Meeting the Billionaire

By Dinosaurstar

622K 14.1K 714

May is a 18 year old girl who is constantly bullied at school and has been since she was a freshman. over the... More

A new year a new look
Avoid the new kid
Happiness is key in life
Bucket list
Skipping class like a pro
Sleep over part 1
sleep over part 2
Who are you?
Why must is be so hard to buy a present
you got to be kidding me
Lunch with Mr rich boy
Sexy secretary?
Happy birthday to us
Birthday dinner part 1
Birthday dinner part 2
Birthday dinner part 3
Birthday dinner part 4
I will always love my best friend
oh god James
Wow. that was well
James' mom

well that was... fun?

18.9K 536 38
By Dinosaurstar

wooooo here is another part to my story i hope you enjoy it :P

sorry for anymistakes made

enjoy :*

Not even 20 minuets later my door bell rang I jumped up from my couch and checked myself over in the mirror hanging on the wall, I took a large breath and walked to the front door. I grabbed the door handle and slowly pushed it down pulling the door back to see Harry standing there is a black suit with a carrier bag in his hand “ hey, come in” I said smiling and opening the door wider for Harry to come in. Harry walked in and I closed the door behind him “ do you want me to take my shoes off?” I laughed “ well if you are planning on sitting down with your fancy shoes on the keep them on” he chuckled and kicked his shoes off next to my pair from earlier and followed me into the lounge. I took my seat back on the couch and wrapped myself back in the blanket and grabbed my ice cream “ you look cute by the way” Harry said sitting down next to me stealing the spoon from my hand and taking a huge scoop of my ice cream “ thanks, and how dare you take my ice cream!” I said in a shocked voice “ well you said you would share you ice cream with me” I laughed and took the spoon back from him and grabbed a huge scoop of ice cream and pushed it onto Harry's face “ is that enough ice cream?” I asked him trying to hold back my laughter.

The ice cream started to drip down his face and onto his suit “ you did not just do that” I laughed “ oh but I did” suddenly the ice cream tub was taken from my hands as well as the spoon and then I felt coldness dripping down my forehead “ HARRRRYYYY!” I screamed running into the kitchen to wipe the ice cream off before it got onto my onesie. I grabbed the cloth from the kitchen side and wiped the ice cream off my face “ not so funny now” I laughed and hit him in the shoulder “ you could have ruined my onesie” he chuckled and grabbed my onesie “ it is a pretty hot onesie” I felt my self blushing “ awhh May is blushing” once he said that I felt my self blushing even more, I probably look like a tomato right now “ stop it you're making me look like a tomato” Harry just chuckled and pulled me closer to him “ you look cute when you blush” I smiled “thank you?” he chuckled “ its a complement” I smiled at him showing him my perfect white teeth.

Harry returned my smile and looked me dead in the eyes, I looked back into his chocolatey brown eyes and got lost in them they were truly beautiful.

Harry's pov

May was truly beautiful and I loved how she had a free spirit, right now I was lost in her beautiful bright blue eyes, every time I had seen her they have always had a little glow in them. I was planning on buying her a necklace for her birthday, I saw it in Pandora yesterday when I was out and about and I think it will really suit her. There was something about May that draws me to her, yet I know I shouldn't be getting involved with her because if the news find out about me hanging around with a girl they will start making assumptions about her.. I haven't even told her that I am the owner of Starsons clothing.

I looked back in her eyes and smiled down at her, she returned the smile and the little glow in her eyes brightened. I started to lean forward just one kiss wont hurt right?, I just can't stop myself she is so beautiful and well something about her attracts me to her. I saw her eyes widen a bit but they soon went back to normal and I saw lust in her eyes, you could probably see it in my eyes too. I lent further into her and she started to lean forward as well, soon our lips collided and then I felt a burst of sparks go through my body. I grabbed her from behind the neck and pulled her closer to me trying to deepen the kiss, her arms wrapped around my neck and they slowly moved through my hair gripping onto it.

I licked her bottom lip asking for an entrance which she allowed, I wrapped my arms around her thighs lifting her up making her wrap her legs around my waist and not once did we break the kiss. May dug her hands deeper into my hair and pulled it closer to her making me groan. May was one good kisser, I placed May down on the kitchen counter and wrapped my arms around her back moving them up and down. May's arms slid from my hair and went down to my shirt, her hands found them selves up my shirt and running up and down my toned chest, I bought one of hands round and grabbed the zipper to the onesie and bought it all the way down. I slowly bought my hands from round her back and pushed them inside the onesie, I removed my lips from her mouth and bought them down to her neck I kissed down her neck leaving small kisses. I looked down at her chest and saw that she was wearing a pink laced bra, I smirked and kissed back up her neck to her lips.

I moved my arms around her back and went to unclasp her bra but she pulled away “ no I'm not ready” she said panting “ sorry I got carried away” which I did, I just haven't spent time with a girl in ages and well yeah you get it “ no its okay” she smiled and got down from the counter zipping up her onesie “ by the way sexy bra” she started to blush “ thanks I bought It the other day.

May's pov

I can't believe I just made out with him that was my first kiss as well but I wasn't disappointed, who wouldn't want to have there first kiss with a sexy older guy?. I walked back into the living room and wrapped myself back up in the blanket and grabbed the remote changing the channel to some crappy tv show, Harry came back in and he had a smirk plastered on his face he sat down and looked over at me “ just to let you know you are an amazing kisser” I blushed “ well that’s surprising seeing as it was my first kiss” I quickly bought my hand to cover my mouth, oh god he is going to think I am frigged. I looked over at Harry and he had a shocked look on his face “ you mean I got to take a beautiful girl like you, first kiss” I nodded “yeah” he smiled and crawled over to me “ well I am glad I could do that” I laughed and hid my face into his stomach.

Harry smelt so good, I wasn’t sure what it was but it sure smelt amazing. I breathed in his scent and smiled “ did you just smell me?” I laughed “ you smell really good” he chuckled and bent down and buried his head into my neck and took a large breath “ mmm you smell really good as well” I giggled and got up from his stomach and looked him in the eye “ I bought your present today” he smiled “ it better not have been expensive” I laughed “ it wasn't that expensive, but I thought it was perfect for you” he smiled at me “ well I saw the most perfect present for you and I shall be buying it tomorrow”.


Harry and I spent the rest of the evening sat on my couch watching re runs of the different tv shows “ guess what” Harry asked “ what?” I said yawning “ I'm moving to Washington” I got up from Harry's chest and looked up at him “ that is awesome where about's are you moving to?” I asked him “ well I haven't picked a house yet, but I like it down here so I am moving here in the next month” I smiled, I'm glad he isn't leaving “ guess what” I said this time “ what?” he said mimicking how I said it last time “ I'm visiting England in two weeks with James” Harry's smiled dropped a bit but returned “ how long are you going for?” I smiled “ only a week, then I will be back” he smiled “ well you will be back to help me un pack my things” I laughed at him “ that is child labour” he chuckled “ you will be an adult so it wont be” I laughed and then yawned.

I stretched my muscles out “ I am super tired, I'm gunna go to bed are you gunna stay the night are go to your hotel?” I asked standing up from the couch pulling the bandanna of my head and dropping it onto the glass coffee table, “ well if it is all right with you can I stay here?” I chuckled “ yeah sure, I will show you the guest bed room”. Harry got up from the couch and followed me up the stairs, I showed him the guest room and said good night and headed for my room.

I walked into my bathroom and removed my make up and brushed my teeth, I left the bathroom and jumped into my bed letting darkness take over me.

thank you for reading!!

voteeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee

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i update everyday :P because im awesome like that ;) 

check out my completed story The English badgirl and the American badboy and vote for it pleaseee :P

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