mavis ripped the wrapper off her chocolate bar and then bit into it. I was already half way through mine.

Flynn was busy making Mavis laugh, and I gave them a warm smile. Flynn seemed to make her happy. And if he makes Mavis happy, I am happy. I approve of their relationship, even though, I admit, I was quite startled at first when they began it. But I guess it was because we were all best friends, and I was afraid that Mavis and Flynn may be a bit distant because they were dating. But so far, they always act as they normally act.

"Hiya Flynn," she said cheerfully. He smiled back at her. He enjoys her behaviour just as much as I do and Hiccup does, as long as she isn't mad at him. Though she hardly ever is, so that's a good sign.

"Whatchya doing?" he asked, as she began gobbling her chocolate up. That's something me and Mavis have in common. We both love chocolate, no matter what it is. Galaxy is my favourite and Bounty is hers, though.

"Eating chocolate," Mavis said. Me and Hiccup groaned. Every time Mavis brings chocolate to school, she and Flynn do the same joke all the time. It is really tiring but I guess we'll just have to get used to it.

We still aren't yet.

"Where did you get it?" Flynn asked on cue.

"Be prepared," Hiccup nudged me.

"A doggie dropped it!" She joked.

"Where's the dog?" Flynn asked her.

"Behind the door," she said.

"What's it doin'?"

"Making more!" Mavis said on cue. They both chuckled and I folded my arms in an annoyed manner.

"Haven't you two said that joke like a hundred times?" I said. "This is just a hundred and one."

"It never gets old," Mavis told us.

"For you," Hiccup mumbled, but he smiled all the same.

"Gotta go. Hiccup, you coming?" Flynn said, as he let his arms flop by his sides. He was going to go to football practice or whatever he gets up to now a days with his usual gang of boys. That's what he gets up to, anyway. But he is a boy. I am sure he would prefer sports to girly gossip any day. Though I am not sure for Hiccup. He doesn't like gossip, but he isn't exactly into sports either, but he sometimes tries to get involved into sports for fun, which is pretty brave if you ask me. I admire that quality in him.

"Sure," Hiccup shrugged and then waved awkwardly at both of us as he and Flynn both went off. He looked a little nervous as he followed him, but I can't blame him.

"Well, come on then," I said, gesturing forwards. "We have to go to cheerleading," I said 'cheerleading' in a tone that indicated it wasn't my particularly favourite thing in the world.

"You say that with such distaste," Mavis said, noticing the tone I was using. "What, don't you like cheerleading? Why did you join if you don't like it?"

"I say it with distaste because I don't really like it," I admitted. "I mean, it isn't too bad, but it seems a little too... I don't know the word," I bit my lip. "But I only joined it because you forced me too," I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Well, I didn't want to go to cheerleading all alone," said Mavis, pouting. "All the people on that team are bitches."

"Everyone is to you," I replied.

"Fair point, but that is mainly because almost everybody on this planet is a bitch," said Mavis.

"I can't argue with that," I said. "That is pretty true. Though don't use such a blunt term for it. I'd prefer if you didn't swear so much Mavis, you might be a bad influence on others."

"I don't care," Mavis said in a way that showed she really didn't care. "If other people are influenced because of me, it is their own fault. They should just leave me alone."

"True," I said. "But it is not really easy to be alone when there are a dozen or so people trying to be friends with you because of your popularity."

"Yeh," Mavis said in agreement. We turned right and there was a massive door in front of us. I pushed it open and we stepped inside the stadium where all the sports events are held. It was quite empty apart from the people who were also on the cheerleading team, and a few of their friends that had come to watch, and also the gym teacher, who was a female.

Ariel, Belle, Aurora, Rapunzel and Crystal were there practicing. Yes, that is our cheerleading team. Merida was sitting on the benches a long with a couple of other people I didn't know, barely noticing we were there, she was too busy typing away on her phone. She probably was forced to come there to watch Rapunzel because she is her best friend, because she didn't look exactly thrilled to be there. Me and Mavis both placed our bags on the floor and I pulled out my cheerleading outfit. It is a little too revealing but I've tried to make it pretty decent. Mavis doesn't care about it, though.

We went over to the changing rooms. Rapunzel was busy talking about new moves that may be useful for the team, and demonstrating them. Both of us went inside the changing rooms and we both quickly got changed. Well, I normally take a couple of minutes to get changed because I don't really care if my hair has to be absolutely perfect or how much make up I need. People think I wear mascara but I don't, my eyelashes are naturally thick. Mavis is one of those girls who takes ages to get ready, most of that time being consumed to choose what kind of makeup to put on, although, it is always black for Mavis.

She was doing that right now, applying black lipstick. I sighed and then patted her shoulder. "Come on Mavis, hurry up please."

"One second," she said, putting on mascara. She puckered her lips together and then placed her makeup in a small little bag full of makeup she carries and uses when teachers aren't around.

"Come on," I insisted, waiting patiently for her. After she finished, and I had to practically drag her out, we went to the stadium again. When Crystal noticed us, she smirked.

Crystal is the school's most annoying, bratty girl. She is a Mary Sue wannabe. She acts like she is so pretty and perfect but in reality she is a rude, insulting girl who I despise with passion. She acts like she owns everything. She is very popular, but I guarantee you that is only because of her good looks. She is not the captain of the team, I am, despite the fact I don't really like cheerleading, but she is really bossy and mean. She is Rapunzel's cousin but thankfully Rapunzel isn't like her. I don't know why, but ever since we entered the school she has had a grudge against us. I don't know what we did to deserve her hate, but I do know that I hate her. She loves making fun of me and my friends. Me especially, though Mavis backs me up. Boys normally go nuts for her slim figure, tanned skin, auburn hair and green eyes, the exact same colour as Rapunzel's.

"Oh my," she said, putting her fingers on her lips, making her eyes go all wide and innocent. "Captain of the team and already running late."

"I was not running late," I said, folding my arms. Mavis stood beside me protectively and Rapunzel stopped showing the rest of the team moves and stopped. She is the deputy of the team. She looked at Crystal and me and rubbed her forehead. Evidently she didn't like these little dramas that normally turned into major dramas by her cousin.

"Really? You're ten minutes late," Crystal glanced at the clock, though I doubt she even knows the time. "If you continue this, I think we may need a new captain."

If I am kicked off the team, another member will be needed and Rapunzel will be captain. She would probably choose Crystal as deputy since she is her cousin. She seems not to like her personality much though. Although the both of us don't like each other, that is at least something we can agree on.

"Shut your fat dirt hole or I swear I'm going to fucking punch you to death," Mavis said violently, standing infront of me as though she was protecting me from something. I was about to smile but thought against it.

"Mavis," I murmured under my breath. I didn't want another fight to break out. Crystal was practically fuming. Her face had gone a blotchy red and her eyes were so bright they could obliterate you if you looked. I wasn't afraid, though. I stared right back without the tiniest trace of fear.

"You think that's funny?" she screamed, throwing her pompoms on the floor. Crystal gets furious very quickly and her temper is like fire. One wrong move and she burns up.

"Oh yes I do, as a matter of a fact," Mavis said, placing a hand on her hip. Crystal was breathing hard, but Rapunzel put her hand on her shoulder, whispered something in her ear with a frown on her face and moved. She gripped her arms, digging her nails right in and held her breath as she picked her pom poms up and resumed her regular position.

"Come on Punz, just get this over with!" Merida said, probably thinking we were fighting. She noticed us and stuck out her tongue, but Mavis raised her middle finger just like she did in class and the smirk on her face went away.

Sometimes, I feel so lucky to have such a good friend.

A/N: Crystal is an OC. I made her up. She is not based on any character, okay? I know this A/N is pointless but I thought I'd just bring it to your attention.

x Alicia

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